The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 378

‘Found it, after a few minutes of reflection, I have some vague thoughts about his personality. My suitor has to be tied with his family. In no way is he the man now without the crude upbringing. Decisive and deceitful to those he hates, Sultria VI is similar to father as mentioned before. One striking discord is their views on punishment. Father will most likely kill them who wronged him, else be tortured to the point where death seems a gift. The Emperor is more likely to pursue mercy and be empathic to the wrongdoer. It ties in with the legacy of the Imperial Family, the survival of the fittest mindset remains still in the branched family. I’ve had the chance to meet a few of them. They occupy more reserved roles such as housekeeping, training butlers, and assistants to serve the Imperial family. The head of the branch family goes by the name of Solomon, not that I’ve met him for he’s in hiding last I heard. The current head is his wife, lady Rury D’Elago Fielder, a non-native of Alphia. She’s handsome and astute to the matter of wit. The first impression was of a reserved person with a contagious smile. Managing to have her smile is the only way I’ve observed to get on her good side.’

‘Other interesting characters of the Imperial family must be the siblings. Apart from the eldest-sister, the rest are amiable and very fond of my cold demeanor. I was referred to as ice-cream by one of the brothers, Hyde I think, the blue-eyes are quite noticeable. There’s nothing much to say about the two brothers, studious and hardworking to help. Xyra is quite eccentric in the way he dresses – outside meetings I’d not be surprised to see him walking in drawers. Ah – yes, an incident similar happened when I stayed over the estate; convincing father that day proved easy. The feeling of being watched by a strange shadow. There I remember thinking it is a ghost or a mana-spirit, but when confronted, I came to the surprise of finding the young man sleep-walking. I read of the medical condition in a book. Not in reality as the experience was quite abrupt as the maid was soon to wake him. Hyde’s too focused for his own good – always on the matter at hand and never bothering to read the room nor the emotions given by the opposing party. On said night, after encountering the eccentric Xyra, I was asked to sit and watch as Hyde spoke to a potential business partner. The talk, or what he said, was naught but a one-way street of him pounding ideas into the intimidated partner. The reason I sat was to replace Xyra. It didn’t come as a surprise when the other never showed. In that way, Hyde and Xyra balance one another. Good-cop and bad-cop I figure, they do it without realizing, tis the scary part.’

‘Loftha, lovely cute Loftha, I absolutely adore her company. She’s an angel, I’ve never seen anyone so bashful; her smile makes me want to rip out her cheeks. There’s a side of her I’ve been warned about. Something I never experienced, whatever the matter, Loftha is cute, I’d like to meet her as soon as possible. I also spoke with Sultria’s mother, she seemed a little reserved, similar to Amber. My experience in Alphia was memorable. I was left shocked when our courtship was made public by the Imperial family. I understand why, the daughter of one of the up-and-coming kingdom’s is a popularity boost. A way to have the populous catch much-needed breaths. I went along with the plan and appeared in interviews. Surprisingly enough, my visage, the white-silvery hair I got from my biological mother, Queen Gallienne, was a thing of strange to them. The blank expression I acquired from my father, boosted my popularity. I must say that Alphia is technologically advanced, Hidros is all but catching to them now. Overwhelmed by the media attention, I turned down many offers of models and returned to Hidros, those are what I remember from my last visit.’

‘Enough reminiscing, back to the matter at hand, the present. I graduated from Claireville Academy around a year ago in XX92. We’re the 24th December XX93; in a few weeks and it will be the new year. There’s a clear path I want to follow, a newly emerging field of study. Magiology, the mixture of technology, magic, and science, three clear opposite-field merged in one. The five-year period of the war took lives but there were also gain, a revolution of intellect, and an overall understanding of science and the world. Magiology was debated over by many scholars a few years ago. All who are now but baffled. The field has merit, the first paper released under said term was the Mana Dispersal by father. It eventually led him to get the Lodle award. There are arguments about the newly established history of Magiology – many are pushing forth the idea to have Staxius Haggard named as the founder of said field. Vague as it’s made out to be, the theory of Mana Dispersal is a work of art on its own. Going in detail would but waste paper and leave a bitter taste in my future self’s rereading of the diary. Backed by many researchers of repute, Magiology is a genuine field being taught around universities around the globe. The epicenter is Phantom’s University. The lack of students is certainly lonesome. A focus on excellence and perfection cuts the already low-amount of students into fewer numbers. I’m grateful to be able to learn what my father created. Considering what sort of person he is, I doubt tis the only theory he’s written. There are more, I’m sure of it, more on the nature of our worlds and the fabric of existence, world-ending outcomes. I think I’ll get engaged during my time studying – a courtship is good but not concrete. I doubt I’ll be getting married soon, when that day comes, I’ll have to leave behind Hidros and live on another continent. It’s sad, the closer I try and catch father, the bigger strides he walks. I’m always bound to see his back, that’s the truth I’ve come to accept. Neither in magic nor studies, there’s no beating a god. I might not be the one, but I know who is. Lizzie, she has his and her blood inside her veins. For a child of five years old to be able to conjure A-class level spells is unprecedented. Mother took to personally instruct her on the way of magical-arts. I envy her in a way, she’s tied to father – I don’t hate her for it. It’s my luck, my fate. I can but look to the future, there’s a duty I must do. Become the best older-sister one could wish for; I want to be the one Lizzie looks up to.’

‘On another note, father left for Alphia quite a while ago. Wherever he goes, trouble finds him. I pity those who will unknowingly go against him.’

‘Upon rereading the entry, I ramble a lot about my father. My admiration is creepy in a way. I’ll strive to keep updating the diary after major events. Reporting daily will be a loss of time, one that I can’t afford wasting.’ An entry logged on the night of the Lerado massacre. Kept on her desk in a high apartment, her window gave to the sheerness of the three-Phantom skyscrapers. ‘Can’t believe all of this is owned by a single man,’ she shook her head, ‘-and I’m part of the heritage,’ her head lowered to a glass-display case. Inside were jewelry, ones of Ardanian craftmanship; her collection, birthday gifts from Staxius. Amidst them all, one stood prominently, a gem with the ability to change hue depending on the user’s mana and emotions. Rare wasn’t sufficient to speak of its value, one could go as far as say it unique. To put it in perspective, the stone Eira owned was the size of the largest coin. There was also another, not as flawless with the special trait. It was half the size and auctioned in Alphia to a noble at the price of 9,000,000 Exa. Eira’s stone, flawless and expertly cut, sat inside a blue-box, giving a rough estimate; 36,000,000 Exa if not more. The decision to turn into a necklace, ring or any other accessory was to her own discretion. ‘He doesn’t respect money,’ she thought with a big smile. ‘To give me such a gem without as much as thinking twice, how rich must one be to do that. I doubt any other royalty has his guts.


Far, far away from Hidros where the sun reached its peak, the high-pitch sound of engines made birds flutter. The fogginess of the mountain lessened, a shiny white-plane came lined to land. ‘Godfather Renaud is here,’ thought Staxius leaned on the car waiting a few meters away. A screech had the plane land. ‘Private jet,’ the door soon opened with a man dressed in a black suit and a fedora with a cigar. Each step down the stairs felt powerful; the face wrinkled little from age. Guards were on the ground scanning the area for threats.

“Ay, sonny,”

“Godfather,” said Staxius respectfully with a smile.

“I didn’t expect to see ya here,” dropping the cigar, the handsome face of one of the most feared Godfathers stopped to smile. Expensive rings and a simple mechanical watch, the dial was of a creamy color inside which was carved to give the impression of neatly arranged squares.

“I came to apologize for the blunder yesterday.”

“Don’t mind it, sonny,” giving a fatherly pat on the back, “-what is done, is done, can’t do none about it.”

“Should we leave for the funeral?” asked Staxius.

“Yeah,” the door opened leaving Renaud lost for words, “-nice car,” he smiled.

“Godfather,” spoke a guard distressed, “-what of us, we must follow where you go!”

“Don’t worry about it,” the door shut, “-I’m with Shadow. Tell Karlson to not be so uptight, I’ll be fine, the Haggard family has my back,” the windows rolled to separate inside from out. “Ay, how much did this baby cost ya?”

“3.6 million, why?”

“It’s a good car, I like it,” said Renaud with an amiable attitude.

“May I ask why you’re happy?” a subtle tremor of power had the car started.

“I got news of what Shadow did earlier.”

“What happened?”

“You dunno, Shadow took to the Jefferson’s headquarters and killed every single guard. I had messages from Stanley begging me to stop the assault.”

“Won’t this cause a gang-war?”

“Can’t be avoided. I’ll settle the matter peacefully after I know who caused the incident.”

“Shadow did kill without proof, what if it’s false, what if the Jefferson’s aren’t responsible.”

“Dunno then, Stanley ain’t the type of person who’ll send killers unnecessarily. I’m sure he’s investigating to see if the Jefferson’s are involved. Don’t forget, this fight was between Lerado and Jefferson. What do you think about it?”

“I have my doubts. I fear things aren’t as clear as it made to be, godfather.”

“Ahh, always the cynic.”

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