Summoned and Unwanted

Chapter 189

Viscount Blackheart placed an Inspection Gemston on the desk and appraised the flower. Not a second later, a shocked expression and a grin appeared on his face.

Viscount Blackheart snapped his fingers and ordered the guard guarding the door to store the flower while whispering, “Take good care of this. We can make a lot of potions with this.”

The guard respectfully bowed and left the room with a wide grin.

“The quality is the best I have ever seen. I will give you a bonus.” Viscount Blackheart signed a document and folded it in three. Then he placed a few drops of melted wax and stamped with a small block containing an emblem at the bottom.

“Now, where were we....” Viscount Blackheart suddenly frowned and continued, “I’ll say it once. What did you do to my wife?”

[Damn. I thought he forgot about what happened. He looked so content with the flower.]


“I’m sorry for what happened, my lord. I saw a young woman wearing fancy clothes and thought she was an important person. As the gentleman that I am and a person that loves to make connections with people, I went to greet her... but then your wife suddenly started crying after I told her she looked tired.” Vincent tried his best to show remorse for his actions.

“Is that so? Ok, fine then. I won’t hold you responsible.” Viscount Blackheart forgave Vincent in the blink of an eye. Fast enough for Vincent and Kazumi to start doubting if this was a test.

“If you can provide fresh ingredients such as Bloody Tulip, Bloody Frog, Vigorous Bee, Charming Leaf, or Mud Crab Meat, I will reward you greatly.” Viscount Blackheart named a few specific items that made Kazumi take a guess in the dark.

[His wife can’t have children, and these items can be deadly to her. We already know what two of these items do. Is this person making love potions? or perhaps a naughty time extender?]

“Oh! Your expression tells me you have already heard or met with the other times I named.” Viscount Blackheart rubbed his hand and looked at Vincent with interest.

“If you become my supplier, I can help with money problems, women, or trivial problems.” Viscount Blackheart snapped his fingers, and a guard entered the room. “Let this person meet me if he has what I need. Vincent, hope to see you another time.”

Vincent respectfully bowed and followed the guard outside. His nerves relaxed after the mansion left his sight.

While walking back to the Adventurers Guild, Vincent opened the small bag and counted two extra silver coins. A happy grin covered his face. All he needs to do is complete the quest and hope the RNG gives a stat boost.

[That mansion felt weird and dangerous. Let’s not go there again. The people there gave me a bad vibe. Furthermore, I wonder how the surname system works in this world. The husband and wife had different surnames.]

“And I made her cry... this is the first time I made a woman cry.” Vincent sighed and looked upset.

[Well, if you practically never talked to women you don’t know, this is the first time for sure.]

*Sigh* Vincent sighed and continued walking to turn in the quest in.

*Adventurers Guildhall*

“Here, I finished the quest.” Vincent placed the sealed document and waited for the seductive receptionist girl to verify the document.

“The quest is complete. Your rank has now become Rank E 4 Stars. Congratulations. So why don’t you take me for a drink? My shift will end in a couple of hours.” The receptionist girl winked at Vincent and then licked her lips.

“Ahem.” Vincent cleared his throat while waiting for the quest notification window to appear.


[Promised Quest: Deliver Bloody Tulip Completed]


x1 Perception stat +0 to +3

x1 10 silver coins for each promised item

x1 2 silver coins as a bribe

Reputation – Adventurers Guild +2 (Total reputation is 3)

Reputation – Sorm Blackheart +5


[Perception stat roll start. Roll success. +1 Perception stat gained]

[Result. Perception stat became 8.]


Vincent felt like he could perceive his surroundings better, even if the upgrade was one stat. He started to love Promised Quest more and more.

[Wait a second! The system says that the extra two silver were given to us as a bribe to visit again. The system your soul mutated already saw the future with Ester and now this. Does the system inside you also detect human emotions?]

Vincent didn’t know how to respond. All he looked at was the stat improvement and nothing else.

“I know I pretty, so could you please stop staring and smiling at me. I might blush soon, hehehe.” The receptionist girl slyly giggled. She couldn’t see Vincent’s system window. That is why he was staring at her from her or anyone’s view.


A small cute cat climbed on the reception desk and meowed for some attention. Vincent wanted to change the subject and quickly leave from the sights of the horny woman, and a topic soon flashed in his mind.

“Can I ask about something other than quests?” Vincent asked.

“Oh yes. Sure honey, hehe.” She replied enthusiastically.

“Do you know how to make a contract with a familiar?”

“Ahh...” The receptionist girl didn’t look too happy.

“I don’t know much since I don’t have a Class. All I know is that there are two types of contracts: a blood contract and a magic contract. A person can only have one familiar per contract.”

“For Blood Bound Contract, you need to be at stage one of Blood Tempering as the refined blood would be able to bind and imprint the untamed core of an animal.”

“For Magic Bound Contract, you need to be at stage one of Mana Tempering, which is about three hundred mana, give or take.”

“Animals become a Magical or Demonic Beast after they awaken a magic core inside their body. When a Magical Beast has a child, the animal might be born with an inactive magic core. It will make that animal awaken quicker but also will be susceptible to sub-awakening caused by the pact of familiar.”

“All I know is that both contracts types give their familiars strengthening or magical abilities along with possible appearance change.”

“Now honey, how about that date?” The receptionist girl didn’t give up at the smell of money in his pockets.

“Umm, excuse me.” A voice came from behind Vincent.

Kazumi had noticed him about halfway through the explanation, but she saw his expression when Vincent was asking about familiars. It was one of interest rather than malice.

Vincent turned his head and saw a young man in his teens wanting to ask something. On the other hand, the receptionist girl frowned at the interruption.

“I’m sorry, but I overheard your discussion. Do you have experience with completing a taming bond?” The young man asked.

“I was going to try today. Do you need help with something?” Vincent decided to say.

“You are an adventurer, correct? Oh, how naive of me. Of course, you are one since you are here and look strong. I want to make a request. The pay is good!” The young man shyly offered.

Vincent frowned. When pay is good, trouble follows. The young man also wore clean and elegant clothes. The probability of him being a noble was high.

“Could you first tell me the details? I want to know if it’s a job I can take and complete.” Vincent spoke in an indifferent tone, not showing he was happy nor wanting to accept.

“Last week, I met the requirements to make a Magic Contract, but the familiar doesn’t want to accept for some reason. I’m going to the Lusterfall Noble Academy soon, so I won’t be able to leave the academy for six months. In conclusion, I wish to take and train a familiar before my peers.” The young man explained his situation.

“Hmm... what can you tell me about your familiar? Also, how much are you willing to pay?” Vincent started to become interested. The young man didn’t look arrogant even when asking a non-noble adventurer for help.

“A young gray wolf with a Magic Bond Contract. I can pay twenty silver.” The young man said details and the price.

[A wolf, huh? Lupa can talk to wolves, so this might be easy. Twenty silver isn’t bad, but we might ask for higher, hehe.]

“I know someone that should be able to communicate with wolves. But that’s the most I could help. If you want, you can come with me and see if I succeed in a Blood Bond Contract today. And as for the price, I want double your offer, but only if you succeed.” Vincent crossed his arms to look like a veteran adventurer and looked at the young man with a resolute expression.

‘I mean business.’ Was written all over Vincent’s face.

“It’s... too much... but I need to ask my father...” The young man looked depressed. He wanted to employ an adventurer and give his parents a surprise secretly. However, now that the price became too high for him, he has no choice to ask his father for money.

“How about this, my friend. You follow me and see if I can succeed. Then if you want to accept my proposal, come to where I’m staying. If you don’t come until noon, I will consider it as you don’t want my service.” Vincent smiled and patted the young man’s shoulder.

Vincent tried to act friendly and try not to lose a paying client. This opportunity could provide money and the chance to watch a Magic Bond Contract before his eyes.

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