Reincarnated With The Strongest System

Chapter 659: This Is A Good Day To Be Born In This World

Chapter 659: This Is A Good Day To Be Born In This World

William looked at the countless stars in the sky. These were the stars that could be seen in the world of Asgard. A world that had now ceased to exist.

He was currently lying in the grasslands of Asgard and deep in thought. After their morning lesson ended, Chloee had given him some time to think about what kind of method he would use to summon a familiar of his own.

He had already consulted Optimus about the best choice available to them, but even his dependable System was unsure about what course to take. Some Magicians in the world of Hestia had their own Familiars as well.

However, an exclusive profession meant to boost the power of these Familiars was something that no one had heard before. After fighting Chloee, William tasted first hand how formidable these beings were.

If he were to have his own Familiar, wouldn\'t that drastically raise his battle prowess as well?

As William pondered about these things, a soft rustling sound was heard beside him.

Without saying anything, Chiffon laid down on the grass beside William and held his hand. She, too, looked at the vast starry sky that shone on them from the heavens.

This was not the first time that Chiffon had seen the stars in the sky. But, being around William made this already amazing sight extra special.

The Half-Elf gently squeezed his wife\'s hand before turning halfway to kiss her cheeks. Chiffon returned William\'s kiss and they stared at each other with gazes filled with tenderness and love.

The two were about to kiss again, when a little, golden, piglet appeared between their faces and planted its snout on William\'s lips.

Chiffon\'s eyes widened in shock, but this only lasted for a moment. Soon, a giggle escaped her lips because Bacon kept on kissing William, and the latter didn\'t know whether he should shove the piglet away, or fry him in a frying pan.

After a few healthy giggles, Chiffon grabbed bacon and held it to her chest. William summoned a handkerchief from his storage ring and wiped his lips in a meticulous manner.

"Bacon, the next time you do that, I will cook you," William threatened.


The little piglet looked at Wiliam with innocent eyes. Chiffon wasn\'t able to hold back another giggle at the funny exchange between her little pet and her husband, who was poking Bacon\'s snout with his finger.

Chiffon pulled the golden piglet away from William, and gently patted its head. Bacon closed its eyes because being petted made it feel good.

"Have you decided?" Chiffon asked.

William shook his head and sighed. "I\'ll sleep on it tonight. I\'ll make my decision tomorrow."

Chiffon nodded her head in understanding. She once again gazed at the heavens, and looked up at the stars in the sky. The stars on the Floor of Asgard were very different from the stars outside the Tower of Babylon.

They looked familiar, yet unfamiliar, to the pink-haired girl, whose heart was filled with love and happiness.

William didn\'t hide anything and told Chiffon that both of them had been lovers in the past. Although a Giantess and a Human falling in love sounded absurd, the pink-haired girl readily believed William\'s story.

She hadn\'t regained her memories about her past life, but her dreams allowed her to see the silver-haired Einherjar, and the great battle that took place, in a world that looked very similar to the Floor of Asgard.

William also took the form of that person, and her instinct told her that they were one and the same.

For Chiffon, she didn\'t care about the past because it had already happened. What mattered to her was the present.

And right now, she was very happy because she had found the one that would love her and not toss her away, like her father did to her mother.

The two stayed in the grassland for one more hour, before returning to their quarters to rest.

William tossed Bacon to the Thousand Beast Domain to prevent it from getting in the way of his intimate time with his wife. He already knew that Chiffon wanted to keep him for as long as she could while they were still trapped inside the Tower of Babylon, and he was more than happy to oblige his wife\'s request.


The next morning, everyone gathered at the training ground to prepare for Wiliam\'s summoning ceremony.

He had already decided on what method he was going to use, and prayed that he wouldn\'t be disappointed with the choice he made.

Chloee hovered in front of William with her arms crossed over her chest.

"Are you sure?" Chloee asked. "Once we do this, there is no turning back. I will ask you one last time, are you serious about using this method?"

William nodded his head. "Yes. I thought about it and decided that I will choose this method."

Chloee nodded her head. She was the type that didn\'t want to complicate things. Since her Disciple had already chosen this path, she would just guide him until he had mastered how to become a full-fledged Familiamancer.

William walked towards Celeste who was wearing a ceremonial garb. Unlike Celine who chose clothes that wrapped her entire body, Celeste\'s attire was quite revealing.

The Half-Elf was finding it hard not to stare, because the twin sisters had the same body type. The memories of when he had his way with Celine\'s beautiful body flashed inside his mind.

In a last attempt to regain his composure, he avoided looking at those revealing curves that were making him remember fond memories of when he tumbled in the sheets with Celine.

Celeste was unaware of William\'s thoughts and held a golden goblet in her hands. William had chosen the last method, to summon a Familiar of the Lazarus Class.

Using this method, he would offer his blood, and a piece of his soul, in order to create a Familiar that would be with him for the rest of his life.

A ceremonial dagger floated in the air, and its razor sharp teeth were pointed at William\'s chest. William had already taken off his upper clothes, and nodded to Celeste, telling her that he was ready.

"Blood that flows within the body, give us your warmth in our time of need," Celeste said and the dagger stabbed William\'s chest, before disappearing completely.

A fountain of blood sprayed out, and yet, this blood didn\'t fall to the ground. It flowed like a small river and headed towards the golden goblet in Celeste\'s hand. After the golden goblet was half full, the wound on William\'s chest disappeared.

"Beauty attracts the heart, but character attracts the soul," Celeste waved her hand and William felt his inner world tremble.

Suddenly, a searing pain erupted within his being, which made him scream out loud.

It had been a while since he had felt this kind of pain. This was the pain he had felt when he had fought inside his Spiritual Domain against the Astral Worm who wanted to devour his soul.

It was at this moment when the two orbs of light and darkness that had remained dormant inside William\'s consciousness finally woke up. They were the two Dungeon Cores that he had saved long ago, and had been sleeping inside his body for a long period of time.

Right now, they were incomplete, but Celeste\'s ceremony had woken them from their slumber. Originally, only a piece of William\'s soul was needed, but when the two Dungeon Cores appeared, the tear on William\'s soul widened, until half of his soul was split from his body.

That Half of William\'s soul was divided into two once again, and the two Dungeon Cores merged with them.

Soon, two glowing orbs of light. One light, the other black, shot out from the gem in William\'s chest, and flew towards the golden goblet filled with his blood.

William collapsed on the ground because of the pain he was suffering.

Chiffon hurriedly ran to his side and made him drink a rejuvenation potion. William\'s pain decreased to a level that he could endure, which made him breathe a sigh of relief.

He then stared at the golden goblet that was shining with great intensity.

Celeste grit her teeth as she focused all of her power to stabilize the rampaging powers within the goblet.

Chloee and Claire positioned themselves beside Celeste and allowed their power to flow to their host, which decreased her burden by a good margin.

After five-full minutes that felt like eternity, a powerful beam of light erupted from the golden goblet and shot towards the heavens.

Everyone waited with bated breath to check whether the summoning was successful.

It was also at that moment when particles of golden light fell from the heavens. When these golden particles fell on William\'s body, he felt the pain in his soul slowly fading away.

As William looked up at the sky, he noticed two small dots that were slowly descending towards his location.

Celeste had also noticed this as well, but all she could see was one white orb, and one black orb.

It didn\'t take long before the two orbs hovered a meter away from William\'s face. They didn\'t move from their position and stayed in a stationary state. After a minute of staring at each other, the two orbs glowed before dissipating into particles of light.

"The air smells so fresh," one of the Familiars, who looked exactly like William, said with a smile. "This is a good day to be born in this world."

The one who spoke was wearing a white outfit, and a pair of angelic wings flapped softly behind its back. On top of its head, a golden halo could be seen, which reminded William of angels in his past life.

"Kekeke! Indeed, today is a good day to be born," another creature, who looked exactly like William, commented.

The creature had two horns on its head, a devil\'s tail, and batlike wings behind its back. Both of them stared at William with an angelic and devilish smile on their faces.

They were William\'s two Familiars that were born from his blood and soul, and, right now, they were looking at their Master with great expectations. With just a glance, the Half-Elf could tell that these were no ordinary Familiars.

Celeste who was looking at the two newly born familiar couldn\'t believe what she was seeing. She didn\'t expect that William would be able to summon not one, but two familiars at the same time.

This was something that was exclusive to the Progenitor of the Familiamancer Class. Even she couldn\'t determine whether this was a good or bad thing.

She only hoped that when these two Familiars reached their full potential, they would not use their powers to bring the world to ruin.

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