Reincarnated With The Strongest System

Chapter 485: One-Sided Slaughter [Part 1]

Chapter 485: One-Sided Slaughter [Part 1]

Several flags carrying the emblems of the different clans fluttered in the air, as the Elven Army stood side by side.

Elandorr stood on a raised platform at the center of the Army Formation along with the important people of the Silvermoon Continent.

“Today is the day where we will show the world that we will not allow ourselves to be hunted down as slaves!” Elandorr shouted.


“We will never again allow ourselves to be treated as tools by the Humans!” Elandorr raised his hand. “We will show them that we are the superior race!”


“Today, we march to war! A war that will make the world tremble when they speak our names! We are the Elves of the Silvermoon Continent!” Elandorr roared. “Glory be to the Elves!”

“”Glory be to the Elves!””

Elandorr unsheathed his sword and pointed it at the City of Gladiolus in the distance.



“Elves of the Silvermoon Continent! Charge forward!”


Trumpets resounded in the air as hundreds of Giant Eagles took flight. The Ash Golems advanced under Alessio’s command, and half of the mighty Elven Cavalry surged forward like a tide.

The Forest Wolves howled as they charged forward towards the City that was waiting for their conquest.

Princess Eowyn sat on her chair as she questioned whether or not what they were doing was really the right thing to do.


Kenneth stood on top of a mountain overlooking the battlefield. Beside him was his Beast Companion, Luna, who had insisted that it traveled to Lont with him.

When he arrived at William’s hometown, he was welcomed warmly by Matthew and Leah. He had also played with Eve for a few days before heading towards the Capital City once more.

The reason he had gone to Lont was to see William. However, he was not around when Kenneth arrived. Instead of leaving right away, Kenneth decided to stay for a few days because he understood that, regardless of where William was, he would definitely return as soon as the drums of war resounded across the battlefield.

“Don’t die, Will,” Kenneth said softly as he observed the battle from afar. He didn’t want to participate on either side, because he knew that he would be guilt-ridden no matter which side he chose.

Since that was the case, he chose not to choose either side and to remain a spectator. This way, he could still face William and tell him that he didn’t take part in this battle to conquer his homeland.


Conner stood fearlessly on the City Walls with his arms crossed over his chest. The members of the organization had already positioned themselves on the City Walls with their spells at the ready.

Prince Alaric, the Freedom Fighters of the Zelan Dynasty, as well as the students of the Hellan Royal Academy were also on the walls. Conner had personally chosen their positions in order to compliment their strengths and minimize their shortcomings.

Bows had been armed and loaded.

Crossbows had been wound.

Magic and Spiritual powers flickered in the surroundings as they waited for the Elven Army to come within range.

“Sir, they have reached our attack range,” Calum reported.

“Wait for my order to attack,” Conner reminded everyone. He had already briefed them of the battle plan. Regardless of how close the enemy came to the City Walls, none of them would release an arrow or a spell on the Elven Army.

They would wait for Conner’s order before they unleashed their deadly attacks on the invaders that would try to get through their defenses.

The Elven War Machines, that were powered by Magic Crystals, made their way to the frontline of the battlefield. This was the Elves’ first campaign against the Humans and they were using the City of Gladiolus as a way to test the effectiveness of their War Machines.

Clearly, they didn’t intend to just stop their conquest in the Southern Continent, they were also eyeing the Human Kingdoms in the Central Continent as well.

“Four Hundred Meters!”

“Three Hundred Meters!”

“Two Hundred!”

“One Hundred!”

The Elven Army unleashed a barrage of spells, at the same time that their War Machines propelled fireballs the size of a small carriage towards the city walls.

The Defenders braced themselves for impact. Conner had still not given the order to attack, so they were doing their best to prevent themselves from releasing the arrows and spells at the enemies that were just a stone’s throw away from them.

Prince Ernest slowly raised his hand as he sat on the white throne. Brendan stood beside him worriedly as he monitored the Prince’s condition.

A transparent barrier appeared and enveloped the entire city, just in time to stop the barrage of spells that threatened to fall on it like rain.

Explosions sounded one after the other, as the magic barrier endured the first wave of attacks that came from the Elven Army.

“Sir…” Calum glanced at Conner who still had his arms crossed over his chest.

“Wait,” Conner replied without even bothering to look at his trusted subordinate.

His eyes were focused on the Elven Cavalry that had now congregated at the edge of the magic barrier. The Elves had also erected their own barriers to protect themselves, while they waited for the City’s magical barrier to collapse.

They knew that it was only a matter of time before they could scale the walls and unleash a bloodbath on the foolish defenders who stood in their way.

A sneer appeared on Conner’s lips when he saw that everything was in place.

“Floyd! Do it now!” Conner ordered.

The Scholar of Deus roared as he threw a red crystal in the air. The crystal flew past the magical barrier, and continued towards the sky before stopping several hundred meters above ground.

A few seconds later the red crystal exploded and a cloud of red smoke appeared on the battlefield. This red smoke transformed into the figure of a Giant Red Skull.

When the Giant Red Skull had finally completed its transformation, several pillars of light shot out from the sky. They came from the altars that had been used to cast the Continental Spell that brought the entire Southern Continent to its knees.

“Foolish and arrogant elves, it’s time for all of you to wake up from your daydream!” Conner shouted in a voice that was heard across the entire battlefield. “This will be the place where all of you will die!”

The hollow eye sockets of the Giant Red Skull glowed with power as it opened its mouth to emit an ear piercing scream.

Immediately, cries of pain resounded throughout the battlefield as the eardrums of the Elves ruptured.

Elandorr, Princess Eowyn, the Patriarchs and the other High-Ranking Officers of the Elven Army weren’t spared from this attack that was made to target their heightened senses. Almost everyone fell on their knees as blood seeped out of their ears.

The barriers that the Elves had cast to protect themselves shattered into pieces as their casters screamed in pain.

“Now! Attack!” Conner ordered.

Spells poured down on the Elven Invaders like rain. The first to die were the elves that were directly under the City Walls.

The Elven Captains, that led the charge, screamed an order to retreat as blood leaked out of their ears, but none were able to hear him. Not even those that were standing only a meter away from him.

The Elven Battle Clerics tried to activate their Magic Powers to heal their comrades. But, to their surprise, they couldn’t channel the Magic Power properly in their bodies. They couldn’t even use the simplest of spells in order to protect themselves from the ordinary arrows that pierced their bodies.

“Do it now!” Conner gave another order.

This time, the two Archmages that stood behind him chanted.

The Ash Golems that had been attacking the Magic Barrier paused in their attacks. They stood in place like frozen statues for half a minute, before they turned around and started to bash the heads of the Elves nearest them.

Alessio, who had sole control of the Ash Golems, had lost his connection with them due to the fact that the Magic Power inside his body had run amok.

Conner was well aware of what his rival was capable of and had prepared a countermeasure beforehand.

The Altars that had been built around the Southern Continent weren’t just for show. They automatically absorbed the souls of everyone that had died since the Continental Spell had taken effect.

Many Human children had died of hunger, torture, and abuse; not only from the Elves, but from their fellow survivors as well. Such was the fate of those that had no strength to fend for themselves in the absence of law and order.

Now, these same pitiful souls were now being used to activate a powerful spell that Conner and Floyd had prepared to teach the arrogant Elves a lesson they would never forget.

The Gates of Gladiolus opened and a horde of Beasts charged out in a mad frenzy. All of them had dark-green skin, and all of their eyes glowed red with bloodlust.

They were the Super Soldiers that Floyd had made. Thanks to Celine’s special serum, these Super Soldiers gained the strength of Centennial Beasts!

Hundreds of Centennial Beasts started a one-sided massacre as they feasted on the blood and flesh of anyone within their reach.

Naturally, Celine made sure that The Organization wouldn’t be able to abuse these variants that they had created. After applying her special serum, the Super Soldiers would only be able to live for a week, before their bodies would disintegrate into dust.

Although Floyd found it a pity, he was still thrilled about the fact that he could command hundreds of Centennial Beasts that were nearly immortal.

Just like the Titanic-Green-Scaled Trollhound, these Super Soldiers only had one weakness.

Acid that could melt Adamantium.

None of the Elves knew this, and perhaps, even if they did know, there still might have been nothing they could have done about it.

The entire Elven Army fell into disarray as the Ash Golems, The Super Soldiers, arrows, and spells decimated their numbers at a rapid pace.

“Such a devious man,” Evexius said with appreciation. He then looked at Berthold who had a grim expression on his face.

Clearly the Leader of Deus, who was stationed inside the Kraetor Empire, didn’t expect this kind of counter-attack from Conner. He thought that the Elves could easily break the walls of the city and cut off his rival’s head.

This was the scene that he had envisioned.

However, a scene that was completely different from the one-sided carnage that he had painted inside his mind was currently happening in front of his very eyes, and it made him feel cold.

He was not the only one who thought this way. Prince Jason, and the other officers of the Kraetor Empire, felt the same.

Empress Sidonie eyed the battlefield with genuine interest. As a strategist, she admired Conner’s resourcefulness and capabilities.

‘This man is very useful,’ Empress Sidonie mused. ‘What do you think, Big Sister?’

[ I think you are right. It will be best if we can make him one of our subordinates. ]

The Young Empress smiled sweetly as she scanned the battlefield. She was looking for a certain red-headed Half-Elf whom she missed dearly.

She hoped that her beloved would make an appearance and show her a performance that would make her heart beat wildly inside her chest.

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