Reincarnated With The Strongest System

Chapter 417: William’s Third Knight

Chapter 417: William’s Third Knight

William invested 500 God Points to buy five more Dragon Blood Trees to be planted in the Eastern side of the Thousand Beast Domain in order to mass-produce healing potions for the upcoming war.

Although he would continue to make lollipops, it would not be enough to cover every member of his army. This was why he prioritized the stockpiling of healing ingredients.

Aside from that, William bought two additional warehouses to store the other miscellaneous items that they would need for the war. These Warehouses cost one hundred God Points each. Although it was a bit costly for William’s limited funds, he knew that they were needed so he bought them without batting an eye.


[ Dragon Blood Tree - 100 God Points each. ]

— A breed of tree that produces a red sap that could be used for making healing potions.


God Points: 700


“We have arrows, and ingredients for healing potions,” William muttered as he checked the inventory of the two warehouses that he had bought. “System, do you have any other recommendations?”

[ We need weapons for the Goblin Army. Their weapons are very basic and are far inferior to the weapons of a regular army. ]

William crossed his arms over his chest and nodded. The beast type monsters didn’t need weapons because their bodies were their weapons. Unfortunately, the Goblin Army didn’t have that leeway and needed to equip themselves with weapons in order to maximize their potential.

‘Any suggestions?’

[ We don’t have enough God Points right now, but we can always raid the barracks of the Hellan Kingdom. They would definitely have weapons in them. ]

William nodded. Although he was currently using the blacksmith skill to craft weapons for his army, they were just lower grade weapons that couldn’t be compared to military grade weapons.

However, William was still maximizing his Blacksmith Job Class because he wanted a day to come when the members of his Legion would be equipped with weapons that were of the same quality, if not higher than Barbatos’ forged weapons.

The red headed boy sighed once again when he remembered the warm and kind hearted blacksmith of Lont. all of his early years had been crafted by Barbatos and they were of very high quality.

‘Okay, we now have a way to get weapons, is there anything else that we should focus on?’

[ Food, water, and medicine. I don’t know if the Atlantis Dungeon has beasts that could serve as food, since we have only explored the first three floors. Unfortunately, the local monsters are just blue slimes whose only purpose is to serve as a means to farm Dungeon Points. ]

William nodded. Thanks to the great numbers of slimes that spawned in the Dungeon on a regular basis, he managed to add four more floors to the Goblin Crypt which brought its total dungeon floor count to thirty-five.

Each floor had a limit of five hundred Monsters. William had made all the five new dungeon floors spawn Danderous Goblin Dogs.


[ Dungeon Settings ]

— Monster Spawn: Danderous Goblin Dogs

— Spawn Rate: 20 Danderous Goblin Dogs per day.

Floor 31 - 40 Danderous Goblin Dogs

Floor 32 - 20 Danderous Goblin Dogs

Floor 33 - 20 Danderous Goblin Dogs

Floor 34 - 20 Danderous Goblin Dogs

Floor 35 - 20 Danderous Goblin Dogs


Dungeon Points: 1845


Currently, William had a hundred-ten Danderous Goblin Dogs which he had assigned to the Goblin Warriors to be used as Mounts. They were too small for the Hobgoblins to use as Mounts, so William had no choice but to assign the Goblin Warriors to mount them.

These Goblin Cavaliers were led by a Goblin Warrior, named Sharx, whom William had personally Knighted. The reason he chose this Goblin Warrior to lead them was due to a unique scar on its right cheek, which made it stand out from the other Goblin Warriors.

After receiving the King Chess Piece’s blessing, this Goblin Warrior had evolved into a Goblin Marauder and received the Prestige Class Scarred Doom Marauder.

Not only that, its Danderous Goblin Dog Mount transformed into a Vicious Nether Hound, which almost made William drop Rhongomyniad in shock.

William checked the information of the Third Official Knight of his King’s Legion and nodded his head in appreciation.


Name: Sharx

Race: Goblin

Prestige Job Class: Scarred Doom Marauder

Health Points: 22,000 / 22,000

Mana: 3,000 / 3,000

[ Strength: 150 (+10) ]

[ Agility: 70 (+10) ]

[ Vitality: 100 (+10) ]

[ Intelligence: 40 (+10)]

[ Dexterity: 60 (+10) ]


Duel Ex

Union of Man and Beast


Hundred Beast Charge

Marauder’s Guillotine

Hellfire Blast

Title: Marauder of Terror

[ Marauder of Terror ]

— When leading a company or Riders increase all stats by 100%

— Terrain Mobility increase by 200%

— Can use Empowered Battle Cry thrice a day

[ Empowered Battle Cry ]

— Increase resistance against Mind-Affecting Spells

— Increase the stats of all riders under the lead of the Marauder of Terror by 50%

— Duration: 1 Hour


Sharx the Goblin Marauder was a Class B (Mid) Monster, while its Mount, whom William named Sparky, was a Class A (Low) Monster.

The sudden change in their leader’s features made all the Goblin Warriors look at William with starry eyes. Unfortunately, the King Chess Piece was not Omnipotent. After giving its blessing to Sharx, it went back to being dormant.

Even so, with the power of Rhongomyniad, he had turned the Goblin Warriors into Goblin Cavaliers, raising their ability for mounted combat. The Goblin Cavaliers were Class D (High) Monsters.

William believed that after gaining experience points inside the Dungeon of Atlantis, these green-skinned cavaliers would soon step into the rank of Class C (Low) Monsters which would further boost William’s army.

Aside from the Goblin Dogs, William also decided to use the Trollhounds, with the exception of Fenrir, as mounts for the Hobgoblin Leaders. He deemed that this strategy would increase their mobility in the battlefield and make them a more effective fighting force in battle.

As always, William blessed these Hobgoblin Leaders with Rhongomyniad, which allowed them to effectively use the Trollhounds as mounts as if they were part of their bodies, due to the power of the Union of Man and Beast.

These Goblin and Trollhound Cavaliers officially became William’s light Cavalry units which were led by Sparky and Fenrir respectively.


Meanwhile somewhere in the Hellan Kingdom…

After spending two days of fruitless searching, Conner decided to return to their Headquarters to see if there were any updates from the other search parties that were now scouring the Hellan Kingdom for any signs of the Hidden Valley where the monument was enshrined.

“Sir, we still haven’t found the Monument,” Calum reported as he bowed his head.

He had been staying in their headquarters to serve as the person in charge of receiving the reports from the members of Deus.

Conner sighed internally and nodded his head in acknowledgement. He knew that it was not going to be an easy task to find the Undying Lands in just a few days of searching.

The Leader of Deus in the Southern Continent hadn’t placed all of The Organization’s manpower into searching for the Hidden Valley. He also appointed several teams to spy on the movements of the Elves in the Zelan Dynasty.

He was afraid that Alessio would become impatient and urge the Elves to attack the Hellan Kingdom while Conner was occupied with his mission.

After sorting through the reports, Conner came upon an interesting development. A few days ago, the members of The Organization noticed over a hundred teenagers entering the borders of the Hellan Kingdom.

According to the scout of The Organization, whot used a familiar to observe the teeangers from afar, they were all bruised and battered and seemed to have encountered a battle with the Elves.

The agent also added in his report that the children took some of the horses in the fortress and headed West. Since his duty was to observe the movements of the Elves, he didn’t leave his post and just filed a report to their Headquarters so the higher-ups could decide what to do with the refugees that had entered their borders.

He had already expected such an outcome after the Elven invasion, so he wasn’t too surprised by the report. However, what concerned Conner was that the refugees didn’t head straight towards the capital, but instead, headed West.

Conner pondered for a bit before leaving some instructions to Calum to send some men to look for these refugees from the Zelan Dynasty.

“I will rest for a day before returning to the Hellan Capital,” Conner said. “If there is any news about the Undying Lands, notify me right away.”

“Yes, My Lord,” Calum replied before bowing his head respectfully.

Conner nodded and went to his chambers to rest.

A few minutes later, a small black snake slithered out of the room, undetected, before turning into a black mist.

Ezio reappeared a safe distance away from the Headquarters of Deus. He had been monitoring their movements and had been on the lookout for the latest news within their chain of command.

After weighing the pros and cons, Ezio resolutely headed back to the capital of Gladiolus. Est was a close friend of William’s and he didn’t want the boy to come to harm. William had already told his Fourth Master that if The Organization returned to reclaim the capital, he should tell Dave and Conrad to take Est and Isaac to the Kyrintor Mountains.

Brendan had already become his Disciple and he was quite satisfied with the boy’s aptitude. Having him become the puppet steward of the capital would help Ezio keep an eye on Conner, while he shifted his attention to other important matters.

Matters that would help ease the burden of the red-headed boy who was doing his best to make ends meet.

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