Reincarnated With The Strongest System

Chapter 338: Invaders Of The Southern Continent

Chapter 338: Invaders Of The Southern Continent

A few days after they reached the shores of the Southern Continent, the Elves immediately headed to the Zelan Dynasty to start their first conquest on Human lands.

Just as they expected, everyone above the age of twenty had turned into crystal statues. One could even say that taking over the kingdom was just like stealing candy from a baby. There were a few that tried to resist, but they were unable to match the strength of the Elven Prodigies.

“Weak! So weak!” one of the Elven Prodigies exclaimed after defeating a nineteen-year-old boy who tried to protect the rest of the surviving children that were gathered in the Town Hall.

Several other teenagers laid on the ground injured, while others were unconscious.

The other Elven prodigies looked at the fallen Humans with disdain. They didn’t expect much resistance from the survivors, but the young warriors of the Zelan Dynasty were simply too weak.

“Why don’t we just kill them?” a handsome Elf with green hair proposed as he stepped on the head of one of the fallen warriors. “I’m sure that killing them would teach the others that they shouldn’t oppose our rule, right?”

Cheers of agreement sounded from the Elves, which made the handsome Elf grin wickedly.

“That’s enough.”

A cold and commanding voice ordered.

The handsome green-haired Elf was about to protest, but immediately held back his complaint when he saw the owner of the voice that ordered him to stop.

“I was just joking, Princess,” the green-haired Elf stepped back and gave a respectful bow.

A beautiful Elf with long, honey-blonde hair, and blue eyes nodded her head in understanding. She was the representative of the King who was given the duty of Supervisor for this expedition.

Although the command of the entire mission lay in Elandorr’s hands, no Elf that was born in the Silvermoon Continent would defy the orders of the Royal Princess. This was true even though she only had the rank of Supervisor.

Even Elandorr had to be respectful of her wishes, for she was Eowyn, the Fourth Princess of the Starlight Forest, and High Princess of the Silvermoon Continent.

“Although Humans have enslaved our race for thousands of years, that doesn’t mean that we have to lower ourselves to their level,” Princess Eowyn said. “We are Elves. Our race is superior to theirs. There’s no reason for us to act as Barbarians.”

The green-haired Elf smiled and nodded his head in agreement.

“It is as you say Princess. I’m sorry, my emotions got the best of me.”

“Understandable. Please, make sure that you don’t repeat these actions again in the future.”

“Understood, Your Highness.”

The green-haired Elf backed down completely. None of the other Elves said anything. They just glanced at their commander, Elandorr, waiting for his orders.

“Gather the warriors and lock them up in the prisons,” Elandorr ordered. “As for the Human children that can’t fight, leave them be. They are of no threat to us.”

Elandorr smiled as he glanced at the Princess who was standing a few meters away. “Since her Royal Highness is merciful then we will also show mercy. This is the difference between our race and the Barbarians. We shouldn’t lower ourselves to their level.”


The young Elven prodigies didn’t dare say anything in front of the princess, but in their hearts they wanted to humiliate the humans and make them pay for the long years of slavery that their race had suffered in their hands.

Although they agreed on the surface, that didn’t mean that they wouldn’t do anything when the attention of the Elven Princess laid elsewhere. They were very keen in torturing and enslaving the humans that had treated the Elven Race as their playthings.

After receiving Elandorr’s orders, the Elven warriors dragged the fallen teenagers away and tied them up to prevent them from causing trouble.

Their takeover of the capital of the Zelan Dynasty went very smoothly. However, they were not able to capture the survivors of the Royal Family. One could even say that the members of the Royal Family were no longer in the capital when they arrived.

It was as if they were expecting their arrival.

It was at that moment when over a hundred black-robed men appeared on the castle walls with weapons at the ready.

“Who are you and what are you doing in Human lands?” one of the black-robed men asked.

Elandorr sneered and unsheathed his blade. “My name is Elandorr, the commander of the Elven Forces that will take over this kingdom. Men, kill these mongrels!”

Several of the elves immediately summoned their bows and began shooting. Those who were proficient with magic immediately cast spells in order to keep any of the black-robed men alive.

The Elders that had come with them in this undertaking had already warned them that the Southern Continent had fallen under the control of a notorious Organization. They added that if they were to meet them, they should do their best to exterminate all of them if possible.

The leader of the black-robed men immediately ordered a hasty retreat as he cast protective spells in order to protect him from the Elven arrows and spells that were falling upon them like rain.

As one of Conner’s commanding officers, it was his duty to take complete control of the Zelan Dynasty. Even so, the difference in numbers was enough to tell him that fighting the Elves wouldn’t change anything.

“Retreat!” the black-robed man ordered as the members of the Organization did their best to escape with their lives. Unfortunately, not all of them were lucky and died under the hands of the Elven Prodigies who ran after them as if they were hunting wild boars in the forest.

The black-robed men had already felt the presence of Blademasters and Archmages among the Elven Army. It would be pure folly to stay and die a dog’s death, so he decided to use a teleport scroll in order to escape with his life.

He had only one goal in his mind and that was to report the current state of affairs to his leader, who was currently in the Hellan Kingdom.

Elandorr watched in disdain as the members of The Organization were massacred left and right.

He didn’t even bother to order the Blademasters, who accompanied him, to take part in the slaughter. For him, having the young elves take the blood of the members of the organization was a good warm up for their conquest in the Human Lands.

“Your Highness, please, accompany me to the castle,” Elandorr said with a confident smile. “Although the Barbarians are crude, their palace is the only fitting place for you to rest. Allow me to escort you there, Princess Eowyn.”

He didn’t even bat an eye on the blood curdling screams that reverberated in the air, as he invited the Princess to tour the human castle like they were having a stroll in the forest.

Princess Eowyn nodded, “Thank you, Commander, for your offer. Please, allow me to inconvenience you for the time being.”

“Serving you will not inconvenience me, Your Highness. Instead, it will be my pleasure to accompany you.”

“Thank you, Commander.”

It only took half a day before all the survivors of the Dynasty were gathered. The Elven forces made sure that all able-bodied teenagers were imprisoned. Elandorr picked many beautiful ladies out from among the teenagers because he planned to turn them into slaves.

Naturally, some of the Elven girls also picked a few handsome men to become their manservants during their stay as well.

Yes, they had brought slave collars made in the Silvermoon Continent as per order of their Patriarchs. They deemed that it was only natural to make the Humans pay for the years of enslavement that the Elves had suffered under their hands.

Elandorr’s plan was to turn these slaves into guides that would tell them more about the extent of the territories that fell under the Zelan Dynasty’s rule. Naturally, Elandorr and his officers also planned to make these beautiful slaves their playthings.

The Elven Commander had approved of it and Princess Eowyn had decided to turn a blind eye to his actions.

For her, turning the Humans into slaves was much better than outright killing them. This was the unwritten compromise that Elandorr and her had agreed upon. As a Supervisor, she mustn’t interfere with how Elandorr did things. She was only there as a spectator. Preventing unnecessary killings was the only thing she could do for the original citizens of the Zelan Dynasty.

“Still, the Royal Family has no backbone,” Elandorr said softly as he looked at the castle. “At the first sign of trouble, they immediately turned tail and ran. Well, it’s not like there would have been any difference had they stayed.”

The commanding officers beside him nodded their heads in agreement. They were certain that, aside from the Kraetorian Army, everyone that survived the continental spell was completely under their mercy.


“What do you mean she’s missing?” Jason asked the black-robed man under his feet. “If you don’t tell me what I want to know, I’ll kill all of you.”

After the Kraetorian Army landed on the shores of the Kingdom of Freesia, they immediately seized its capital. However, unlike the elves who held the Humans in contempt, the Kraetorian Army didn’t hurt the citizens, and only focused on the Black-Robed Men that had taken over the palace.

“I swear I’m telling the truth!” the black-robed man pleaded. “Princess Sidonie escaped from the Hellan Kingdom and her whereabouts are unknown. We don’t know where she is. Please, I told you everything I know. I beg you, let me go!”

Jason sneered as he raised the sword in his hand and cut off the man’s head in one fluid stroke of his blade.

“Useless people don’t deserve to live,” Jason stated. He then turned his eyes to the rest of the Black-Robed Men who were lined up and kneeling in front of him.

“I’ll ask again, where is my cousin?” Jason inquired with an evil grin. “You don’t want to suffer the same fate as this useless man, right?”

The Black-Robed Men that had been detained by the Kraetorian Army shuddered. They really don’t know where Princess Sidonie was. If they knew, they would not hesitate to immediately tell the bloodthirsty Prince, who didn’t bat an eye when killing people, the whereabouts of the Princess.

Of course, Jason knew that they really didn’t know the answer to his question. What he was doing was purely for entertainment. He had made it a hobby to make his victims beg for forgiveness before he ended their miserable lives.

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