Reincarnated With A Summoning System

Chapter 454 454

There was so much to do that the sheer weight of it paralyzed Cain, rendering him unable to even decide where to start. So in the end he didn\'t start at all.

Instead, he wandered the Ancient City aimlessly for a while before deciding that there was nothing more that needed to be done here right away and started making plans to head back to the Southern Continent to grow his strength.

The Echoes were still tending the orchard that they had started, as well as protecting refugees from the Mythical Beast attacks, so he had a place to go and a purpose there.

He was certain that there were things he could do to help here, but everywhere he went that had a Guild presence just reminded him of Misha, and his mind would get sidetracked with thoughts of how to recover her, even though he knew he wasn\'t strong enough.

"Moana, I would like to leave one copy of you here to watch over the city. Keep track of the Ley Line device and keep the peace inside the city. I am going out to build up my level so I don\'t fall behind the changes in the world." Cain informed his newest Companion, who happily nodded back at him.

One of the clones flew out of his jacket pocket where they had been napping and circled around in front of his face, giving a strange salute.

"No problem boss. I\'ll send you all the details if another portal opens and I\'ll keep the beastkin from wrecking the place while you\'re away." The Leviathan answered in all seriousness, giving a slightly disgusted look at the mess that the animals were making in the market area.

In the sea, there were plenty of life forms to break down waste and carcasses, but the city was enclosed, sterile, and dead. The mess that livestock and beasts of burden left lingered, and the sight upset her on a deeply spiritual level. Cain was certain that she wouldn\'t allow such a thing to stand for long after he left and she had full authority over the city as his adjutant.

[Attention every resident of the city. I will be away for some time, taking care of issues in other nations. I am leaving my Companion Moana in charge while I am away. Consider her words as my own and treat her well.] Cain sends a mental message all over the city, waking many people from a deep sleep and shocking others into stopping what they were doing while the oppressive force of his mind relays the words directly into their minds.

It wasn\'t a skill that he used very often, and with the difference in levels, even a simple set of instructions was bordering on a mental attack on most of the refugees. An Ancient\'s mental voice holds a strong compulsion and authority that the species they created have a hard time ignoring, so Cain had few worries about these people being mean to Moana.

Not that they could actually do much about it even if they tried. She had Mythic Quality water attacks, as well as the ability to summon [Bonded Forces] if she needed to. Even a small group of sea creatures at his level would be enough to wipe out the entire population here or save them from imminent danger, should they be attacked.

The thought of water attacks reminds Cain of the one Companion that is currently not with him, Nila. A quick thought sent out shows that she is fully aware of the situation, and that both her clones, plus Mythryll are aboard Queen Rose, and are about to dock in Port Nefheim.

That\'s as safe as anywhere, so Cain decides not to worry about them for now. They can enjoy their time together while he is away, plus the extra power of both clones should help the Port city\'s defense power.

There\'s also the fact that if he brings one, the others will demand that he brings them as well, so it\'s better for his mental health if he just leaves them in peace to defend the Guild Mascot, aka Demon Queen successor Neffie. Although at the rate she\'s growing up, her little sister might well take over the position soon. She\'s still in the toddler phase, and absolutely adorable.

Cain uses the might of his Ancient form to race through the skies towards the Southern Continent after bringing the Companions with him back into his [Merger]. The first stop will be the farm he rented, to check on the situation there, and then he will begin building up his strength.

As Cain flies, he checks the data that he has available through his system interface. The things that seemed irrelevant before, but that now might be very valuable. Things like the loot options from Mythic Creatures.

It\'s mostly nonsense, listings of materials and body parts that could prove valuable, but eventually, Cain finds what he is looking for.

The most intelligent of beasts with both mythic quality skills and bodies, and therefore the most difficult to fight have a chance to drop premium items, as the System calls them. In the dungeons, there were items that were beyond the boss monster\'s level or quality, plus things like Skill Books. The Skill Books are almost guaranteed to be Mythic quality at the highest, a creation he could make himself if he dedicated a few weeks to the study of that particular ability, but the items are often related to the power of the opponent.

To Cain\'s mind that means that if he can find the right target, one that is almost into the Spirit Beast rank, there is a minuscule chance that he could get a Spirit Awakened level item.

That\'s exactly what he needs to progress himself into the Spirit Realm when he finally reaches level 500. With his Mythic body slowly adapting to the new power level of the world, the levels aren\'t the most difficult part of the equation, but in order to progress, he will need an item of the next quality level, and that isn\'t going to be easy to come by.

Cain spent so long pondering the possibilities and looking for evidence that he was at the farm on the Southern Continent before he knew it. With the barrier shattered, and the speed of his flight, nothing even dared to challenge him all the way here. It simply wasn\'t worth it for a target that was clearly leaving the area, at least not when the monsters were still trying to consolidate their own territory and adapt to the influx of new competition.

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