Reincarnated With A Summoning System

Chapter 370 356

With all these talks of invaders, a large detachment of the Iron Empire army has been deployed to come assist the border villages. They are half a day away though, and nobody is sure that they have that much time.

The first group of fifty will be here soon to help the villagers make defensive plans and fortify the village itself, though. According to the locals the small attacks are a regular occurrence, and the patrol should be well equipped with defense tools.

Cain learned that the fences around the village are actually designed to tilt, to provide barriers against charging Cavalry and an obstacle to infantry. That will make things a little easier but they are still very short of defenders, even with every adult in the village counted, plus the older children.

Cain wishes that he could use mana properly right now, a couple of Seraphim, or a Legendary Beastkin Summoner would turn the tide of this battle in an instant. Even a couple of well trained puppets would do the job, but they also take the external application of mana to create.

The defense unit from the army arrives and Cain sees his opportunity. He can grant someone a skill. They might not be able to accept it permanently since they don\'t have access to the system, but there is a Shaman in the group. Cain knows a wide variety of Shaman skills, including [Chain Lightning], so he might be able to help this group out just a little.

They are all business as they arrive, getting right to helping with the fences and clearing ditches to fill with tar, as they have done dozens of times before.

"It is best you start running now bunny, give yourself a bit of a head start before the humans arrive." The Shaman declares grimly when he notices Cain.

"I have been blessed with healing, I will stay." Cain declares and the Shaman simply nods his acceptance.

"Have you heard that bunny hugs are magical? What is the deepest desire of your heart? Maybe the Gods will help."

The blonde bearded Dwarf simply laughs. "Unless they are going to open the skies and send lightning to smite the invaders, I\'m not sure if it will make a difference."

They are both thinking along the same lines, so Cain gives him a hug and activates [Modify] granting him chain lightning. The Dwarf pulls away as if embarrassed to be publicly hugged, but he\'s got a look of awe in his eyes.

"Do you feel it now? Luck is on our side, I am certain, we just need to relax and accept that we can win." Cain declares with a big smile, very grateful that worked and didn\'t get stopped by the limitations on his mana use.

But if that works, maybe he can also use combat skills that don\'t cause a visual effect? He has a passive [Pestilence] and area damage that would be devastating in combat. But both only activate with a skill use.

The human army comes without warnings or scouts, already familiar with the area and expecting some level of resistance.

They don\'t lead with Cavalry, but with infantry wielding Spears. The dwarves are ready in an instant, firing crossbows at the invaders, while the humans charge the fences, trying to flip them backwards with their Spears.

An arc of lightning flies into the human Vanguard, killing dozens and the Dwarven Shaman crows in victory. A second bolt followed soon after, leaving a large area of the fence line vacant.

That made the Shaman a priority target, and his comrades move to hide him behind thick metal shields as the arrows come flying in.

Cain doesn\'t bother to hide, drawing the Pestilent Scimitar to match the more mundane one and sets himself to begin blocking them. He has more than enough skill and speed for the task, but he still can\'t activate the combat skills.

Thinking a bit more on the topic as the arrow volley ends, Cain recalls that all the skills from the Dark Elven combat style coat your weapon in protective energy. That must be why he can\'t use them.

​ He hopes the Laughing God is thoroughly enjoying this spectacle, having an Ancient Summoner wave a sword about with no skills.

It\'s a bit amusing even to Cain though, so he probably is.

The wounded near Cain are rapidly recovering, but the area effect is so large at his level, that it covers half the villagers, making it impossible for anyone to tell if it is him, or a Totem the Shaman is using. They are standing close to each other, and the effect is drawing the defenders closer together, with those in range healing from near fatal arrow wounds in seconds.

"Full charge!" The human Commander calls, and the entire line begins moving forward, with their Cavalry moving to take the road and the open gaps between fences.

"Light the pits." The Shaman calls, and a flaming arrow hits the tar filled ditch around the village, sending flames roaring upwards and plumes of black smoke into the sky.

The humans are going out of their way to destroy farm houses as they advance, and Cain is getting more than a little sick of their nonsense. With a mighty thrust of his legs, Cain hurls himself across the battlefield, slicing apart human soldiers and using their corpses as a spring board to get closer to the Commander.

The man didn\'t even have time to recognize the threat before the blurred form of the bunny had taken his head, and Cain stops to watch [Pestilence] spread through the attackers.

The screams of terror from the afflicted cause the advance to break, soldiers scattering everywhere, and defenders retreating into the village to get away from the outbreak. Some will surely survive, but that is fine, they can tell their leaders not to come back.

Fighting at this level really is too easy, and Cain almost feels bad for interfering, but destroying the farm houses is a sore point for him. What did the farmers ever do to them? Nothing. But still they destroyed their homes and crops. War should be between soldiers.

Cain happily hops back into the village over the fences and goes looking for the Shaman and the Chief.

"The humans ran away after they upset the nature goddess. You\'re safe now." Cain declares when he finds the two fortifying a building.

"The Plague won\'t keep spreading?" The Shaman asks, and Cain realizes his mistake.

"No, sorry, that was the effect of a Dwarven Master Crafted sword. It fades out after battle and won\'t spread to your allies, or so I am told."

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