Another Stupid Isekai

Chapter 632

I endured.

So he threw me again across the arena, as he flew to the other side, to maximalize the distance. He needed to catch a breath. I hit the barrier, and slid all the way down, to land heavily on the ground, barely managing to do it on my feet, and not the face.

Then I took a deep breath, for the first time in quite a while. A normal human being would be suffocated long ago. Not to mention torn apart, but I wasn\'t.

I had to check with my eyes if the weapon was still in my hand, as my body literally felt numb everywhere after the pressure got released. As Sevva, panting heavily, tried to rest a bit, I rushed to him running across the arena. My speed wasn\'t the best, considering how I felt, ti it was still pretty fast.

He attempted to throw sand in my face again, but I easily ducked under the wave and kept pushing on, reaching him quickly. Normally I would jump to attack from above, but that was just making his job easy, so I swung upwards, trying to clash him with the energy blade of my new pudao. He avoided, bu yanking himself out of that space, and my weapon collided with the protective barrier sending a burst of sparks everywhere.

I immediately rushed after him, as the shower of small red dots almost completely covered me. This time I was faster, as the numbness which took over my body was fading away.

I got to him before he managed to completely escape, and was about to attack when he let out a battle cry, and pushed both of his hands forward, putting immense pressure on me which, sprayed the sand all over the part of the arena I was on.

For a moment audience couldn\'t see a thing, and I was actually completely stopped, and forced to go down on one knee.

- Are you ok? - asked Druoag.

- Yeah - I squeezed through my gritted teeth.

- Good. Endure. Put pressure on him. You have to tire him down.

For him, it was easy to say, as I was the one who was being trashed over and over again. It was not so easy to keep up with this tempo. Even with my amazing physique.

If I had my powers back, this fight would be finished a long time ago. I could literally kill that asshole in ten different ways, but since they all have been blocked, I couldn\'t do shit to him, because he kept me at a distance.

The only good thing was, that he actually had to put a lot of effort into keeping me away, and couldn\'t deliver any serious damage to me, which was actually putting me at advantage. All I had to do, was endure his attacks, and let him tire himself down.

I tried my best to fight with the wave of energy just pressuring me, to keep low. With an angry groan of fury, I managed to rise and even did a single step forward before it all got released. Helf a second later ha blasted me across the arena again.

I hit the barrier, and bounced off like a ping-pong ball, just to be grabbed midair and trashed again. He kept slamming me around like a ragdoll. I felt like a toy of a crazy dog, who just wants to trash me completely and tear me apart.

Fortunately, he couldn\'t no matter how hard he tried. He saw that and again attempted to take my weapon from me, but I grabbed it with both hands and didn\'t let him.

- You are doing great, Peter - reassured me Druoag. - He is getting tired by each second. Just keep it up.

- Shut up - I managed to squeeze through my gritted teeth, but I doubt he could hear it with all the noise, and how faint my voice was.

I didn\'t realize it before, but the audience was going crazy out there, shouting and screaming words that had no sense for me. Some were chanting my name, but there weren\'t many of them.

Eventually, Sevva let go, as he needed a little break to catch his breath. Panting heavily he flew furder, to be at a maximum possible distance from me.

- You fucking piece of shit - escaped my mouth, and I bolted straight at him.

There were no breaks on that fucking arena. I stumbled through the first few steps, as my legs didn\'t really listen to me, but then it got better, and I quickly accelerated, to soon be at my top speed, and breach the barrier of sound.

I swung again, but he dodged in the last second making my blade collide with the barrier, and spray the sparks everywhere. I screamed, kicked the barrier, to follow him, as he again tried to get away, which allowed me to catch up. He avoided again, as I brought the pudao down, smashing it into the ground, and creating a wave of force, which sent the sand away.

He had to realize there was no escape, and he let out a battle cry, which brought to my mind the young Calludin whom I almost killed not too long ago. He retracted his hands and pushed them forward generating even more pressure than before. I couldn\'t just endure it. I was brought to my knees, and then he still screaming but both of his hands together just to separate them leading an even more violent scream out of his lungs.

I was stretched out by his psychic powers. My right arm popped out of the socket, and even with my desperate attempts, to pull it back using all the force in my muscles, I couldn\'t.

- Endure! - shouted Druoag, but it was not that simple.

The blood started pouring down from the Sevva\'s eyes and nostrils, as his screams continued, and then I just noticed it.. My right arm alongside my weapon flying through the air in a spray of blood.

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