Another Stupid Isekai

Chapter 507

I just started heading towards the lair entrance, since the last giants were being finished off by my friends, and there was actually nothing for me to flex on. They picked up the stones, but since nobody had where to put them, I ended up giving people a hand and utilizing my vault, which stopped me for a moment.

My ability earned me few prizes from the guests, as they were being led by Will to the cave. Those who engaged in close combat and me were a bit closer though, so we still managed to get there first.

I sent a bunch of firebirds ahead, so we could actually see everything that was awaiting us deeper.

- Wow, that was cool. Are you a fire mage? - asked Russ.

- Nope... Well... Kinda, but still nope - I replied confusing the shit out of him.

Nil just facepalmed, and then shook his head.

- What? - I asked him. - I\'m not really a mage... But I can do some stuff.

- That means you are a mage - he pointed out.

- If you look at it this way, then maybe I am -  I agreed while shrugging my shoulders, and continued going deeper into the cave.

We made it to the first chamber where the frost giants were already alerted by my magic. Since I knew that they can use frost spells, I didn\'t take any risks, and shadow walked several times ahead, pulling my pudao from the vault, and attacked.

I accelerated pretty quickly, releasing my seal, but still keeping my strength in check, and started swinging. Each strike was deadly, and I moved from one enemy to another, releasing some spells from time to time, to make sure they all were engaged with me and left the rest alone in peace.

- Woho! That dude is fast! - said Mack, impressed by the display of skill.

- Yeah - Jean agreed despite her previous attitude.

I made sure not to use any explosions, and just sprayed flames at the giants to make them more angry at me, then finished them off, jumping from one to another, and shadow walking if the situation forced me to. I cleared them in few minutes, while also making the rest of the people safe, then I returned to the group.

- Ok. I think that\'s enough for the reevaluation - said Will, and winked at me.

- You guys are strong as hell - said Russ.

- Oh yeah, baby - Sanders agreed with a confident smile on his face.

- I wonder if the people from Europe could do the same - said Nobuo, looking at the distance.

It really looked like he was being serious. I was quite surprised since I didn\'t expect such words from him.

- You mean the gate that opened in Hungary? - asked Russ.

- Yes - samurai confirmed.

- Maybe if they open it we will be able to check one day.

The warrior turned to look the streamer in the eyes and nodded.

- Maybe one day.

- Well, we are here and they are there, there is no need to compare - said Will. - Let\'s pick up the stones, and return.

We focused on that. I could summon my shadows to help, but I didn\'t want to show off too much. I felt like the impression I made already was enough.

There was a lot of chatting involved, and I noticed that my friends, especially Alice, kept digging into the topic of the other gate. I didn\'t know if she knew about the other ones, or not, but she was only mentioning Hungary in front of the guests.

As the stones got collected, I showed them into the vault, and shadow walked us back.

- This ability of yours is soo cool - said Raymond immediately as we appeared back in the city center. - Can you move anywhere with it?

- No. I can only go to the marked spots, or in short-range around myself - I explained.

- Hey, guys, how about we have a talk alongside some beer? - proposed Nil.

- That sounds great - said Russ.

- You guys go ahead, but I and Peter need to finish few things - said Will, and grabbed my shoulder, giving me a sign its time to evacuate, and let the rest of our crew finish the work.

- Yeah - I agreed, after looking at him once.

We left the group, as they headed towards the pub. We kept silent until we reached the alleys further, which was enough distance that none of them would hear us. I noticed Kim Eun-seok and two members of sparkle actually splitting from the group. They probably had to go, since they were leaving the Arc later on that day.

- I think we got them - said Will.

- You sure? - I asked, not convinced enough.

- We just need to make sure some comments appear on their channels, and I\'m sure the speculations will explode. From that its just a matter of time before the whole world can talk only about that. It\'s like a domino.

- Well... If you are right, we should start thinking of making some preparations.

- Yeah... As soon as those guys are gone I\'m not leaving the woods for a month.

- Sure... By the way, what I should do with all the crystals we collected.

- Oh... Just drop them here, I\'ll take care of them.

- You are gonna use them aren\'t you?

He just smiled at me. I personally didn\'t really care, since for me such a number of points wasn\'t meaning much, but it wasn\'t really fair towards the others, but I wasn\'t going to play a lawyer. I just left the stones in the alley.

Then we shook hands. To be honest I was a bit hungry since I only ate breakfast and had few beers so I ended up going home after doing some shopping, to have a meal with Sudarshana and work some more on the translation. We were slowly finishing that book.

A book that would change a lot for the whole world, since it was the first one ever to be written by a non-human.

The long and tiring day came to an end with 24 360 120 points remaining on my account, and 21 class points.

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