Another Stupid Isekai

Chapter 490

Just after a couple of hours of sleep, I woke up next to Sudarshana. She was completely out, but I still did my best to not make any noise, dress, and go out to prepare breakfast for us. Eating cold pizza from yesterday didn\'t sound very romantic. I had to swing by the device to get the ingredients, though.

I made pancakes with fresh fruits and chocolate sauce, some coffee, and also prepared orange juice.

I took my time with decorations, knowing that she will want as much time in bed as possible. I would even live here there for the whole day, but she still had work, so that wasn\'t an option knowing her.

I tried using words, at first but since she didn\'t react I came closer to gently touch her shoulder.

- It\'s time to wake up - I said.

She mumbled something in response that I didn\'t understand, and started moving in the sheets. She turned around, groaning, tried to cover her head with a pillow, but eventually got up, looking at me.

The cover slid off her torso, revealing ripe brests. She noticed me staring, as I stepped back a few steps to give her more space, and she immediately covered herself up, embarrassed.

I couldn\'t help but smile.

- The breakfast is ready. I\'ll be waiting in the kitchen.

- Ok - she said, avoiding my eyes.

As I left the room, she quickly rushed to dress. I could hear the rustle that she made very clear. She got outside shortly after and joined me at the table with a bit more confidence. We ate, glancing at each other without any words, and when we finished, I finally spoke:

- I want to show you something.

- What? - she asked, with a cup of hot coffee in her hands.

- Follow me - I said, standing up.

She followed me, drinking on the way since she needed the caffeine to be able to work through the day.

I took her to the basement and showed her the bookshelves filled with alien literature.

Most of the things were located further inside, at the back wall, with a desk, shelves, and blackboard. In front on the side were just the table and few chairs. I mainly put it there in case if I ever wanted to eat down there. To separate food from the work.

She stepped inside, looking carefully around.

- Are those...

- Yes. The book I\'ve been mentioning. I\'m working on translating some of them. It\'s still in the very early stages, but I want to do it, so others can learn from my work.

She rushed further and left the cup on the desk. I followed her.

- It\'s amazing - she said, but couldn\'t take her eyes off the titles.

She finally did it after a moment and looked straight at me.

- Can I...

I just nodded, smiling. She took one from the shelf and went through the pages.

- Incredible - she whispered with amazement painted all over her face. - Can I... Can I help you somehow?

- Well... I\'ll think of a way - I smiled at her.

I had plenty of ideas she could help me with, but none of them actually involved translating anything. Telling her that thought wasn\'t a good idea, so I kept my mouth shut, pretending that I have to think this through.

We spend few long minutes there, as she went through few books, and asked me a couple of questions about the Bahumdabars\' language. I answered to the best of my ability, but we had to stop since she needed to go to work.

I gave her a lift, and then myself went to Hatta\'s office, to drop the list. I bumped into Will in the corridor, so we went together.

We caught the leader of Wuxia in the middle of talking with Amit.

- Hi. We came to drop the papers - I informed them.

- I just dropped mine - said the lieutenant, pointing at the desk.

I went there, to have a look at his. There was nothing circled, underlined, or marked in another way.

- Nothing, huh? - I asked.

- Yeah. I don\'t want a bunch of wannabe stars, or idols running around. This is not a place for them - he explained.

I shrugged my shoulders, and put my papers on top of his. He came closer to have a look.

- Wow...

- I gave the list to Tihana, and she did all of this - I explained.

- Sure, sure - he said with a smile.

- Excuse me - said Will, as he came to drop his list as well.

There were multiple circles on his too.

- You worked on this together? - asked Amit, not trying to hide how funny he found this whole situation.

- I gave my list to Dustin - explained Will.

Then Aisha entered the room.

- Hi, what are you talking about, guys? - she asked.

- We just came to leave our lists, and Amit is celebrity shaming us - said Will.

- Oh...

Aisha looked at the list in her hand, folded it inhale, and came closer, to put it on the table. I noticed a smirk on Amit\'s face, as he moved to check how many people and groups she marked.

- Don\'t you dare - she warned him.

He retreated immediately, but with a triumphant smile on his face.

- I like famous people, and there is nothing wrong with that - sie pointed, out, and then left us.

- You heard her? - sadi Will. - Nothing wrong with that. And, for the record, it was my son, not me.

Then he also left. Amit laughed our eyes, met as I was about to follow Will.

- Tihana, not me  - I said to him.

- Yeah, sure. Whatever you say - he replied holding another outburst of laughter.

I left them and went to get some work done in my basement. I spent the rest of my time writing my story and translating Bahumdabars\' literature. There was more than plenty of work with that.

The day came to an end with 24 346 960 points remaining on my account, and 21 class points.

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