Another Stupid Isekai

Chapter 430

Agent Zander and Aisha packed themselves first thing in the morning. Tihana was pretty much packed from the day of her arrival, so we just ate breakfast, and then went to the cars.

I learned that the reporters were basically parked in the hotel\'s vicinity for the whole time, but the CIA made them go away, so we didn\'t have anybody taking pictures of us in our faces.

We got in the cars and drove straight to the airport, then after a moment of annoying bureaucracy, which Zander took on himself, we got to the plane.

- Holy shit! - Tihana kept saying.

She looked at the interior of the jet in full amazement, with both mouth and eyes wide open.

- I can\'t believe I\'m flying a freaking private jet - she continued.

Aisha pulled her to the couch on the side and sat down.

- Ok, calm down a bit. It\'s just a plane. Trust me, you will be seeing way more crazy things from now on.

Tihana nodded but still kept looking curiously around. Then the crew reintroduced themselves. It was the same people from our first flight. We departed shortly after.

The flight was quite long and in many aspects identical to the first one. When we landed it was actually the next day in India. The assistants were waiting for us at the airport, and they helped with the paperwork. Then we all finally drove to Dwarka and the portal.

We crossed it. Arriving in Ark sometime after the midday. We went straight to the offices in the portal hall to get Tihana the necessary badges for a visitor. Then she finally could walk through the cobblestone alleys.

We split, since Aisha had the stuff to catch up in Velvet Lotus, Zander wanted to talk with the troops, and my new fake daughter was tired out of her mind, and horribly jet-lagged. I took her to my room in the barracks, and myself went to visit Hatta.

The guards didn\'t even try to stop me. He was in his office, sitting behind the desk. The room was a bit renovated, without the old olive lamps everywhere. He now had proper electric lights.

- Peter. Good to see you back, you just returned?

- Yeah. I need to talk with you about few matters.

- Ok. Have a seat - he invited me to take the chair, with a gesture of a hand.

I came closer, pulled it, and sat down.

- I made several deals with the CIA to help Will, and also... Other stuff.

I kinda felt like telling him that I adopted somebody, was not really gonna lead to a discussion I wanted to have after a long journey.

- I hope you didn\'t do anything stupid - he just pointed out.

- No. I just have to deliver them some crystals, and magic weapons. Let\'s call it a starter kit for this place.

- How many crystals?

- Ten million points worth.

- That\'s a lot, but I guess it\'s worth it if William will have his son back - he said resting his elbows on the desk, and briding the fingers in front of his mouth.

- There is also one more thing. They want us to vote for opening a portal to America.

- Did you agree to vote yes?

- No. I agreed to make this vote happen.

- Then let\'s vote. Even if both Will and Aisha say yes, we have a majority. Nobody else will agree to this.

- Both Will and Aisha already told me they won\'t say yes. So we don\'t have to worry about this, but there is still one more thing. I agreed to open the portal even if one person among us will say yes.

He immediately facepalmed.

- Are you stupid, Peter? Why would you agree to such a dumb idea?

- I needed to do this in exchange for something...

- For what? Can you explain to me what was so damn important to you?

- I adopted a homeless kid.

- What now?! - he shouted, and stood up.

Then he took a short stroll around his office. I patiently waited for him to calm down, and return. He didn\'t. He kept walking around.

- What the hell were you thinking?! Now we might have to open it if anybody has a change of mind. Do you realize that people have families out there, and they could be bought or blackmailed?

He kinda made me feel ashamed and stupid about the decision I made. It was actually kinda selfish, but I thought we can pull this off. I really believed that.

- There was a kid that needed to be saved, and when I agreed I was confident we will be unanimous.

- You could just bring her here, couldn\'t you? Why do even strike the deal? This was stupid, Peter.

- Ok, maybe it was! - I snapped. - But what\'s done is done. Now we need to make sure everything is put in order and have a vote before they can pull anything on us.

- That\'s something I can actually agree with - he said, and sat on the corner of his desk. - Can you contact Will? We should gather everybody today, have the agent come by to witness it, and just do it.

- One problem. Nobody else won\'t be able to hear him, besides me...

- Oh fuck! Fine, let\'s vote first thing after his return, and make sure before, that we all are on the same page.

- Why? It doesn\'t change anything. They can confirm with him later. It\'s just one phone call.

- No. This gives them the opportunity to do something, that will make him change his mind, and then you will go there and start swinging. We don\'t need any more trouble than we have right now.

I couldn\'t argue with his logic. I really would go there, and start swinging.

- Ok, fine. It\'s been a long day for me. I need some rest - I lied to him.

I needed to be alone for a moment, and digest the mess I made myself. I left and found myself a roof to hide on, and think.

That double day came to an end with 3 541 029 points remaining on my account, and 20 class points.

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