Another Stupid Isekai

Chapter 294

Opening the door revealed a chamber lighted up by the same olive lamps I noticed on the walls of the staircase. The chamber itself was relatively empty except for the two coffins made out of stone in the center. There were also two pathways on the left and right, leading to a corridor, lighted in an identical way. I noticed more of those chambers at both ends.

I picked right and slowly walked there, paying attention to my surroundings, becoming as careful as I could. As I entered the second chamber I noticed there is a pathway on the left, leading forward to a giant hall supported by many pillars reaching around five meters, to the ceiling.

Those were very decorative, with olive lamps embedded in them on all four surfaces. With reliefs showing an army of skeletons climbing over one another, carved all around. It made me wary so I looked for movement, and then I saw skeletal soldiers in damaged, corroded pieces of armors, jagged, broken swords and axes, with shields full of stuck-in arrows, slowly leaving their tombs in the walls of the chamber. Those looked more like shelves, and there were plenty of them stacked on top of one another.

"Time to fight", I thought to myself and rushed inside. The hall was at least a few hundreds meter long, which meant there were plenty of those creatures. I reinforced my body with ki, just shadow walked to the closest group and started swinging. Their weapons were surprisingly though. I had to use \'Empowered body\' to be able to cut through those easily.

The battle was crazy. Although they could only scratch me, I wasn\'t taking any chances and did my best to avoid any hits, which meant I had to reposition a lot. Unfortunately with a horde of undead soldiers, there was just not enough space around to use shadow walk, so I had to jump from pillar to pillar, to make it. This prolonged the whole thing. It took around an hour, or maybe two to clean the chamber.

All the fighting made me hungry, so I returned to Ki\'rai, waiting in the first room, and from there did a little jump to the city to get us food. I told her about the battle as we ate because she kept asking. She really seemed to be interested in becoming a hunter, like me.

With a full stomach, I felt her and continued the exploration. At the end of the big hall, there was a short corridor, leading towards a set of chambers. Those were a bit different from the previous ones, as I noticed immediately blue light, which was illuminating them.

The first ones were empty but the deeper ones had sets of coffins, standing straight, with skeletons covered in spiderweb. They all had dried skin on their faces, that was holding their jaws together, although still open. I noticed old robes, dark in coloration. Each had a little crown made of blackened metal and a scepter made out of the same material.

I only did a single step forward, and they all moved. The fight was on. I rushed towards the first ones, just be blasted in the face by ice shards, out of nowhere. Then a gigantic block appeared over my head, and I had to evacuate, but there was no time of stopping, and even thinking, as more flying ice came my way.

I escaped to the previous chamber and hid behind the wall on the left side of the passage. Ice shards and snow just poured out after me, covering the floor. I felt the cold breeze, leaving goosebumps on my skin.

- Fuck - escaped my mouth.

I couldn\'t even close the distance. There were so many of them that the barrage of ice was simply hard to go past. The shards themselves were not doing much damage to me, but I was still worrying about the frostbite. I thought about how to solve the problem for a few seconds, but since nothing good popped up in my head I just decided to push through.

I bolted outside, shadow walking left and right to make it more difficult to aim, but they didn\'t really care and just kept sending more and more frost my way. I could feel it accumulating on my body, and freezing me, but somehow I survived the blizzard and got in arm reach of the skeletons, then just started swinging.

Their defenses were terrible, but as they didn\'t really care about themselves, more ice went my way, and I had to shadow walk into relative safety. I couldn\'t stop moving, because those assholes would just freeze me to death. That was not the end of bad news, as the skeletons themselves didn\'t seem to be bothered by ice.

A couple of them got hit directly by that ice magic, but it seemed like it didn\'t do any damage, except covering them with frost.

- Fuck it - I said again, and activated \'Shadow fusion\'.

With a drastic increase in my speed, I managed to jump in the middle of one group, and demolished them, then shadow walked away, and again in, to get another group. With fewer and fewer mages the fight became way easier. Unfortunately for me, there were more coming from other chambers.

The situation wasn\'t terrible, but it wasn\'t good either. The mind controllers from the lizard territory caught me off-guard, but here the problem was just the overwhelming firepower of their magic. My body could take it, but not forever.

I tried my best to avoid as much damage as possible, and eventually took them down, but by the time I was finished, my teeth were chattering on their own, and I was straight up shivering from cold. I immediately used some fire magic, to heat myself, up, and slowly went to Ki\'rai.. I needed some rest for sure, but more than that, I wasn\'t even sure if I should try to fight the boss in my current state.

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