Another Stupid Isekai

Chapter 141

The day began very early in the morning. I started by gathering people, then we proceeded with buying supplies. They were not happy that I woke them so early, but I already declared I will yesterday, so they just had to deal with it. There was nobody else in the city center at this hour, so we had the device just for ourselves.

We filled the carts to the brim and departed. My plan was crazy, but I didn\'t give them a choice. We were to reach the canyon before the dark and made it all the way to the first safe spot, then camp there.

From the very beginning, the tempo was high. We were basically half running there with only short breaks for food and other physical needs. Pushing through the goblin territory didn\'t even slow us, as my new shadow friends were more than enough for the task.

They were a surprise for others, but they didn\'t complain upon witnessing how helpful they were in clearing the path ahead of us.

I observed something interesting in their way of fighting. They were primal and very brutal. Like mad animals. Like they had this unsatisfied need to inflict pain. Seemed like a nice tool to scare people off. I was definitely gonna use that some time. How little did I know back then...

We reached the canyon eventually. The timing seemed right, although some of my companions were tired already. I cleared the group of orcs at the bottom, and we started to move the carts. It was actually a solid bit of rest since we finally slowed down.

Then we took it a bit easier reaching the destination shortly after dark. We had to fight with some orcs on the way, but with a few torches and me in the action, it wasn\'t that difficult.

Then we set up a camp. It so happened that Will brought few bottles of beer, so we gathered in a circle in the dark, sitting straight on still-warm sand, and drank it all, talking about incoming battles, and the overall future.

Everybody was full of hope for the things that were to come. Then the conversation turned on classes, and a heated discussion began. Midnight clearly wanted to become a proper mage. He strengthened his fire to the point it could be really useful in a fight now, or at least that was what he thought.

Martin just couldn\'t agree with him saying that there is nothing better than a show of strength. Then he added some bullshit about the connection with the opponent whom you are facing. It quickly became a joke, but Nobuo actually seemed to agree.

On the other hand, Borsi just couldn\'t stop laughing about it.

- You should exchange numbers with those orcs, or invite them to a party, he he he.

- Live him alone - said Hailwic, but she was also smiling. - Let\'s better ask Peter what he thinks, he has the most classes of us all.

- Yeah, Peter. Those new shadows of yours don\'t seem too useful - said Nil.

- Bad investment - I replied. - Happens.

- And how much exactly was that investment? - asked Boris.

- Eleven and around half a million points...

- Rahahahahaha! - He just exploded in laughter.

Few people followed, but rather discrete. At least they tried to hide those laughs.

- Shut up, or you will get some orcs to come here.

- Sorry Peter, but that\'s just too funny. Eleven... I will never get over this. Ha ha!

- It can happen, especially when we don\'t really know what we are picking - said Will. - We should start collecting intel through people to understand those skills better, so we don\'t repeat the same mistakes.

- That\'s a good idea - Ryuu suddenly joined the conversation.

He was a silent type, alongside Hideaki, but that was because his English was bad. Otis was fluent.

- There is somebody already working on that, although she is hesitant to share - Hailwic pointed out.

- Who? - I asked immediately, curious about the informations I could get from that person.

- Marcella. She comes to Velvet Lotus from time to time, flirts with guys, and when they tell her what she wants, she just leaves - She clearly found it funny, a wide grin indicated that.

- Maybe we can exchange some informations with her? - proposed Will. - We all have a few class combinations.

- How about we do a show of hands right here, right now? - asked Nil, looking at me and William. - You guys for sure have some combinations.

- Only crusader. That\'s a hospilaler and fighter combination.

- I have a shadow soldier and shadow baron. Both out of your reach as you need a shadow walker first.

- I have the enlightened blade and wind blade - said Nobuo. - They are a combination of monk and fighter, and air elementalist and fighter.

- Wind blade - said Ryuu.

Hideaki said something to Otis in Japanese. I didn\'t understand at first, but then my linguist class kicked in. He was asking what exactly we are talking about, and then also said:

- Enlightened blade.

Which Ryuu then translated to English. I could understand them both. The conversation probably would go on, but we had some uninvited guests.

The noises coming out of our camp lured some orcs, so we had to grab some weapons and fight. It was an easy, and quick battle despite the night surrounding the whole canyon, as Midnight brought us some light with his flames.

When we were finished, everybody looked at Boris, as he was probably the cause of this with his loud laughter.

- Sorry - he just mumbled.

- We should go to sleep anyway. Tomorrow will be a tough day. We should at least try to get near the orc camp - Nobuo pointed out.

- Yeah - I agreed. - I\'ll go and set up some barriers just in case.

With those words, I left, but not too far, and did what I said. It took several minutes. Upon my return, everybody was already lying down, so I found a good spot for myself and also went to sleep.

The day came to an end with 652 521 points remaining on my account, and some crystals on our carts that we collected on the way.

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