The Sage Who Transcended Samsara

Chapter 968: Night Emperor’s Weird Request

Chapter 968: Night Emperor’s Weird Request

Translator: Larbre Studio Editor: Larbre Studio

“Night Emperor. Your highness,” seeing the man in white sitting down at flowers stage, visitors all saluting to him. Some cupped one hand in the other before one’s chest. Some saluted with great admiration, some with fear. Meng Qi stood among them and stared at this legendary Night Emperor.

He assumed that the florist outside was the real Night Emperor, the one sitting inside right now was just a body double. But this young man in white moved with a reserved and casual manner. He laughed a lot and liked to enjoy himself. If he did not meet florist outside, he might not doubt about him.

Night Emperor Huo Lishang shook his hand and smiled, “Just now I was worried that no one could accompany me to enjoy all these delicious food and wine. And now I see you guys here. Make yourself at home. Tonight there is no gentle and simple. We are all friends.”

The woman sitting behind him had an exquisite beautiful face and figure. She let Huo Lishang lying in her bosom and was peeling longan. She put the peeled fresh longan into his mouth gently with affection.

Huo Lishang looked at the woman gently with love as if he was looking at some rare treasure in the world.

Besides them, a girl in fresh green clothes was making tea. Her eyes and eyebrows were as pretty as paintings. A natural beauty who was as pure as white lilies. Another beautiful girl with apple check who held the sword in her bosom was pouring drinks. The former was so charming in every movement. The latter was sweet and lively. Both are rare beauties with talents, just like the very first girl who held Huo Lishang close in her bosom. Huo Lishang looked at them with the same affection, airy, and artistic in an unconscious way.

The guests including Meng Qi sat down one by one with girls as pretty as flowers attending by their sides. There was a pleasing scent given off in the whole space like silk.

The Night Emperor lifted his glass and smiled, “Dragon Blood Burning Sun Liquor, a unique formulation from ancient times. I accidently obtained a jar of dragon blood and mixed 365 exotic flowers and rare herbs in it. I then kept it for nine years and then another 9 years to put it in ice spirit cellar. Now it’s finally complete. It’s good for curing disease, increasing blood and energy, activating acupuncture points, practicing Form. It could reinforce vital energy but don’t drink too much.”

He explained without showing off.

The guests only heard of the liquor in stories but never saw it before. They lifted their glasses passionately.

“Salute to the Night Emperor.”

Warm blood liquor went through throats but a feeling being burned entered to guests’ stomach from throat. Meng Qi definitely benefited from drinking it even at his current level and realm. A great liquor with pleasing scent and sweetness.

The Night Emperor kept smiling and casually drank the tea handed from girl in green. He pointed to the dish on the table of white meat and said, “This crab lived for over one hundred years and hurt many people. I sent men to catch it. Its meat was fresh and crunchy, very rare too.”


He behaved like a welcoming host introducing every dish to his guests in a calm tone. The guests were all very impressed with his unique manner and style.

Meng Qi made himself at home and tasted the delicious meal, meanwhile pitying that the little foodie was not here.

After tasting nine different liquors with different functions. Many guests felt tipsy and the banquet climbed to its climax. They started wondering whether the Emperor would help someone to realize their dreams.

After watching a marvelous dancing performance. The Night Emperor clapped his hands and hinted at the dancers leaving the stage. He then smiled to the guests who looked at him with expectations and said, “Many thanks to you all. I had a great time tonight. And now I would like to pick one guest and help him to fulfill one wish.”

The hall quieted down instantly. One could only hear heartbeats. Except for Meng Qi, everyone was hoping to be picked by the Night Emperor.

“You, come here,” Huo Lishang pointed to the guest sitting next to Meng Qi.

The guest was a chubby man with pale skin. He walked towards the Night Emperor with great joy, staggering between tables. He kneeled down and said:

“Hei Gu from Wu Fang Island is going to ruin my business. Can you please stop him?”

The Night Emperor kept smiling and turned around, looking at the sweet girl, “Yunyue, write a letter for me and send it to Hei Gu.”

“Such minor stuff you just need to pass a message. Hei Gu would not dare to go against your order,” the sweet young girl said with a duck face.

Such authority of Dharmakaya, such power!

Huo Lishang laughed and said, “You are just being lazy. Sure, whatever, as long as you help this friend to get what he wants.”

The guest kowtowed and went back to his table. Meng Qi heard his mind saying:

“Why, I’m so stupid. Why not directly ask the Night Emperor to take me as his disciple. Hei Gu would never dare to be enemy with the Night Emperor’s disciple.”

“And I’ll gain much more by this kind of relationship.”

“I’m stupid, stupid...”

Huo Lishang seemed to get tired. He turned around at another girl and said, “Youhu, show our guests to the door.”

Youhu put down the teapot and stood up. She instructed attendants to guide the guests in an elegant manner. The sudden banquet ended. To most of the guests, everything tonight was like a dream but they did gain something.

Meng Qi followed others and stepped out of the hall. He’s back in the flower garden again. Someone came close to him, the florist with passion and love towards everything.

“How was it?” the florist asked in a low voice.

Meng Qi smiled and answered, “Fake can never be compared to the authentic.”

The florist gave a pure smile like a child and asked, “How do you know?”

He did not deny nor did he try to pretend. He was the real Night Emperor Huo Lishang!

“The one inside tried to mimic your manner and behavior but his affection towards the world was more like a normal person. He did not have that strong passion towards life, that obsessiveness to light.” Meng Qi did not look at the florist. He enjoyed the view of fresh flowers decorating this brilliant ship.

The florist, real Night Emperor looked at Youhu with his eyes lit up. He then smiled and said, “Youhu was like an orchid with nine petals, blooming quietly. I enjoyed looking at her and appreciating her beauty.”

Then he pointed to the gentle girl the fake Night Emperor relied on and smiled, “Liushang, her appearance and temperament were as gentle as water. With her accompanying by the side, one could be relieved from all troubles. But the best thing about her was that gentle appearance was only her façade. Under that cover, she had a very jealousy heart and always thinks about trapping other women such as Yunyue. At that moment, she was like a burning sun.”

“Xiapei, charming on the outside, shy and conservative inside. She opened her heart slowly and that makes her so beautiful...”

“Yunyue, sweet and naughty. To be together with her, one can easily forget about all the worries. She’s like a flower blooming when she gets angry...”

He introduced these girls one by one with admiration and interests. Then he said, “One could only forget about tragic departure when he learned how to enjoy and appreciate the beauty of every moment and everything.”

Meng Qi felt curious and strange talking to such a person for the first time. He asked on purpose, “Mr. Lishang, why did you hire a fake one?”

The fake Night Emperor was enjoying attended by four girls. He played with them naturally and did not see himself as body double at all.

The florist Huo Lishang bathed in moonlight and said, “The priority of my life is to experience as much as possible and enjoy beautiful things. That’s why I invited those I met by accident to the banquet and fulfill their wishes. I want to give different experiences to different people and see their life blooming.”

“A few years ago, I had an idea. Why not have myself to experience other people’s lives? Therefore I found him and asked him whether he was willing to exchange identity and become the Night Emperor.”

“This fake one used to be a florist at Rosy Cloud Island. He lived with his parents, wife and children. A simple and honest man. I’m curious how an average man live his life therefore I invited him to exchange his identity with me.”

“A florist’s life was indeed very simple, but beautiful too. I’ve seen flowers blooming, a serious but caring father, a mother who lived his son so much but like to quarrel with daughter in law, a wife not so pretty but interesting, and a cute child who liked to cry all the time. I then understood that a normal life enquired careful calculation of money, fighting with colleagues, etc. All these were very interesting and full of fun. I did not grow tired of it even after half a year.”

Meng Qi frowned. The Night Emperor’s ideas and behavior was a bit unique and rebellious. He then asked, “You now become a florist for the Night Emperor. Are you planning to return to your identity of the Night Emperor after this journey?”

Lishang nodded slightly and said, “I did not get tired but I’m afraid that he would be completely addicted to his fake identity of the Night Emperor and would not be able to return to his normal life. Therefore I planned to exchange back identities after arriving Frost Sea and Northern Star World and then send him back to Rosy Cloud Island. But I met you here. What a shame, he has to leave early.”

Me? Why is that? Meng Qi was confused. Huo Lishang shook his robe and he returned to his original look and appearance. Then he strode into the hall.

The fake Night Emperor lying together with Liushang and Xiapei was surprised to see him. He pointed at Huo Lishang and stammered, “You, you...”

Huo Lishang smiled,

“Game is over.”

He stretched his hand towards the fake one’s face and snatched a transparent mask. The imposing manner disappeared.

The one who was smiling and helping people to fulfill their wishes suddenly became a normal man. He shouted with disappointment and despair, “I, I’m the Night Emperor. I am the Night Emperor.”

He turned around and looked at Liushang and Xiapie and shouted, “Liushang, Xiapei, I’m the Night Emperor!”

The two girls did not cast another glance over him as if he did not exist. And they walked towards the real Night Emperor with arms open.

“A day together as husband and wife means endless devotion the rest of your life. You two, how can you treat me like this? Leave me alone. I’m the Night Emperor,” the fake one was arrested by attendants and kept crying out loud, unwilling to wake up from this beautiful dream and return to his normal life.

Liushang and Xiapei held the real Night Emperor’s arms back to the flowers stage. He turned around facing Meng Qi and sat down. His eyes were bright and full of affection to all the beautiful things.

From now on he was back to the Night Emperor again.

He looked at the fake one leaving and exclaimed, “He declined my request at the very beginning. But after I let him experience my life for a few days, he agreed.”

“To exchange identity means to exchange everything. During this half year, all my concubines and subordinates belonged to him. He could make any decision as he wished and enjoyed everything I used to have. The only difference is that I can only use this Infinitely Changing mask to provide him limited power. Therefore he better not get in any fight with other Dharmakaya.”

So the imposing manner that fake one had come from this mask... Meng Qi thought.

Huo Lishang’s smile was honest. He continued, “Since I take the whole thing seriously, I of course granted him the right to flirt with Liushang and Xiapei and even have sex with any one of the girls. And they should obey his order just like they obeyed mine. And he could spend as much money as he wanted, giving orders to the seven seas and control other’s fate. I would take responsibility for everything he did without regrets.”

This meant that one really had the identity of the Night Emperor.

Meng Qi looked up at Liushang and Xiapei and found their faces blush.

How peculiar... Meng Qi thought. The perfectionist was usually a pervert. Though Meng Qi respected Mister Luda, he saw his consistency as a pervert, too.

“You enjoyed your exchange life. But have you ever considered about these girls’ feelings? And your subordinates?” Meng Qi asked bluntly.

The Night Emperor laughed and looked at two girls with passion and appreciation, “They enjoyed it, too. It is boring to always be together with the same person. They enjoyed themselves seeing an average man started to enjoy life as the Night Emperor and fell in love with them.”

Liu Shang cried and said, “We did not!”

Xia Pei bit her lips slightly and her eyes watered, “We did it because we wanted to satisfy you and fulfill you wish to have a perfect exchange life. How can you say we enjoyed it.”

Huo Lishang smiled and said, “You are right. It’s my fault. I forced you to accept it.”

“I would do everything for you,” Liushang said in a gentle tone. And then she suddenly blushed and lowered her head down.

Xiapei wrung her hands and then said in a low voice, “We would be happy if you are happy.”

The Night Emperor said nothing more and looked at Meng Qi with smile, “Rare beauties in the world with both wisdom and beauty, with different personalities and charm. Subordinates all over the seven seas, some tough, some smart, ask them in whichever way and they would just follow the Emperor’s order without complaints. Treasure of all islands with different pills and medicine. The top position of authority and power that would have chiefs of island salute with fear, the most beautiful girls flattering you and you will have the most powerful friends...”

“This is the identity of the Night Emperor. Not only the florist was addicted to it, a guru could not resist it, too. No one, during these years, could leave it behind with no sad feelings.”

“Why are you saying all these?” Meng Qi asked, feeling a sudden jolt.

Huo Lishang smiled and said, “You could tell the difference between real and fake. It means that you are one of the top players. If so, I should have heard about your name. You hide yourself in ships but you are not injured. You concealed your fame and ability because you had your own intentions.”

“The ship started from Chang Hua Island to Island of Ten Magnificence. A few days ago, the chief Qu Baimei in Chang Hua Island was killed together with his whole family. And before that Yin Feilong, ambassador of Heavenly Way Alliance visited Qu Baimei.”

Then he gave a fox smile and said, “Most importantly, I knew a secret that Qu Baimei was related with a secret organization in the past.”

“So, are you one of the members sent from that secret organization to investigate the death of Qu Baimei?”

Huo Lishang was able to make such detailed assumptions by just talking to him for a few minutes. No wonder he became the Night Emperor... Meng Qi was surprised and then said calmly, “You think too much.”

“I do not think so,” Huo Lishang said confidently. “I’m very interested in your identity as a member of the secret organization and I want to experience your life. Of course, I will help you to investigate the death of Qu Baimei and find out the killer and his intentions behind it.”

He stared right into Meng Qi’s eyes with passion towards life and said, “And you become the Night Emperor!”

“Beauties, strong subordinates, treasures, top position, and power, all these will belong to you and let you experience a completely different beautiful life.”

“You mean to exchange our identity?” Meng Qi asked, trying to stay calm.

Me become the Night Emperor?

With a second thought, it can help me to conceal my real identity and use his huge network of connections to investigate the relationship between Baimei and Golden Turtle Island. Nobody will know that the Night Emperor is Heavenly Lord Yuanshi from Fairy World.

And Huo Lishang will take full responsibility of everything I do in his identity. But of course, I do not know if he would be capable to shoulder all those responsibilities...

The question is whether Huo Lishang is simply doing this for fun or have other intentions?

Huo Lishang nodded with a smile,

“Yes, to exchange our identity. You wear this infinite changing mask and I will provide power through it and let you become the Night Emperor. You will enjoy all I have, my position and my power.”

He said in a firm tone as he believed that Meng Qi could not resist it. Except for Dharmakaya, few people could resist such a request, especially for men. Some men might not be interested in women, some fortune, some power and position, but no one would like none of them.

Most importantly, he could use all his connections and power during exchange to make one’s life easier even after it ended.

Meng Qi pondered and then nodded, “Sure. Let’s do it.”

Huo Lishang laughed and then gave the mask to Meng Qi.

“From now on, you are the Night Emperor!”

“And I am?”

Meng Qi smiled and said:

“Lord Taiyi Han Guang.”

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