My Fate System

Chapter 130 - A Monster's Grasp

[Character name: Edward Ver Rosia.]

[Fate Meter: +63.]

[Relationship: Neutral, Interest.]

Nikolai read the first entry, and the confirmation of his doubt came like a crushing mountain. The man sitting next to him was none other than the king\'s advisor and brother. He was known as one of the greatest minds in existence, a strategist who led the Rosia kingdom to victory.

[Character Name: Maria Ver Rosia.]

[Fate Meter: +65.]

[Relationship: Amiable.]

As for the second character, Nikolai didn\'t need to read the entry to know she was one of the king\'s children, the person later to be known as Saint Maria.

\'And here it is, the person with the biggest character development,\' Nikolai glanced at the princess who was talking sweetly to the kid next to her. As he glanced at the kid, he realized it must be the youngest prince, the one who would die in the coup.

The curse of knowing the future is that even if he knew that this prince would die a horrific death, he didn\'t know if he should change that fate. After all, even disregarding whether he could or not, there was no telling whether his actions would bring a worse fate.

\'Well, that will be far into the future,\' Nikolai didn\'t know how things would turn out later on. After all, he didn\'t plan on leaving the kingdom fall into the hands of Valkyrie.

After all, she was the reason Nikolai suffered so much at the academy and the army. He has yet to know her motives or the \'origins\' that she spoke of, but he didn\'t care. No matter what those reasons were, Nikolai would never forgive her.

\'Nor do I plan on letting her become a Lord of this domain,\' Nikolai resolved as the carriage came to a stop in a busy street. The yet-to-be Saint Maria was looking at the busy street with fascination.

"I believe now is the time that we part ways," Nikolai said as he was about to stand up and get off. However, Princess Maria hurried to grab his arm.

"Wait!" she held onto his forearm, and Nikolai almost yanked his arm away. However, she released it before he lost control. "I believe that someone who has seen both kingdoms and who knows this much is a great fit to prove that peace can be attained."

"You want me to be evidence of peace?" Nikolai almost laughed at her words. This was the first time he heard such a thing. In his past, he was one of Lilith\'s generals, and his existence resonated with death. Yet, here it was, a moment where a saint believes of such.

"Oh boy, she might not be capable of taking the mockery in your voice," Edward smiled as he adjusted his glasses. "And are you going to erect a pedestal for him to tell of his lies– ahem, tales?"

\'No need to act like it slipped, old monster,\' Nikolai rolled his eyes at the cunning fox. However, this man was on his side and would allow him to get out of the carriage faster.

Saint Maria was disheartened, and she kept her head low, downcast at the rejection of her idea. Nikolai wanted to know how she thought it would play any differently.

"However," Edward started, and Nikolai knew he was going to make an offer. "It would be best for both of us if you kept us company until we reach the Rosia Kingdom. I\'m sure that you have lost your father\'s merchant permit, right?"

Nikolai could almost see the man holding back his laughter. He had no idea how he saw through his lies, but that fact made this man extremely dangerous. Yet, Nikolai didn\'t think he was scheming anything against him.

\'Maybe a scheme to teach his disciple,\' Nikolai glanced at the princess, whose expression grew brighter at the approval of her master.

"I believe that someone with your insight and goals is fit to deliver a message of peace to the people. That\'s why I want you to be my retainer and accompany to convince the nobles that the Bestial Kingdom is no different than Rosia."

  "You are giving too much information, my foolish disciple," Edward sighed, thinking that Nikolai didn\'t know his identity. "However, I also think that\'s a lovely idea. At least, he would make sure that other nobles don\'t fool you."

Nikolai suddenly felt chills running down his spine. A retainer of Saint Maria? A messenger of peace? If this was some sick nightmare, Nikolai wanted it to end.

\'What dogshit luck do I have to encounter this person here and for her to choose me as a retainer?\'

"Don\'t look like you ate something nasty," Edward smirked cunningly. "You can still refuse. We aren\'t forcing you to do anything. But, of course, I would be curious about your reasons and identity. That would be all, though."

\'You scheming bastard,\' Nikolai knew he was being threatened. If this man truly set his eyes on him, Nikolai would have to flee the city and never return. No, he would need to never set foot in the Rosia Kingdom.

Nikolai knew these two were good people, as he knew of their plans and characters. Furthermore, his system already had their fate meters as +63 and +65. So there was no doubt that they didn\'t mean any harm, but Nikolai didn\'t want to be with them.

"I would have to refuse that offer, as much as it humbles me. I believe some people are a better fit for this role than I am, as I am nothing but a lowly peasant."

"Your ability to reject people without making them feel offended is another covetable asset," Edward pondered before he turned toward Nikolai again. "I\'ll also give you a monthly salary of one hundred golds. If you refuse, I\'ll have to believe that you are a criminal of some sort."

"Master!" Saint Maria was shocked by his words as the man stopped being implicit about his threats. Nikolai gritted his teeth as he let go of the handle before he sighed and smiled.

"I have nothing to hide, Advisor Edward," Nikolai sat back down with the brightest smile as he looked at the man who raised his brows. "My father described you vividly, so I made my guesses, and your expression confirms them."

"You are an interesting seedling," Edward grinned, showing his canines as he pointed at his disciple. "Do you know who she is, then?"

"There is only one disciple of the greatest strategist to live," Nikolai placed his hand on his heart and bowed. "It is a pleasure to meet you, Princess Maria."

"Oh," the princess seemed confused about how fast the events took a turn, but her master was only growing more interested in Nikolai.

\'Everything to keep this person off my back,\' Nikolai thought that he would rather fool them first before he flees instead of turning into a nation-wide wanted criminal.

And if things turned out to be quite risky, Nikolai could simply kill the strategist. Of course, he wasn\'t afraid of his disciple, but this man was on another level of being cunning.

"Bravo," the man with long red hair clapped his hands, his white gloves making a dull sound as they struck each other. "Don\'t worry, young one. I\'m more interested in your abilities than your past."

"The past of a humble peasant is rather boring for your tastes, great strategist," Nikolai shook his head humbly as he sat down.

"You sound so respectful, but you hide half of your face," Edward glanced at the headband that was covering Nikolai\'s horns and ears. His eyes were darting everywhere, looking for every detail he could exploit.

"I suffered an attack from a monster," Nikolai\'s voice dropped an octave. "The attack disfigured my forehead and skull, and it isn\'t something I want anyone to see. So please excuse my circumstances."

"Master, you are too rude. Am I not doing the same?" Saint Maria placed her hand on the base of her neck in sympathy. The strategist almost rolled his eyes but stopped asking inappropriate questions.

"Well then," Edward reached out for a handshake. "Please take care of my disciple," he said with a bright smile. Nikolai stared at the hand silently, wondering if he could still run away.

\'I can just hide in my pocket dimension,\' Nikolai thought to himself, but the eerie blueness of the man\'s eyes made him unsettled. This monster ended a war, and it would be an easy matter for him to be found out.

Nikolai didn\'t want to live away from cities for the rest of his life, so he shook the man\'s hand. As he did, a red tattoo came out from the man\'s hand and covered Nikolai\'s forearm before disappearing.

"Now, you can\'t run away," Edward grinned at him as Nikolai simply smiled and nodded.

"I had no greater wish than to serve this kingdom."

\'I will gut you, fucking psychopath.\'

"There is no greater honor than serving her highness, and I had no plans of escaping."

\'Now, I need to find a way to escape this monster\'s grasp.\'

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