Rise of The Anti God

Chapter 469 - Separating The Two Energies

"What is it?" Damien immediately asked quite eagerly. He already tried to circulate his ethereal energy to the maximum, especially with his Undying Wrath ability activated.

But no matter what, he could hear the rattling of his bones under this immense pressure that felt as if ten thousand mountains were pressing down on him.

He was sure that if he pushed himself too far, his ethereal core might explode under this pressure. He was already feeling numb all over his body and exhausted as well. To resist this pressure, surely took a toll on his ethereal energy reserves.

"Pretty simple. You have to withdraw all your ethereal energy only," Luna casually said.

"Eh? Are you trying to make me fail even more? Without my ethereal energy, I wouldn\'t even be able to cover this much distance!" Damien couldn\'t understand what Luna was trying to say, but then he suddenly thought something, "You don\'t mean…"

Luna let out a tired sigh, "Haa...you catch on too slow. I was talking about your ethereal energy only and not your nethereal energy. Try to separate them both and see if you can circulate your nethereal energy only."

"But wouldn\'t that reduce half of my strength? Even if my Undying Wrath skill is active, I would only be half as strong compared to now. I will only get pushed back even more because of this pressure," Damien knew that ethereal energy contributed to the majority of his strength since it was his foundation. Only later on, he gained nethereal energy through his Origin Seed and the only times nethereal energy circulated through his body was whenever he used Anti-God Arts.

Otherwise, only ethereal energy was channeled through his body. He had no idea how to channel nethereal energy without using Anti-God Arts since he failed whenever he tried before.

However, he never tried to use nethereal energy only while using his Anti-God Arts since there seemed to be no use until now when Luna advised him to do it.

"I don\'t think your cultivation strength really matters the most here. It\'s your cultivation energy type that matters the most. Because of your ethereal energy channeling through your body, the dagger\'s aura is getting repulsed by it, making it even harder for you to get near. Remember that it is a weapon from the Nether dimension, so it would obviously feel more comfortable when a person with nethereal energy tries to approach it. It\'s similar to how someone feels more comfortable with befriending someone from their own hometown. Sigh, I thought you knew more about these mortal things than a goddess like me."

Damien cleared his throat and said, "It\'s not like I am exactly a social person. Anyways, I never knew a Spirit Weapon would have such kind of feelings towards a person from its dimension. Even with Moonblade, I am still learning. Okay...let me try separating both these energies in my body...I hope it works," Damien closed his eyes as he focused on his ethereal core to stop the channeling of ethereal energy through his body while letting nethereal energy flow around his body unhindered.

Since his Undying Wrath skill was already active, he could see the flow of both ethereal and nethereal energies in his ethereal core, mixing with each other.

The Origin Seed was sucking in his ethereal energy and converting it to nethereal energy, making him think that this was indeed something that once belonged to a primordial god. Otherwise, this process would be considered impossibly by anyone else since both these energies were quite the opposite in nature.

The Nethereal energy was dark and hellish, while ethereal energy seemed gentle and heavenly. It was even a surprise that these two energies were mixing with each other well in his body, and even Luna remarked this as well before.

\'Okay...let me first slow down my ethereal energy and…\' Damien focused on decreasing the flow of his ethereal energy in his body since he found it hard to stop it all of a sudden and might end up injuring himself since his Undying Wrath was already active and he needed his nethereal energy to keep on flowing.

It wasn\'t easy to separate the two, but he felt as if he developed an extra limb to control the flow of his ethereal energy and was able to slowly pull it back towards his ethereal core, leaving behind only nethereal energy all over his body.

His aura immediately drastically changed and became darker and hellish, even more than when he usually uses Anti-God Arts.

Yuria and Valentina obviously noticed this change, and they were unable to recognize Damien\'s aura since it just seemed too different and ominous, making them feel like they might suffocate under his presence.

Even the little king could feel this change from afar, and suddenly Godnim seemed unrecognizable to him.

"Damien? Are you alright?" Yuria worriedly asked as Valentina also looked on since Damien seemed frozen on the spot while a strange bone-chilling aura was beginning to emanate from his body.

Valentina\'s slender eyebrows furrowed even more since she could feel Damien\'s soul and the changes going on in his body to a certain extent due to her imprint. And this was making her feel worried since Damien seemed to be under some kind of distress while on the outside, nothing seemed to be wrong with his body.

Damien had no idea why but the moment he completely isolated his nethereal energy from his ethereal energy, he started to feel strange throughout his body and soul.

It was like he was feeling cold and hot at the same time while feeling as if his soul was burning up. He could hardly concentrate because of these changes and couldn\'t even hear Yuria or Valentina\'s mental messages.

He was feeling as if the world around him had suddenly gotten darker and colder till he felt as if he was in some other world...some other dimension.

He suddenly felt as if the world he was standing on seemed so small and minuscule and that he had the power to crush planets with his bare hands.

"Get out of it, bonehead!" Luna\'s sudden high-pitched voice shook off Damien from his daze as he regained his senses, "What the hell just happened?" Damien was confused, but then he realized one astonishing thing....he no longer was feeling any kind of pressure from the sacred dagger!

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