Goddess of Ice; Reborn as Naruto's twin sister

Chapter 111 - Yuna Vs Sasuke

Chapter 111 - Yuna Vs Sasuke

Genma announced the start of the fight and as soon as he did, a smirk appeared on Yuna\'s face.

"Isn\'t this fight rather ironic, Sasuke?"

Sasuke frowned, clearly not understanding what Yuna meant.

"Hehe, don\'t you see it, Sasuke? You, the one who hates, against me, the one who is hated."

The smirk on her face widened even further.

"Isn\'t that right, citizens of Konoha? Tell Sasuke how much you love me!"

Another outrage went through the crowd as thousands of people started cursing Yuna.




Yuna, meanwhile, spread her arms and slowly moved around, like a famous singer welcoming her fans cheering.

"Hahaha, that\'s right. There is nothing more delicious than receiving hatred from those that can\'t do anything against you!"

Funnily enough, over the last few years, a lot of people have stopped hating Naruto. Although he would occasionally play some pranks, his bright smile and happy laughter made a lot of people forget their hatred. Especially if someone like Yuna was around who actively gathered all the animosity onto herself.

Naruto was someone who enjoyed helping people and wanted everyone around him to be happy. Yuna could tell that Naruto, despite pretending like he didn\'t care, didn\'t want people to hate him. That was why Yuna usually played the evil role. She wanted people to concentrate their hatred on her. Well, that, and the fact that she found it absolutely hilarious.

Sasuke, meanwhile, couldn\'t help but feel weird after seeing so many people throwing their hatred at Yuna. This was exactly the opposite of how he was treated while walking the streets of Konoha. Although he didn\'t care about that, people would bow towards him and give him happy smiles whenever they saw him. He had no clue what to make out of the current situation.

After a few more moments of bathing in everyone\'s hatred, Yuna turned her attention back towards Sasuke.

"Haha, anyway. How about we get this started? I have a bet to win after all."

Sasuke snorted at the last part and activated his Sharingan, revealing that he managed to achieve an additional tomoe, bringing him to a total of five. He straightened his back, put his left hand behind it while moving his right hand in a provoking gesture.

"Come, I am ready to defeat you."

Yuna raised an eyebrow when she saw Sasuke\'s stance.

"Are you copying Lee\'s taijutsu style? What is the point of that? I won\'t deny that it fits you well, but you simply don\'t have the stamina to fight at Lee\'s speed for a prolonged time."

"Is that so? Then come and find out."

Yuna could only shake her head at Sasuke\'s antics. She straightened her back, moved her left hand behind her back, and mimicked Sasuke\'s provoking gesture. The two, currently, had the exact same fighting posture.

"Well, I might as well have some fun. Let\'s see how long you can keep up."

After saying that, Yuna vanished and reappeared in front of Sasuke, attempting to punch his stomach. Sasuke smirked, as he could easily follow Yuna\'s movements with his Sharingan. He redirected the blow and punched towards her stomach, but to his surprise, Yuna caught the punch just before it hit her.

"You didn\'t think it would be this easy, did you?"

Yuna pushed Sasuke back a little turned around and attacked Sasuke with a powerful horizontal kick. Sasuke barely managed to lift his arms to block the kick, but the force of it still sent him sliding backward. After stopping, Sasuke looked at Yuna with disbelief. He gritted his teeth and attacked again, while Yuna did the same.

Those that have seen Yuna\'s fight against Lee, immediately noticed that the current fight was very similar. The biggest difference was that instead of attacking seemingly at random, like she did against Lee, Yuna used Lee\'s own fighting style.

Lee, who was part of the audience, couldn\'t help but feel excited. He couldn\'t care less that Sasuke copied his style, after all, that was all it was. A mere copy. Yuna, however, was different. Lee could see the subtle adjustment she had made to the style to make it more suitable for her.

Did his confidence take a hit, because someone learned the way he fights in such a short timeframe? Not in the slightest. He couldn\'t wait to challenge Yuna again to find out how she would fare against him with his own fighting style.

Sasuke, meanwhile, wasn\'t having a good time at all.

\'How is this possible? I can easily see her movements and react to them, yet I can\'t land a hit. My Sharingan can perfectly predict her movements and yet she blocks all of my attacks. I don\'t believe it! This is impo…\'

Before Sasuke could finish his thoughts, one of Yuna\'s kicks hit him and sent him flying. Yuna chuckled a little when she saw the disbelief in Sasuke\'s eyes. Before the fight could continue, Yuna started to speak.

"You rely too much on your eyes. I admit that the Sharingan is a powerful tool, but it shouldn\'t be the only thing you rely on. Feel the movement of the wind on your skin. Listen to the movement of your enemy. Trust your instincts. Feel the movement of their chakra. There is more than one method to detect your enemy. Just having good eyes isn\'t always enough."

Although Sasuke wanted to argue against that, considering Yuna somehow managed to fool his Sharingan there isn\'t much of a point in that. He clicked his tongue in annoyance and threw some shuriken at Yuna and then started to go through a few hand signs.

Yuna saw the shuriken and only slightly moved her body and let them fly past her harmlessly. Sasuke pulled on the strings that were attached to the shuriken and made them fly back to entangle Yuna while simultaneously shooting a [Fire Style: Great Fire Ball Jutsu] at her.

Yuna swiftly moved her right arm like she wanted to cut something with her hand and shot a blade of wind towards the wires that were attached to the shuriken, cutting them apart and leaving a deep gash on the wall of the arena. Next, she did the same gesture again, but this time a thin jet of water was shot at the fireball, cutting it in half as well, while Sasuke had to hastily jump out of the way so he wouldn\'t get hit by the water jet. Just like the wind blade did, the water jet also carved a deep gash into the wall.

While civilians didn\'t really understand exactly how outrageous Yuna\'s actions just now were, the shinobi inside the stadium were looking at Yuna in disbelief. Not only did she just shoot two jutsu of two different natures without using any hand signs, but they were very powerful as well and seemingly done with ease.

Having some mastery over one nature transformation of chakra is already very rare below the rank of jonin. Considering how easily Yuna used the two jutsu and how powerful they were, she seemed to have perfectly mastered not one but two different nature transformations. That was beyond monstrous.

Yuna let her eyes wander through the audience and chuckle at the dumbfounded faces.

\'They are already like this, just because I can use a bit of water and wind. I am really looking forward to their faces when I use my ice later on.\'

[I am pretty sure you aren\'t just using "a bit" of water and wind from their perspective.]

Yuna just shrugged her shoulder and didn\'t comment further. She looked at Sasuke and seeing he had a similar expression on his face to the rest of the audience, she smirked at him.

"What\'s wrong, Sasuke? Already lost your will to fight?"

This managed to get Sasuke out of his stupor. He gritted his and glared at Yuna.

\'Guess I can only use that. She is clearly stronger than me in taijutsu and my fire has no chance against her water. Seems like Kakashi-sensei predicted this to a degree. That must be why he taught me his jutsu. It is the only way for me to win.\'

"Of course not. I will finish this now. Prepare yourself!"

Sasuke put his hand near the ground while stabilizing it with his other hand. He started to concentrate to gather lightning chakra in his hand. Yuna, meanwhile, was patiently waiting for Sasuke to prepare his jutsu, while mentally counting how often she could have interrupted him while he prepared his jutsu.

Moments later, lighting started to coat Sasuke\'s right hand, and loud chirping sounds were heard through the stadium. As soon as the lightning appeared, Sasuke started sprinting towards Yuna, much faster than he previously did, while he pumped massive amounts of chakra into his Sharingan so he wouldn\'t miss the slightest of movement from her.

While Sasuke was approaching her, Yuna\'s only thought was: "eleven times, huh.".


Yuna was a little surprised that Sasuke was actually aiming for her shoulder instead of her heart, but didn\'t bother about that for now. Just when Sasuke\'s hand was about to pierce through her shoulder, Yuna coated her hand in wind chakra and caught Sasuke\'s hand.

Sasuke could only look at the situation in total disbelief. He used a powerful A-rank jutsu, yet Yuna easily prevented his attack with seemingly no preparations at all.

\'This can\'t be. How could she possibly do this? Did she secretly use the Kyuubi\'s power? No, I was watching her with my Sharingan the whole time. That is impossible. How could she be stronger than me. I am an Uchiha. No one is stronger than the Uchiha. Only an Uchiha can defeat an Uchiha. The Sharingan can only be defeated by the Sharingan. That is what HE told me.\'

Sasuke crossed eyes with Yuna and as soon as he did, he used almost all of his remaining chakra to cast the most powerful illusion he could muster on Yuna. The very second it reached Yuna it shattered, causing Sasuke to cough out some blood.

"I have already said it once. You rely too much on your eyes. The Sharingan is strong, but not undefeatable. It gives you an advantage, yes, but doesn\'t make you invincible. Just an extra card in your deck you can use. Nothing more, nothing less."

Sasuke felt like he was hit by a hammer when he heard that. He always felt that there was nothing more important than his Sharingan when it came to fighting. In the Uchiha clan, it was always about the Sharingan. This was the first time he heard an opinion that was the complete opposite. If you called the Sharingan "just an extra card" inside the Uchiha compound people would laugh at you for saying that. Now, however, after Yuna outclassed him in every aspect during this fight, he felt slightly different.

"This seems to be my win, so I will take my prize."

Before Sasuke could ponder the problem any further or understand what Yuna meant, a vicious smirk appeared on Yuna\'s face. She was still holding Sasuke\'s hand with her own while the finger on her other hand lit up with chakra and before Sasuke could fully understand what was going on, she slammed her fingers into Sasuke\'s stomach.

"[Supreme Pranking Style Ultimate Sealing Technique: Twisting the Yin and Yang.]"

Sasuke was shot into the arena wall while a complex seal appeared on his stomach. Moments later, after the dust settled, the unconscious Sasuke was revealed. Although nobody noticed anything strange at the first glance. There was clearly something off about Sasuke. His hips got wider, his shoulders were smaller and his chest got bigger. Additionally, his features were clearly more feminine than they previously were.

Although Genma noticed the changes as well, for now, he declared Yuna as the winner of the fight. Whatever Yuna did with Sasuke could be solved after the exams were over. He motioned the medic-nin to hurry up and to make sure they were concealing Sasuke while carrying him out of the arena.

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