Da Tang Shuang Long Zhuan

Book 13 - 3 – Leisure Situation at the Eastern Capital

Ouyang Xiyi on the other side of him, as well as Lang Feng and Song Mengqiu, who were behind him, all showed an expression that showed that they agreed.

Kou Zhong smiled and said, “If we mobilized the whole army to attack the Palace City, there would be only two possibilities: one, we broke the city wall and entered in; two, we would suffer heavy casualties and would not be able to continue. However, either one of those two possibilities would do us more harm than good. Because we have our ambition someplace else. As long as we can rout Li Mi, we don’t have to be afraid Yang Dong and Dugu Feng would not surrender nicely. Just now, by looking at Dugu Feng’s secure-in-the-knowledge-that-he-has-backing attitude, I knew he has Li Mi’s support behind his back; therefore, he basically is not afraid we would attack.”

Ouyang Xiyi was puzzled, “If we could control the Palace City, and got rid of Dugu party once and for all, what harm might come to us?” he asked.

Kou Zhong answered respectfully, “Qianbei [senior/older generation] is asking great question. Let’s not talk about the difficulty of breaking the city yet. Supposing Luoyang returned to stability, how could Li Mi be willing to move his army to the west? He would definitely be adopting a wait-and-see attitude; once the other favorable situation arises, then he would come to attack. By that time, victory or defeat will be hard to fathom; how could that be more favorable than our current situation?”

Hearing that, the people all around, including Wang Shichong, were greatly convinced.

It should be noted that in the past, when Wang Shichong battled Li Mi, he had never won even half a battle. The reason Wang Shichong was still able to stand firm was because he was relying on Luoyang, which was surrounded on all four sides by twelve gates. Each gate was a gateway to the layer upon layer of defenses inside, while on the outside it was protected by the long moat all around. And then there was the solid city wall acting as natural protective screen.

Therefore, once Li Mi found out that something was happening in Luoyang, he would not be willing to miss the golden opportunity and would exploit their weakness.

Wang Shichong was still having his doubt; he asked, “Dugu Feng’s power is strong and solid, and he is not a lay practitioner of Buddhism. Plus by doing this, wouldn’t we hand over the initiative into his hands?”

With a card up his sleeve, Kou Zhong said, “Of course it won’t happen that way. Currently, as long as we lay out massive military force outside the gate, Dugu Feng won’t be able to move a single step. By the time Li Mi came to attack, we will seal all gateways to the Palace City, but not besieging the city; we merely cut the flow of provisions from inside and outside the city. At that time, we can force Yang Dong to hand over the man; there is no need for a blood-soaked siege.”

Ouyang Xiyi laughed cheerfully, “No wonder Xiao Xiongdi managed to disturb the south and turned the sky and the earth upside down; you really are a man of courage and strength. But we must be watchful of the enemy’s martial art masters launching a sneak attack. Particularly if that granny personally made her move, I am afraid she won’t be easy to deal with.”

Wang Shichong laughed coldly and said, “If I, Wang Shichong, am that easy to kill, perhaps I have been dead more than a dozen times.”

Kou Zhong giggled. “That’s for sure,” he said, “Hey! I am going to look for some people to help us with our punching power!”

※ ※ ※

Xu Ziling went to Xinzhong Bridge [not sure if it is the name of the bridge, xin – new, Zhong – middle], where Ba Fenghan had been waiting for a long time. He cheerfully welcomed Xu Ziling and said with a laugh, “I was counting the number of boats mooring at the Qiaodong dock [lit. east of the bridge, but there is an actual place called Qiaodong in Hebei], and I was at the boat number three-hundred eighty-three when you showed up. The waterways and the roads in here are densely connected with each other. It seems like all the boats and carriages in the world are coming here to fill up the river course and the streets. Plus all kinds of merchants from both the Central Plains and out of the Pass are coming here to sell their perfumes, jewelries and trinkets, brocades, satin and silk, or perhaps foodstuff, tea leaves and other goods, making Luoyang the distribution center between Central Plains and out of the Pass, something that none of the other cities and towns can match.”

Xu Ziling swept his gaze around. The bridge was definitely so crowded that not one drop can trickle through [i.e. impenetrable crowd]; tens of thousands people crowded together on the streets, inns, restaurants, and shops, making the towns north and south of Luo River became one big area bustling with noise and excitement. Smiling, Xu Ziling said, “I thought I would be here earlier than Fenghan Xiong!”

Following the tide of people, Ba Fenghan and Xu Ziling stepped down from the Xinzhong Bridge. They walked pass the marketplace, but did not enter. Walking along the street, Ba Fenghan said, “Wanjing would like to see you; I wonder what do you, Ziling, think?”

Xu Ziling jumped in fright; frowning, he asked, “Why does she want to see me?”

Ba Fenghan smiled and said, “She wanted me to pass on a message to you, so this is definitely not about love affair between a man and a woman; Ziling need not be worried. When the time comes, she will certainly tell you.”

Xu Ziling wanted to say something, but hesitated.

Ba Fenghan smiled and said, “Are you wondering about what kind of relation do I and she have? How do I make you understand? How about if I tell you this: at one point in time, we really have an opportunity for our relationship to develop into lovers, but we both let this opportunity slip, because my heart already belong to ...” vigorously patting the Beheading Mystery Sword on his back, he continued, “This.”

Xu Ziling laughed freely and said, “Maybe one day the two of you would look back and would have profound regret!”

Shaking his head, Ba Fenghan said, “I will never have any regret for such thing. I don’t care if you call me heartless or anything. I always say that things between men and women lack an eternal value. For me, men and women can also be in close relationship as friends.”

This moment a group of armed, valiant-looking men were walking directly toward them; they stared hard at the two men, but with one sweep of Ba Fenghan’s sharp eyes, they cowered and averted their gaze.

Xu Ziling smiled and said, “Both Fenghan Xiong and the Princess seem to be aware that your relationship is more than just a simple friendship, right?”

Shrugging his shoulders, Ba Fenghan said, “Some things that are inconvenient for Dong Ming Pai to do, I do it for them. Take accounting for example, or finding people to settle the account. Otherwise, how can I make a living? Is Ling Shao satisfied?”

Xu Ziling laughed involuntarily, “I seldom see you this easy-going and witty,” he said, “It is obvious that after meeting beautiful woman, Fenghan Xiong’s mood is much better!”

“That’s strange!” Ba Fenghan said in astonishment, “They say that people of noble character match each other. In this world, beautiful women like Princess are extremely rare; even I have my heart moved whenever I see her. Only you, Xu Ziling, do not have the slightest care toward her. What’s going on here?”

Xu Ziling followed Ba Fenghan turning to the major street leading to the East Gate. That was the place they agreed that Kou Zhong should leave his marking at.

Because of their distinct appearance, as they were walking side-by-side, they attracted a lot of attention from the other passersby; especially girls who threw flirtatious glances at them.

However, Xu Ziling turned a blind eye to other people’s attention and the beautiful women’s favor. Remaining tranquil and calm, he said, “Since ancient times, how many men and women threw everything away recklessly in the name of love? Can Fenghan Xiong tell me what kind of feeling is that?”

Reaching out, Ba Fenghan pressed his hands on Xu Ziling’s shoulders. Smiling wryly, he said, “I am afraid, me, you, and even Kou Zhong, are not qualified to talk about this issue. Whether intentionally or not, any living person in the world might pursue certain things; for example, scholarly honor [in imperial exams], riches, lovely wife and beautiful concubine. Only by pursuing these goals will life be meaningful.”

Remembering Kou Zhong, Xu Ziling nodded and said, “Well said! The most interesting thing is the course of events during the pursuit, and the moment the goal is achieved. After that, another pursuit will begin.”

Ba Fenghan was emotionally moved; sighing, he said, “Therefore, unrequited love will be the most perfect instead. This argument seems to be very pessimistic and grim, nevertheless it is an immutable truth throughout all ages. Ay! Any woman who fall in love with us is destined to fail; I am depressed just by thinking about it.”

And then he went on, “You haven’t answered me whether you are willing to see Wanjing or not.”

Smiling ruefully, Xu Ziling said, “Give me a break, will you? Don’t forget that she had stabbed me with her sword once. At that time I already made up my mind not to have any involvement with her.”

Ba Fenghan was silent for half a day. After walking for more than ten paces, he nodded and said, “That’s probably a wise decision! Later on I won’t mention Wanjing in your presence anymore!”

Casting Xu Ziling a quick glance, Ba Fenghan continued, “Do you realize that by strutting down the street like this, it is as if we are declaring war on and issuing challenge to all of our enemies?”

Xu Ziling laughed, “I haven’t thought about that,” he said, “But now men and horses are converging here in Luoyang, everybody is exercising self-control, and thus it has made our life easier instead. I don’t believe anybody would be foolish enough to form an unscrupulous mob to besiege us.”

A hint of deep, cold smile escaped from the corner of Ba Fenghan’s lips. As if nothing happened, he said, “Therefore, this is a good opportunity for us to strike back. Tonight we are going to settle a rotten account; let’s see if the other party would be willing to pay an overdue debt.”

Listening to the tone of his voice, Xu Ziling knew instantly that Ba Fenghan had received some intelligence from Shan Wanjing. Thereupon, he smiled and said, “So who owes us this debt?”

Ba Fenghan replied indifferently, “This person is an important figure of the Elder level from Yin Gui Pai. As long as we are able to capture him, we won’t have to worry about your Yu Yi’s situation.”

Stunned, Xu Ziling said, “Yin Gui Pai people are famous for their sneaky, hidden way, yet you made it sound like it would be easy for us to find him!”

“On the surface, this man assumes some other identity,” Ba Fenghan explained, “Nobody knew he is an important figure in Yin Gui Pai. Furthermore, he is actually the chief intelligence officer of Yin Gui Pai in the north. You ought to know who told me this important news! Because I promised you that I won’t mention her name in front of you!”

Smiling wryly, Xu Ziling said, “Don’t mess with me! If you want to say, just say it! I also want to find someone who might have some information about Yucheng and the others’ whereabouts. I just don’t have any idea whom to ask!”

When they were still a few hundred paces from the East Gate, Ba Fenghan halted his step. Pointing to a noodle house across the street, he said, “That’s the place Kou Zhong and us agreed on where we would leave our markings. The shop’s specialty is Sichuan noodle. If you are like me, i.e. you think that the spicier the better, then you ought to gorge yourself here.”

“In that case, let’s try their Dandan Noodles [Sichuan noodles with spicy and numbing sauce]!” Xu Ziling cheerfully replied, “This time it’s my treat.”

The two were about to cross the street when suddenly a carriage stopped right in front of them, practically blocking their way.

Chapter - Part 2

Startled, they halted their steps, composed themselves, and looked.

The curtain on the carriage window was hanging down, so that it looked mysterious.

The driver of the carriage was unfamiliar-looking man. This moment the driver grinned, revealing two neat rows of snow white teeth. He said in heavy voice, “Wherever two Ye’er [masters] want to go, let Xiaoren give gentlemen a ride! Your enemies are numerous, I am afraid strolling everywhere like this will not be too appropriate!”

As soon as he spoke, the two immediately recognized him as Kou Zhong. Laughing and swearing, they gladly boarded the carriage, separately sitting on Kou Zhong’s left and right.

Shouting dramatically, Kou Zhong urged the two steeds pulling the carriage to head south, round a corner, and into a big street parallel to the city wall.

Pulling his mask, he stuffed it into his pocket and said with a big laugh, “We are finally in Luoyang! Our enemies are in trouble!”

※ ※ ※

This time, sitting on the driver seat of the carriage, Xu Ziling and Ba Fenghan enjoyed their higher position as they looked at the wide open and endlessly long street. It was a busy street, with carriages going back and forth, and restless pedestrians crowding the walkways on both sides of the street. It was a different feeling.

Kou Zhong’s mood was particularly good. Between the rising and falling of the horses’ hoofs, he narrated his ‘encounter’ with Wang Shichong and Dugu Feng. Obviously his trust toward Ba Fenghan had increased significantly.

Finished listening, Ba Fenghan said with a smile, “Looks like now we’ll need to arouse twelve of our spirits, especially since even though the granny might feel it beneath her dignity to personally deal with us, but Dugu Feng certainly won’t let us off. Female assassin might be more unscrupulous than men.”

Full of confidence, Kou Zhong said, “How could our ten-day training on the mountain be in vain? Moreover, we’ve learned through experience that along the way all three of us continue to make breakthroughs. It’s just that I don’t know where to find some real martial art masters to test my saber. They are willing come, I can’t ask for more. Hey! But it’s best if from now on we do not separate.”

When the two heard how in his last sentence Kou Zhong was ‘revealing his tail’, they nearly burst out laughing.

Greatly embarrassed, Kou Zhong busily changed the topic, “What are you two guys up to?”

Shrugging his shoulders, Ba Fenghan said, “I came across Shan Wanjing, and obtained some news concerning Yin Gui Pai. Nothing much.”

“What?” Kou Zhong blurted out, “The two of you went to see Dongming Princess?”

A burst of bizarre feeling welled up in Xu Ziling’s heart.

Before meeting Ba Fenghan, he always thought that Ba Fenghan was a cold-hearted man, yet he found out that he actually had an emotional side as well.

Ba Fenghan laughed and said, “Brothers are like hands and feet, wives are like clothes. Not to mention Wanjing’s fate has been fixed, what’s wrong with going to see her? But actually Ling Shao shrank back as the time for battle approaches, so I had to go alone.”

Turning to Xu Ziling, Kou Zhong asked, “Have you had a chance to look for Yucheng and the others?”

Xu Ziling shook his head indicating that he has not. And then, sketching in light shades he said, “I only met four people: Li Jing, Liu Heita, Li Shimin, and Shi Feixuan, in that order.”

“What?” the other two blurted out; so loud that other people on the street turned their attention to the slow-moving carriage.

※ ※ ※

With the bluish green Tianjin’s imperial willow in the distance, the riders and the pavilion were getting closer to each other.

Kou Zhong urged his horses to turn into the Heavenly Street connecting the southern end gate of the Imperial City with the Dingding Gate [lit. set up the sacred tripods, fig. the founding of the dynasty]. Beyond the shade of the Chinese scholar trees and the willow trees lining both side of the street, tens of thousands buildings stood in great numbers. Looming in the distant bell towers and drum towers looked at each other, over the inns, leather shops, bamboo pole business, woolen business, grocery stores, paper shops, cotton goods, fresh fruit stalls, and other businesses competing against each other, creating an atmosphere of thriving economy.

Pedestrians crowding the street like a school of fish, mixed with unending stream of carriages and sedan chairs, the perfect picture of flourishing metropolis bustling with noise and excitement.

This moment Xu Ziling had just finished recounting his encounters this morning. The other two agreed that it was highly likely that Qin Chuan was indeed Shi Feixuan.

The carriage glided toward the Tianjin Bridge. But due to the crowded street, their speed was quite low.

Under the shadow of the four multi-story buildings facing each other, Tianjin Bridge exuded its myriad ambience.

South of the Bridge was precisely the Dongjia Restaurant where Xu Ziling and Ba Fenghan enjoyed a cup of fragrant tea this morning.

Knitting his brows, Ba Fenghan said, “There’s something that I feel it’s really strange. Just now Ziling said that he caught some kind of mystery-within-a-mystery tranquil sensation from Qin Chuan, who might be Shi Feixuan; hence he asked whether Qin Chuan was a follower of Buddha. Is that right?”

Xu Ziling nodded, “What’s so strange about that?” he asked.

Kou Zhong’s eyes glittered like frost and snow, but he did not make any sound.

“Was it a very strong sensation?” Ba Fenghan asked.

After pondering quietly for half a day, Xu Ziling replied, “I can’t say it was very strong, but it was definitely very clear.”

Slapping his thigh, Ba Fenghan said with a sigh, “That’s what I am talking about. If Qin Chuan is indeed Shi Feixuan, based on her brilliance, there is no way she would leak out anything that would give out her identity. Therefore, the Jade Annulus of the He Clan must be in her possession, and the sensation Ling Shao caught must be the Jade Annulus of the He Clan on her body. Besides, legend has it that the Jade Annulus of the He Clan has a miraculous effect of calming the spirit.”

The two boys felt it was a very reasonable argument; furthermore, they had always greatly admired Ba Fenghan’s intelligence.

Blowing out a long breath, Kou Zhong said, “This Qin Chuan must be Shi Feixuan then.”

Ba Fenghan spoke in heavy voice, “He could also be Ning Daoqi himself.”

Xu Ziling jumped in fright, “My Niang!” he exclaimed.

Kou Zhong urged the horses to pass four sturdy-looking servants carrying a gorgeous sedan chair; smiling ruefully, he said, “I don’t care whether Qin Chuan is Shi poniang [b1tch] or Ning laotou [lit. old head, derogatory term to address older man], I am going to get the Jade Annulus of the He Clan into my hands, by stealing openly or robbing stealthily. Otherwise, if that Li kid obtain it, I am going back to my village to till the fields!”

The two men drew a mouthful of cold air; they both were stunned speechless.

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