What The Luck!?

Chapter 321 - 321. Whips

The roar of the crowd was the same as the Riktor tournament. But instead of random paying audiences, it was parents and other students. The senior tournament the next day may have been the largest attraction for parents and students but since the students that were not involved elsewhere were able to attend the junior tournament was packed. 

The group tried to push their way through until one of the staff members spotted them and pulled them toward a set of stairs. "This is the principles viewing balcony. He sent along a notification to find you and bring you all here. Feel free to take advantage. There may be other staff members along shortly but there is no need to worry. The principal also says to wink with that…" The staff member looked like they were slightly tired of the job but added the wink on anyway. 

"That poor guy looks like he has to run around everywhere with the principles antics. I bet he gets paid a lot." Laura was sure the staff member made the most out of all the staff members and for a second thought about working at the school. She realized she would need to teach at some point and decided against it.. 

"Huh? Oh yeah, sure. But look. We are just in time to see Cara fight her first match. There are two rounds of student groups so she gets a longer break but she is going to crush that kid." Asher wanted to pay attention to others but he was too excited to watch Cara fight. It was the first time he would be seeing his sister go all out in a match to show off her skills. He had managed to learn a lot about her super powers but she had never been pushed to her extremes yet. 

"This year yu are going down. You got lucky last year when we sparred but I watched that little running tournament and I can beat you this year." The boy Cara was going against had a strange super power. One that made him ideal for infiltrating buildings and rescuing people trapped in rubble. 

"Yeah yeah, just try to hold yourself together. You are just a ball of slime at the end of the day." Cara was not taking the boy seriously. She had easily beaten him before and now would be no different" 

"You don\'t get it. I found a way to stabilize my body. I won\'t just fall in to a puddle of slime this time." The boy had the unique super power where his body was made of slime. His organs and such had become breakable slime that could dissolve and become solid when he needed them. His brain functioned even when in a slime state. It was one of the strangest but highly researched super powers due to the ramifications it had on the study of the human body. 

"Alright, well let me test you. This is the same pitch as a dog whistle. If you can withstand it I will spar a round with you to show off my martial arts improvements." Cara put her lips together and began to whistle. Soon the pitch went higher and no one could hear it but for a few people with animal ears or animal shifter abilities. 

There was a gelatin like shiver that went through the boys\' body but he remained standing. The shockwaves reverberated with the frequency Cara was making but she found that the boy was still standing. "I told you. I have trained. I sat for hours in front of the best speakers training my super power. I sat for hours in front of peakers to hold myself together. I won\'t fall." Cara stopped instantly and smirked while she rushed at him. 

The response was instantaneous. The boy whipped out an arm that extended in to a slime whip. Cara expertly ducked and dodged the movements even as the whip was joined by a hardened slime blade. Both attacks would have been devastating except for the fact that they weren\'t even able to touch a hair on Cara\'s head. 

While moving, Cara was purposefully challenging herself to dodge at the last moment. The average spectator could not notice this but the scouts and trained martial artists saw it as someone reserving their energy. The group on the balcony caught on to it because they had seen her do it to them during training many times. 

Cara arched her back and made a sharp toe kick at the base of the slime whip. It split in two and fell apart from the boy\'s body. Instead of just melting it was pulled back as if it was on strings. The slime boys\' body created the slime whip again ad the battle continued. However, Cara was starting to move a little faster which brought panic to the boy she was facing. 

"Am I going to quick for you? I train with people a lot faster than this. I bet they would beat you and they are much younger." This was a heavy insult for an upper classman who had been training their super power constantly. 

"Then take this! My special move!" The boy had one very tough to pull off special move. He would create as many slime whips at the same time as he could even if his body shrank to create them. Then he aimed them at his target and continued to attack until he was exhausted. 

The first time Cara saw the over forty slime whips she had the regret anyone would having antagonized their opponent. Yet, when they all attacked they were n synch. Cara found it even easier to dodge than before while using less energy because she wasn\'t analyzing her opponent as much as she had been. 

"Alright, thanks for that. But not I need you to be a puddle.\' Cara didn\'t even give the boy a chance to respond before she started t whistle again. However, she went well above the pitch she had before and watched as the slime boys\' body shook violently and melted in to a vibrating puddle. "Sorry, but I plan to win this year. I want to be THE top student instead of just one of the top students." 

"Whoooooo!!! You crushed him, Cara!" Everyone would have thought the booming cheer came from Asher who was standing next to the one who had just done it. Every angle eye was on Art as he watched the large television screen replay the final dodges before the slime boy fell to a puddle. Art was oblivious of this since he was still entranced by Cara\'s fight. 

No one teased him because as soon as Art\'s cheer got to the ground which none of them thought they could have done. Cara looked up and waved at them with a huge smile. 

"You know, I think she had beet control of frequency than she realizes. It might not be exact but I have the feeling that there was a higher frequency than a normal speaker system gets to and that\'s why the slime became unsteady." Louis had already found the answer from his science classes. It made sense that the vibrations from the directed sound would throw off the slow and water heavy body. 

" Cara\'s super power is a lot more versatile than we give it credit for. She told me some of the things it can do but I still can\'t see how many more there are." Jane was in awe. She had sparred one on one with Cara and been told more than one or two things that Cara could do with her super power. However, Jane still wasn\'t sure how Cara was able to manipulate all the sounds so well. She could easily make a whisper in to a shout. Not to mention control the distance and frequencies. It was a very complicated super power. 

"I paid more attention to the dodging. I want to be able to smoothly dodge like that when I can fully fly!" Sammy was more enamored with the foot work and technique. It had been too perfect compared to what they had been training. 

"That\'s the best she had gotten in years of training now. If we keep up I net we will be faster than that." Jackson was already counting his estimated time to get that good at footwork in his head. He had seen the strength of it was wanted to have it as an achievable goal sooner than later. 

"Well, we can all set that as a group goal by the time we move on to our new class. We know that they won\'t toss us right in to the firs just yet." Asher hoped that he was telling the truth with this but honestly was not sure. 

"Asher\'s right. We will all be that good soon. But the real question is, how anyone will beat me by then?" Art was quick to tease and challenge everyone before they all started to pick out people to watch and explain strategy and super powers to each other. This was an ideal show to watch and grow. 

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