Rise of the Undead Legion

Chapter 531 - Spar Invitation

Chapter 531: Spar Invitation

Dave called his friend, after all the whole trip to hell was to help Ralph get the flame. Soon, Ralph came rushing in. He appeared outside the bar where Nick usually hanged at and found Dave waiting with a vial in hand.

"Super thanks man, I\'ll see if one of the smiths at the guild can reforge this," Ralph said.

"Don\'t, you\'ll be better off asking Andre, he is the best smith I know."

"Yeah, but I don\'t know if he\'d do me that favor, you know, I\'m not an undead and all."

"Just go to the Dead Realm in the east, if he says anything, tell him I sent you. Right now, I\'m really exhausted and I need to take my rest. I\'ve been online since they opened the servers."

"Yeah man, go ahead, I\'ll get this done and get something to eat. Also don\'t forget, hit Zoe up."

"Will do, was thinking about inviting her over."

"Good idea, get some pizzas, and lots of beer."

Dave smiled at his friend and logged out.

Once he was back in the real world, Dave called Zoe and asked her to come over. She readily agreed to spend the night over and also offered to buy pizza on her way.

Dave had a shower that took out all of the fatigue of the day\'s adventure out. He turned up the TV and switched to CCN, they were playing the invasion of the Ash King\'s Keep, and a lot of people were watching.

Dave\'s door rang after some time had passed, Zoe was giddily standing at the door holding a six-pack of Heineken Beer and two large size Pizzas, Dave welcomed her with a kiss on the lips and took the weight off of her hands. The two sat next to each other on the sofa and watched the show.

Pizza and beer soon were fully consumed, and cuddling on the sofa covered in a single blanket made things cozier that they had to continue the evening in Dave\'s room, and you all know what happened there.

Morning came, all too sudden, where Dave woke up to the softly snoring Zoe, as he tried to get up, she unconsciously grabbed him ???Shtay a bit."

"Okay," Dave grinned and corrected a strand of hair that fell on her face.

The two spent all of the morning in the bed, even for food, Dave had to order breakfast served. It was rare that they ever got to spend the day together and alone, and he made sure to make the most of it.

Yet, all good things must come to an end, especially since Zoe\'s overly protective father has been spamming calls on her phone until she turned it off, then he began calling Dave who had no idea how Dante has ever gotten his number.

"I feel like I should hang up on him."

"I know, and I want you to, but if you do, he\'ll show up here, gun blazing, believe me. I\'ll have to talk some sense into him, he still thinks I\'m fifteen."

"He is a good man."

"Too good to know that a girl gotta get a shag every once in a while, even if she is his daughter. Sigh, I gotta go Dave."

"I\'ll see you soon, I suppose?" Dave asked.

"Yeah, tonight, but let\'s get Chinese, Pizza is good and all but I\'ll get fat."

"You? Never, even if I\'ll love you still."

"Awwwn, you and your sweet words, but never even imply to a girl that she\'ll ever get fat, they don\'t like it."

"I only have one girl."

"That\'s a nice save there, buddy." Zoe grinned and kissed Dave on the lips then left.

Dave could have easily spent the rest of the morning in bed, it was a long time since he took time for himself. But today was a good day to do some sports.

He left to Desmond\'s. And two hours after that, he fully regrated it. The muscles and joints on Dave\'s body began cursing his name to the heavens after all the abuse they received.

Dave showered and headed back into the capsule. Thankfully the game would fully muffle the pain from the exercise he had and would make him focus better on gaming while his body was recovering.

Once he was logged in, Nick appeared in front of him.

"Why do I feel like you\'re gonna be sending me on another suicide mission?" Dave asked the punk kid.

"Not really kid, but I have a couple of guys that want to meet you. Remember the special place I sent you to, to train against monsters that you defeated?"

"Yeah, the simulation space," Dave replied

Nick nodded and gestured to Dave to follow him.

Once they were inside the Pub, Nick opened the portal to Dave. A notification appeared in front of Dave.


You are currently in a simulation created by the God of Undeath.

Death does not carry over to the real world.

All of your skills\' cooldowns have been reset.

You cannot gain EXP while on the training grounds.


More monsters have been added to the lineup, especially now that Dave was much more powerful than before, and had killed eve more monsters than he had when he first visited this place.

Two more chosen ones have been added to the line of Chosen ones beside La-Khbar. La-Blair and La-Lina have also been added. The Sworn Stalwart however was not. He didn\'t die by Dave\'s hands and was still alive in Tartarus.

Also, the projection of the Ash King was also there. But Dave didn\'t even want to go there. The Ash King needed the combined power of Dave in his World Boss form, the Undead King\'s Sword and power and the Death Heart empowerment, and the might of the last Titan that walked the world of Conquest to bring down. Trying to face his projection was not going to gain Dave anything else but pain and useless suffering.

Facing impossible odds for no valid reason was not worth the time spent.

Yet two more have been added and Dave was sure that they shouldn\'t be here.

"I didn\'t kill them. So why are they here?" Dave asked.

"Well, the kids were bored and wanted to spend some time. Take the opportunity you rarely get to fight a god without any drawbacks. And now Two." Nick was grinning. And it was in fact, Raijin and Fujin, the two gods, brothers of the storm that have ascended.

Dave tried to inspect them, but he received a notification.


The Deities in front of you have ascended beyond the limit imposed on the people of Conquest.

Inspection of level failed.


"You cannot see their real might now. But they agreed to spar with you on regular basis. Fujin especially liked your fighting style, but he said you had much to improve regarding martial arts. As for Raijin, he is here just for the fun of it."

"Man, tag-teaming me again, that\'s pretty unfair. I barely managed the last time and I had to use your power."

"Well, this time it should be fairer. You can speak to them directly."

"They understand our words?"

"They are gods, of course, they do. Now, I\'ll be going, have fun kids." Nick said and disappeared in a swirl of smoke.

Dave was left alone facing the two gods.

"Well then, hello there," Dave said with a grin.

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