Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 83: These are actually the originals?!

The 3rd level was not much different from the 2nd level, even after searching through the offices, there was nothing noteworthy. He came across a room that was locked, and barged through, only to find many computers and cabinets of folders. He was speechless, he already had a notebook, none of these were useful.

He came up to the 4th level, where he entered a meeting room. It was cold and clean, other than the table and chairs, there was nothing else. Passing through it, he entered a living room, and the interior decor was extremely luxurious, with leather coverings and fur rugs. These were all useless to Zhang Xiao Qiang, and nothing seemed to be noteworthy.

There was a room connected to the living room, and its huge redwood door was locked shut. Something inside was scratching against the door, and according to his experience, Zhang Xiao Qiang knew there was a zombie within. He was about to turn and leave when he thought to himself: ‘I searched everywhere for naught, what if there’re good items behind the door? Then wouldn’t it truly be a pity?’

“Ka” The Beast Horn Spear destroyed the lock easily. Zhang Xiao Qiang then lashed out with a kick, causing it to fling wide open. Something behind the door was knocked to the ground.

Normally, it would be hard to tell the sex of the zombie after the person had turned, only by observing if there were deflated ‘balloons’ on the chest would one be able to tell, or one could tell the clothes.

The zombie on the floor had a colorful female windbreaker, and there was even a light purple scarf around its neck. Its lower body was wrapped in tight wool pants, and there was even a pair of high heels.

Before the zombie could get to its feet, Zhang Xiao Qiang had stomped down on its spine, and it laid still, never to move again.

Zhang Xiao Qiang assessed the posh-looking office. It seemed that the owner had a pretty high status. Without mentioning the expensive furniture, just the [Fishing in Snow] calligraphy hanging on the wall, that was the work of a famous expert, was a clear indication. Even Zhang Xiao Qiang had heard of the expert’s name.

There was a wine rack in the corner, inside, there were many bottles of expensive and branded liquor. Zhang Xiao Qiang couldn’t understand the English words, however, he could tell that there were many bottles of white wine, which didn’t seem to be sold on the shelves nowadays. There were also a few bottles where the labels had faded, some even been torn off. Only after closer inspection was he able to tell that the bottle was before ‘70. Finally, there was a few Decanter wine placed in the most eye-catching location.

Zhang Xiao Qiang proceeds to tug the entire wine rack without wasting his breath, screaming inwardly: “It’s mine!! ALL MINE!! I’ll have to keep them even if I don’t drink them.”

He found a luggage to keep all the wine, before going to check the bedroom beside the office. There wasn’t anything else of value, and while there were branded clothes, they were not his size. Furthermore, running for your life in branded clothes, wasn’t it begging for a quicker death? There were a few pills and supplements under the pillow, as well as a few thin nightgowns.

It seemed that the owner of the place had been a pervert himself. That zombie he encountered might have been his secretary when alive. Only when he saw a piece of underwear with photos of the various countries did he realize that the dead corpse in the main store was the owner.

Zhang Xiao Qiang rummaged some more, finding a few packets of cigarettes, at least 20 to 30 of different brands. There were even brands he had not heard of before. There was some Panda*, Nanjing Nine Five Extremes and these were squeezed at the bottom. Even the Huanghelou 1916 were not conspicuous. The ones packed on top were some unknown white colored ones with no names. He couldn’t care less, and just shoved everything into his bag.

At last, he managed to find some really good things. A number of magazines and films depicting women in various states of undress and clothes were stuffed at the deepest recess of a drawer. By a stroke of luck, he managed to find it, and as he looked at the well-kept pictures and videos in appreciation, he couldn’t help but exclaim: “Shit! These are actually the originals?!”

Zhang Xiao Qiang packed everything up and walked down to the first level in high spirits. Yang Ke’er and the rest had almost finished transporting, and when she saw Zhang Xiao Qiang carrying the various bags, she ran over to check.

Zhang Xiao Qiang didn’t mind her looking through. She saw the cigarettes and wine, and lost interest, running off.

“Hehe, my treasures are all at the bottom, you won’t be able to see them!” Zhang Xiao Qiang hummed a small tune as he followed her out.

The empty land outside was now filled with all sorts of goods. Taking one look, it felt like a great achievement. Yuan Yi and Su Qian were sprawled on the ground resting, while Yang Ke’er would rummage through the cartons looking for items that interested her. She had changed into a pair of high-leather boots. Now she just looked slightly shorter than Zhang Xiao Qiang. Seeing this, Zhang Xiao Qiang begged quietly in his mind: “Whatever gods there are above, please don’t let this little lass grow any taller!!”

Zhang Xiao Qiang ignored the women and looked towards the carpark, noting that all the cars had been covered with a layer of dust. Even their colors were sort of fading, and they looked decrepit.

Walking towards a Hummer, he wiped off the dust on the windshield and saw that the interior was spacious. It was enough to fit at least 7 or 8 people in. The compartment on the roof could fit more items as well. Once they could find the key, they could drive this off. Eyeing the Hummer, Zhang Xiao Qiang began to wonder, where are the keys?

Yuan Yi walked up to him and spoke carefully: “This is the vehicle of Director Li from the Preparatory Office, it’s that dead guy in the room earlier.”

The truck began to drive off in front, while Zhang Xiao Qiang sat in the Hummer and looked out at the scenery. He sighed quietly in his heart. It could be said that he and the Director Li were fated, Zhang Xiao Qiang having profited from Director Li’s collection of wine and cigarettes, and even some ‘movies’. Now he even got his Hummer. What a nice comrade! He actually kept the key by his side, that Zhang Xiao Qiang didn’t have to climb all the way up to the 4th level, saving his energy.

Yuan Yi drove and focused on the road. Ever since she had received the handgun from Zhang Xiao Qiang, her performance had been careful. She knew Zhang Xiao Qiang disliked her, therefore she tried to be careful. She had the courage to face zombies now, and she believed that it was possible because of him. Unknowingly, she had grown to rely on him as her strength. If he didn’t want her anymore, she didn’t know if she could face the zombies again.

He lit a cigarette up and took a deep puff. He began to ponder, Yuan Yi was a woman of various emotions. She was proud at times, self-loathing at others, but there was a deep desire to destroy within her bones. She didn’t even know it herself, but when she was torturing the zombie, Zhang Xiao Qiang had seen it clearly and felt his hair stand then.

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