PUBG Online Romance of the Century

Chapter 52 - Cry until their boss came out.

Chapter 52 - Cry until their boss came out.

Administrator 03 still hadn’t replied to the semi-threatening message he had sent yesterday, and his competition popularity points were still at 270,000, like they had been yesterday.

It seemed that the other side didn’t take his threat seriously.

That was also normal. After he returned home last night, he had thought through things carefully. What he had done was like trying to crush a stone with an egg, and he was the silly egg in that scenario.

However, he wasn’t impulsive. He had a contract with StarTV, on which his fixed salary was clearly stated. As long as he livestreamed for a specified length of time every month, the small amount of several thousand yuan he would earn was still enough to provide for food and clothing.

He would just leave the rest of the matter for later. He was still young and had hands and feet. No matter how much underhanded trouble other people caused him, at least he wouldn’t die of hunger.

Carrying the PC home, he first tested the performance of the computer using other software to make sure that his computer parts hadn’t been stealthily replaced with low quality ones by the shopkeeper.

Then he opened Word, where he wrote the content for his Weibo post and edited it, before publishing it on Weibo.

[yanxyan: Hello, everyone. I’m an anchor of StarTV, and I need the help of Weibo in asking the management of StarTv to address some issues that I have encountered. Recently, our platform launched an anchor competition that it is currently on-going. A fan tossed gifts worth more than 200,000 yuan to me, thereby adding more than 200,000 popularity points in the competition for me. But yesterday, the platform, without communicating or sending any notice to me, cancelled popularity points worth more than 200,000 yuan from my account, with the reasoning that “the ID of the account that gave the gifts is suspected to be the anchor’s own side account.” In addition, I received no explanation from the administrator, nor did he show me any evidence before he directly declared my data to be falsified, which I don’t think is reasonable. (The live platform allows fans to give gifts to their favorite hosts.)

I tried to communicate further on this issue with the administrator, but the other side said that the matter had been settled and could not be changed. Having no other choice, I can only rely on Weibo to ask all the other administrators besides StarTV’s Administrator 03, is this situation reasonable or fair?

Looking forward to your reply.

@StarTV official blog]

He screenshotted the entire chat record from yesterday, blurred out the names of the other anchors, and then posted it all at 10:00 am sharp.

The length of his Weibo post was too long. At the beginning, his post received only a few likes, all of them from fans who had first just liked the post before they started reading it.

It was only five minutes later that comments on Weibo finally started to grow.

Yu Yan took a bite of his youtiao and opened the comments section to have a look.

[What’s the situation? Wasn’t everything alright during the stream yesterday?? Who dares to bully our family’s Xiao Yan!!]

[You weren’t in the stream room last night were you ba? Last night’s stream was similar to a battlefield. After eight o’clock, there was a full-screen ban all night… Supporting Xiao Yan’s rights.]

[StarTV’s internal affairs are really messy. If it wasn’t for their financier daddy’s backing and money, even though they signed a bunch of big names a few years ago, by now it’d all be over.]

[“How many large gifts did big anchors—like XX…” Who is the person blurred out here? I bet it’s banana.]

[Antis, don’t bite people while they are in trouble, OK? XX is Sheepy. Yesterday, Sheepy’s popularity points also dropped. I saw it happen with my own eyes. Anyway, this new anchor has so much drama; previously he ran cheating software and got slammed for it, and now he is scolding the platform—he keeps forcing more issues.]

Yu Yan didn’t read anymore comments after the first few. He finished his breakfast in a few bites and was about to start livestreaming when Lu Xiuhe’s phone call arrived.

“Bro, if you’ve been kidnapped, give me a squeak.”

Yu Yan laughed, “Squeak.”

“You’re still in the mood to joke!” Lu Xiuhe said, “Why did you go and post on Weibo without saying a word ah? What matter exists that can’t be solved through a good discussion… Besides, even if we can’t communicate properly, there’s no need to quarrel with the platform ah! What will you do in the future?”

“I’ll be fine, it’ll be okay, you don’t have to worry about it.” Yu Yan asked him, “Did you pass the last exam?”

“…we were chatting so happily, why bring that up?” Lu Xiuhe asked in a dull tone. “Hanging up now.”

“It’s okay, you can still take the make-up exam. Then do you want to play games today?”

Hearing this, Lu Xiuhe’s tone floated up as he said, “Playing, but I’m going to go play LoL. I made up with my baby, and she said she doesn’t like her ex anymore, she only likes me. Hehe!”

Recently, as soon as they started chatting, they would always end up chatting about Lu Xiuhe’s online partner.

Yu Yan chuckled. Anyway, it wasn’t time for the livestream to start, so he cooperated and asked, “Where is she from?”

“From Jincheng.” Lu Xiuhe laughed more happily. “I told her I would go to see her at the end of the year!”

1 was also from Jincheng.

Yu Yan was stunned, and he didn’t know why this thought had suddenly appeared in his head.

Lu Xiuhe said, “Okay, we’ve gotten off-topic… Did you get a reply from them ah? I can see that it’s gotten forwarded more than a thousand times, and even several e-sports bloggers have forwarded it.”


Lu Xiuhe comforted him, “Then just keep waiting? I think if this situation blows up, the officials will have to come out, or else who knows what they are doing with this anchor competition.”

Yu Yan said “okay”, and then they said a few words to each other before hanging up.

During the few minutes their conversation took, his cellphone had become stuffed full with messages, all of which were sent by Tuantuan and Lulu. The contents of these messages were about the same as what Lu Xiuhe had spoken about—they were all worrying about him.

He replied to each of them one by one and then found that the group chat that he had blocked kept lighting up.

laoshu: @yanxyan, what do you mean by posting that chat record? Slandering banana Ge on purpose?

There were many people typing and joining in the fun, and this message had already been pushed to the top of the chat.

laoshu: Of course, he doesn’t dare to reply. He’s scared, and he dares to do it but not to admit it.

laoshu: The requirements for becoming an anchor of the platform are getting lower and lower now.

Tuantuan: Where did he slander banana? You point it out and I’ll see.

laoshu: The name he blurred out was banana.

yanxyan: @laoshu, you have x-ray vision and can see banana’s name through the blur, right?

laoshu: Whether or not it is, you know it in your heart. I have seen the whole chat record.

yanxyan: Where did you see the whole chat record? I didn’t send the chat record anywhere else except for Weibo, which means that Administrator 03 specially sent you the chat record between me and him? Then you guys really have a good relationship.

As soon as those words appeared on the group chat, the crowd immediately grew quiet, and the other anchors didn’t try to join in the drama anymore. Everyone could clearly see that banana had some connections, but they had no evidence nor the courage to say so.

Although they didn’t say anything, that didn’t mean they didn’t look down upon banana.

yanxyan: @laoshu, and even if I’m talking about your banana Ge, if he isn’t admitting it and coming to find me, then what does it have to do with you? You’ve become obsessed with being his little Di?

Sheepy: Hahaha.

People watching the show didn’t expect Sheepy to show up, but since banana and Sheepy had never gotten along, so thinking about it, it was pretty normal.

Upon Sheepy having shown up, some other anchors who also couldn’t stand banana couldn’t help but send out a dozen “hahahas” on the screen.

After waiting for ten minutes and still not seeing a reply from laoshu, Yu Yan simply closed the group chat and started livestreaming.

[Son, why did you take things so hard ah!! If you are fired by StarTV, where are you going to go livestream ah?! Although it’s shady, but it’s a big platform, so however it goes, there will always be some crumbs to eat wuwuwuwu, mom here is really broken-hearted.]

[Antis, don’t talk. If I see one, I’ll kill one; I’ll just put those words out here today! See who can curse out who! Why did this garbage platform deduct my baby’s popularity points!!]

[I just want to ask if banana was the one mentioned in the chat record?]

Most of the barrage was worried about him. At this moment, the usual antis had actually disappeared without a trace.

Yu Yan actually felt quite strange without the comments of these deliberately sarcastic side accounts.

“It doesn’t matter who was mentioned in the chat record; he wasn’t the main point of my Weibo post, so everyone doesn’t need to ask anymore.” Yu Yan opened the game, started a solo Sanhok match, and jumped to Bootcamp without thinking about it.

By two o’clock in the afternoon, he had already won two matches, but no messages from an administrator had arrived.

He wasn’t worried, but the viewers in the barrage were worried to death. Every few minutes, someone would ask if he had received a message from an administrator.

Another match ended, and Yu Yan picked up his cellphone to look at it.

It wasn’t to look at private messages from the platform, but to look at WeChat.

1’s chat wasn’t stickied to the top, but it was still the first contact in his WeChat list.

The other party had not replied since the duck emoticon message he had sent last night. The sentence below 1’s name was still this morning’s “I’m also not livestreaming today” message.

He didn’t mean to deceive him, but the barrage was really too unfriendly. Last night, someone had even verbally flayed “Yanyan’s Daddy” into pieces. There was nothing to investigate about this new account, but somehow, someone had managed to figure out the IP address of the side account.

This was an act that nearly crossed over into the real world, so even before things could be handled properly, he decided to hide 1.

He hesitated and sent another emoticon.

When he raised his eyes again, the barrage was teeming with lines, having already exploded.

[StarTV made a post!!!]

[Holy shit, is this real??? I’ll go see!]

[It’s real!! It directly forwarded Xiao Yan’s post, although I haven’t had time to read it carefully yet!!]

Yu Yan was stunned. He opened up Weibo on the computer, and sure enough, managed to scroll to StarTV’s official blog’s response.

He took a deep breath before he extremely slowly clicked open this long Weibo post.

[StarTV’s official blog: Dear stream followers and @yanxyan, sorry to keep all of you waiting! After careful investigation and several meetings, we have arrived at the following responses for this incident:

1. It was the personal decision of the company’s Administrator No. 03 to deduct yanxyan’s competition popularity points, and the other administrators of the company were not aware of it;

2. The system investigation confirmed that the stream follower with the ID “Yanyan’s Daddy ” is an ordinary user, and we verified that the owner of this account is surnamed Yi, and it is not yanxyan’s own side account.

3. Recently, we have been strictly investigating the falsification of data and malicious acts in the competition taken by the anchors, and we found that there are many administrators in the company who have exploited the public for their private gain, in order to fill their own private pockets. We strongly condemn this, and at present, we have already dismissed the administrators involved in such acts and have decided to pursue them legally as well.

4. During the inspection, we found that the following anchors are suspected of conducting number fraud, which violates their signed contracts. We will deduct the false data from the numbers of these anchors and levy them with a fine and a warning.

For @yanxyan, the victim this time, we will restore the competition popularity points and offer corresponding compensation.]


Yu Yan’s eyes widened, and he didn’t manage to react for awhile.

He had thought up many endings for this situation: The officials would put up a strong defense, or blame him, or even refuse to respond directly…

But he hadn’t thought that the officials would not only vindicate him, but also punish the relevant personnel?!

He was a little muddled and clicked on the list of anchors who had violated the rules under this Weibo post.

The first one was banana, with around 2 million points in falsified data! Looking further down the list, as expected, he found laoshu’s name with around a hundred thousand in falsified popularity points.

He read the post back and forth again twice and caught several words in the announcement——

Surnamed Yi?

So 1’s original surname was Yi? Made sense, after all it was a homonym


The officials had said that they had “verified” the owner of the account… so they had already gone and found 1?!

So 1 already knew about all this?

When he thought of that, his heart panicked, and he quickly reopened WeChat and sent several crying emoticons in a row.

This time, the other party finally replied.

1: ?

He stared at this perfunctory question mark.

Yu Yan: …Did the StarTV officials contact you?

1: En.

Sure enough, the officials were really tactless. How could they disturb ordinary stream followers because of internal conflicts in their own company?!

Yu Yan raised his hand and quickly screenshotted the real-time ranking list for the Kills King of the Year award along with the message: The popularity points you smashed before have all already been returned to me by the officials….

1: Didn’t you say you weren’t livestreaming?

Yu Yan: ….

1: Still trying to deceive me?

Yu Yan: …………I’m sorry!!

1: Intending to hide from me, letting all the popularity points I sent be wasted away, and letting me suffer a big loss?

Yu Yan’s heart leapt and without even thinking, he typed lightning fast——

Yu Yan: How could that be!!!

Yu Yan: I definitely would never let you suffer any losses!

Yu Yan: I was even originally planning on going to their head office and kicking up a fuss if they didn’t give me back my popularity points.

1: …what kind of fuss?

That he hadn’t thought through yet.

Yu Yan: Pull up a banner, write a letter with my own blood, sit at the door of their company and cry.

He would have to make himself seem more pitiful.


Yu Yan: Cry until their boss came out.

Yi Chen, who sat at the head of his bed, looked lethargic right now, but couldn’t help laughing as he rubbed his eyebrows, his previous fatigue completely disappearing.

When StarTV was founded, the way money was allocated within the company could be considered objective. Before the livestreaming industry had become red hot, the company had signed a large number of popular anchors at a low price and had later spent a lot of money on publicity, which led StarTV to rise to be in its present position. However, that money wasn’t enough to undertake other big projects. Yi Chen hadn’t paid much attention when he had taken over and hadn’t known how completely shady the platform had grown.

Two anchors of the same level, which one should be recommended on the homepage?

How could a little anchor who had just started rising up quickly appear on the most watched lists?

All these messy matters had something fishy in them.

The issue of reorganization was inevitable. In private, he had already asked people to check the relationships between the administrators and the anchors, but there were too many people to be investigated, and he didn’t get back the findings until two days ago.

Last night, he had held an emergency meeting and continued to work late into the night. He had made preliminary plans for the personnel adjustment list and future development of the platform before returning home.

Today was a rare occasion where he had managed to sleep until the afternoon.

His cellphone vibrated again.

Little Anchor: Everything I said is true… Don’t ignore me.

1: If something like this happens in the future, you have to honestly tell me everything.

Little Anchor: It’s all stuff with the platform, telling you won’t solve anything and will also just upset you.

1: ?

[Little Anchor recalled a message.]

Little Anchor: …I said, in the future, I will tell you everything.

Juurensha: Awww, Boss Yi cleaning up StarTV mostly because of his Little Anchor. (And really Boss Yi, what would you have done if Yanyan showed up crying on your doorstep?)

Noks: Boss Yi is complaining about not being complained to… so he scolded Yanyan into promising to complain to him in the future. Ah, Boss Yi, haven’t you realised that your concern for this little anchor is odd???

Please check out and support the raws if you can!

And you guys can buy the published version here! Shipping was both cheap and fast!

And there’s an audio drama for PUBG that came out! It’s more condensed than the novel, but it’s fun!

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