Godfather Of Champions

Chapter 662 - That’s It

Chapter 662: That’s It

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Twain had just stepped foot in Nottingham when Real Madrid’s second offer came.

It was sixty-five million euros!

One must know that Real Madrid was also only willing to offer a maximum of seventy-five million euros for Cristiano Ronaldo. At first, there were media in Nottingham that ridiculed Real Madrid as completely using Ribéry to substitute for Ronaldo. Since they were so disrespectful to the Forest team’s player, Ribéry was not expected to receive good treatment when he went there. Now that Real Madrid had shown with its actions that they were not looking for Cristiano Ronaldo’s replacement, but another star player of the same class as Ronaldo.

If Twain nodded his assent, this would be a transfer with the highest monetary value he had ever made since he took office. But would he agree?

He would not.

Sixty-five million euros was very attractive. But Twain was more obstinate than Real Madrid thought. He thought Real Madrid was showing off its wealth and telling Twain at the same time that there was no one in the world that Real Madrid could not buy!

Consequently, Twain thought he was insulted and threatened, and determined not to yield!

You think there’s no one you can’t buy? Well, well, I’ll show you the first person this time!

Allan flew to China to sign some letters of intent to cooperate with the relevant institutions, so now all matters regarding the club’s transfers of players were all up to Twain. He could rightly reject Real Madrid’s offer.

“I’ll only let Ribéry go when you show me one hundred and fifty million euros. Also, we don’t accept installments and only cash in on the player.”

Twain’s words were resounding and powerful. Accordingly, Ribéry had a new nickname “Mr. 150 million euros.”

Real Madrid certainly would not pay that much unless the intelligence quotient of the top brass had collectively reversed to when they were just born.

However, Real Madrid had their own ways. They have contacted Ribéry’s agent, Heiderscheid, in the hope that he would put pressure on Nottingham Forest internally.


The team had already started to resume training and all the players who did not have any Olympic or UEFA European Championship assignments, had returned. Whether or not they would remain in the team in the coming month or so, they were still Tony Twain’s men for now.

Because not everyone was here yet, the training plan Dunn had arranged for the team was focused on the recovery of stamina, and he did not carry out any tactical training. The club’s focus was still on the transfer market during this time.

Ribéry had become one of Nottingham Forest’s most high-profile transfers in the summer and everyone was watching the latest developments. Some people did not want Ribéry to go, and some people also thought if his departure could bring a large sum of money for the club, then he should be allowed to leave. There were also some people who angrily accused Ribéry of being too greedy—the news of the one hundred and fifty thousand weekly salary had long been exposed by the media. The other people also felt that a traitor like Ribéry should not stay at Nottingham Forest even if he begged to.

The rumors swirled around. At the heart of the vortex of rumors, Ribéry had remained silent and refused interviews this whole time. He did not make any statement and continued his vacation in Mallorca, waiting for his time to return to the team.

After the half-day training had ended, Twain received a phone call from Bruno Heiderscheid in his office. He smiled when he saw the name.

“Hello, Mr. Heiderscheid. To what do I owe this pleasure this time?” He deliberately made his voice sound happy.

“Mr. Tony Twain. I think we should sit down and have a proper discussion…” Heiderscheid’s voice was less relaxed, and even lost the calm at their last meeting.

“What’s there to talk about? A weekly salary of one hundred and fifty thousand pounds? Oh, I’m sorry, we are a small club and really could not offer you satisfactory conditions. However, we may be small, but we are always developing. Let’s do it like this, when Ribéry’s contract expires in six months, we’ll talk again. Maybe the club can meet your one hundred and fifty weekly salary requirements at that time.” Twain’s tone was odd. He deliberately provoked Heiderscheid to pay back double the previous insult suffered.

Twain initially wanted to go home. But now, he sat in the chair, put his feet up on his desk, adopted an amusing stance, and was ready to waste this agent’s precious time here.

“Mr. Twain, you do not have the mentality you should have in a negotiation…”

“Ha!” Twain could not help laugh, “These words sound familiar. You plagiarized my lines. Do I have to sue you for infringement?”

Heiderscheid did not know whether to laugh or cry when he heard this. He thoroughly experienced the level of cutting nature this man had. But he came to facilitate Ribéry’s transfer and not to quarrel with Twain, so he suppressed his anger and tried to sound calm.

“Of course, I want Ribéry to stay at the Forest team. But shouldn’t the Forest team show any indication? So far, I haven’t seen any real action from Nottingham Forest to show my player and the outside world that you want to keep Franck Ribéry.”

“How would you know about our business? Rest assured that a new contract will soon be faxed to you and Ribéry… Of course, it’s definitely not a one hundred and fifty thousand weekly salary. We really can’t offer this sum, Mr. Heiderscheid… Nottingham Forest is so poor that I, as a manager, almost buy someone out of my own pocket.” Twain talked as if he was miserable himself but Heiderscheid was unmoved. Only a fool would believe his words.

“But your conditions will not satisfy my player…”

“It’s more like we can’t satisfy you, Mr. Greedy?” Twain smirked, “To be honest, Franck told me he doesn’t want to leave Nottingham Forest, and I think he sincerely thought so. But you tell me you also don’t want Franck to leave Nottingham Forest and that’s a lie. I’m very clear about what an agent does. And I’m even more f**king aware of what you, as his agent, does!”

Next, without waiting for Heiderscheid to refute, Twain had an outburst and vented, “You have to draw ten percent commission from Ribéry’s weekly salary and also draw commission every time he signed those advertising endorsement deals and the signing fee with each renewal of a new contract. If he doesn’t get a high salary at Nottingham Forest, your income will be reduced, and you won’t be able to get the signing fee if there’s no transfer. Only a transfer to a big club like Real Madrid can give Ribéry a higher profile, fame and better commercial contracts. A higher weekly salary means more commission for you. You think of Ribéry as a cash cow, but don’t think about the lifespan of his playing! I’m afraid one day when you realize that Ribéry can’t bring you a higher income, you’ll leave to find the next fool, right? Mr. Bruno Heiderscheid aka Mr. Ten Percent?”


“Shut up! I don’t want him to leave, and I can’t meet the higher salary requirements. But I know this better than you fool, what is the most important and fundamental thing for a professional footballer! Without honor, a moron will give you a weekly salary of one hundred and fifty thousand. Once he leaves Nottingham Forest, Ribéry would never receive a higher honor more than here. In this circle, those who quickly become famous and then transfer to the powerhouse teams, quickly lose themselves. Then their prices eventually fall instead of rising. There are plenty of examples whereby the players’ form decline, and no team will ask for a price any longer. If you’re really looking out for Franck as you say, you keep him away from Real Madrid! There’s no paradise for him there at all. It’s just a hotbed of a parasite like you!”

“Mr. Twain, I think…”

“What do you think? I’ll tell you; my stance is that of the Nottingham Forest Football Club. Ribéry is not for sale in the team. Even if Real Madrid offered one hundred and fifty million euros like a fool, I won’t sell! His contract is still three years away. If you want to him to leave, you can directly refuse to negotiate a new contract with us two and a half years later!”

“Then you won’t get a single euro at that time…”

“I’m fine with that!” Twain’s rough tone rendered Heiderscheid speechless.

“Mr. Twain, I understand that you are personally biased against me. But business is business and we are now negotiating for Ribéry’s future. Your attitude is not what a businessman should have…”

“I’m the f**king manager of the team. Which idiot told you I was a businessman?” Twain had never seen such a shameless and despicable person like Heiderscheid. Billy Woox was a model citizen as compared to him.

“Besides, I know why you were thick skinned enough to call me. It must be Real Madrid’s idiot president who asked you to put pressure on us, right? I know more about Real Madrid’s moves than you do. Just tell them, I, Tony Twain is not to be trifled with. You want to buy my man? No way! In addition, I will tell you, Ribéry’s contract expires only in three years. There is no more discussion before it expires!”

Twain laughed after he hung up. He had vented the resentment bottled up in his chest at last. He believed that Heiderscheid must be shaking on the other end.


In fact, the crux of Ribéry’s transfer incident was whether Ribéry was willing to come out in person, as a player to put pressure on the club, so that Real Madrid’s next steps could be carried out.

Just as Ronaldo had recently publicly declared that he wanted to go to Real Madrid and said he felt like a slave. Although these words would cause him a lot of trouble, it would also help him with his transfer. After a showdown between the player and the club, it proved that his heart was no longer with the team. Then Real Madrid could aim at this point to begin attack. The opposing club would most likely be under pressure from the many parties and agree to the player’s transfer.

There would always be the exceptions. Real Madrid’s “universal formula” did not mean that it would work with any opponent at any time. This time they hit a wall with the steely Ferguson. The old man was furious after he heard Ronaldo’s remarks. He claimed that he would rather put Ronaldo on the bench first than to sell him to the shameless Real Madrid.

This remark caused Ferguson a lot of trouble, but he sent a very clear message to Real Madrid in this way—my attitude is unyielding, Manchester United’s attitude is tough, and we are determined not to sell Ronaldo to you!

In this way, Real Madrid was out of moves. Unless they accepted Manchester United’s offer and raise their bid to the point where Manchester United is satisfied, only then it would be possible to negotiate a personal contract with Ronaldo. Otherwise, no matter how Ronaldo stirred things up, they must first get past the Manchester United Football Club, which was also Ferguson.

Real Madrid fared even worse with Ribéry’s case. They did not even manage to get Ribéry to come forward and make a stance.

Real Madrid wanted Heiderscheid to put pressure on Ribéry and then for Ribéry to put pressure on Twain. For example, he should have a direct showdown—“I want to go to Real Madrid, and I don’t want to stay with Nottingham Forest.”



“Franck!” Heiderscheid’s voice sounded a little pathetic on the phone. It was not accurate to say he was flustered and exasperated. “I need you to come out and make a stance.”

“What stance?” Ribéry sat on a white beach chair and wore his sunglasses while he sunbathed. The picturesque seaside did really relax him, and sometimes he did forget the swirling rumors of a tumultuous transfer outside and enjoy his time with ease.

His wife, Wahiba Belhami took his children back to her hometown in Algeria. The reason he did not take his whole family on vacation was because Ribéry thought it was not a real vacation at all, but to avoid the limelight. He did not want to involve his beautiful wife and lovely children. But this rare opportunity had allowed him to openly admire the sexy and open Spanish beauties.

“What do you think? The whole world is now waiting for you to come forward and make a statement so that all the noise will be gone. Then you and I can have a nice summer!”

“I saw the new contract that boss had faxed, Bruno.” Ribéry changed the subject.


“I don’t think a one hundred and twenty thousand weekly salary is too low.” Ribéry continued to admire the naked bodies wandering back and forth before his eyes.


“Bruno, I don’t think it’s a good time to transfer to Real Madrid…”

“Franck, when do you think it’s a good time? After three seasons? I don’t know if Real Madrid wants you or not at that time! You’ve got enough honors now, so the current transfer is when you’re at your highest value, and I can get the best of anything for you. I know what that guy, Twain, said to you, but he’s lying to you! You can’t be a professional player your entire life, Franck. Can honors not let you worry about your living for a lifetime and give your children the best life possible? Those are just the false words that the managers use to stir up your sentiments and excuses to make you sacrifice for them! Only money is real. But there aren’t many clubs in the world willing to recompense the players commensurate with their contributions. Instead they’re always making excuses to squeeze your income. Businessmen are all the same in the pursuit of interests. Even if he’s your chief, he’s still a manager. Don’t forget which side he’s on. He represents the club! He talks of loyalty, honor and so on. Those are all lies for you to listen to! When he says that to you, you just ask him this, ‘Can honor make you live a good life?’ I’d bet you he will be speechless!” Sensing that Ribéry was wavering, Heiderscheid became anxious. The plan he had made all summer would not absolutely fail at this time… “Franck, you should know more about this than I do. You had experienced poverty. You know how important money is, right?”

“I… Bruno, I think you have a good point. Honor and loyalty really can’t make me any more money, and it doesn’t let me live a better life. A professional player has to go after the money… But.”

Bruno’s chest tightened.

“But now I’m pretty happy with the level of one hundred and twenty thousand weekly salary.”

“Only a fool would be unhappy with more money!”

“Of course, I’m not a fool, but I know my team’s current situation. If the price is too high, the boss really can’t get the money…”

“Then transfer.”

“Do you want me to be a traitor, Bruno?” Ribéry gave a laugh, “But I’m not ready for betrayal yet. That’s it, I’m going to sign that contract. Tomorrow I’ll end this… hiding on vacation and fly back to Nottingham.”

“Hey, Franck!”

“What’s the matter?”

“As for Real Madrid…”

“Nottingham Forest’s attitude is so tough and they’re still fantasizing about me going to Bernabéu with a transfer deal? So, what if I make a public statement? I’m telling you, Bruno, I understand my boss. I know what it would be like if I really did this. You think the boss will let me go because I want to go? Don’t be naive, Bruno! Real Madrid’s approach is to put themselves out of the way and use the players as guns. For me to step out as a target while they trade behind the scenes. What if the deal doesn’t go through? How am I going to stay at Nottingham Forest after falling out with my boss? Remember Anelka? Do you want me to sit on the bench for a season and then my value slowly slips? You can tell Real Madrid clearly that I don’t want to gamble with myself. Either they make an offer until the Nottingham Forest Football Club is satisfied, or I will renew my contract with the Forest team and stay in Nottingham. The move that they are used to do, it won’t work in my case!”

Hanging up the phone, Ribéry stared at the distant horizon in the sea and was lost in contemplation. He completely lost the mood to continue to his appreciation of the beautiful women.

To be able to play for a world-famous powerhouse club like Real Madrid was exactly what he wanted. Spain had beautiful sunshine and a variety of delicious cuisines, thousand times better than the United Kingdom. There would also be more attention at the Bernabéu, and the salary would certainly be more than Nottingham Forest’s. The star-studded teammates, weekly events, glitzy lifestyle…

However, he also knew from his heart that it was almost impossible for Real Madrid to buy him with the boss around. To let him come forward for himself? That would be disastrous. He did not want to be the gun in someone else’s hand. Cristiano Ronaldo was so stupid. What if Real Madrid failed to deliver on their promise to bring him to Bernabéu, then who would the real victim? The players themselves!

I can’t do such a risky thing. As long as I don’t leave Nottingham Forest, the boss is our king.

Those who contradict the king all end up with terrible deaths…

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