A Nascent Kaleidoscope.

Chapter 225 - 215

Chapter 225: Chapter 215

"There are also many things you can add to alter the taste as well." I spoke up.

"I shall experiment with this beverage at a later time." She nodded happily, going back to her chat with Meridia.

Honestly, I thought they would butt heads, which they kind of did initially, but they seemed to have found some common ground. Scáthach was telling of her time in the Land of Shadows while Meridia listened aptly.

Raikou seemed to have hit it off with Yasaka on this second go around. Swapping stories from each of their times in their respective Kyoto. I was surprised by how much Raikou was opening up, as she usually didn\'t like to talk about her past.

"And Tea for Jinn and Artoria." I floated them over to my last two girls who were also having an animated conversation.

"Thank\'s Will~" Jinn winked at me.

"Thank you, Wilhelm." Artoria smiled.

Artoria wasn\'t really into bitter things, and Jinn\'s preferences seemed to change with her mood.

"Well, I\'m glad that some people appreciate my effort." I very obviously looked over at the other four who practically ignored me. Though I wasn\'t truly upset, I was very happy they were all getting along.

"I would appreciate you more if you retrieved me a second." Scáthach shook her cup.

"Oh, I have another around here...." I started patting my pockets, as if looking all around. "..somewhere. Oh, here we are." I reached into my pocket and took my hand out a moment later with my middle finger extended. "Oh no, where did this come from?" I flipped her off.

Scáthach just snorted, holding back a small laugh.

Gods I loved that woman.

I kinda didn\'t want to interfere that much and just let them keep going. So I turned towards Artoria and Jinn who were sharing a little laugh to the side.

They noticed me as I snuck up and wrapped Artoria up from behind, resting my chin on her head. She was definitely the shortest of my girls. Though it in no ways detracted from her beauty.

"Am I interrupting." I asked.

"We were just speaking about –" Artoria began to talk but Jinn cut off her.

"Nuuh!" She quickly interrupted. "I wanna show him everything myself."

Interesting. Regardless, I always enjoy spending time with her and she apparently wanted to show me something she\'d been working on.

"My apologies." Artoria nodded with a smile, tilting her head up to see at me. "Do you require our assistance with something?" she asked as her hands grabbed at mine, though she didn\'t pull me away but instead rested hers atop.

"Well, it\'s more something I want to speak with you about." I replied. "But before that, how have you been? And is Rin around I haven\'t seen her in awhile too."

"I have been very well." Artoria stated. "We had been exploring Skyrim\'s wilderness and diving into some very bleak catacombs, but that has its own excitement. I am however glad to be taking a break from such adventures. As for Rin, she relayed the words – \'I\'m going to sleep for the next 10 years, don\'t wake me up.\' Before collapsing on her bed."

"Dungeon diving is fun, lots of loot to take."

"Yes, I believe that is what drives Rin to continue this endeavor." Artoria said dryly. "Though we have yet to find the Bow we had been searching for." She cast a glance at Jinn.

"Oh fine, I\'ll give some spoilers. I found something interesting, and I want to show you when you had time." Jinn huffed.

"I would love to see what you\'ve been working on. And how have you been Jinn? No one been bullying you at the college have they?" I questioned.

Jinn let out a giggle. "The Archmage made sure everyone treats me well. And an angry Orc is apparently also a good deterrent for most people."

Oh yeah, the Librarian was pretty intimidating.

"Though Ancano did approach me. Demanding answers to certain questions and tried to intimidate me with his \'status\'." She snorted.

I paused, remembering that arrogant ass. "I guess he\'s tired of living."

"Oh, stop being so dramatic." Jinn laughed. "He was annoying but didn\'t do anything else. I told him off and Urag kicked him out of the library – permanently."

"Alright, alright." I accepted her little hint to not \'over react\'. "If he just wants to skulk around and play at being important, it doesn\'t matter to me." Though if he touches one of my girls, not even his Gods will be able to protect him.

"That reminds me. Rin and I did encounter a contingent of those Thalmor on our adventure." Artoria interjected. "They tried to act as if it were a chance encounter, but I could see through their deceptions. They were interested in both Rin and I and tried to seek some answers regarding you."

"I know you can handle yourself fine. But as your boyfriend, I feel I\'m obligated to ask. Need a hand to deal with anything?"

She smiled brightly. "I appreciate your sentiment and intent. And I am happy you acknowledge I can handle the situation. I feel as though it has not spiraled into something messy just yet and I shall be on guard for now so there is no need."

I know I\'m defensive of what\'s close to me. I just don\'t want to overstep and make them feel like I\'m smothering them. And Artoria Is good at talking about things she dislikes and what she wants even if certain romantic nuances are new to her.

Communication is key.

Besides, Meridia is also watching over them and I trusted her absolutely. Speaking off....it\'s been way too long since I\'ve seen those amazing legs of her.

Almost as if reading my mind, Meridia looked over and quirked an eyebrow.

I grinned at her and mouthed something back.

She flushed.

Alright, stop getting distracted.

"I suppose I don\'t need to say it, but I\'m always here, for anything. Both of you, even if you want to just talk about the inanest of things, I\'m always happy to hear from you." I spoke to both Jinn and Artoria.

They shared a look before smiling. "We know, and we appreciate it." Jinn walked forward, wrapping up Artoria from the front.

Artoria looked a little flustered, but in a good way. "There is no need to worry, Wilhelm. We are aware that you have your own responsibilities and your own matters that take you far away. Just as we have things to focus our attention on."

"Good." I nodded. "I just want to make sure I talk about stuff like this more and don\'t make assumptions." Managing a Harem is looking to be a bit more daunting now that I had all six of my girls in one room.

"You are doing a fine job." Artoria replied. "Now, speak what you wish to truly talk about. We have danced around the matter long enough."

"Fine..." I sighed. They always seemed to know when I had something heavier to talk about. "I suppose we should talk about the elephant, or rather, small dragon that popped up recently?"

She realized what I was speaking of immediately. "Yes....Mordred."

"If you want to go somewhere private...?" Jinn offered.

"No." Artoria said firmly. "I.....do not wish to hide anything from those who will be part of my life, even if I have yet to truly connect with some." It seemed that the others were looking over now. "I have to handle this appropriately, and I refuse to put this off any longer."

She\'s the one who wanted Mordred to become a more permanent mainstay when I called her up during the Grail War.

"I\'m proud of you." I whispered. It was an honest sentiment, her confronting something that had no doubt been carried in her heart for a long time now. It was just one of the many things I admired about her. "Do you have a way you want to handle this? I\'ve spent some time with Mordred and her temperament seems to have evened out. To be honest, I have a good impression of her." And I enjoyed teasing her very much.

"I....do not." She furrowed her brow. "Do you....have any suggestions?"

"Well, she seems to share your ridiculous appetite. Maybe we can fill her up first, fatten her up so to speak." I grinned.

"I-I do not have a ridiculous appetite!" She went red pretty quick. "I eat just enough to fill myself up." She huffed cutely.

Well some of her tension seemed to evaporate. "You\'re overthinking it." I said plainly. "Take it from someone who overthinks things constantly. Just ask to meet up, and have a proper talk. You don\'t need to find closure or anything immediately. Just...talk to her."

"Is it really that simple?\' She asked quietly.

"It can be if you want it to." I replied. "I can promise you one thing. As much as you\'re stressing over it right now, she will be just as much." Especially since both of them actually want this in some way.

Honestly, I think that made her feel a little better. "Will.....you go with me?" She grabbed my hand.

"Of course." I said without hesitation. I would always be any kind of support she needed. I doubted I would be involved in their intimate conversation, but just being nearby would probably give her a confidence boost. "Would you like Rin to come as well?"

"Yes." She nodded.

I know for a fact that Rin wouldn\'t hesitate to agree, so I didn\'t really feel \'bad\' about sort of volunteering her for this.

"No rush." This was a very important matter to her and Mordred both. It would do neither any good if they just rushed into it. "Let\'s just sit down and figure out how you want everything to go, yeah?"

"Yes, I would like that very much."

"Well, I wanted to talk to Mordred anyways. I can ask her what she\'s been up to and pass on any message you want."

"I greatly appreciate your help, Wilhelm." She made sure to express her gratitude.

"Of course." I gave her a smile.

With that, I slowly separated from her. I would give her a little bit to settle her thoughts before bringing it up again in conversation.

Instead, I walked over to my Foxy mistress. Before I could even reach out, a fluffy tail rose up to greet me.

"Wilhelm, you didn\'t forget about me until now, did you?" Yasaka turned to look at me with a smirk. "Or are you here to play with my tails some more?" Her fluffy appendage waived infront of my face.

"Well, I can\'t deny that I adore your tails." I reached out for it, something I tended to do whenever we\'re together. But I think she enjoys the attention. "But I also wanted your company."

"Master." Raikou smiled. "You seem much more relaxed since we came here."

"I am?" I blinked. "I suppose I am." I nodded at her statement. "Well, seeing all my girls together, how could I not be?"

"Am I getting counted among them then?" Yasaka questioned.

"Do you even have to ask at this point?" I chuckled.

"Oh my, it seems this poor old Fox has been claimed." She feigned indignance.

"I\'m pretty sure Kunou claimed me first, so it\'s only fair."

"You make a good point." She laughed. "And you will hear no complaints from me."

My fluffy tails.

"It\'s strange. I don\'t have any particular objective in the immediate future as I focused on preparing for Scáthach\'s revival, and now that I finished that, I find myself with quite a bit of free time." Granted, I hadn\'t stress over it and gathered some things on the side. But it had always in my sight and something I was building towards.

Obviously I have some very important things to do much further down the line. But nothing that demanded my attention right now.

"So you find yourself without anything to do?" Yasaka asked. "From what I\'ve heard so far, it must be a strange feeling indeed."

"All this time we\'ve been together, we\'ve been moving from place to place. I believe it will be beneficial for you to settle down for a little bit." Raikou stated.

"You\'re right." I agreed. "I should settle down. I do have some things I wanna take care of to keep myself occupied and such." I ran my fingers through Yasaka\'s fur. "It\'s indeed strange, but I don\'t mind too much. Obviously I wanted to spend time with you all. That\'s something of a priority on my list. But Kunou as well, I want to take her out, do some dad things and truly spend time with her and bond."

"I would like that very much." Yasaka\'s expression turned very gentle. "Kunou needs some time with her daddy." She smiled softly. "And I would love to spend time with my...man." She settled on, perhaps finding a term that felt \'right\' to her.

"And I was going to see Izzy soon too. I feel like it\'s been way too long and she\'s a good friend."

"Oh dear, how long as it been?" Yasaka questioned. "I don\'t think it\'s been that long since she got back. I heard some murmurs about Death Gods and a \'vacation\' or something, so I think she should be back by now."

"I am still unsure about you meeting her, Master." Raikou stated.

"You don\'t need to worry." Yasaka tried to reassure her. "Izanami has been nothing short of wonderful in the time I\'ve known her. My Kunou adores her as well."

"I see.....perhaps I am just biased due to my own circumstances." Raikou relented.

"I\'ve heard quite a few things about your world. I can\'t blame you for thinking that way. But you should meet her and get to know her." Yasaka responded.

"Izzy would love more friends." I added.

"Hmm, I suppose I should meet her. Be prepared for when she becomes \'more\' than that." Raikou hummed.

"What?" I questioned.

"That\'s a good point." Yasaka nodded.

"We\'re just friends." I huffed.


"I believe you, Master." She smiled innocently.

I sighed, knowing this wasn\'t a fight I would win. We were only friends, why did no one believe me? I mean she\'s beautiful, yes. And we share many hobbies, and generally have a lot of fun together. But.....she hasn\'t expressed any kind of feelings like that towards me. And I haven\'t really flirted with her or anything.


"Anyways." I changed the subject. "How have the little group of misfits been? I distinctly noticed that the city isn\'t on fire. I\'m guessing that\'s a good sign?"

Yasaka let out a laugh. "You say misfits, is Kunou added to that?"

"You tell me?\'

Yasaka snorted in response. "Our little Kunou is getting more and more mischievous. And It\'s only going to get worse as she gets to \'that\' age. She tried to get me to let her skip classes today so she could come with me."

"Isn\'t it normal for kids to look for any excuse to skip school?"

"Yes, but normal children aren\'t Youkai who can cast certain spells in an attempt to get out of it."

"Oh jeez, what did she do this time?"

"I\'ll let her tell you." She said dryly. "Maybe hearing her daddy give her a talking to might make her settle down. Though, I am happy she\'s been more expressive lately. I\'m hoping it evens out soon once she realizing you are a mainstay in our lives."

Ah, I could understand. Kunou didn\'t have a real \'father\' before, so it\'s sort of a switch in dynamic for the younger girl and she\'s acting out in this way in response. It\'s not necessarily bad, but it should be something we talk to her about. "It makes me really happy that you\'re talking to me about parenting problems, even if I have no idea what I\'m doing here." I smiled.

"Oh honey, you make it sound like any parent knows what they\'re doing." She reached for my hand, taking it in hers. "Right, Raikou?"

"Fufu, of course. With my Kintoki I, to this day, didn\'t know what I was doing and just tried my best to raise him appropriately." Raikou agreed.

"And you are her parent now. You accepted that role, and you accepted both of us just as we have you." She playfully poked me in the chest. "So, I expect you to behave as such, mister. That means helping me rein in our little hellion. And believe me, that will be a trial in and of itself."

"I look forward to everything that entails." I took her hand and squeezed it.

She softened her expression again. "I really did luck out with you, didn\'t I?" That genuine smile on her face was one I always loved to see. "But I got a little off topic. Mordred hasn\'t been doing much, I haven\'t gotten any real reports. They\'re just enjoying my city from what I\'ve seen. Achilles and Atalanta have taken a job to hunt down some Vampires causing issues in the human Kyoto. We had some reports about several dozen humans drained of their blood and such. And the Serial killer hasn\'t caused any issues yet."

"Well, it seems like everything is going well."

"About as well as can be." She nodded. "We\'re still dealing with the after effects of the attack, but we\'re going to feel this for several more years before it\'s done."

"Do you require any aid? I may not be much help, but I am adept with my sword." Raikou offered in a show of concern.

"I wouldn\'t say no to any help. Gods above, we\'re seeing an abnormal number of strays from dozens of different species and factions and they\'re all causing trouble." Yasaka let out a sigh. "And our resources are....not very good right now. So it\'s difficult to pay for outside assistance in dealing with these things since my own people are already running ragged."

"Hey." I squeezed her hand again. "It\'s not just Raikou. Tell me what you need and I\'ll do it. I can get ahold of many things, even the most mundane, in large quantities if needed. Or if you want me to bring my sword to bear against someone. I want to alleviate some of your burden."

"You\'re sweet." She smiled brightly. "Both of you." She turned towards Raikou. "Give me a couple days, let me see what\'s the biggest priority and I\'ll figure something out."

"I heard the last bit of the conversation." Scáthach stepped over. "My spear will be available if you require aid, as well." Scáthach offered.

"I\'m pretty good at Magic." Jinn spoke up. "I can also help move things back and forth if you need anything."

"Rin and I were taking a break from exploring the Wilderness. I can offer whatever aid I\'m able. I have my pride as a Knight, do not hesitate to call upon me." Artoria joined in.

"I do not believe it is wise for me to show myself in any blatant manner. But....I can call upon my followers if it\'s merely resources you require." Meridia spoke up in a rare show of concern.

Both her and Scáthach seemed to be really trying to build bridges here.

"You all...." Yasaka looked like she was about to burst into tears. "Thank you, it\'s been hard dealing with all these messes."

I didn\'t realize how hard she\'s had it since then.....I needed to be more attentive in the future.

Well, I have something to work towards now. Help Artoria and Mordred figure things out. Go visit Izzy in the next few days, and help Yasaka clean up the messes from the attack.

"Shall we speak of the changes our shared interest has gone through, now?" Meridia spoke up.


"Do you think you could hide the changes to your existence from me?" She put her hands on her hips. "You are very different and have things you shouldn\'t have. Now you will speak. Why do you possess divinity? And keep in mind that I am able to retrieve such information easily." She pointed towards the piece of fabric binding my hair. And I recalled that she did something to it so she could see what I\'ve been up to.

"I believe that is a wonderful idea." Artoria turned to look at me with a blank expression.

"Divinity?" Yasaka also stared at me intently. "How could you possibly obtain divinity?"

"I don\'t understand either." Jinn muttered. "What could have happened for such a thing to happen?"

"Yes, Wilhelm. Please regale us with the tale of how you acquired this." Meridia snorted.

"Um....it\'s a funny story actually." And I completely forgot I had to explain how I decided to fight a God to my significant others.

"Do speak, I will fact check for them." Scáthach looked all too amused.

"It\'s not good to lie, Master." Raikou seemed to join in as well.

"I blame Zelretch."

"No. Try again." Meridia immediately denied.

"Crap, that usually works."


Taking the intro a little bit slow for now, but things will begin picking up. And I feel like I need to clarify, because too many people asked about this. On the interlude, when Akatosh took the spear, people kept saying I need to fix it because Wilhelm had the spear. Did yall miss the fact that Akatosh is the God of Time....I literally wrote about him messing with the time line like right before he retrieved it.

Anyways, if you want to read 7 chapters ahead or support me, visit my /astoryforone

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