The Regressor Can Make Them All

Chapter 126

Chapter 126

“Dean, it’s Lee Se-Hoon.”

“Come in.”

Having gained approval, Se-Hoon opened the door and entered, prompting Eun-Ha, who was doing paperwork at her desk, to immediately stand up.


There was no change in her expression, but her gaze was filled with expectation. Seeing that, Se-Hoon smiled slightly and took out his void pocket.

“I brought you lunch.”

“Please, have a seat here.”

Eun-Ha quickly guided him to the sofa, and Se-Hoon sat down opposite her while placing the void pocket on the table.


He pressed a button and the compressed space expanded, revealing a large double-edged ax and two daggers neatly arranged on the table.

Each had a balanced design, and their surfaces were densely engraved with spells via Incantation Inscriptions that were so skillfully done that it all looked like a single spell formula.

“And for the final touches...”

Se-Hoon infused earth and fire mana into the ax and daggers, respectively, activating the spells engraved on the surface and revealing their true nature.


The inscriptions on the surface flowed like waves, significantly enhancing the completeness of the weapons.

To Eun-Ha, the appearance of the weapons was both beautiful and very appetizing, causing her to stare.


A loud sound came from her stomach. Embarrassed by the obvious reaction, she glanced at Se-Hoon before lowering her gaze again.

“It is lunchtime, after all.”

“I know, I know. They’re all ready now, so go ahead and enjoy yourself.”

What kind of blacksmith wouldn’t feel satisfied at the sight of Eun-Ha craving equipment they made?

Eun-Ha straightened her posture and nodded.

“Thank you for the meal.”

Crunch-! Chomp!

She bit into the ax and daggers, chewing each of them thoroughly. Her twitching eyes, quivering lips, and burning hair all indicated her satisfaction.

Her emotions have definitely become richer than before the regression.

In the past, her strongest reaction to eating something delicious would just be her hair blazing, so this was the first time he saw her entire face show such a response. Was it because Se-Hoon now had an understanding of the taste of equipment? Or was it because of some change that had happened between when they first met and now?

While Se-Hoon was lost in thought, Eun-Ha had quickly finished eating.

“Thank you for the meal. They taste even better than before.”

“I\'m glad to hear that. I was worried you might not like it.”

Since he would have to change his forging method the moment Eun-Ha showed even a hint of getting tired of it, he couldn’t let his guard down.


His answer prompted Eun-Ha to look at him with a slightly strange expression. Then, a moment later, she made up her mind about something and said with a serious expression, “You don’t have to worry so much. Your equipment will always be deli... um... outstanding.”

“Excuse me?”

“What I mean is, it would be good for you to have a bit more confidence.”

Se-Hoon was slightly taken aback by her sudden encouragement, but he soon understood the reasoning behind it.

Did she find my response lacking in confidence even though I was just being polite?

Before he would have answered, “It tastes good? Then pay me more.” However, now that their relationship was different, he had to speak more carefully.

Thinking it was an unnecessary worry, he was just going to gloss over it, but then Se-Hoon suddenly remembered the purpose of his visit here.

Wait. If that’s the case...

Perhaps it has become easier to persuade her now. Thus, after composing his expression, he slowly opened his mouth.

“Well... I actually have a favor to ask you regarding that matter.”

“Please, go ahead. I will help you with anything I can.”

“There’s a rumor that Borsippa will be hosting an exhibition for honor student graduates. Have you heard about it?”

“Ah, about that...”

Eun-Ha stood up and walked to her desk. From it, she took out a piece of paper and handed it to him.

“Are you talking about this?”

Exhibition “The Future”

The poster had a grand title and a brief description, along with a list of some of the notable graduates. Se-Hoon scanned their names.

I don’t recognize any of these names.

Looking up from the list, he asked Eun-Ha, “Is this exhibition only for graduates?”

“I was informed that in some departments, the third-years and fourth-years are preparing an exhibit together or have prepared separate works individually.”

Hearing that current undergraduates could also participate, Se-Hoon’s eyes lit up.

“Then, may I participate in the exhibition as well?”

Eun-Ha looked at him with a slightly surprised expression.

“May I ask what your motives are?”

Although she had said she would help with anything, if his reason to participate was weak, she would reject him and prevent him from submitting something for the exhibition. And knowing that, Se-Hoon set the mood and said passionately, “Although my name is becoming known here and there as the honor student of Borsippa, there are still many who doubt my abilities, making me lose confidence over time.”

“I thought I’d handled them all... never mind. Please, continue.”

“So, I want to showcase my work at this exhibition. I want to give everyone a chance to properly evaluate me. I want them to show them all.”

He filled his words with as much determination and positivity as possible, portraying the image of a passionate student. And it worked.

Eun-Ha looked at Se-Hoon with slight surprise.

I didn’t know he could put on such an emotional expression...

Could it be that his anger toward those who underestimated him has been quietly brewing up this whole time? After a moment of contemplation, Eun-Ha nodded.

“There shouldn’t be much trouble if you want to participate. The exhibition is more like a casual event, and since you’re a first-year honor student, it will likely be seen as a promotional participation.”


“However, to avoid any complaints later, your work must match with the theme. Will you be able to prepare something suitable by next week?”

Looking at the theme titled “The Future,” Se-Hoon flashed a confident smile.

“You won’t need to worry about that.”

Of all the participants in this exhibition, none would be able to present a piece that depicted the future as clearly as his.

Eun-Ha nodded, seeing the certainty in Se-Hoon\'s expression.

“Understood. I’ll propose your participation at the next meeting, so please have it ready by next Thursday.”

“Got it. I’ll contact you as soon as it’s ready,” Se-Hoon said with a bow before exiting the office.

Eun-Ha’s expression slowly hardened as she watched him leave.

“So there are still people like that around...”

Perhaps the group of blacksmiths that didn’t approve of Se-Hoon’s fame were resurfacing after he hinted that he had a groundbreaking finding on the mass production of sword aura at the recent Ivory Tower student scholarship selection competition.

Eun-Ha became determined to sort out a list of those who were likely discontent with Se-Hoon and prepare a new review video for the cause. But before she could act, a vibration from her pocket interrupted her.


She took out her phone and checked the caller: Yuriel Oppenheimer.


Her eyes twitched slightly upon seeing that it was the Seraphim Guild’s leader and her sponsor—a far from a welcome name—before she answered the call.


—Not even greeting me now, huh? Until when are you going to...

“I’m hanging up. Send your message via text.”


Without missing a beat, Eun-Ha hung up the call and declined the subsequent ones as well. After a while, a message finally arrived, as if in resignation.

Yuriel Oppenheimer: We managed to acquire the research materials we discussed earlier. We’ll be conducting the experiment next weekend, so visit headquarters.


Eun-Ha’s eyes narrowed slightly at the content of the message; she was dissatisfied that she had to go back to that detestable place once again. However, she knew that she couldn’t ignore her contract, which she was bound to by oath.

Well, the contract is soon going to expire anyway...

With that thought, she sent her reply: Understood.


The exhibition is taken care of... now, the expo.

Babel’s grand Hextech Expo was a place for companies from all over the world to gather and showcase their new technologies and products. It was the largest event out of the events held by the three colleges and also the one Se-Hoon was most wary of.

It’s the perfect opportunity for Dawn to sneak in.

Although the only confirmed enemies from the recent raid on the Black Arms’s ship were the Dream Demon of the Ten Evils and Offering, Se-Hoon still remained vigilant for other threats.

Despite their differences, the Ten Evils and Watchers were all part of the same faction, the Demon Force. Any of them were capable of exploiting the chaos caused by the others to their advantage, with or without coordination.

Dawn, especially.... They might seize this chance to kidnap Luize.

Though it was still uncertain if any incident would occur at the expo, reacting after something had already happened would be meaningless. Thus Se-Hoon began to meticulously strategize a plan for the expo.


Feeling his vibrating phone in his pocket, Se-Hoon took it out to see an unfamiliar number on the screen.

Who could this be?

Wondering who would know his number, he answered the call and heard a familiar voice.

—Lee Se-Hoon. This is Professor Lan Fei from the Department of Hextech. Do you have a moment?

Hearing the tired-sounding voice, Se-Hoon quickly replied, “Yes, please, go on.”

—I called to inform you that the compensation we discussed earlier has been finalized. I\'d prefer to discuss it in person. When would it be convenient for you?

Realizing he was talking about the compensation for solving the incident at the Ivory Tower, Se-Hoon thought for a moment and answered, “I could go to where you are right now, Professor.”

—Then let\'s meet in my office. It\'s on the twenty-second floor of the main building of the Department of Hextech.


After hanging up the phone, Se-Hoon looked down at his phone.

Department of Hextech, huh...

Feeling like he had found a way to participate in the expo, he immediately took the light rail to the Department of Hextech in Ur.


The building is neat and ordinary.

Walking inside the main building of the Department of Hextech, Se-Hoon scanned his surroundings which looked more like a corporate office than an educational facility. At that moment, he spotted a familiar face.


It was Luize, who was leaning against the wall and looking at her phone. She seemed slightly irritated and her expression was twisted in discomfort.

Why is she here? Oh, maybe she was summoned here with me just like before?

Thinking they would probably head up together, he approached her.

Oblivious to the fact that it was him, Luize, upon sensing someone, looked up irritably.

“Get lost. What the fu—oh, it\'s you?”

Stopping herself from swearing reflexively, Luize paused mid-sentence.

But the target of her irritation, Se-Hoon, just watched her for a moment and then sadly nodded while wiping the corner of his eye with his finger.

“Okay... I\'ll get lost.”

“What? No, I mean...”

Leaving the flustered Luize behind, Se-Hoon “dejectedly” headed toward the elevator. A moment later, he heard hurried footsteps behind him.

“Hey, are you messing with me?” asked Luize.

“I\'m not messing around. I\'m hurt.”

“Do you want me to actually hurt you?” asked Luize with narrowed eyes and a glare.

Seeing that, Se-Hoon chuckled and replied, “Isn\'t it a bit harsh to start swearing at someone out of the blue?”

“No, it\'s just... these weird guys kept talking to me recently, so I was a bit on edge. You should know that I didn’t mean it...” Luize embarrassedly explained.

“Weird guys were talking to you?”

Se-Hoon found it curious that anyone would approach Luize. But then, after reflecting on it a bit more, he realized something.

Ah, she’s not the Blast Dog yet.

She used to be infamous for destroying dozens of buildings in her rampage against the mages from Dawn. Now, however, she was just a relatively quiet student.

“So, who were they?”

“I don\'t know. They just kept saying that they were impressed by my Incantation Magic and wanted to collaborate with me. They wouldn’t leave me alone.... Actually, now that I think about it, I’m just going to beat up the next person who approaches me with this matter,” Luize irritably said, clearly annoyed.

Se-Hoon rubbed his chin thoughtfully.

Incantation Magic is an intriguing field for many.

Since it was fundamentally different from conventional magic, there were numerous research opportunities in the field. In fact, when the Blast Dog had officially joined the allied forces before the regression, significant advancements had been made in the field of Incantation Magic.

If I consider that, it might be worth exploring a bit further.

Se-Hoon racked his brain over which minor classes he should recommend for Luize, and soon the elevator stopped at the twenty-second floor.

Exiting the elevator, the two walked down the corridor and soon found a nameplate that read “Lan Fei.”

“Professor, it’s Lee Se-Hoon.”

“Come in.”

Se-Hoon and Luize opened the door and entered.

The door led to Lan Fei’s research lab, a curious mix of organized chaos with towers of neatly stacked documents and a massive fortress built out of energy drink cans.

Looking around the room, Se-Hoon thought, This is the definition of an organized mess.

Surrounded by all the clutter, the two stood awkwardly, gazing at the lab that was impressive in various ways. Just then, they heard Lan Fei\'s voice from behind a tower of documents.

“Sit on the sofa over there. I\'ll soon wrap up what I\'m doing and join you guys.”


The two of them sat side by side on the relatively clean guest sofa, listening to the endless sound of a pen scratching on paper from the desk.

After a while, Lan Fei skillfully maneuvered through the towers of documents and sat down opposite them.

“I apologize for inviting you guys to this mess. I was just looking for some old documents to find the necessary data, and then...”

Lan Fei gave a sheepish smile, acknowledging that the room was indeed, excessively messy.

Se-Hoon shook his head and said, “It\'s your lab, Professor. There’s no problem at all.”

“Thank you for understanding. Now, let\'s talk about the compensation.”

Lan Fei picked up a file from the table and handed it to them.

“This is the list of items the Ivory Tower has decided you may choose from as compensation. Look through it and choose what you need.”

Upon receiving the file from Lan Fei, the two immediately read through it together.

We promise a reward equivalent to three billion won for each student who helped quell and resolve the recent mana rampage. If they express that they do not need monetary compensation, items of equivalent value from the Ivory Tower\'s collection will be provided...

The following list contained various items, including rare Hero-tier materials and a plethora of high-tier equipment, some of which couldn\'t even be bought with the three billion won offered.

So the items they’re offering are purely based on their value, ignoring rarity or name-value.

It was clear that the Ivory Tower was willing to take a hit to avoid any potential backlash from Babel, or more precisely, Ludwig.

These are all pretty good...

As Se-Hoon was carefully going through each item on the list, Luize, who was looking at it beside him, spoke after a moment of hesitation.

“Hey, help me choose mine.”

“What, why?”

“There\'s nothing that really catches my eye, and you\'re better at spotting these things than I am.”

“Oh, then...”

As Se-Hoon was going over the list again at Luize\'s request, he recalled a thought he had while coming here.

Come to think of it, since Professor Lan Fei is from the Department of Hextech, he might have some ties to the expo.

Thinking it was worth a shot, he asked Lan Fei, who was looking at documents across from him.

“Professor, are you in charge of anything at the Hextech Expo next week?”

“The Hextech Expo?” asked Lan Fei, taken aback by the unexpected question. He then responded saying, “I\'m in charge of overseeing all of the different items, as the corporate representatives only know how to manage their own stuff.”

When multiple hextech devices operated in one location, their mana wavelengths could affect each other. Therefore, there was a need for someone to oversee the entire venue at such expos, and Lan Fei had taken on that role.

It seems he\'s quite capable. And if he\'s managing the facilities...

Musing over his options, Se-Hoon came up with an appropriate approach.

“Could you perhaps arrange for me to join as an on-site staff member at the expo?”

“On-site staff? Why?”

“There are going to be products from world-renowned companies presented at that expo. If possible, I\'d like to see them up close,” answered Se-Hoon with a smile.

The information shown to the general public and what one encountered while working internally differed greatly. While companies took security measures to prevent any leaks of inside information, there were always those who were inevitably exposed.

If their security is lax, all of their secret technology could be exposed.

If he managed to secure a ticket to the inner workings of the expo, the rest would be easy.


Lan Fei looked at Se-Hoon silently for a moment before asking, “Are you an industrial spy by any chance?”


“Have you been hired by a company that couldn\'t participate in the expo?”


“Then you simply want to sneak a peek at the supposedly amazing technology of these big companies, right?”

“That\'s correct.”

After mulling over it for a while, Lan Fei finally nodded.

“Alright, it should be fine then. We were currently shorthanded anyway, so I\'ll accept your request.”

“Thank you.”


Lan Fei leaned forward slightly, tapping the compensation list on the table with his finger. “I\'ll take half of the compensation offered by the Ivory Tower as the price for the entry pass. Is that acceptable?”

The amount presented was neither too much nor too little, just right in securing his share.

Se-Hoon couldn\'t help but smile at Lan Fei\'s approach.

He\'s definitely a capable person.

Lan Fei was bold enough, not overly greedy, and flexible enough to understand the situation quickly. He likely had a wealth of knowledge and confidence in his ability to handle such matters.

“That sounds more than fair,” Se-Hoon agreed.

“Good. I\'ll contact you when we need extra hands,” Lan Fei said.

“Sweet. We’ll also work hard,” Se-Hoon replied.

They shook hands with satisfied expressions.


Meanwhile, Luize was dismayed, realizing she had inadvertently lost half of her compensation and would be working during the expo.

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