The Regressor Can Make Them All

Chapter 36

Chapter 36

Seeing his newly updated account balance, Se-Hoon couldn’t help but be amazed. When he first checked his account after regressing, there was only a measly 110,250 won.

After suffering a long drought, his bank account finally received some rain.

What do I spend it on first...

The first thing that came to mind was buying materials to enhance Soul Honing, but he also needed to prepare for the forging session using the Dream Ivory. On top of those, he also needed new equipment, like hammers and whetstones. The list of potential expenses just went on and on.

Finally unable to think of anything else, Se-Hoon quickly came to a conclusion once he reviewed the list.

Investment is the way to go.

Six hundred million won was not a small amount, but it was far from enough to cover everything he needed. As such, he decided to only address urgent matters first and then focus on growing his account.

Of course, investment wouldn’t always guarantee a return, but if he used the knowledge he had before the regression, it should be relatively safe.

If I act too hastily though, I could end up like that old fool, Ma Kwang-Soo, and lose everything.

Considering his fuzzy memories and the possibility that the future could change with his intervention, he decided to avoid being too reckless with investing. Before he invested, he needed to carefully examine each memory he had.

As Se-Hoon was pondering the future, lost in his thoughts, he was interrupted by Eun-Ha’s voice.

“Have you finished checking your balance?” asked Eun-Ha, who was sitting in front of him, with an expressionless face.

“Ah, yes. The amount seems to be right.”

“If you think it’s insufficient, please let me know. I believe the Radiant Long Sword is worth it, so I am willing to pay whatever it takes,” Eun-Ha said, glancing at the sword on the table.

She seemed to be quite fond of it as she looked at it every chance she got. Se-Hoon shook his head in response.

“No, you were already overly generous with the amount. I can’t ask for more.”

“Is that so? I thought it was worth that much...”

While it wasn’t good to undercut his own achievements, in this case, Se-Hoon was simply speaking candidly about the value of the Radiant Long Sword.

For now, it’s one of a kind, but eventually, it will be mass-produced.

The Radiant Long Sword was difficult to forge, but there wasn’t a specific condition that made it hard to replicate. As long as they knew the basic framework, anyone could replicate it. It was so easy that skilled blacksmiths would likely be able to forge something similar just by hearing its characteristics.

I want to be conscientious with Ryu Eun-Ha, at least.

While Erika and Jake had been bidding because they were more interested in recruiting him than in purchasing the weapon, Eun-Ha had bid as a critic who wanted to purely evaluate and enjoy it.

However, beating down the price too harshly could lower her expectations of him and make it difficult to increase their bond level, so he had to adjust the price accordingly.

“Hm. It certainly isn’t at a level that can’t be replicated, but the forging process shouldn’t be that easy...”

“A skilled blacksmith will be able to replicate it easily. That’s why the six hundred million feels a bit too generous to me. I’m wondering if I should really accept this...”

Se-Hoon trailed off, and hearing him, Eun-Ha stated firmly, “You should accept it. Even if there’s a possibility of replication, this sword is the only one of its kind for now.”

And even if the sword was mass-produced in the future, there was no guarantee that the copies would be as good as the Radiant Long Sword that Se-Hoon had forged. That was why Eun-Ha had told him to accept the money without a hint of hesitation.

“The Radiant Long Sword is definitely worth six hundred million.”

As she spoke as a customer expressing her sincerity and not as a dean encouraging her student, her words made Se-Hoon quietly nod in appreciation.

“Thank you. I’m glad I sold it to you, Dean.”


Hearing his words, Eun-Ha’s eyes slightly widened, and then she murmured calmly, “I see.”

Her expression made it hard to discern her thoughts, but he noticed that she seemed somewhat pleased.

She’s still bad at receiving compliments.

To blacksmiths, Eun-Ha was both a coveted and dreaded customer. A blacksmith’s equipment was meant to be used over time, spreading their fame in the process, so Eun-Ha’s unique skill, Soul Furnace, which tended to turn their equipment into one-time use and effectively erase their presence, made her an undesirable customer.

Plus there are her harsh critiques, so who would like her as a customer?

The anecdote about a blacksmith rushing to buy back his equipment from the auction before Eun-Ha could purchase it spoke volumes about the industry’s view of her.

Yet, despite knowing all that. a promising newcomer said he appreciated that she bought his weapon? Naturally, as a human being, she felt pleased.

The bond level is still level one, but... with this kind of atmosphere, it’s not bad.

Observing her expressionless face, he cautiously opened his mouth.

“I have a question, Dean...”

“Go ahead.”

“When do you plan to eat the Radiant Long Sword? I’m just a bit curious.”

Pondering his question, she soon replied, “I plan to use it when I go to a danger zone. It’s too precious to use it for training.”

Her words relieved him since the sword wouldn’t be treated as a mere snack. He had expected otherwise since it was just a Rare weapon.

“Have you decided where to go?” asked Se-Hoon.

“Not yet...”

Realizing the intent behind Se-Hoon’s question, she decided to confirm it.

“Do you wish to accompany me?”

“Yes. If you’re okay with it, I’d like to go to Mount Silver Moon together.”

“Mount Silver Moon... that’s a D-rank danger zone.”

Danger zones were areas where the environment had been transformed due to being contaminated by the Abyss of Demons. Mount Silver Moon, one of those danger zones, was recommended for heroes of D-rank and above; it was also one of the potential training grounds for the first-year’s first subjugation practical.

“What are your reasons?”

“I want to see how the Radiant Long Sword performs in real combat... and experiencing it might be helpful for the upcoming subjugation practical.”

Babel Academy, an institution for training heroes, regularly conducted practical training sessions by sending students to danger zones to subjugate monsters.

For students of Ur and Aqar Quf, their performance would be reflected in their grades, so it was required. Borsippa students, on the other hand, would have to apply to join, and Se-Hoon was already preparing for it.

That’s all just an excuse.

His real intention behind his request to accompany her was to use Eun-Ha’s strength to secure useful items for later use.

One such item was hidden in Mount Silver Moon. Se-Hoon distinctly remembered the artifact from before the regression.

The artifact of Wurgen Kruger, a Perfect One.

He was the most powerful necromancer, known as the Eternal Nocturne for transcending death, and the chairman of UD Group, the leading conglomerate for decades.

The item hidden somewhere on Mount Silver Moon was one of the artifacts that he lost during the war with the demons.

I remember that someone found that artifact and delivered it to UD Group for hundreds of billions in rewards.

If Se-Hoon found it this time, he could also opt for a monetary reward or demand something else of equivalent value.

Being a Perfect One and one of the wealthiest people in the world, securing the artifact of Wurgen Kruger would be useful in any situation.


After a long moment of consideration over Se-Hoon’s proposal, Eun-Ha opened her mouth.

“Considering my position as dean, that might be a bit...”

“In return, I’ll forge any kind of equipment you desire.”

“Let’s decide on the date then. How about next week?”

At his words, her eyes sparkled and she immediately changed stances. Se-Hoon smiled, seeing how she was no different from before the regression.

“Next week it is.”




Hearing the irritated sigh from across the table, Jake flinched.

“So, you’re saying you couldn’t get it in the end,” said Aria.

“...M-my apologies.”

“There’s no need to apologize. Someone might actually think that I’m reprimanding you. Do I seem that petty to you?”

The fact that she said that implied that she was not just petty but also twisted, yet Jake quickly banished the thought from his mind. With a sister who could basically read his every thought, it was better not to think such things in the first place.

“Still, it’s a bit disappointing. I thought I made it clear to you that no matter the cost, you were to obtain Lee Se-Hoon’s sword... yet, you gave up so easily just because Ryu Eun-Ha, the dean, intervened.”


“Perhaps I didn’t make it clear enough? Or maybe... did I seem too easy?”

Jake tensed up at her soft murmur. He hadn’t felt this much pressure even during his private meeting with Ludwig. He had grown up with Aria, but to Jake, she was more of a terrifying monster than a caring sister.

Jake began unwittingly clenching his fists due to the tense atmosphere that seemed as if it was about to crush his entire body, but then...

“Ah, sorry, Jake. I’ve been on edge lately because of some troubling matters.... I didn’t mean to snap at you.”

The oppressive atmosphere suddenly vanished, replaced by her lively voice. It was a relief that he had been looking at the ground; had he been making direct eye contact with her, he might have fainted on the spot.

“You’re not upset, are you?”

“...No, it’s my fault for acting recklessly.”

“I’m glad that you understand. But...”

Her hands, which were previously resting on the table, were now interlocked. They supported her sculpted chin that rested on top, bringing the emotionless curve of her lips into his field of view.

“How long do you plan to keep your head down?”

Hearing what seemed like a veiled warning, Jake quickly lifted his head and saw his sister, smiling brightly as always.

“When we talk, we should face each other, right?”


“Hm. Well, we can’t change what’s past, so we need to think about what to do next,” Aria said, pondering what to do next while resting her chin on her hand.

Seeing this, Jake cautiously spoke up.

“Um... Aria, may I ask you something?”

“Sure, go ahead.”

“Why are you so interested in Lee Se-Hoon?”

Jake, the errand runner for Aria within the family, had a rough idea of her interests.

Aria, like all members of the Myers lineage who were renowned for their swordsmanship, was interested in world-renowned master swords and the blacksmiths who could forge such masterpieces. However, unlike the others, she had a particularly intense fascination with them.

Lee Se-Hoon doesn’t seem to be on that level.

He might be a promising candidate, but his sister wasn’t one to entertain such uncertain possibilities.

He couldn’t figure out why was she so interested in Se-Hoon.

“Hm. That’s a good question. Why am I so interested...” she mumbled.

It was as if she was contemplating the reason for the first time today. Confused by the even more perplexing reaction, Jake looked at her quizzically.

“Maybe it’s his looks?”

“Cough! Cough! Keugh!” Jake choked and coughed at the unexpected comment.

Aria let out a small laugh.

“Just kidding. Just kidding.”


“I do like the wild dog vibe he has, but that alone isn’t enough for me to go this far. I know how to keep personal feelings away from business.”


Listening to her, Jake seriously wondered if he should warn Se-Hoon.

“I’m just a little curious...”

A brief pause later, Aria continued in a calm tone, “About what kind of sword he can forge.”

She remembered how, for some reason, only Se-Hoon’s voice clearly stood out to her amidst the roaring crowd and attention on the stage in the Hall of Martial Arts.

“They’re just so full of themselves.”

Although it sounded like nothing more than a spiteful remark driven by jealousy, her abnormal sensitivity allowed her to perceive a certain emotion from those brief words.

It was as if he understood exactly what kind of person she was, perhaps even empathizing with her.

No. I shouldn’t expect too much from him for now.

She knew that the higher the expectation, the greater the disappointment. Having been betrayed more than once, she tempered her burgeoning hope and decided to conclude their conversation.

“So, I’ll be counting on you from now on. You understand what I mean, right?”

“...Yes, I understand.”

“Good. Now, about how you should approach him... ah, didn’t you say you guys were taking the same class? Professor Ma Kwang-Soo’s Physiology Control class?”

At her inquiry, Jake nodded.

“Yes, we’re both taking that class.”

“Then try asking him during class. Tell him we’ll pay properly.”


It wasn’t a bad idea, but Jake felt uneasy. He didn’t have any issue with making the request; it just seemed unlikely Se-Hoon would accept it.

I’ll be grateful as long as he doesn’t badmouth my sister...

Yet, it wasn’t like he could ask Aria to make the request herself. She was usually too busy with subjugation missions assigned by the academy for her graduation.

Plus, if she was going to persuade him herself, she wouldn’t have asked me in the first place.

He wondered what he had done in his past life to deserve getting stuck in such predicaments. As Jake internally complained, Aria spoke, “If you manage to resolve this well, I’ll speak to Father about your succession ceremony.”

Her statement made him flinch.

“He said he wouldn’t think about it until you graduate, but that’s too far in the future. Besides, if things stay as they are now, you might even lose your honor student position soon.”


“You’ve anticipated this much already, haven’t you?”

Jake’s expression wavered at her words because that exact thought had crossed his mind when he had suffered an utterly disappointing defeat in the duel with Se-Hoon.

I’ll finally have my own sword...

Unlike his family members, who possessed their own swords after going through the succession ceremony, Jake hadn’t gone through his. Clenching his fist, he made up his mind.

“I’ve recently done some favors for him, so if I speak to Father about it, he’s likely going to agree. So—”

“I understand,” Jake interrupted with a serious expression.

“I’ll make sure to obtain a sword from Lee Se-Hoon, by any means necessary.”

If his earlier attitude was one of reluctance, his attitude now was clearly one of determination.

At Jake’s resolute declaration, a smile grew on Aria’s face.

“Is it alright for you to interrupt while I’m speaking?”

“...I’m sorry.”

Their awkward conversation continued a bit longer.

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