
Chapter 1244 Reinforcement

Zhang Mengyao immediately asked Lu An and Marshal Alton to meet her as soon as they took over Germany. She felt something fishy with how the World Government left Germany after defending Germany for almost two months. She wanted to meet Marshal Alton who had experienced many fights and Lu An for information.

She was waiting in her room as Lu An and Marshal Alton came together, side by side. The old and the young man had grown closer with how often they met during the war. She had heard that Lu An wanted to learn the strategy and war stuff from the old man. That was what she heard. As the two took the seat, she immediately shared her concern with a map opened on the table.

"Their movement is indeed weird. I think of two possibilities. First, this might be a trap set up by them. They want us to take over Germany so they can cage us in this territory," Marshal Alton pointed at several countries around Germany. Netherlands, Belgium, Austria, Czech, and Poland, "If they have a force in Belgium, they may cut our path to retreat, though we don\'t need to worry about it if that\'s the case. We have Virion and The Elven King staying in Paris. We can pincher them from both sides to take over the border again."

Zhang Mengyao turned toward Lu An. She wanted information about Belgium. The Head of TEID understood and nodded, "I am sending my people there. We can get the information about Belgium at the latest within twenty-four hours."

"The second possibility is they have gotten everything they want from Germany and decided to cut their losses. We already know what they want, and they might have gotten what they want from Germany."

"Can you check the unique class in all Smart Bases in Germany, Origin?" Zhang Mengyao forgot about the ten unique classes during the war. The war made her forget her enemy\'s purpose of taking over the territories, the smart base.

Origin was quick with his action. In less than a minute, he already got the information Zhang Mengyao wanted.

[We have lost all ten unique classes in fourteen out of twenty-seven Smart Bases, and most of those smart bases are the ones we take from them, Ma\'am.]

"Have your men stay in Belgium and Netherlands, Lu An. We need to keep an eye on those two countries, in case they have a portal gate connecting the smart base there. We don\'t want to lose France to them," Zhang Mengyao gave her order for TEID. She then turned toward Marshal Alton, "I need your advice for our next move, Sir Alton." She did not hesitate to ask for advice from Marshal Alton even though she held a higher position. She had some ideas, but it was better to ask the experienced.

"Depending on your goal, Ma\'am. If we want to destroy the World Government, we take over Poland. From what I know, the leading faction of the World Government, The World Union\'s main base is in Poland. We can try doing that, though I doubt we will be able to destroy them," Marshal Alton stood up and pointed at Poland, "We ignore the smart bases and go straight to their main base. We attack with an intent to destroy them, not to take over the territory."

Zhang Mengyao did not like that plan because it would weaken their defense on the other territories. The World Government would take all the territories back, "What\'s the best move in our current situation?"

"In my opinion, the best plan will be going here," Marshal Alton pointed back to Portugal, "We reinforce Portugal and focus on here." He was then pointing at South East Asia.

"I think it\'s better for us to focus on our main territory than chasing The World Union. We take all the unique classes and strengthen our people with the class, then leave. Almost all of our armies have taken the Survival Games, and with the unique classes, we are strengthening our force by another level. That will also weaken the World Government since we have taken all the resources from our captured territories. With the portal tech, it will be really hard for us to take down the World Government."

"Use their strategy against them, I like it," Lu An was the first one to agree to the plan, "However, instead of retreating right now, what if we take more territories first," He pointed at the isolated country, Belgium and Netherlands, "We take over these two territories and take everything in it before we leave."

"Are we throwing away our advantage?" Zhang Mengyao could not help but ask. They were at an advantage against the World Government, and she felt like they could take more than this. She wanted to reduce the World Government\'s resources further.

"Just being more cautious, Ma\'am. We don\'t know how strong they are, and they have lost too many people against us. The Federation of Allurion and the Divine Church might send their main force," Marshal Alton was being cautious and revealed his concern. They have been in a war for almost half a year against the World Government. That was a long time for the Federation of Allurion and the Divine Church to prepare their main force, "What if they have Demi-God Rank reinforcement? I don\'t think we can beat that, and there\'s only one person who can kill the Demi-God Rank."

"That\'s right, we better wait for His Majesty\'s return and focus on our main territory. The Polar Guild has been harassing our sub-region in Mongolia, and we need to do something about that too. Also don\'t forget about the Uprising Guild," Marshal Alton pointed at Africa. The Uprising Guild came from Africa. No one knew their main territory, but The Uprising Guild was the strongest faction in that area. They knew nothing about the Uprising Guild\'s movement yet, and they might come close to their territory through the Middle East.

"We don\'t know anything about them. They might have captured all territories in their continent and moved to our main territory. I don\'t think we should split our force, and it\'s better if we meet them in the middle instead of letting them take the initiative to attack our main territory."

Zhang Mengyao massaged the space between her eyes. She completely forgot about the Uprising Guild. The Uprising Guild also received reinforcement from the Divine Church, and Marshal Alton was right about them. They might come attacking them from there.

"Give me the list of the Unique Class, Origin. I want all of them, including the smart base location by tonight," Zhang Mengyao then turned toward Lu An, "Choose ten people from your division to get a unique class." Then she turned toward Marshal Alton, "You choose twenty people from The Beast Coven Legion."

"What? Why does the Beast Coven Legion get twenty while my division only gets ten?" Lu An complained after hearing the number.

"Because The Beast Coven has ten times more people or might be more than your division," Zhang Mengyao rolled her eyes, "If you keep complaining then I will reduce the number down to five."

The threat worked as Lu An immediately shut his mouth with his hands, ensuring he did not speak again.

"We will follow your plan, Sir Alton. We will start distributing the unique classes tonight. We will wait for your info for Belgium and Netherlands, Lu An. If they have captured all the territories there, then we might as well leave rather than attack them. We will attack if there are territories to capture." Zhang Mengyao added, "Also, the twenty people are a temporary number. We should have hundreds of them, so prepare more candidates to take a unique class. Alright, that\'s it for today."

Lu An and Marshal Alton left the room after the meeting, but Zhang Mengyao remained in her seat. She opened the Communication System and tried to send a message to Tang Shaoyang. She regularly sent an update of the current war, until she could not send the message anymore. It started four days ago when she got notified that the person could not receive the message. 

"Hah… You made me worried," Zhang Mengyao muttered in a low voice. She knew that Tang Shaoyang must enter another advancement trial, but he did not notify her before taking the trial. Today was the same, she could not send the message again, meaning Tang Shaoyang was still in the advancement trial. She shook her head and left the room.

As the night arrived, Zhang Mengyao held another meeting. The agenda was for Zhang Mengyao to tell the other high-ranking officers about the plan, then discussed it together. Then she would distribute the unique classes to each division and legion. She underestimated the number of the unique class and also the smart bases. She was holding the list in her hand, and there were 2613 unique classes. Origin divided the class into two, combat class and production class. The World Government left most of the production classes. So even though usually one smart base had more combat class than the production class, the total of the unique classes they had from this war was almost even.

There were around 1200-ish unique production classes and over 1300 unique combat classes. Zhang Mengyao planned to distribute all of them even if it would take all night.

"Uhoh, we have bad news," Before the meeting started, Lu An broke the silence, "I just received bad news from my people from the tower that a big number of people are entering Earth\'s region. They are from the Federation of Allurion and the Divine Church. The Federation of Allurion sends their beastmen armies, and there\'s a legion of Holy Knights as well. Estimate number a few thousand…No, maybe hundreds of thousands. There\'s a long line at the entrance."

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