Obtaining 10x rewards! Reincarnated into a novel as a side-character!

Chapter 134: Water Chamber! Fill the cup?

Snap! BANG!!

As soon as Alison opened the thick chamber door, a roaring sound of lightning rang in their ears. The sound was thunderous and terrifyingly loud. The group instinctively flinched at the intensity.

As soon as the environment came into view of the group, they saw a dark stormy sky with black clouds covering the entirety of the sky. The air felt charged, almost as if the storm itself was alive and pulsating with energy.

Constant lightning coursed through those thick clouds, occasionally raining down on the ground. Each bolt seemed to crackle with a life of its own, splitting the darkness with blinding light.

In the distance, there were metal rods rooted into the ground and conductive surfaces spread like sheets in various areas. They covered the floor like patches, and electric current was constantly rampaging through those sheets. The ground itself seemed to tremble with each flash of lightning, proving to the raw power within the chamber.

The wind was stormy under those dark clouds, and everything was just very destructive in the chamber in general.

\'This… is not a torture chamber, right?\' Oliver paused as he glanced at Daniel, who was dazedly looking at the thunder in the sky. His eyes held a hint of pity when he thought about the little boy that was going to be electrocuted very soon.

"Well then, let\'s move on to the last chamber."

Alison\'s calm voice sounded amidst the roaring thunder as she led them out. Daniel remained back inside the chamber—too excited to care about other things anymore.

Alison did issue him a strict warning as well, to not venture deep into the chamber early on or he would suffer severe consequences.

It was finally the last chamber that Alison was going to show them.

"This here is the chamber of the Light element. It was made after extensive research on the element and it consumes way more resources than any other chamber so far," she briefly introduced the chamber and its history.

Her voice held a note of pride as she spoke, indicating the significance of this particular chamber.

The history was simple: humanity had always considered individuals with the Light element to be divine missionaries sent from the heavens to aid them in their war against demonic beings and entities.

The light was seen as a symbol of hope and purity, a beacon in the darkness.

Exorcists did not believe in such superstitious rumors, but there were many organizations and clans dedicated to worshiping Light element users as their holy beings or messengers of heaven.

These groups would go to great lengths to protect and venerate those with the Light element, often forming entire communities around their presence.

These were so-called fanatics, all controlled by a single big organization in the novel, which was revealed much later. This organization operated from the shadows, pulling strings and manipulating events to maintain their power and influence over the centuries.

Even he as the reader did not have much information about that part; he was not able to read the novel to that extent, so he was just as clueless as others.

But he knew that the organization behind it was just as powerful as the Black Codex Federation or even more so…

These elemental chambers were specially requested to be added by such people, donating their research and resources to nurture individuals with the Light element.


Alison opened the metallic door to the chamber and instantly a bright light enveloped the field of vision of the group.


Narrowing his eyes, Oliver observed the interior of the chamber of Light.

It was a bright, open space with varying light intensities.

The room was filled with bright light of varying intensities, illuminating every corner of the room. There was not an inch of darkness anywhere.

There were multiple reflective surfaces like mirrors and crystals etched all around the room.

The group was able to see their reflections at almost all the places instantly.

In the distance, there were pillars emitting beams of light and rainbows.

There was an unmistakable warmth in the room, and the group was able to relax under such warmth.

It was a calm place with a bright atmosphere.

If he was not mistaken, those lights emerging from the pillars were not ordinary by any means. He could sense a huge amount of espera concentrated over those tip points.

He dared not use [Cosmic Void Gaze] or he was sure he would be flashed right in the eyes.

It would be akin to seeing the sun directly with the naked eye on a bright sunny day.

He refrained from doing something that reckless.

"This place looks amazingly mystical!"

The group was in awe of the chamber of Light; it was really beautiful after all. Evelyn could not help but feel a little special inside to have awakened the Light element and how all the others in the group were amazed by this.

"Well then, that\'s that for you lot. Now get to the chambers of your respective elements. I will visit you one by one and impart techniques and manipulation of your element."

"Yes, teacher!"

Slowly, they started to leave for their respective chambers one after the other.

"Umm…" Bella suddenly interrupted Alison as she said, "What about me, teacher…?"

She sounded hesitant as all her friends were assigned to chambers of their elements, but she was not.

She had some inkling as to why that was. Her family had constantly emphasized and praised how rare magnetism as an awakened element was.

Nonetheless, she still felt a little uncomfortable inside being isolated like this while others had something to do and train.

"Hmm? Don\'t worry, girl. We are going to train in a different way." Alison patted her head and asked her to wait outside for a while.

"Now then, I should get moving too."


Oliver approached the entrance of the Water Chamber, a shiver of anticipation running down his spine.

The metallic-looking door, made of smooth, translucent blue crystal, shimmered with a soft light, refracting into a spectrum of colors.

Taking a deep breath, Oliver pressed his hand against the door, which swung open with a gentle whispering sound. The moment he stepped inside, he felt a sense of tranquility wash over him.

The chamber was illuminated by a bright light from the bioluminescent plants and algae lining the walls and the lake. The soft glow created an ethereal atmosphere, making the chamber feel like a hidden oasis.

He heard the gentle splashing of waterfalls, the soft patter of droplets, and the distant echo of the strong water current. To him, this was not bothersome at all—more so, it sounded like a peaceful melody.

 It was as if the water was singing a calming lullaby, inviting him to connect with it.

The air was filled with the fresh scent of rain, mixed with the earthy aroma of moss and wet stone. There was also a faint, pleasant smell of aquatic plants and flowers blooming along the water\'s edge.

The combination of scents was refreshing and invigorating.

He did not wait long before the door behind him opened once more as Alison entered the chamber too.

She handed him a small, florid cup made of polished stone and pointed to a distant pedestal in the center of the lake, where a single water lily floated.

"Your first task is to fill this cup with water from the lake without touching the water physically," she said, her voice as soothing as the chamber itself. "You must connect with the element and draw the water to you if you want to fill this, literally."

Oliver paused as he looked towards the area where she had pointed…

The distance was quite large. The water lily was directly in the middle of the lake, and he had to draw water from that distance to fill his cup.

He could control water nearby with some ease, but he had never tried to move water over larger distances than his arm\'s length ever.

This was going to be his first time.

Holding the cup in front of him, he closed his eyes and tried to feel the water\'s presence. He visualized the water rising and filling the cup, but when he opened his eyes, the water remained still.

Not surprising, considering he was about 10 meters, around as much as the size of a city bus, away from the lake.

He attempted again, this time using more espera to control the water to obey him and fall into the cup. He focused on the sensation of the water, trying to pull it towards him like a string.

It did not work again.

He tried again, this time, just trying to effectively push the water at the lake\'s edge and create some disturbances towards him and then draw out water. He envisioned small ripples forming and moving towards him.

But again, this method also did not work.

He kept attempting and trying different methods that came to his mind, trying to create all sorts of disturbances in the water, waves, or anything to pull out the water from the lake. 

He only got more determined to succeed with each try.

He did not lack espera and used all the espera without constraint. He experimented as much as he wanted without getting tired.

He was non-stop and kept trying, but the end output was not satisfactory and lacking. Despite his efforts, the water remained stubbornly out of reach. 

\'It\'s really testing my patience...\' he thought with a forced smile as he pointed his hand towards the water lily once more.

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