MMORPG: Rise of the Primordial Godsmith

Chapter 788 Four Pillars: Culmination

Chapter 788 Four Pillars: Culmination

Rarity: Ancient

Blacksmiths are considered a staple of any civilization, being the first ones of their kind to work off the foundations their ancestors had given them, as well as create a brand new and more effective foundation that the future generation could rely of them.

A great number of these blacksmiths follow the already carved path, their slight quirks and differences allowing them to make a name for themselves are renowned craftsman of their time.

However, there also exists those that veer off from the path laid out in front of them, creating a brand new style of blacksmithing that scratch that would allow them to do more with less. To achieve things far greater than orthodoxy could provide.

Though these special beings are all called true prodigies of blacksmithing, geniuses of their time that usher forth a new and more grandiose era of forging, there only exists one being at the top of this hierarchy.

The one that started it all. The one that brought the idea of forging and blacksmithing to their race in the first place. The one that kindled the spark that allowed creativity and innovation to work hand in hand.

The Trailblazer of the Forging Path.

For each level gained in this class, the user gains +3 VIT, +3 STR, +3 AGI, +5 DEX, +5 INT, +4 WIS, +3 PER, +1 LUK, and 4 unassigned stat points. For every second level gained in this class, the user gains an additional stat point.


> Forge an artifact of Epic grade or greater

> …


\'As expected from an Ancient grade class.\'

Though there was only a small difference in how much points an Ancient grade class gave compared to a Mythic grade class, the benefits of a higher rarity class extended far beyond a single level.

Not only was Valyr confident that the First Forger would have the strength to overwhelm those at the peak of Rank 2 once he reached the peak of Rank 1, but he was also certain that if the man had access to as much stat boosting skills and titles he had…

Much less needing to reach the peak of Rank 4, even the strength the man would have at the peak of Rank 3 would allow him to fight Legends without a problem.

And if the man went all out… even Myths would pose no threat to the man.

Reading through the description of the class he obtained, a wide smile crept up onto the man\'s lips as he acclimated himself to the newfound strength given by his new class and species.

After getting used to the new levels of strength he now had access to, the First Forger stared at the metal knuckle he had forged before his ascension, his eyes slightly narrowing.

"I suppose there are a few things I could improve about it," said the man with a slight shrug, taking off the knuckle before chucking it into the still-lit furnace.

Watching how nonchalant the First Forger acted in throwing his recently forged artifact back into the furnace again, Valyr\'s mouth went agape as he was left at a loss for words.

Considering the effects of the artifact, as well as the circumstances regarding equipment during the Age of Uprising, the young man was more than certain that an Epic grade artifact would easily allow the First Forger to sweep away all opposition with ease.

Add on the fact that the man had yet to enhance, refine, and advance its foundation, the artifact had more than enough potential to become a symbol of humanity\'s dominance, allowing them to truly carve a piece of land that they could call their own.

Yet, the man did not have any second thoughts whatsoever before throwing the artifact into the furnace.

Understanding that the only reason why the First Forger would do such a thing was to upgrade the artifact even further, Valyr began to question himself where the man obtained his confidence from.

Was it because of the man obtained an Ancient grade class? Was it because of the decades of hard work he had spent to make the artifact a reality in the first place?

Or was it because of something else?

Feeling a hint of dread as the artifact even he would take great care of had begun to glow a scalding orange, Valyr could only watch as the First Forger placed the artifact on the anvil, taking in a deep breath as he grabbed the forging hammer he had used just earlier.

Ttang! Ttang! Ttang!

With a firm expression on his face, the man gradually hammered out the artifact into the shape that he was visualizing his mind, remaining cognizant of the imperfections he had seen some time ago.

At the same time, the young man felt as if the sight in front of him gave him front row access to what was basically the art of blacksmithing in its simplest form.

Though the man\'s style of forging was already as simple as it got before the ascension, the forging style the First Forger showcased at the moment had now begun to truly delve into the innate simplicity blacksmithing held.

It was a stark contrast to the various forging styles he had seen throughout his past and present life, reminding him that all of those styles emerged from a singular forging style, just like how all combat styles emerged from a few foundational styles.

And that singular forging style seemed to be the style that the First Forger was currently using.

Gradually, the sound of metal clashing against metal disappeared from the young man\'s senses as his attention was wholly focused on the movements the First Forger was doing.

Every once in a while, he would also stare at the flame roaring within the furnace behind the man as concepts and meanings that eluded him in the past resurfaced with greater clarity.

With every passing second, Valyr felt his understanding of blacksmithing deepen, giving him the feeling that he would be able to emulate the style the First Forger showed and more.

Fortunately, by the time the man was done with his impromptu upgrade, the young man had finally attained enlightenment, with the notification sounds ringing in his mind more than confirming his thoughts.

He had ascended to the stage of Culmination.

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