MMORPG: Rise of the Primordial Godsmith

Chapter 395 A Sage's History

"I guess it would be best if I were to start from the very beginning." Answering the question that came out of his own mouth, An\'xhur came to a decision as he willed the space to transform to his liking, causing a chair made out of the material making up the white space to appear just a fair distance away from where An\'xhur sat. "Please sit."

"Now that I think about it, I haven\'t gotten your name, human."

"You may call me Valyr," said Valyr as he sat down on the chair An\'xhur conjured. "Valyr Zeihardt."

"A human from the Zeihardt clan?" Raising his eyebrows in brief interest, the half-orc looked at Valyr for a bit before his gaze returned to the way it was before, though a wry smile now adorned his face. "It seems the heavens have finally decided to take a bit of pity on me."



While Valyr was wondering when the man before him would start his introduction, An\'xhur took in a deep breath as the aura of death surrounding his body briefly dissipated, only for a small ball of blue light to manifest in front of the half-orc a few seconds later.

With a slight frown adorning his face, the half-orc extended his arms towards the ball of blue light, infusing some of his energy into it. In response, the ball of light grew in size, transforming into a considerably sized sphere that hovered only a couple tens of centimeters away from where Valyr sat.

"I shall now begin my narration." Letting out a somewhat exhausted sigh as he slumped in his seat, An\'xhur quickly returned to his usual sitting posture before gazing at the young man that sat the opposite the sphere that now separated them. Extending one of his arms into the sphere, An\'xhur caused an image to appear within the sphere as he took in a deep breath.

"Back then, the Khagarax Empire of the orcs and the Meltierre Empire of the humans had a great relationship with one another," said An\'xhur, flashing a few images of friendly interactions between humans and orcs through the sphere for Valyr to see. "It was to the point that the Meltierre Empire would send some of their greatest humans to the Khagarax Empire to learn of orc culture, while the Khagarax Empire would do the same thing some point in the future after, sending some of their finest orc warriors to learn of human culture."

"It was during those times that my father had come across my mother, instantly falling in love with her at first sight." At these words, An\'xhur changed the images on the sphere to show a couple that greatly doted on one another, even though they vastly differed in race.

With what An\'xhur had told him, it did not surprise Valyr that the man was an orc, taking note of the fact that he wore what would be considered the usual warrior get-up, which only consisted of a loincloth and a belt made out of string and teeth from large beasts. 

Aside from that, Valyr also took note that the orc was considered handsome even when compared to human standards, sporting a pair of golden yellow eyes that formed a contrast to the man\'s tanned olive green skin and dark brown hair tied up into a bun as a deep scar ran from the man\'s right cheek to the center of his neck.

As for the woman, the young man felt that the word beautiful was far from enough to describe the otherworldly beauty he saw on the sphere. Wearing a red long-sleeved dress, the woman had a beauty mark under her right eye, while her lips was as red, if not more red than the dress she wore.

Unlike the orc, who had his hair tied into a bun, the woman had her ash gray tied into a messy ponytail, which complemented her deep blue eyes in a way that formed a somewhat jarring yet aesthetic contrast, considering her clothing and makeup.

"On the sphere is a picture of my mother and my father." An\'xhur looked at Valyr, who seemed to have his attention focused on the sphere at the moment. "As I\'ve mentioned earlier, I am a half-orc, so one of my parents would have to be a human, which in this case would be my mother."

"Would it be possible for me to know their identities?" Looking at An\'xhur, Valyr posed a question to the man, prompting the former to become silent for a bit before eventually nodding.

"I would have to inform you of my father\'s identity at some point for you to get a better idea of how things came to be, so I don\'t find any problem with that. However, I\'ll have to refrain talking about my mother for now," said An\'xhur in response, to which Valyr responded that it was fine. Seeing that the young man had respected his decision, An\'xhur nodded once more before continuing. 

"The name of my father is Me\'ierad Inryzaat Khagarax, the current ruler of the Khagarax Empire. Then again, I am not certain if he is still the current ruler of the Khagarax Empire, given how a decade has already passed since my death."

Hearing the name An\'xhur mentioned to him, Valyr\'s eyes briefly widened in surprise, not expecting that a quest he had gotten out of nowhere would have a connection to the Khagarax Empire. In fact, if his mind had served correctly, he was certain that Me\'ierad was the emperor that ruled the empire before the current emperor, the latter being the emperor that decided to turn hostile towards the humans.

Seeing as Valyr was finished processing the information he had just received, An\'xhur continued where he left off. "At some point in their loving relationship, I had been born, being blessed with a level of intelligence and talent far greater than what an ordinary human would have, as well as being gifted with a level of strength that made even other orcs envious."

"Because of this, my father and mother had decided to name me An\'xhur. An\'xhur is the word for \'hope\' in the language of the orcs, Khagaros."

"Then, a couple years after my birth, another child would be born."

"The one that would eventually lead me to my current situation."

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