MMORPG: Rise of the Primordial Godsmith

Chapter 143 A Small Oddity

Without hesitation, Valyr went ahead and slammed his spear on the side of the high section, creating a sound that attracted the attention of the goblins at the low section in less than an instant. With that, the goblins looked up at the high section and noticed Valyr\'s presence, swiftly flipping a switch in their minds as they headed to where he was through the ramps.

Unsurprisingly, Valyr could not help but grin from inside the helmet as he watched the goblins head up the ramps. After all, the reason why he did such an unexpected action in the first place was for the goblins to head up the ramps, reducing the avenues of the goblins\' attack to two.

On the other hand, if he had remained silent and went down the ramps, he would have been susceptible to attacks from the goblins on all sides. Though he had no problem fighting against five Level 16 monsters at once in the Experience Pit, the same could not be said while fighting against 25 of them at once.




Just as the first goblin had arrived in front of him to attack, Valyr deftly maneuvered the spear as if it were a flexible stick, landing a fierce attack straight through the goblin\'s chest. Unsurprisingly, with how he had targeted one of the vital organs, in combination with his high Attack stat, the goblin was rendered dead in one hit.

Of course, seeing how Valyr had killed one of their brethren without much effort, some of the goblins could not help but think twice about charging forward, wanting to stay at the rear lines. Unfortunately, most of them had become greatly incensed after witnessing the sight, seeking to avenge their fallen brother no matter what.

At times like these, Valyr could not help but appreciate the game system, ending the lives of the goblins in one clean hit as they charged at him one by one. Though there was a slight surprise at the end in the form of the few remaining goblins attacking him simultaneously, with the activation of a single [Strong Pierce] and a few sidesteps, this problem was also taken care of without much difficulty.


Just as he had landed the final blow on the last remaining goblin in the room, the door that led to the next room gradually opened by itself. Noticing this, Valyr decided to take a break for a few minutes, sitting down at a spot that was free from the blood dripping from the goblins\' corpses as he took a swig of the water he had packed in his bag.

Letting out a satisfied sigh as he felt that he had sufficiently quenched his thirst, Valyr stood up once more to head down the ramps, only to stop in his tracks as he noticed that there seemed to be an item underneath the corpses that gave off a faint light.

Slightly curious as to what it was, he unceremoniously pushed off a portion of the goblin corpses off the edge of the high section, letting them fall to the low section with a thud as he tried to find the item he saw earlier. Fortunately, it did not take long for him to find the item, picking it up from a shallow puddle of pooled blood before shaking off the blood that stuck on its surface.

At first glance, the item looked quite similar to any glass shard one would obtain if one were to break windows or any items made out of glass. Though, aside from the fact that there was no glass to be found in the room whatsoever, the item radiated a small amount of energy similar to mana. With that, Valyr identified the item with [Analysis] without hesitation, the true identity of the item far more special than he had initially expected.



[Dungeon Key Fragment] (Item)

Rarity: Rare

The fragment of a dungeon key made for a special passage located in the dungeon \'Astarto Goblin Den\'. If one were to collect all of the fragments and combine them to form the key once more, one would gain the chance to access said passage.

However, be warned that though some passages may lead to great riches, some passages may also lead to great peril.


"Taking into consideration the unusual level limit of the dungeon, as well as the fact that the dungeon has a binding oath at the end, the fact that this dungeon also has a dungeon key doesn\'t surprise me anymore," Valyr said to himself, placing the Dungeon Key Fragment in his bag before proceeding to head down the ramp.

From the description of the item itself, dungeon keys allowed one to either access a great amount of riches or a great amount of peril while in a dungeon. Though people faced great peril while using a dungeon key more often, most were foolhardy enough to try their luck with the dungeon keys, with a lucky few ending up obtaining great equipment and skills from it.

Nevertheless, dungeon keys were a telltale sign that the dungeon one entered was artificially built, further proving Valyr\'s claim that there was a binding oath stopping the three from telling him about the final boss of the dungeon. Aside from that, dungeon keys were also a sign for another possibility.

"Could this dungeon actually be an inheritance of some sort?" As this thought popped up in Valyr\'s mind, he could not help but think that it seemed plausible. "After all, most of the things one would find in a dungeon hiding an inheritance are already here. The only thing that\'s left to find out is whether or not the dungeon is actually hiding an inheritance."

"Either way, that part doesn\'t concern me… unless if I could claim the inheritance for myself, that is." Inwardly shrugging his shoulders as he ended his train of thought, Valyr passed through the door that led to the next room, walking through a corridor for quite some time before ending up in a wide space once more.

Stopping in his tracks as he took in the sight before him, Valyr could not help but wonder if the maker of the dungeon had a liking towards weird dungeon designs.

"This is far worse than the dungeon room from earlier."

In front of him was a series of paths he could take that led to the door at the far end of the room. In between those paths were nodes that contained goblins, with some of the nodes emanating a stronger aura than the others.

Though some of the paths intersected with one another, prompting some nodes to appear in those intersections, the most daunting part about the room for him was the fact that a seemingly bottomless chasm could be found under the paths. In other words, one misstep would instantly cost him his life, given the fact that the paths he could take was only wide enough for one person to tread.

Taking in a deep breath, Valyr calmed his slightly turbulent emotions as he looked at the paths he could take. Then, after choosing the path that seemed to pose the least amount of resistance to him…

He walked.

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