From Human to Skeleton: Revived with Infinite System Crystals

Chapter 10: A Painful Touch

Chapter 10: A Painful Touch

Elithira approached and asked as she lightly tapped the back of Ty\'s skull, "How can you even feel anything? You\'re literally just bone," she remarked letting out a soft chuckle.

Swatting her hand away and trying to overcome the pain that had now slowly started to subsidise, Ty retorted, "Can you stop poking me, please? I can\'t even understand how I\'m still alive after having my chest drilled by that vampire. How did he manage...? No, how do all of you even fight in such a manner? It\'s as if you\'ve been pulled straight out of a manga or fictional movie."

Elithira chuckled softly hearing Ty\'s words, "Father loves the entertainment the Mortal Realm produces. He even says that he might take inspiration from some of those shows from time to time. It really gets boring being unable to leave this place," her tone then turned serious as she continued, "If you must know, we derive our powers from Reiesencia. In fact, every living soul possesses Reiesencia to a certain degree."

"However, creatures living in the Mortal Realm are stripped of its usage from the moment they are conceived. The Angelic Realm placed a lock on the Mortal Realm, ensuring that it will solely operate on order and logic."

She then continued, "But the true reason behind their move is to ensure that the universe doesn\'t over-expand as this allows them to manage a steady stream of souls and gives them less effort to collect the souls that slip through and can utilize their Reiesencia."

Confused, Ty tried to pronounce the unfamiliar term, "Reisenixa?"

Covering her face with her hand, and sharking her head in slight defeat, Elithira slowed down her pronunciation for his clarity, "Ray-eh-SEN-see-ah."

To Ty\'s astonishment, he acknowledged this with a hesitant, "Ahh, okay, I got it," though his skull face failed to show any expression.

Giving a half-hearted response, Elithira expressed, "We\'ll have to find a way for you to be able to show some emotions. If not for those glowing green eyes, I might\'ve thought you were just a decorative piece from Enemio."

"I\'m not really sure how or what I can do about that, I can\'t even get rid of these black flames that continue to burn my shoulder. Though the pain is starting to fade, it makes me feel similar to when your arm or leg feels numb after sitting for too long. But who\'s Enemio? That\'s a unique name," Ty commented, a hint of curiosity in his voice.

"He\'s one of Father\'s 12 Destarados. I think he is currently assisting with political matters in another world," she replied.

Ty let out a soft sigh, "There you go again with those complicated terms."

Laughing lightly, Elithira retorted, "Sorry, not everything can be as straightforward as \'Ty.\' I mean, who names their child with just two letters?"

Letting out a weak chuckle, Ty responded, "Haha, that was very funny." But before he could add more, a resonating bell chimed throughout the King\'s chamber.

Caught off guard, Ty\'s question was promptly cut off by her announcement, "Oh, it\'s dinner time."

"We shouldn\'t keep my Father waiting too long," she remarked, her voice echoing slightly in the vastness of the corridor.

"Oh, by the way, did I mention that your human form was quite charming? From your memories, I found out that you were always so committed and hard-working. Life has its twists, doesn\'t it?" She shot him a sympathetic glance, trying to lift his spirits as they made their way to the dining hall.

As they walked, the grandeur of the palace unveiled itself before Ty. The majestic, towering arches loomed above their heads, intricately carved with ancient symbols and runes which seemed to be telling tales of epochs that had gone by.

The dimly lit torches were casting a warm, amber glow on the polished stone flooring, reflecting the soft flicker of the flames and resulting in what might seem like a mesmerizing dance of shadows.

As the corridor opened into a vast dining hall, the sight before him nearly took Ty\'s breath away.

With a vaulted ceiling that was supported by the colossal pillars, the hall was a literal masterpiece. Opulent chandeliers, crafted from crystals hung down from the ceiling, casting a shimmering light that played off the golden cutlery and table settings below.

The tables were made of rich mahogany, each one capable of comfortably allowing 20-30 guests to sit.

But what caught Ty\'s attention the most wasn\'t the hall\'s luxuries, but rather, its occupants. Bizarre, monstrous entities bustled throughout— some had multiple heads, others had tentacles for limbs, and a few seemed to be floating, defying gravity.

Each creature seemed to be engrossed in what it was doing, be it setting the tables, arranging ornate vases that were filled with exotic, otherworldly flowers, or carrying large platters of food that emitted tantalizing aromas that filled the hall.

Noticing the main table\'s expansive size, which seemed large enough to seat at least fifty people, Ty nudged Elithira and inquired, "So, where do we sit?"

She responded playfully, "We won\'t be dining here. This area is mainly for general gatherings and grand events. We\'ll be having our meal in a more private space, where Father can discuss his plans with you without being interrupted."

As they navigated through a diverse crowd of creatures, Ty spotted something that made him gasp.

"There are humans here?!" he couldn\'t help but exclaim, nearly breaking into a run toward them.

However, Elithira quickly stopped him as she grabbed his skeletal arm, "Aha! Remember what I said about not keeping Father waiting? Of course, there are humans here. Father often likes to invite the universe\'s finest warriors to dine with him, rewarding them for their exemplary lives. But that\'s not what we are here for. I\'m extremely hungry, so let\'s get to dinner."

As they approached the private dining table, Ty noticed that it was set for thirteen seats, including the grand chair that was designated for the Demon King. Yet, all the seats were vacant except for the Demon King\'s.

Gesturing at the seat near him, the Demon King suggested, "Let\'s eat and discuss what\'s next for you."

Adopting a tone that was both humorous and earnest, he added, "And do be careful with those flames on your back. While you might be able to adjust to their burn, my furniture certainly won\'t."

As they settled at the table, a procession of servers started to bring in an array of dishes.

The centerpiece was a roasted creature with glistening, golden-brown skin, its wings were spread out wide, and it resembled a mix between a phoenix and a peacock.

Platters of iridescent fruits that shimmered in the room\'s lighting were set around, exuding their sweet and tantalizing aromas. Bowls of soups with swirling colors that seemed to shift as steam rose were placed before each seat.

Elithira, who sat beside Ty, eagerly dug into a massive slab of meat that dwarfed her plate. With a carnivorous enthusiasm, she tore into it, her manners seemingly forgotten momentarily.

Ty couldn\'t help but smirk at the sight as he teased, "Enjoying your meal?"

She paused, taking her eyes off the meat that was in her hand while her mouth filled with it, she grinned sheepishly, "Can\'t help it! This is my absolute favorite," she mumbled still chewing a mouthful while pointing at her dish with a meat-greased finger.

Other dishes that appeared seemed more familiar to Ty, like the seasoned vegetables that had a hint of earthly familiarity and rich, creamy pasta that was embedded with crystals which would simply melt after being put into one\'s mouth, spread across the table.

As they began their meal, the Demon King delicately used his utensils, savoring each bite. The food not only delighted the taste buds but also imbued a sense of energy and warmth.

After a few moments of enjoying the feast along with the ambient harmonious music playing in the background, the Demon King set his utensils down, cleared his throat, and leaned towards Ty slightly before he began, his tone now more serious and focused, "Now, let\'s discuss how we\'re going to assist you in returning to the Mortal Realm."

Letting go of his humorous tone, the Demon King continued, "Getting you back to the mortal realm is nearly impossible. The Angelic race has barred all the creatures, save for themselves, from accessing that realm. And even if we are able to get you there — say, using the portal through which Erebos had stolen your soul and you continue using the body you\'re in, it would immediately raise alarms, and you\'d be captured rather quickly. So, that option is off the table. However, where there\'s a will, there\'s a way."

His words initially made Ty feel slightly bad, but the Demon King\'s last words seemed to have brought him some hope.

"For hundreds of thousands of years, I\'ve overseen this domain\'s universe. I have cultivated dozens of worlds, bestowing upon them many treasures and artifacts to help them forge formidable souls and spirits."

"After the war with the Angelic Race, I lost the ability to leave my direct domain. This was a necessary sacrifice to maintain a peace treaty with their King, which was ultimately necessary for preserving my people and universe from any further conflicts."

"My top warriors are presently located elsewhere, guiding and nurturing new planets as they evolve. Yet, there\'s an artifact I fashioned aeons ago — the \'Ocular Veil.\' This metal fragment is designed to wrap around one\'s eye, and empowers the wearer to adopt unique guises, effectively acting as a camouflage, concealing the user\'s true nature from the eyes of those who might discern it."

Taking a look at Ty, who appeared somewhat overwhelmed by this piece of information, the Demon King remarked, "Perhaps I should\'ve presented that a bit more gradually for you, eh?"

Ty took a moment to comprehend all that he had said before responding, "It\'s fine. I understood most of it, even if it did leave me with more questions than answers to my previous questions. So, when will I set out?"

"Before we delve into that," the Demon King\'s tone became somber, "there\'s the matter that is related to your girlfriend, Jade, which we must address and the danger she has put herself into."

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