
Chapter 1011 1122 - Battle of the Titans pt 3

Chapter 1011 Chapter 1122 - Battle of the Titans pt 3

Two gravity bombs should prove even more devastating than one, at least that\'s my assumption. It wasn\'t easy forming two of them at the same time, and I didn\'t have enough gas in the Altar to empower them properly, but I\'m hoping it\'s enough to get the job done!

Under the withering fire pouring from the demon\'s mouth, the two bombs lose strength the further they travel.

Spiralling around each other, my spells rocket toward the demon. The air around them howls deafeningly, as they draw in everything they pass near. Unwilling to sit as far back as I did last time, I try to judge just how close I can get to the demon while still remaining safe from my own magic.

As I run, I keep my mana sense tracking the rapidly dwindling power in the two bombs. He\'s really roasting the heck out of them! I\'ll keep my claws crossed they\'ve got enough power to make the journey, because if not, I may be in for some trouble. I don\'t have any more gravity mana!

The construct is now done, thank goodness, but it takes time to crank out the huge amount needed for a gravity bomb! It\'s not exactly an efficient and cheap spell!

The massive demon continues to roar as those deadly flames pour from its mouth. I think he might have lost track of me, or is too worried about the spells flying at his face, since he doesn\'t adjust his aim and keeps burninating the landscape right in front of him. Suits me just fine.


The two bombs continue to circle each other until they finally reach the target and ignite. Both spells expand into howling maelstroms of horrific death, right on top of each other!

Holy moly!

I think I might back off a bit, I may have misjudged my positioning. Time to dig in with those claws! This is Grip training!

The two bombs rip at each other, almost touching as they continue to orbit faster and faster. Finally, they collide in a blinding flash, and the pull dragging everything in grows all the more powerful. Even I struggle for a moment as I slam my claws down into the rock below, gripping tight.

Once again, it\'s impossible to see what\'s become of my demon opponent, visibility just isn\'t very good when these big spells hit the deck. Even my mana sense is totally thrown off by the two bombs merging.

I\'ve never tested the double bomb combo, but it seems to be pretty darn powerful! Just in case I need it, I continue to pump out gravity mana as fast as I can, compressing it for all I\'m worth.

More and more demons vanish into the void, never to be seen again as the dark sphere rotates ominously, dragging even the light around it inside.

Surely, that big moron isn\'t going to be able to survive this, right? Despite his best efforts to rip my bombs apart, they still had plenty of juice left when they landed. Two gravity bombs? Nobody has ever been able to survive this kind of punishment before. I mean, they weren\'t the most powerful bombs I can throw, but they were decent!

I dig in and wait for the screaming wind to die down. When the storm finally calms, I see… nothing.

Did he get dissolved?

I rip my legs out of the ground and stalk toward the site of the detonation, ready and waiting for something fishy to happen. My mana sense sweeps over the area and I continue to pull in raw mana so I can convert it. I don\'t really sense anything….

Should I check my notifications to see if he died? I don\'t think there\'s any point… I got hundreds of them during that spell.

Wait! What was that?

[An interesting display, worm. I can see why the Demon God has taken an interest in you. I shall return, and I shall not be alone!]

Rapidly disappearing below me, I can sense a powerful monster descending through the tunnels.

I mean…

[Running away?! What kind of monster are you? Get back here and feel my justice!]

But it\'s no good. The mind bridge connecting us fades to tatters as the distance grows too great and my taunts are lost.

That… that\'s just rude.

[Master? Are you alright?]


[Wha? Yeah I\'m fine. Why?]

[That battle was terrible to witness! The two of you destroyed everything around you….]

Taking in my surroundings, she\'s absolutely right. Despite the constantly spawning larvae, there are visible ruins around us. A molten streak of rock created by the flame breath. A crater over there. Several craters actually. I may have created those with the Void Chomps.

[Dang, you aren\'t wrong.]

I don\'t see how it matters, though. I\'m super annoyed that the enemy escaped! There are three of those damn monsters, and I don\'t see how I can beat them all at once. I might have been arrogant enough to assume I could have before, but not now. That fight was way harder than I thought it would be.

I need to kick things up a gear. More practice, especially with my gravity spells, and I need to mutate ASAP.

[You and the others keep fighting, Crinis. You need levels and you need them fast.]

I might need all the help I can get soon enough. There\'s no way my three friends will be able to fight alongside me at a two tier disadvantage. Even tier seven against tier eight feels hard. Evolutionary energy doubles at every tier after all.

GAH! I\'m still so mad! How the heck did he slip away? Was he in the tunnels below before the spells even landed? He must have been…. Once the bombs expand, the pull becomes far too strong to escape, especially that close. I can\'t help but feel like there was some sort of trickery pulled in that moment, some sort of Skill or ability was used that I should try to figure out.

Next time I see that demon, I\'ll make sure he doesn\'t get away!

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