After Transmigration, Her Whole Family Are Villains

Chapter 139

Merchants called out their wares.3

People came and went.0

"Come get a bargain! Two coppers, two coppers for this whole basket!"3

"No can do, sister. Two and a half coppers, that\'s as low as I\'ll go."2

"Used clothes for sale! Used clothes for sale!"3

"Vinegar for sale! Vinegar for sale!"0

"Fish for sale! Fresh fish for sale!"0

The cries of vendors intertwined.0

Pedestrians weaved through the crowds.0

Seeing the approaching army of carriages and horses, the crowd surprisingly didn\'t panic. Unlike in other places where they would have scattered like birds and beasts, they continued their sales pitches.0

Some food vendors even approached with their goods on their backs, calling out their wares.0

"Pancakes for sale! Pancakes for sale! Fragrant, sizzling oil pancakes!"0

"Vinegar for sale! Vinegar for sale! The cure-all tonic!"2

"Hot soup! Hot soup! Steaming rich broth!"3

The vendors\' cries drew closer.0

Even the horses began to get a bit restless.0

In his carriage, Heir Apparent Han was curious. Were the people here not afraid of death? Why didn\'t they flee at the sight of his entourage, but instead approached to sell things?0

Did they actually pay for goods?0

Weren\'t they afraid of being conscripted by the soldiers?0

Then came something even more outrageous.0

A troupe of women with faces painted bright red approached, banging gongs and drums.2

They came to welcome Heir Apparent Han\'s inspection of Ming County.0

A huge red banner was held high.1

It bore a line of text.1

Neither refined nor crude, it lacked elegance but fit the image of rebels perfectly.1

Rebels, after all, were surely uncultured. The cultured would have taken the imperial exams. Why rebel?1

Yet there was something original about it.0

He had heard the distant drum beats earlier and found them intriguing.0

But up close, he was startled.0

Who were these people? They looked like women in their fifties or sixties, some even grandmothers. When they smiled, some were missing front teeth, leaving black holes. Their faces were painted like baboons\' behinds, beating drums on their backs, lips thick with red paint. It was terrifying.0

Heir Apparent Han didn\'t know whether to laugh or cry.0

He found Ming County quite interesting.0

Although the lead drummer had an excellent figure, Heir Apparent Han\'s excitement waned. The sight of that garishly painted red face was enough to startle him.0

The former county magistrate had been sent to welcome Heir Apparent Han.0

He harbored a glimmer of hope.0

What if, just what if, he caught the heir\'s eye and regained his position as county magistrate?0

He might even be promoted in the future.3

It was crucial to align oneself with the right people.1

This Heir Apparent Han was the Emperor\'s own nephew. No matter how impressive Jiang Er was, he was still just a castoff from the Jiang family.0

So he had eagerly volunteered for this reception duty.1

The former county magistrate, Little Huang, knelt obsequiously before the carriage and cautiously said, "This humble official has come especially to welcome Your Highness and escort you into Ming County."0

Heir Apparent Han frowned and asked, "Are you that rebel, Jiang Er?"0

"I am Magistrate Huang of Ming County, here to guide Your Highness."0

Heir Apparent Han had initially been intrigued by the unique drum rhythms, but was startled to see an old man. He had seen plenty of those and lost interest.0

He simply lowered the carriage curtain.2

Magistrate Huang knelt awkwardly by the roadside, then picked himself up.0

It was fine. Important figures from the capital were like this. The last time he took the imperial exams in the capital, the heir had been just as aloof, not even acknowledging much higher-ranking officials.2

In another carriage, Eunuch Duan learned this was Kan\'er Village and curiously observed the surroundings.2

So this was where Senior Eunuch Yan grew up. It was indeed impressive, even the roadside drumming was pleasing to the ear, though the performers\' makeup left much to be desired.0

On horseback, Meng Shaoxia gazed at the unfamiliar place.0

He could hardly believe this was Kan\'er Village.2

It wasn\'t like this when he had come before.0

The village had few people then.0

It was very quiet.0

He had come to offer amnesty when he learned the rebel leader here was called Jiang Er.0

He hadn\'t connected this person with Little Yu\'er at all.0

As he neared his hometown, emotions welled up. He wondered how she was doing now.0

The world was in such chaos.0

Human life was as fragile as grass.0

He dared not think about it. When he did, his heart ached terribly.0

He was not in control of his fate.0

Now he returned, but everything had changed.0

He had said he would come with a proper marriage proposal, but here he was, still alone.3

Little Yu\'er\'s home was so close. Perhaps she was standing under a tree right now, able to see him.3


Under a tree, Jiang Yu curiously peered towards the village entrance.1

There were so many people.0

Her younger sister was counting ants beside her, showing no interest.0

She excitedly said to her great-aunt, "Grandma, they say that after accepting amnesty, my father will be a high official in the imperial court. The government will provide for us, and we\'ll never want for food or drink again, right?"1

Aunt Yin: ...2

That was how it seemed on the surface.0

But it was more complicated than that.0

Jiang Mianmian sat on a soft cushion and sighed, "After accepting amnesty, there will be many more leaders to deal with. It\'ll be more troublesome. But our father will be fine, he can surely handle it all."1

Aunt Yin nodded, somehow understanding the concept of "leaders" - those who lead, guide, and manage.0

She didn\'t know how this little girl\'s mind worked.0

Nor did she understand how the older girl\'s mind worked.3

One was too savvy, the other too naive.0

Both worried her.1

When she learned the visitor was Heir Apparent Han, her heart skipped a beat.3

She had specifically mentioned this person to her master.0

Heir Apparent Han was spoiled beyond measure and had a very bad habit - he liked married women.2

His first wife had died of illness, probably from distress.2

She had also warned Qin to avoid appearing before Heir Apparent Han if possible.0


Led by the county magistrate, Heir Apparent Han arrived at the county office. Without ceremony, he commandeered the courtyard behind the main building.0

Former Magistrate Huang felt somewhat uncomfortable.0

He suddenly realized he had been foolish. Although Jiang Er had usurped his position as magistrate, he had still shown him respect.0

This Heir Apparent Han didn\'t even treat him as a person.0

Despite this, Magistrate Huang still had to politely vacate the premises.0

Magistrate Huang\'s wife, upon hearing of Heir Apparent Han\'s arrival, fled faster than a rabbit, hiding away early.0

However, some concubines, hearing of the noble visitor, primped themselves up instead.0

Magistrate Huang\'s hat brim turned a deep shade of green.0

Weary from the journey, Heir Apparent Han saw the few women in the magistrate\'s rear courtyard primping and posing. How annoying - did they think he would be interested in such inferior goods?0

Feeling slightly bored, Heir Apparent Han remembered he was supposed to visit the Jiang family.0

He had someone send over a visiting card.0

Since learning of Heir Apparent Han\'s impending visit, the Jiang household had been in a flurry of preparations.3

Except for the Buddha Hall which hadn\'t been refurbished, Heir Apparent Han probably wouldn\'t go there anyway.0

All other areas had been thoroughly cleaned and reorganized.1

Apart from Jiang Rong who refused to come out, and Jiang Huaisheng whose face bore fresh injuries but whose spirits seemed improved.3

Mother and Princess Huiyun were the closest of friends, like sisters. With the Princess\'s son arriving in Ming County, their family would surely be able to turn their fortunes around and leave this godforsaken place.0

During this time, he had been tormented by his younger brother to the point of near madness. Now he was desperate to leave this wretched place.1

Even the usually composed Old Lady Jiang was visibly excited. Everyone could understand why - being tormented time and again by Jiang Changtian had driven them all to the brink of insanity.0

The visitor before them was not just a noble, but a savior who would deliver them from their misery.0

Jiang Wan summoned her energy to entertain the distinguished guest.0

She recalled the last time they had visitors - those two young gentlemen from the capital. How times had changed.0

Madam Wu hadn\'t seen her husband so spirited in a long time. Ever since his face was injured, he had seemed constantly melancholy.0

Later, when Shu Shu was born, he was happy, but his mood never truly lifted.0

After that dark day, he appeared completely defeated.0

Madam Wu hadn\'t entered that quiet room and didn\'t know what had happened, but Rong\'er had been genuinely frightened out of his wits.0

Today, her husband had finally rallied. Though his face bore fresh injuries, his expression was cheerful, as if he had returned to his old self.0

Madam Wu was overjoyed as well.0

If the family could return to the capital, they might find a renowned doctor to treat Rong\'er, and perhaps he would return to normal.0

With an important guest coming to their home, she had tidied up a bit.1

She had once been a famed beauty in the capital, childhood sweethearts with Jiang Huaisheng. They had married naturally, as a matter of course. But after only a few years of marital bliss, she had followed her husband into exile in this remote place.3

Thinking of the nobles in the capital filled her with wistfulness.0

At last, their suffering seemed to be coming to an end.0

Madam Wu looked at herself in the mirror as she combed her hair. The bronze mirror reflected a young woman who had recently given birth, exuding a maternal gentleness. Her skin was fair, and her figure slightly plump, but in just the right way.0

Her clothes were from before she gave birth and had grown old, but under the circumstances, she couldn\'t ask for more. Compared to the people outside, she was already quite fortunate.2

She and her husband went to pay respects to his mother, finding that the older woman\'s spirits had lifted as well. She had taken great care with her appearance.0

Seeing his mother like this brought a lump to Jiang Huaisheng\'s throat. He remembered that she always dressed this way when his father was alive.0

Jiang Wan was also neatly groomed.0

Old Lady Jiang was in such a good mood that everything looked rosy to her. Even her hand didn\'t seem to hurt anymore.0

The only thing that still irked her was Madam Wu\'s appearance. She spoke up, "With an honored guest coming, you should at least change your clothes. Wearing that makes us look too impoverished."0

Madam Wu\'s face flushed with embarrassment at her mother-in-law\'s words. For the past half year, she had been pregnant and then giving birth. The new clothes she had were made during her pregnancy and were far too large. After giving birth, she had been too busy to make new ones.0

Hearing her grandmother\'s words, Jiang Wan realized her own oversight and quickly said, "Grandmother, Mother still needs to hold little sister. The fabric of new clothes would be too stiff. Mother dressed this way to make it easier to hold the baby."1

Old Lady Jiang nodded at this, and in an unprecedented gesture, patted Madam Wu\'s hand and said, "You\'ve had it hard."0

Madam Wu was taken aback by this show of affection.2

Jiang Huaisheng was delighted to see his mother and wife getting along so harmoniously.0


Heir Apparent Han did indeed pay a personal visit.0

His original intention was simply to look in and complete his task.0

But when he saw that woman cradling an infant, her fair fingers exposed as she lowered her head to coo at the baby nestled against her shapely bosom, when she smiled, revealing pearly white teeth, and lifted her oval face with its willow-leaf eyebrows and swan-like neck, when he took in her slightly plump figure - at that moment, he decided to stay for a meal.0

"Sister-in-law, what a beautiful child. Let me hold the baby," Heir Apparent Han said, reaching out to take the infant without concern for propriety. The back of his hand brushed against Madam Wu\'s soft body.0

As he took the child, his other hand also happened to grasp Madam Wu\'s hand.0

Madam Wu felt startled and uncomfortable.0

Old Lady Jiang sat regally in the place of honor, her eyes brimming with undisguised affection.0

Jiang Huaisheng and the Heir Apparent conversed with great enthusiasm. The Heir Apparent even called him "Elder Brother" and referred to Madam Wu as "Sister-in-law."0

Jiang Wan busied herself preparing the meal and readying a place for the honored guest to rest and change clothes.1


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