Heaven, Earth, Me

Chapter 944: Dianna, the Fox Dragon!

Chapter 944: Dianna, the Fox Dragon!

Yasenia didn\'t hesitate and approached Kali\'s side. Kali, who was surrounding the egg with her tails and body, looked at Yasenia and smiled widely, her face clearly excited. "It is hatching!"

Valeria looked from the side and muttered. "I am still impressed that you managed to make Kali lay an egg." 

The dragoness humphed. "Eggs are better. They protect the child better. If I could make Angel and the others lay an egg, I would!" 

Valeria looked at Yasenia with a deadpan. "You\'ve quite literally altered the reproductive organ of Kali for this pregnancy without permanent damage to the womb. Meaning Kali is still considered a viviparous beast." 

Yasenia rolled her eyes. "As if there are no foxes out there that lay eggs instead."

Valeria couldn\'t retort, so she focused on the child. "For safety measures, I\'ve looked inside. The little one is quite nice. Want to know how they look?"

Yasenia\'s tail swiftly moved and slapped Valeria. "I know you are excited, but can you calm yourself down? You are acting a lot like… like… not you!"

Valeria caressed her cheek while blinking a few times. "How are you so calm?"

Yasenia snapped and slapped Valeria again. "Would I have slapped you twice if I was calm! Can you not agitate me more? W-What if, I don\'t know, what if a meteor falls from the sky and I need to stop it!? I need to focus on the surroundings!"

Kali looked at Valeria and Yasenia with a stupefied expression. \'Shouldn\'t the one that\'s nervous be me? Why are these two about to do something crazy? Also, what meteor!?\'

Feeling a bit annoyed, Kali spoke in an authoritative tone. "Hey, can you both shut up? What are you doing creating a noisy environment for the little one to come into the world to? I want everything to be calm and soothing, understood?"

The Empyrean Dragon and Spirit Queen blinked twice and nodded obediently. 

Kali sighed and looked down at the egg that was slowly cracking. She smiled and spoke soothingly, her voice reaching deep, enveloping everything in calmness. "Come on, Dianna. Now that they are not being silly, you can come out. Don\'t be shy."

The large green and gold egg continued cracking as the little creature inside poked at the shell. No one intervened or helped, even though some people wanted to very much.

They allowed nature to take its course and for the little one to exit her own egg. Exiting the egg alone was vital as a creature with dragon blood. 

As Dianna poked and poked at the egg, she suddenly managed to make a small hole with a loud crack. Her snout came out for a second, looking like a perfect mix between dragon and fox. Moreover, the faint fur on the snout was blue-colored, similar to Yasenia\'s scales.

This surprised Kali and Yasenia. They thought that the little one would be a dragon with almost 100% certainty. 

Kali and Yasenia were about to cheer the little one on after seeing its snout, but to their surprise, they saw Dianna\'s cute snout hiding back into the egg. 

Both were stunned, and Yasenia commented. "Perhaps it is more comfortable inside?"

Kali deadpanned and was about to scold Yasenia when, instead of her snout, two arms that were a mix of fox and dragon came out. They looked closer to a dragon\'s arms, but instead of scaly, they were furry. 

Kali and Yasenia blinked as they saw Dianna\'s little furry claws grab the egg and then pull it apart.


The egg split in half, and Dianna burst out with a cute little roar. 


Yasenia, Kali, Valeria, Cecile, and almost everyone currently looking felt like an arrow struck their hearts. \'What is this adorable creature!? She is so cute that I might die!\'

Dianna was a fox-like dragon with black fur and golden highlights. While now they were smears, they would probably grow into some kind of pattern in the future. Not only did Dianna have two pretty short golden horns on her forehead, similar to those of Yasenia, but she also had two large fox ears to accompany the incredibly cute creature.

Then, while her body was that of a young beast and unable to be truly described, she had 9 limbs that were certainly not common. At first glance, Dianna had six wings on her back, while three fox tails that extended slimly like a dragon\'s tail were attached to her back.

In short, Dianna was a furred, horned fox dragon with six wings and three tails. To say that she was a perfect mix of both their forms was an understatement. 

Even though it was almost impossible to resist attacking her adorable little daughter, Yasenia had a big question in her head that she blurted out. "Why does she have six wings and three tails?"

Kali blinked and spoke, her voice sounding doubtful. "Perhaps my [Nine Tailed] bloodline has transformed into [Nine Limbed] for her?"

This time, it was Yasenia\'s turn to deadpan. However, to her surprise, Valeria agreed. "That\'s probably it."


Was the response of both Kali and Yasenia. 

Valeria laughed. "I mean, it didn\'t make sense that Yasenia\'s bloodline was going to overpower yours. Kali, your bloodline is from one of the strongest beasts in the history of cultivation. Naturally, it is not weak enough to be overpowered, regardless of Yasenia\'s bloodline potential. Therefore, this little one has most likely taken good parts of both bloodlines and combined them."

Yasenia blinked. "So… She is a progenitor?"

Valeria shook her head. "No. She has your and Kali\'s aura. She is just a mix, but the bloodline name is probably similar to yours."


Dianna\'s second cry turned their attention toward her, and they saw the adorable creature attacking the shell pieces and devouring them energetically. Yasenia\'s hands and tail twitched, wanting to lunge forward and squeeze her precious little darling in her arms, but she resisted with her tempered will. \'Don\'t interrupt! She is eating! ARGH! BUT SHE IS SO CUTE!\'

Kali was not that good at resisting and couldn\'t help herself. She extended one hand and caressed Dianna\'s back with a smile. "You are so adorable, darling. And… Oh wow, your fur is so smooth~. My Dianna is truly beautiful."

Dianna lifted her head while munching on some eggshell and looked over, revealing her pair of amber-gold slit eyes. They were extremely similar to Yasenia\'s, identical to the rest of the children. This time, though, they had a mellower tone instead of fully golden. 

Dianna roared again, her filled mouth making her sound muffled. "Rhawr!" 

Dianna\'s prepared maids at the side almost had nasal bleeding from the pure cuteness attack. Today was the day that they swore to protect this adorable little darling with their very own souls. They sobbed in joy. \'My miss is just too cute!\' 

After Dianna finished her last piece of eggshell, she felt a warm current going around her, and then a gentle aura burst outward. She purred a bit, feeling comfortable as energy covered her body and, in her heart, the [Beast Core] formed. 

Valeria raised her eyebrow and commented. "She is already in the Evolved Core Realm."

Kali noticed and asked, excited. "This is similar to the Body Modification Realm, right?"

Valeria nodded. "That\'s right. She is quite a strong and talented little one."

Yasenia couldn\'t resist anymore, and Dianna felt a presence approaching. Her instinctual answer was to dodge, so she tried to jump out of the way. However, the day she was born Dianna learned that escaping from her mother\'s hug was going to be the only thing she would never be able to accomplish in her life, regardless of how hard she tried or trained for it.

And so, inevitably, as if it was a law of the universe, Dianna\'s furry head was smushed between Yasenia\'s immense and welcoming soft mountains. "KYA! MY BABY IS SO CUTE!"

Still, the feeling was so heavenly that Dianna\'s struggles instantly died out. It was so sudden that Kali became worried. "H-Hey! Dianna is okay, right?"

Yasenia blinked repeatedly. "How can my baby not be comfortable in my loving embrace!? She is purring, listen!"

Kali\'s fox ears tilted slightly, and she captured Dianna\'s purring tone, relaxing her worries. 

Of course, after purring for about five minutes, Dianna\'s stomach rumbled. She took her head out from the heavenly paradise that was her mother\'s bosom and sniffed around. 

Yasenia was quick to understand, and before her baby managed to sniff out her breastmilk, she passed her to Kali. "She is hungry, go ahead."

Kali laughed as she lowered her comfortable robes. "You really don\'t want to breastfeed the child first?"

The dragoness coughed. "I am not underestimating you, but what if they get addicted to my milk\'s taste and then think yours is a bit insipid? I mean, I\'d rather they get accustomed to yours and take mine like the occasional tasty snack." 

Kali coughed. "I guess you are right. We can\'t really risk it."

No one worried about the opposite happening, though. Not liking Yasenia\'s breastmilk taste was probably something that the laws of the universe prohibited. 

Yasenia spent a few more minutes with them, and when Dianna fell asleep between Kali\'s fluffy tails, Yasenia gave Kali a kiss and walked toward Cecile. The Phoenix Woman heard Yasenia enter and smiled. "How did it go?"

The dragoness laughed. "Did you not look through your spiritual sense?"

Cecile shook her head. "I want to see the little ones with my own eyes first, like you."

The dragoness jumped into Cecile\'s nest and sat by her side. "Well, Dianna is adorable. You will love her when you see her. Other than that, more than problems, Dianna completely blasted open that egg. Hahaha." Yasenia couldn\'t help but laugh. "Who knew that the first action of that darling would be gripping the egg and ripping it open? Hahahahaha" 

Cecile laughed with Yasenia. She asked. "So, those cute little sounds I heard, I imagine they were Dianna\'s cries?"

The dragoness smirked. "Indeed, she was trying to roar, but only those high-pitched adorable sounds appeared. She is a mix of fox and dragon, like, quite well mixed."

Cecile was impressed. "Really? It really shows just how powerful Kali\'s bloodline really is. Even Tatyana\'s secondary body was somewhat overwhelmed by your bloodline, right?"

Yasenia nodded. "That\'s what Mom said." Then, Yasenia asked. "How are you feeling?"

Cecile was blunt and honest. "Nervous. I am also highly sensitive; I focus on each sound I hear. It feels like I am becoming overstimulated by anything that happens around me. I might fall asleep from exhaustion after the little one is born." 

The dragoness looked at Cecile\'s wings and asked. "So, how long do you estimate until she hatches?"

Cecile shook her head. "I don\'t know. One hour? Five hours? A day? A week? I really don\'t know."

Yasenia hugged Cecile and kissed her nose. "Okay, love. Don\'t worry. I\'ll be here even if it takes a thousand years. Just relax, and if you want to eat anything, tell me."

Cecile nodded. "I want meat. Any meat. A big plate of grilled meat that\'s juicy, and I can devour."

Yasenia nodded. "Okay, leave it to me. I\'ll cook it nearby, so call me if the little one starts hatching."

And so, three more days went by until Katarina started hatching. 

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