Heaven, Earth, Me

Chapter 21

Angel responded quickly with a slightly high-pitched voice “I’m sure you j-just didn’t find the correct way, for entering directly the violet class you must be a rare genius! I-I’m sure that you can learn one of the professions in the future!”

Yasenia looked over for a moment and couldn’t stop her laughter from coming out ‘I really like this kind of soft and gentle girl, did she think I was depressed or something? She is quite cute’

After laughing, Yasenia continued with a smile “Don’t worry Angel, I’m not upset or anything.”

Seeing the little girl blushing again she changed the topic “Who is the third roommate? I heard that we will be sorted in batches of three”

Angel changed from blushing to a wilted little eggplant “T-There aren’t anybody else…”

Yasenia didn’t know why she felt a prick in her heart. She gently asked, “Have you been alone this year here?” Angel nodded her little face. Yasenia stood up.

Angel was startled ‘Did I offend her in any form!? Does she not want to be only with me? Is she-‘ her thoughts stopped when she smelled that sweet floral scent beside her and a pair of hands lifting her from her armpits. She couldn’t help but give a little shout in surprise and then her little butt fell on something softer than the sofa.

After Yasenia put her in her lap, she hugged her waist from behind, and reclining back she pushed the little girl’s nape into her bosom making her use them as a pillow. “From now on we will be together so don’t put that sad face of yours.” Then while letting the stiff Angel sink in her embrace she started patting her with her tail to relax her.

Yasenia continued “If you need anything you must tell me. I will help you with whatever I can.” Feeling Angel softening in her embrace she was satisfied.

Yasenia didn’t know why she was saying these things, but she honestly started to like this little girl from the moment she opened the door like a scared little animal.

Angel was at first stiff with nervousness, but with the arms around her waist making her feel secure, the sweet floral scent making her fall in a daze, Yasenias soft and warm body pressing her back, and the soft and smooth tail patting her head, she relaxed her body little by little until she was completely like a boneless blob.

Now she had a blissful smile and thought ‘Yasenia seems like a good person… I really like… This… Feeling…’ And she fell asleep.

Yasenia sensed the stable breathing and slowly changed Angel’s position sideways so that her side-face could use her breast as a pillow, then she cradled her. Yasenia continued patting her with her tail and using her arms as support.

Meanwhile, she was looking out of the nearby window. Looking at the setting sun, she started to feel some of her actions a little abnormal.

Moreover, she felt that liking some girls was becoming… Easier… As if her feelings about being loyal were only a joke. ‘Why am I getting more easily influenced? Is it…my constitution? I can’t always blame my constitution, right?’

Yasenia sighed and looked at the person that was now sideways in her arms. She couldn’t stop these warm feelings from appearing in her heart. Angel was drooling a little on her breast making her look extremely cute and making Yasenia smile.

She poked her full cheeks and said with a whisper “Why do I like you more and more by the second little Angel? I don’t even know anything about you…” Then she leaned back, repositioned Angel so that she was comfortable, and closed her eyes.

Angel woke up feeling extremely warm and comfortable. ‘When did my pillow become so soft… I want to bury myself and not wake up…’

She then groggily opened her eyes and saw that it was nighttime, there was the moonlight from the Full Moon entering from the window, making everything glow with beautiful silver light.

She then remembered how she fell asleep and looked at the “soft pillow” her face become red with a puff! ‘W-W-What kind of position is this!? Did I just fall asleep in the embrace of a person I just met!?’

She looked up at Yasenia’s face and was completely mesmerized. The moonlight shone in her beautiful face creating a silver radiance in her white skin, her long eyelashes making little shadows under her eyes and the normally seductive face was relaxed in an extremely gentle expression.

Her red lips were slightly raised and had a moist luster making one want to kiss them. Her beautiful straight eyebrows were relaxed giving her a more approachable look.

Angel just laid there, in Yasenia’s arms looking at her divine face. Her heart was jumping madly and the sweet floral scent and the arms and tail wrapped around her protectively didn’t help relax that heartbeat. Yasenia was extremely tired today, with all the battles of the entrance exam, right now she was in a deep sleep.

Angel couldn’t help but look at her moist lips. She licked her own and dryly swallowed. ‘J-j-just a little k-kiss won’t h-hurt anybody, right?’

She lifted her face, little by little approaching. Her heartbeat was increasing and she was becoming more and more nervous.

Then, Angel’s lips touched Yasenia’s lips very softly. Angel felt as if electricity directly zapped her brain and her heart rate went astray.

She maintained that position for a while feeling the softness on her lips. When she opened her eyes, she meet a pair of beautiful golden slit eyes with a red color growing from the pupils like roots until they reached one-quarter of the irises.

‘I got caught!’ Angel took back her lips and lowered her face guiltily waiting for Yasenia to speak.

Angel’s red face become paler and her eyes grew moist ‘Will she berate me for kissing her in her sleep? Will she leave? Will she… hate me?’ The more she thought the harder it was from stopping the tears that were accumulating.

Yasenia at first was surprised, but she calmed down fast. ‘She kissed me? What to do…’

She chuckled a little ‘Will I get a girlfriend instead of a roommate? Hmmm… Starting as a girlfriend instead of a friend… Let’s try it, if it doesn’t work, then I can always deescalate things slowly…’

Yasenia looked down and thought ‘I think I should be honest with her. If I can’t be loyal, at least, I will be honest and never lie to any of my… potential partners. Even if this results in regret… I rather trust and regret, than doubt them and regret it later.’

Yasenia tightened her embrace and spoke softly. “Angel… I already have a partner.”

Angel’s felt like someone punched her heart, she couldn’t hold her tears anymore and said with a brittle voice “I-I’m sorry, I-” Yasenia tightened the embrace with her tail and used one hand to lift Angel’s chin

Seeing the crying face she couldn’t help but feel bad, but she continued “I have been with that person for some months already and I love her very much.” That was the truth and she won’t hide it.

She cleared Angel’s tears gently and then continued with a smile “But that doesn’t mean I can’t be with you.”

Angel was surprised and opened her teary eyes “W-what?”

Yasenia chuckled and continued with the same soft voice “My constitution is called [Celestial Yin and Yang body] apart for making my body extremely apt for cultivation, it also increases my lust a lot, so my partner told me ‘When you go to the academy get yourself four or five girls and bring them home!\'”

Angel was completely stupefied, but soon her heart started to beat fast again ‘Doesn’t this mean!?’

And like Angel expected, Yasenia said. “If you want to be with me, you have to know that you won’t be the only one. I can’t promise things like “I will love all of you the same!” That is impossible, there will always be bias.”

Yasenia continued “What I can promise you, is honesty. I will never lie to you. If I find something that may hurt you if I say it, I may hide it from you, but I will never ever lie to you.”

Yasenia cupped Angel’s face, which has become a little red again, and said “Knowing all of this… Do you still want to become my partner?”

Angel answered almost instantly “Yes!”

Yasenia couldn’t help but ask doubtful “Why do you like me? We’ve just met, and you don’t know anything about me.”

Angel’s face become redder, she looked down and started playing with one of Yasenia’s hands to ease her nervousness. “Because of my soft personality, I have been having trouble with making companions in the academy. I pass most of my time either studying formations or cultivating so… approaching people is a little hard with the little free time I have.”

Then she looked at the moon outside, “And because most of the people I tried speaking look up to me a lot, they always treat me with respect instead of… Closeness. ”

Angel felt her head being placed on top of Yasenias breast and the sweet scent and softness this time relaxed her mood a lot. Closing her eyes and hugging Yasenia’s waist she continued “You, however, even after listening that I’m a violet class in both cultivation and formations, you only showed surprise and praise, not…That pressuring admiration. I felt really comfortable with your gaze.”

She then said a little shyly “Not only that, you treated me gently when I was nervous, instead of becoming impatient. Then you told me that I could rely on you…” Her face becomes redder “…W-While hugging me a-and it felt really c-comfortable.”

Yasenia looked at the face atop her breast and lowered her head to kiss her red cheeks. Angel opened her eyes and feeling the kiss she smiled shyly. “I feel very safe in your embrace… That is why I like you… So, yes, I w-want to become your partner, I want to know more about you, about your likes and dislikes, about…”

Yasenia’s heart was already a puddle when Angel finished speaking. She looked at the shy Angel and closed the distance capturing her lips and pushing her on the sofa slowly. This time the kiss was tender and slow.

Angel hooked her arms around her neck and returned the kiss clumsily, with Yasenia atop of her, she felt in heaven right now ‘Her lips are so soft, I really like her taste. Her warm and soft body feels comfortable around me, her scent makes me relax…’

Angel felt a Yasenia tongue licking her lips gently and she moaned in comfort. Yasenia didn’t do much more.

She used her tail to caress Angel’s head as she hugged Angel while kissing her softly. Angel melted in that loving embrace thinking ‘*Sigh* before I was a little doubtful, but this kiss…I think I’m melting from comfort.’

Yasenia separated and said with a husky voice “Let’s go to bed, tomorrow we need to wake up early and I’m a little tired from today.”

Angel nodded dazedly and buried her head in Yasenias neck. Yasenia lifted her using her arms and tail to carry her comfortably. They reached the bed and laid down together.

Yasenia buried Angel in her arms and said “Goodnight baby.” Angel didn’t mind that way of calling her. She nodded her head, snuggled closer, and entered dreamland.

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