A VR Travel Story That Makes You Want to Be Humiliated

Chapter 16: New Encounter (2)

Chapter 16: New Encounter (2)

And the group of such guys is called a bandit group in WM.

The thieves\' hideout is in the mountains. If there is a cave, it creates an atmosphere, and if there are wild plants, it feels authentic.

Bandits usually attack travelers or merchants passing through their territory and extort money from them. Meanwhile, as the scale grows, those who lose their fear or are thoughtless come down to the village and loot it or take away the women.

There is no need to explain what happens to the woman taken.

The reason why thieves can behave like this is because, as long as they maintain a reasonable line, there is no need for a subjugation at the lord level.

In territories near the front lines, the military power to take charge of the security and defense of the city is too much, so there is no room to protect even small villages.

Conversely, in the rear fiefdoms, even the lords are corrupt and do not care about the suffering of the common people.

I heard that they periodically subdue bandits in the ambiguous part in the middle, but since the area I am in is in the rear, I will skip it.

Anyway, the conclusion is that wherever you go in this neighborhood, you encounter a group of thieves, and there is humiliation there.

Then, can I, the one who created a world ripe for humiliation, pass by?

As an adventurer, whenever I went out of the city and performed a quest, I searched the nearby mountains and searched for any place I could find that could be used as a hideout by a group of thieves.

Of course, once I am defeated, I will have to decide whether I will be humiliated by the bandits... You never know. There might be a thief with a strange item.

Unfortunately, that hasn\'t happened yet.

Nevertheless, I could not give up a ray of hope and was snooping around a cave I found in the mountain.

"... ! There is."

A few horses and carriages tied up near the cave entrance, and an empty iron cage.

Judging by the iron bars, they must be slave traders and not just a group of thieves.

Although adventurers use iron bars to transport monsters captured at the wizard\'s request, there is no reason for the iron bars to be empty in such an ambiguous place.

If the cage is empty, it means that something inside has been taken out.

This doesn\'t look like a wizard\'s laboratory, and trying to catch monsters here doesn\'t make sense since there aren\'t any monsters around here that could be research material.

The remaining possibility is a being that can be locked up and taken out without any special facilities, and cannot escape even if there is no iron cage.

It was a person.

"The number of people... "It doesn\'t seem like that many."

Considering that they even mobilized carriages, it looks like they traveled quite a distance, but in reality, the number of horses was less than ten.

It\'s hard to believe that he followed the carriage on foot. There are probably no more than ten thieves.

This world is a game.

If you keep this fact in mind and say that the number of enemies is small, you can guess this.

I thought, \'Instead of being small, I will be strong.\'

It\'s a good thing for me.

If I\'m strong, my chances of losing go up, and it\'s less annoying than catching tens of thousands of random mobs.

As soon as I entered the cave, it was clear what was happening inside.

Because there was a sticky smell in the air.

If we haven\'t even arrived at the site yet and the smell is wafting all the way up here, it means that ventilation is not working well, which also means that there is no separate exit from this cave.

In other words, if I block just one path, I won\'t miss anything.

As you walk inside the cave, the light coming from outside disappears and the entire field of vision becomes black.

Light began to appear at the other end.

It was the light of a torch, with areas of shadow and light constantly shaking.

Instead of approaching any further, I hid in the dark and observed the other person.

There are three women lying on the floor, and two women are still dealing with two men.

And further inside, a woman is dealing with four men by herself.

In total, there were 8 men and 6 women.

The woman inside moved on her own, so I wondered if it was consensual play, but she checked the slave necklace.

Because officially slavery is illegal. This means that there is no possibility that it was a consensual SM orgy.

They still haven\'t noticed this.

The best chance for a surprise attack.

A surprise attack is always right.

Especially for solo adventurers like me.

There were a few times when I formed a party and made a request.

It was an okay party until I completed the quest, but they said they couldn\'t have me as a regular party because I deliberately put my head in dangerous places.

It\'s not like I\'m going to a dangerous place with a party, and I\'m just snooping around by myself after work is over. I have doubts about his personality.

Anyway, for that reason, there is no option for me, who works alone, to give up the advantage of surprise.

Approach as cautiously as possible.

Avoid rocks that are hard to see under your feet, and avoid puddles of water.

Avoid looking at women who might react... I think I did something similar to this when I first met Runon and Sophie.

But this time, even though I tried my best, I couldn\'t hide until I picked the first bread.

This was because the thieves had different perspectives, so it was impossible to hide them completely.

"Who is there?"

"... !"

I got caught.

Before I even thought about that, my body was racing from the moment I made eye contact with a man.

One of the men nearby was slow to react to the sudden shouting.

Before he could understand the situation, my knife was already hitting his neck.

The next man reacted quickly, but didn\'t have time to pick up his weapon, so he slashed with his outstretched arm to block.

Unfortunately, at that point the other men had their weapons in their hands.

A situation where you are facing five men naked and holding knives.

Looking at the numbers alone, they were clearly outnumbered, but the sight of the still standing object shaking aimlessly was honestly a bit funny.

I also had some free time.

It\'s been quite a while since I left Koris Village and started working in the city.

I have accumulated enough adventurer rank to be able to reach D rank with just a little more work, and the quest rewards corresponding to the accumulated performance have made my equipment even more solid.

Of course, I also increased my proficiency in various skills in the process.

My current equipment consists of chain mail over my new magic costume, and leather protectors on my arms and legs.

The shield, which was closer to a wooden board than a shield, was changed into a proper shield with an iron border and center, and there is a pouch on the thigh where various consumables can be stored.

Ah. The sword was not changed. It was surprisingly useful.

"What are you doing? "You want to die?!"

"Uh. Were you planning on not killing me? "You already killed two of your colleagues?"

"You bitch!!"

I was only trying to lightly provoke him, but he fell right in. I guess these guys aren\'t very intelligent.

"I wasn\'t planning on killing him. "It just changes where it\'s sold."

At that time, the last man who was still sitting on the chair and maintaining a relaxed attitude stood up.

His height, which was taller than that of other men, and his muscular body told anyone that he was the boss.

In terms of the game, it will be a mid-boss. No, it would be too much to call it a mid-boss for a mob of this size, and it would be like a field-named mob.

As the man stood up, the pink-haired woman he was fucking fell helplessly next to her.

He declared without paying any attention to the woman.

"If you drop your weapons and surrender right now, we\'ll have fun by ourselves and then sell it to you. But if you go any further, I will carefully find the most pervert and sell it to you."

"Older brother! Adob and Fumin were defeated!"

"Shut up! "I decide what to do!"

"Hey, it\'s good that you guys are fighting among yourselves. "Why don\'t you tell me after you win?"

"You want to try against these numbers? What a strange-headed bitch. "Guys, hit!"

With those words as a signal, the men attacked. While shaking between my legs.


He blocked the attack of the man who ran in first with his shield and cut him with his sword.

Again, Geombang is the strongest.

The area you\'re aiming for is that rattling object that keeps making you nervous.


The erection had not yet been released, and the hardened object flew into the sky.

Erections were caused by blood rushing to the corpus cavernosum. As if to prove that fact, blood spurts out vigorously from the cross-section.

"Woo -ah -ah !!!"

"Hey, that crazy bitch!!"

The thieves seem to be very confused.

This was the reason why they attacked the man\'s vital area instead of inflicting fatal wounds all at once.

Cutting off the dick does not incapacitate it, but it can completely destroy the fighting spirit of nearby men.

Anyway, if you die, you can\'t use it. I don\'t know why I\'m so obsessed. Isn\'t the first priority to fight and win?

I once posted this on the WM fan site as a useful tip, but it got IP banned. It\'s a perfect tip.

What followed was a one-sided massacre.

Even if you just approach it, it blocks the lower body with its sword and retreats, but if you pretend to aim for the lower body and attack the upper body, it works so well that it\'s funny.

"This... You useless bastards!! "I can\'t catch a bitch like that!!"

When the last thief was defeated, the boss finally appeared.

When I asked him what he was doing while his subordinate was dying, he came back wearing the equipment.

The weapon was a large ax appropriate for his large stature.

It was a weapon that was not compatible with me.

Even if you block it with a shield, due to the ax\'s characteristic that the center of gravity is centered on the head, the block will break through the shield or the arm behind the shield will break.

Still, it doesn\'t mean there isn\'t a way.

When I was playing as a hero, there were many monsters among the demon lords that even the hero\'s abilities could not match.

But in the end, I won.

I relived that experience and took the right posture.

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