A VR Travel Story That Makes You Want to Be Humiliated

Chapter 11: In the First Village (4)

Chapter 11: In the First Village (4)

"... What is that? It looks dangerous."

Among the goblins who were busy running around and taking a nap, there was one clearly foreign individual.

A guy who is one head taller than the other goblins and is holding a staff encrusted with ominous jewels.

He was commonly called a goblin shaman.

It was annoying because the guys who were always found holding a staff attacked using different spells depending on the type of staff they were holding.

This is because it was impossible to know what effect the spell had until it occurred.

Players can use status to appraise items, but items held by hostile opponents cannot be appraised.

Even Runon, who didn\'t know much about goblin shamans, couldn\'t act hastily and asked quietly.

"I\'m a shaman. "He\'s a troublesome guy who attacks with magic from a distance."

"Shaman? Wouldn\'t it be difficult if there was a guy like that?"

"Not to that extent. It\'s just a little annoying. Sophie, can you snipe?"

"I think I can do it if I get a little closer."

"Good. Then, go a little further and when Sophie snipes the shaman, I will charge. Runon and Kiven just take care of Sophie. Those guys are crazy about women, so there will definitely be some guys going your way."

"You\'re crazy about women? Then what about Soira?"

"It\'s okay because I won\'t lose to goblins or anything like that. Well, if I lose, I\'ll definitely be in trouble."

You will be raped. The three looked astonished at me calmly saying virtually the same thing.

Now, I hope you can feel the meaning of risking your life to fight.

You can say that you are risking your life only if you are prepared to lose not only your life but also many other things.

Actually, as I say this, I would be happy if I were in a situation where I would be raped.

Even though I was desperately resisting, I could clearly see myself being insanely excited by the fact that I was being humiliated despite my resistance.

"Ruler. Enough chit-chat, how about it, Sophie? Are you ready?"


Sophie must have been nervous, so she kept her words short, but calmly took a deep breath and pulled the bowstring.

As soon as I saw an arrow being fired from Sophie\'s bow, I ran out.

Kiik? Key profit!!

Goblins are surprised to see me.

But it\'s already too late.

Run straight to the shaman while cutting down several unlucky goblins on the way to the shaman.

The arrow that Sophie shot successfully hit the shaman.

Even though she couldn\'t hit the vital spot, it was very easy to deal with the guy who had her right arm pierced by an arrow and dropped her staff in shock and pain.

Even if a shaman doesn\'t have a staff that allows her to use her spells, she\'s just a slightly oversized goblin.

The shaman quickly grabbed the toothless sword held by a nearby goblin and resisted, but the shaman, who could not use one of her arms properly, was unable to hold on for a few shots and fell down after being severely cut.

"The shaman has been taken care of! "I\'ll sort out the rest, so hang in there!"

Communicate the situation loudly and kill nearby goblins.

Only then did the guys who seemed to come to their senses counterattack, but even a few goblins without a shaman were no match for me.

It doesn\'t take long, and when you think the surroundings are roughly in order, check the Runon side to see if they are holding up well.

Sophie holds a bow and starts sniping at goblins that are far away from us one by one. Kiven takes care of the goblin attacking Sophie next to him. And Runon...

What. Why is he there?

Runon must have been excited while fighting the goblin, and he was chopping down the goblin that was running a little away from Sophie and Kiven.

I clearly told you to protect Sophie.

He may also have swordsmanship skills. I can understand being intoxicated by the skill that increases the more you wield it, but it doesn\'t look good to not do what you\'re asked to do when you\'ve made a request that you didn\'t need to receive because you begged for it.

"Hey!! Runon! "Get back next to Sophie, you bastard!!"

Runon, who must have confirmed his location only after hearing harsh words, tries to return to Sophie\'s side in a hurry.

However, perhaps because he is anxious, he is unable to join because he is caught by a goblin that he had easily defeated just a moment ago.

And, oh?!

At that moment, I jump at the ominous presence behind me.

There must have been a live one. I can\'t talk about this with others either.

A black sphere passed by me, which I hastily avoided. Black sphere?

I immediately looked behind me and saw that the goblin shaman had used a staff to cast a spell that had flown right past me.

You obviously killed him?

When I checked again, the guy I had cut down was lying dead. That means.

"There were two!"

I guess I didn\'t see it because one was awake and the other was napping. Even so, it is rare for a group of this size to have two shamans. Even if you\'re unlucky, you can\'t be like this.

She recovered her stance and glared at the second guy.

Unlike the first guy, he is unharmed and in good condition. The shaman is smarter than the average goblin, so even after she noticed the attack, she stayed hidden and assessed the situation while the others died.

Of course, you can\'t beat me even if you do that, but I\'ve already let my guard down and made a big mistake.

Repeating mistakes is just stupid. I calmly dealt with the second shaman without letting my guard down.

Unlike the first time, when Sophie\'s sniping left her without the use of one of her arms and even dropped her weapon, she took a cautious approach.

In its intact state, a shaman is stronger than a goblin.

Enough to defeat an ordinary person holding a weapon from the front.

Of course, it is true that he is no match for me. Because I can defeat a thief with a weapon even with my bare hands.

However, the reason you have to be careful is that you don\'t know the effect of the spell cast using the staff.

The effects of spells vary greatly, so if you are unlucky, you could be rendered incapable of combat in a single hit.

It is extremely rare to have such a spectacular effect, but there are plenty of effects that are not that bad but are annoying.

Therefore, we pay attention to the staff\'s movements and apply pressure step by step.

If hit, the black sphere that is affected by the spell will come out in a straight line from the tip of the staff or fly along the trajectory of the swing. Either way, it doesn\'t happen without warning, so it\'s easy to avoid as long as you\'re careful.

The shaman stabs the staff from a distance that the staff cannot reach yet.

It\'s a distance where you won\'t be hit even if you don\'t avoid it. The moment you watch carefully, a black aura forms on the staff and moves to one end.

A sign of witchcraft attack.

However, if it is a stabbing attack, it is easy to avoid the spell being fired.

Another black sphere was fired from the tip of the staff, but I was no longer there.

Approach quickly, taking advantage of the shaman who was completely caught off guard.

The shaman quickly retrieved his staff and swung it around to block her approach, but she had already narrowed the distance.

Lightly parry the flying staff with the shield equipped on her left arm. It does not draw a trajectory that is difficult to recognize, nor does it have the strength to take it. Rather, the staff bounces off the shield I swing.


The Shaman\'s desperate attack was not only in vain, but also exposed a huge gap. He let out a tearing sound as if he was trying to threaten him, but that became his last words and death.


I wipe a ray of sweat running down my cheek.

The battle itself wasn\'t very difficult, but I fought in a state of excessive tension due to an unexpected surprise attack, and my energy was drained.

By the way, what happened to Runon and Sophie? Looking at the silence, it looks like the battle is over.

That guy, Kiven, can live well on his own, so you can worry about it later.

I thought so.

"Kiven! Are you okay?!"

Kiven is kneeling on one knee, and Runon and Sophie are at a loss for what to do around them.

"What. What\'s going on?"

Looking at his condition, he doesn\'t seem to be seriously injured, so I slowly approach him and ask.

"Key, Kiven... Instead of me... That is... "

"Kiven got hurt instead of Sophie? Didn\'t he ever get hurt?"

"I-I don\'t know either. Suddenly something flew in... "

From what Sophie said, I\'m not sure what happened.

When you looked at Runon with a look in his eyes asking him to explain, he hesitated but spoke properly.

"I caught almost all the goblins here, but something that looked like a black bead flew towards Sophie.

I tried to stop it too, but there was a distance... Kiven, who noticed later than me, covered Sophie and hit her instead."

Hmm. So, Runon, who found it first, was far away and couldn\'t protect her, and Kiven, who was nearby, found her late and couldn\'t stop her, so instead he covered Sophie and got hit himself?



I kicked him in the shin for a reason that was stupider than I thought.

"I can\'t help but say I didn\'t see it, but I think I could have prevented it if you hadn\'t fallen next to Sophie. What did I say? Sophie, I told you to keep it, right? "Do you think fighting for your life is a joke?"

"Well, that\'s not it... "

"No, it doesn\'t matter. When I saw him, he was so excited that he was scribbling from afar. It\'s okay. I\'ll beat you up later. Let\'s first look at the state of Kiven."

First of all, I will explain since Kiven himself does not seem to know what state he is in.

"You said shamans use magic, right? That black bead you hit is a spell. If you get hit there, you will be under a spell."

"Then... How... Does it work?"

Kiven asked questions even though he had a painful expression on his face. It doesn\'t seem like it\'s a spell that will kill you right away.

"I don\'t know either. These people\'s magic is really arbitrary, and it\'s even more troublesome because you can\'t find out until you\'re in trouble. Another way is, ah. "There is one."

He ordered Runon, who seemed to know that he had done something wrong, to pick up the staff that the second shaman had just dropped.

If you load the status here...

「Goblin Shaman\'s Staff

A staff that the goblin shaman always carries. The magic used with the staff varies depending on the staff.

Spell: Curse of Desire – Largely inflates one of the enemies hit\'s desires. If you cannot resolve your desire, you will lose your senses and act to resolve your desire until you do so."

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