The 9th Class Swordmaster: Blade of Truth

Chapter 96: What I Missed

Chapter 96: What I Missed

Having traveled by carriage for nearly a fortnight, Karyl finally arrived in Heim for the first time in his life. He gazed at the unfolding scenery, his eyes glinting with wonder.

"You came with Sir Joey Johansel, I believe."

"Yes. The priest was kind enough to allow me to use the Magic Circle, so I was able to meet the Pope without any issues," Karyl replied calmly. His demeanor and tone were perfectly adhering to the etiquette he had been taught.

It’s unbelievable to think that what I learned in my previous life would come in handy like this.

A bitter smile crossed his face as he recalled the lessons he had learned when he first arrived at the mansion under Kuwell MacGovern\'s guidance.


Was it because he thought of the mansion? The memories of his foster brothers, whom he had met at the Abyssal Rock, flashed through his mind.

"I am Karyl of Tatur."

But the reminiscence was brief. Karyl reiterated his name to the bishop as if to engrave it upon him once again. The wind howled as if it were a living entity, mourning.

Heim, the Holy Land of the Church—Karyl couldn’t help marveling at the city shimmering with silver. The buildings, seemingly a generation ahead of the imperial architectural style, impressed him in particular.

Although he stood chosen and ordained, ready to battle Tarak, he had never truly faced the Church\'s bishop nor examined the Church closely.

I\'m merely carrying out Church’s orders. Karyl slowly lifted his head. So, a place like this actually exists.

Moreover, the Holy Land of the Church was shrouded in secrecy, even among the people of the continent.

Thinking about it, the reason Sir Joey Johansel could introduce me so easily to the Church might be due to the allure of the elemental stones, or perhaps because the teachings of the Church are open to all.

If not that, perhaps Joey Johansel also wanted to avoid the destruction of the Three Kingdoms.

Considering the ancient texts he recovered from the ruins, that\'s probably the reason for it. There\'s still much to investigate.

Moreover, the investigation of the ruins involved the children of the nobility from the Three Kingdoms.

They’re quite clever for a small nation forced to survive between the Empire and the principality.

While the Empire and the principality were the two most powerful forces on the continent, the only entity that truly surpassed them in power was the Church itself.

Are they trying to win the Church to their side? However, their plans were doomed to fail. Because the emperor is coming here.

Karyl glanced up at the Church\'s towering palace. The small windows situated high above the ground allowed some light from inside so that the building itself wasn’t completely engulfed in darkness, but they didn’t illuminate the palace grounds at all. The entire structure seemed designed to be hidden from view.

But the emperor has yet to get her. Perhaps the bishop and a few high priests are aware...

At least, Joey Johansel, who had been away from the Church for a long time investigating the ruins, had not heard news from the Empire.

It\'s fortunate I met him. Thanks to that Magic Circle, I managed to get to the Church before the emperor. Of course, he invited me here because of the ruins discovered in the Three Kingdoms. It wasn\'t just out of kindness, but it’s very beneficial nonetheless.

Naturally, using magic to travel across the continent saved a lot of time and minimized fatigue. However, the disadvantage was that the user would not know the route to the destination.


Although difficult to pinpoint the exact location through a Magic Circle, Karyl intuitively guessed where he was on the continent.

For a brief moment, when the light from the travel Magic Circle disappeared, I saw the Maron Canyon.

While similar landscapes were common across the continent, Karyl was certain about the location. He could never forget the fierce battle that had taken place there.

Maron Canyon... That was where Martte MacGovern, the eldest, had his heart pierced by a demon.

Seeing the canyon with the naked eye meant he was not far from the Empire.

The canyon was visible from the northeast. That means Heim is likely just below the Empire.

Karyl briefly greeted the other people around the bishop, and everyone warmly returned his greetings.

So, it\'s quite far from the principality... I thought the early founders of the Church, like those from Lurein, would have established the Holy Land closer to the duchy, but it seems not.

"I heard from Sir Joey that you own a mine that yields elemental stones,” the bishop said to Karyl in a slow voice.

"Yes. Although it\'s still insufficient, I\'ve come here imposing on your hospitality, hoping to support the Church," Karyl replied.

"The Church only believes in the power of Yula. We do not deny magic, but we shall only take your offer in spirit," the bishop explained in a firm voice.

The mine was not magical; it was brimming with divine energy, and every time Karyl heard it being associated with magic, he felt like he was suffocating.

"The Church always has a duty to provide lodging to travelers. You’ve come all this way, Sir Karyl, and you’re tied to us by fate. Rest well during your stay."

Following his kind words, the bishop made a gesture signifying that he would no longer discuss any dealings with Karyl.

Well... it doesn\'t matter.

After all, the trade of elemental stones was merely a pretext to get to the Church. Moreover, by rejecting the trade, the bishop made it clear that the stones were not highly valued by the Church.

But even if they don’t need the elemental stones, I’ll make them need it. Karyl chuckled softly.

"During your stay, this child will serve you," said a priest next to Karyl as he introduced a boy, who seemed to be an apprentice.

"A mere merchant like me doesn\'t need a servant. I\'ll just stay a few days and then leave."

"It\'s the rule of the Church. Don\'t worry," the priest reassured him.

The boy bowed slightly in response. He seemed to be about Karyl\'s age, and so he reminded him of Ruben, the one who had helped him at the mansion.

"Well then, I am grateful for your kindness.” Karyl thought it unwise to refuse outright.

It must be for surveillance.

In any case, he had his own eyes and ears elsewhere, already investigating the Church.

"Then..." Karyl bowed once more to the bishop and slowly left the hall.

Perhaps the high officials of the Church, including the bishop, are even less likely to be connected to Lurein.

The Church might not know, but the Wooden Cloud would have wanted the stones.

I should meet Aidan first.


Historically, the Church had existed since the Magic Era, making it the only organization older than the Empire.

The Church, devoted to Yula, the goddess of light, was not easy to join. They were known not to rely on the ordinary five elemental powers but a special kind of power, which was simply referred to as divine power.

Apart from the five elements of magic that Allen Javius told me about, there are two more powers: light and darkness.

Allen had mentioned that those two powers belonged to Yula. The Church was an organization extremely biased toward the power of light.

Divine power had extraordinary physical restoration abilities, making it superior to healing magic.

And that had naturally led to the Church producing many healers, Joey Johansel being one of them.

Priests generally focused more on cultivating their minds than their bodies. Of course, the Church had some troops called holy knights, but they were few. The priests Karyl knew were not suitable for exploring relics and ruins.

Is Joey Johansel acting for himself? But then why had he brought Karyl along? The bishop seems rather indifferent about me, but Joey was different. Is he reporting to someone other than the bishop about me?

"This is strange," Karyl murmured to himself as he returned to his room. He sat at the table.

"Yes? Is there something you need?" The apprentice, standing at the door, gave a start.

Karyl smirked slightly, as the boy’s reaction reminded him of Ruben.

"No, there\'s nothing. Go on. I\'ll call if I need anything."

"Yes, sir"

As the boy bowed and turned to leave, Karyl pondered. No connection. No connection at all. The Church, Wooden Cloud, and Joey Johansel’s moves. Am I missing something?

"What do you think?" Karyl asked in a low voice.

Aidan, hidden behind the curtain, was holding a small pile of documents.

"This place is quite interesting."

"What\'s that?"

"Records from the Church. Not all of them, but I managed to get some."

After examining the documents, Karyl looked at him with disbelief. "Where did you get this?"

"From Zouk. There\'s someone connected to the Burning Darkness within the Church. I went while you were meeting with the bishop."

"You weren\'t caught?"

Karyl was amazed by his boldness. Aidan Hamil was now his subordinate, not just a member of the Burning Darkness of the Eastern Lands.

"Well... I\'m not sure about other places, but fortunately, the Church is a closed place. Zouk kept quiet, so no reports have gone up yet. Thanks to that, I managed to get around." Aidan placed the documents on the table as he spoke.

"If we were caught, our heads would roll. Somehow... this place doesn\'t feel very welcoming. I got curious too."


"Still, these documents aren’t conclusive evidence. The Burning Darkness never fully discloses their affairs, not even with their allies.”

"It seems Zouk De Holde has a higher position in the Burning Darkness than you. You\'re using her name?"

"Haha." Aidan chuckled softly. "Nothing I say surprises you anymore. Even if I told you that Zouk De Holde isn’t actually my younger sister but a senior, you’d have no reaction.”

"Yeah, I know. It\'s the truth."


He looked bewildered by Karyl\'s casual acceptance of his offhand comment.

It\'s more than I thought. The Eastern Lands... I should be more careful now.

Karyl was more deeply involved in the continent than he had imagined. If there were spies in the veiled Church, the other countries were no exception.


Karyl unfolded the records Aidan had brought.

Wait a minute. What is this...?

Among the densely-packed contents, there were parts marked by Aidan.

This is crazy. His eyes wavered.

The Church wasn’t just any organization. Of course, it was a place that required diligent study of its doctrines and constant effort, but the information Aidan had provided meant something else. It was pointing to a connection between the Church, the Wooden Cloud, and Joey Johansel.

"Are you sure about this?"

"Someone from the Burning Darkness investigated it," Aidan replied with certainty.

Karyl nodded. This is what I missed.

It was the Empire.

Of course, Karyl had thought of this. He had known about the relationship between the emperor he was about to meet and Joey Johansel. However, he had misunderstood the chronological order of the connecting elements.

It\'s not that the emperor was involved with Wooden Cloud, but that Joey Johansel was already the emperor\'s man. Karyl\'s lips curled up.

"Things are getting interesting..."

This secret region, veiled as the Holy Land of the Church, was already a battlefield of fierce mind games between the Empire and the Wooden Cloud.

Who will take control of the Church... I still don\'t know who it is on the Wooden Cloud side. Well, maybe I should join this game too. His eyes gleamed.

Karyl reached into the pocket of his coat and took out the small pouch he always carried. He then pulled out a small ornament embedded with a blue gemstone from it.

Aidan immediately recognized it. It was Kuwell MacGovern\'s personal seal.

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