The Mirror Legacy

Chapter 47: Eastern Gate

Chapter 47: Eastern Gate

Yue State, situated in the south, had a hot and humid climate. Winter snow was a rare occurrence, with last year’s heavy snowfall being an exceptionally unusual event.

The thick snow rendered the entire Guli Road impassable for carriages and horses, leaving Old Wu with only three groups of patrons all winter. Now, with spring ushering in lingering chills, it was the perfect weather for a drink.

Leaning lazily against the creaking wooden chair, Old Wu squinted out the window and spotted a cloud of yellow dust on the distant road.

He rose hastily, his limp noticeable as he shuffled to the doorway, calling out with renewed vigor, “Wine! Mutton! Meat!”

Observing a horse carriage slowing to a stop before his establishment, he quickly added, “Hello there! Our humble shop offers strong wine and a variety of refreshing, tangy side dishes...”

As the carriage curtain parted, two men in fur coats alighted.

The first man to alight was scarcely seventeen years of age. He had a certain glow to his handsome youthful features and carried a long saber. He smiled as he gazed toward the tavern.

His companion appeared to be in his mid-twenties with a valuable sword hanging at his waist. He was a rather good-looking man with intense eyes that were fixed on Old Wu with a certain cautiousness.

He must be the guardian of that young man he’s escorting. He looks rather seasoned and very alert to his surroundings. Judging by the sword he carried, both of them must come from affluent clans. Seems like I’ll be able to earn a lot today!

Sensing an opportunity, Old Wu greeted them with an obsequious smile as he ushered them inside. “Please, gentlemen, come in. Our tavern’s signature Snowflake Wine is a renowned delicacy in these parts.”

Turning his head around, he called loudly, “We have patrons!”

As the two men settled at a table, two others hurriedly descended the stairs, bowing and standing behind Old Wu.

“A bottle of Snowflake Wine and a few side dishes,” Yuan Wankai ordered, setting his long saber aside.

Observing the old man’s prompt instructions to his staff, he turned to Li Tongya with enthusiasm and happily explained, “This Snowflake Wine is made by boiling thinly sliced mutton in top-quality wine until it becomes soft. The meat is then ground into a smooth paste. To enhance the flavors, mutton bone marrow and kidney fat are melted in a pot and mixed with the meat paste, which is soaked in warm wine to make an indulgent drink.”

He gulped then confided, “I first tried it here five years ago with another brother in my clan and could never forget the taste. I’ve tried countless dishes back at home since, but nothing compares to this!”

Li Tongya, who was feeling weary from days of travel and dry meals accompanied by cold water, found his appetite piqued by the description, eagerly anticipating the feast.

As they conversed, a noisy clamor from outside interrupted them. A group of men dressed in cotton staggered in, taking their seats while shouting, “Old Wu, bring out some wine!”

“Ah, you’re here! Welcome!” Old Wu quickly approached them with a smile, ingratiating himself.

“This spring’s chill is no joke! We’ve been standing guard at the eastern gate all night, and our balls were nearly frozen off! We rushed here for a warm drink as soon as it was time for a shift change.”

The burly leader of the group chuckled heartily and continued, “I’ve got no idea what happened these days, but the road is under such strict watch by people sent by the clans in the prefecture. Birds up in the trees don’t even dare to chirp!”

Another man at the table casually chimed in, “Oh, get used to it, Big Tiger! This happens every few years. Just wait it out, it’ll ease up soon enough. Those prominent clans in the prefecture love tightening their grip every now and then.”

Wan Yuankai listened to the loud conversation for a while, then leaned toward Li Tongya and whispered, “We must be near the Cloud Crowned Peak. I’m guessing those men serve the Xiao Family.”

Li Tongya nodded thoughtfully. Xiao Yuansi’s face suddenly came to his mind and he somehow had a positive impression on these local men.

Just then, a waiter brought over a hot bottle of wine, some small side dishes, and a bowl of creamy white mutton paste.

Wan Kai eagerly picked up his spoon and scooped some of the paste into his bowl, then poured the hot wine over it. The rich aroma of mutton immediately filled the air.

Big Tiger, the burly man, inhaled deeply. His eyes immediately lit up as he exclaimed, “That smells amazing! It must be the famous Snowflake Wine!”

Ignoring Big Tiger’s comment, Wan Yuankai savored a mouthful of the delight, then gestured for Li Tongya to try some.

With a polite nod and smile to the local men, Li Tongya filled his own bowl and then brought his spoon into his mouth.

A blend of wine and mutton flavors immediately exploded on his palate. Before he realized it, he had emptied his bowl.

“It’s truly a delightful taste,” he remarked with a chuckle.

Big Tiger, feeling ignored, awkwardly curled his lips and grumbled, “Must be nice to have money to burn...”

His envious gaze lingered on the next table’s feast as he reluctantly turned back to converse with his companions.

Wan Yuankai had barely sipped a few mouthfuls of the Snowflake Wine when a commotion at the entrance caught his attention.

A group of people clustered around a young man, dressed in lavish brocade and fur, making their way into the inn.

“Clan Brother, don’t judge this tavern by its shabby appearance. It serves some of the finest Snowflake Wine on this road. Given the chilly solitude of these mountainous outskirts, it’s the only spot around that offers us a bit of respite.”

The person speaking ingratiatingly was a well-dressed man in his mid-thirties, addressing the young man in a manner that seemed rather comical, given their apparent age difference.

The young man merely gave a noncommittal hum in response. Dressed in pristine white fox fur with a golden pouch tied around his waist, the lavishly dressed man had sharp eyes that accentuated his refined features.

On the other hand, Big Tiger suddenly grew anxious. “Oh no, why is the manager of the main family here?!”

He quickly lowered his head along with the other men seated at his table, trying to be as inconspicuous as possible. No one dared to breathe a word.

“That lavishly dressed man must be someone from the sect. Even the haughty manager acts like an obedient dog in his presence,” Big Tiger quietly surmised.

He sneaked a glance at the newcomers stationed at the eastern gate, recognizing a couple of them as prominent figures among the Xiao Family’s soldiers. They stood respectfully behind the manager, not daring to even speak a word.

The lavishly dressed young man frowned slightly at the tavern’s modest setting, causing the middle-aged manager to lower his head in a nervous silence.

The manager was formulating the right words to address the situation but was caught off guard when the young man in front of him unexpectedly let out a laugh.

This sudden change in demeanor left the manager momentarily stunned and visibly shaken. This man, possessing a spiritual orifice and having embarked on the path of immortality, is known for his arrogance and overbearing nature. During my tenure of over ten days guarding the eastern gate, I have never once seen him show a smile. I fear that his laughter is not one out of joy but anger!

The lavishly dressed young man cupped his fist respectfully instead and said with a friendly smile, “What a pleasant surprise it is to find fellow Daoists in such a remote tavern!”

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