Superstar From Age 0

Chapter 414:

Chapter 414:

One of the staff members who understood the team leader\'s words opened his mouth.

“We also thought that personifying Blue Moon would interest actor Lee Seo-jun. And we did manage to catch his attention and sign a contract.”

Personifying Blue Moon.

That was the main point of this Blue Moon single album music video.

“If we personify ‘Blue Moon’, which is just the name of the group, seo-jun would find it intriguing and it would also appeal to the fans and the public in a different way. That was our plan.”

Everyone nodded at the team leader\'s words.

The original music video content was like this.

A boy goes through five places where he dreams of becoming a singer. Those five places were where the Blue Moon members first dreamed of becoming singers.

In the scenes where the boy (a dancer with his face hidden) practices dancing and singing, the Blue Moon members appear one by one and show their faces. The camera was supposed to focus more on the Blue Moon members than the boy (dancer).

That way, the boy\'s efforts to become an idol and the Blue Moon members’ skilled performances would alternate and appear until the end, where the boy and Blue Moon would disappear and reveal the five members.

“The ‘Blue Moon’ we wanted was not special.”

It would have been fine if they just showed Seo-jun\'s personality and behavior, or if Seo-jun created a different character himself.

No one had ever tried to act as ‘Blue Moon’, which was just the name of an idol group, so the team could accept any kind of boy.

“We thought it would be okay if the character\'s name was ‘Blue Moon’.”

A fake Blue Moon that had nothing to do with the members, something that no one had ever imagined beyond acting.

“But he brought us the real thing.”

Everyone couldn\'t hide their admiration and nodded at the team leader\'s words.

How amazing it was to be an actor.

If it was an inanimate object like a tree or a stone, it would have been difficult but still within their understanding.

But what about a ‘concept’ that had no form?

“Actor Lee Seo-jun said he would act as the members who dreamed of becoming singers in each place.”

At the school auditorium, he would act as Choi Jae-won, in front of the television, he would act as Park Ee-deun, in front of the b-boying dancers, he would act as Kim Si-hoon, in front of the radio, he would act as Baek Yi-hyun, and at the movie theater, he would act as Jung Eun-sung.

That way, actor Lee Seo-jun planned to act as the members and create a ‘real Blue Moon’.

It was an acting that no one had ever imagined, but they felt like Seo-jun could do it.

“The boy and Blue Moon will show the habits and characteristics of the five members. That alone will change the atmosphere of the music video.”

From a fake that had nothing to do with the members to a real one that resembled them.

The fans who knew the members well would sense a strange feeling from ‘Blue Moon’.

“The five members are Blue Moon, and Blue Moon is the five members.”

Everyone swallowed their saliva at the team leader\'s words.

They just added an ‘personification’ element because they thought ‘Seo-jun might find it interesting since he had never done such acting before’.

But that element came back with more presence than they had imagined.

“We wanted a normal boy\'s acting, but… I guess our imagination was only this much. How did this interpretation come out?”

“It\'s not just an interpretation. It\'s about to be executed.”

Everyone thought of Seo-jun dancing with Blue Moon. It really seemed like Seo-jun could act as ‘Blue Moon’.

“Who would have expected that Seo-jun could do this much?”

“Maybe… it\'s because of his limit.”

The staff blinked their eyes at the team leader\'s words.


“People who are not actors think that actors can only do this much acting, that this is their limit.

For example, in the past, people didn\'t know about smartphones.”

Everyone nodded.

“But what if back then, people saw a picture of a smartphone? The developers who were researching smartphones would know its possibility and think of it as a smartphone, but people from long ago would just think of it as a small television?”


Everyone understood at once with the team leader\'s analogy.

“This case is probably similar. We couldn\'t even imagine that he could do it, but Seo-jun thought ‘I can do this much’.”

That\'s why actor Lee Seo-jun\'s acting surpassed the team\'s expectations.

They felt their hearts pounding.

They knew they had a precious gem, but it shone brighter than they had imagined, making the decorations that adorned the gem lose their light.

If the decorations lost their light, they had to change them to match the gem.

A team member raised his hand with a flash.

“Team leader! Can we modify the music video content a little?”


The staff\'s shoulders sagged at the team leader\'s words.

Well, it would be hard to change the storyboard now that there was not much time left for filming.

The team leader smiled as he saw the disappointed staff.

“Let\'s change everything.”

The staff who opened their eyes wide soon smiled brightly and answered.


Seo-jun and Blue Moon, who were in the practice room, blinked their eyes.

They thought that only the interpretation would change and the music video storyboard would remain the same.

“What about the filming schedule?”

“Maybe it will stay the same.”

One of the team members answered Choi Jae-won\'s question.

The preparation period for filming would be shorter and busier, but that was the team members’ job.

On the contrary, if the revised storyboard was finished quickly, they would have more time to prepare, so they planned to make it as fast and as cool as possible.

“That\'s why I want to hear your opinions too.”

“Our opinions too?”

“Especially Seo-jun\'s opinion is needed a lot.”

At the team member\'s request to write it down on paper and submit it, seo-jun and Blue Moon looked at him with a bewildered expression.

“I didn\'t expect this to happen.”

“Me neither.”

“Shall we write it down anyway? Seo-jun. Are you okay with time?”

“Yes. I\'m fine.”

The script work was going smoothly, and he was interested in the fact that the storyboard changed because of his interpretation.

He thought it would be better if his ideas were included, so Seo-jun immersed himself in his thoughts with a happy heart.

Blue Moon also fell into their thoughts.

“Acting by imitating… Seo-jun. How far can you do it?”

“Well. From head to toe?”

“Voice too?”

“Voice too.”

The Blue Moon members were startled by Kim Si-hoon\'s voice that came out of Seo-jun\'s mouth, and Seo-jun laughed out loud.

Voice imitation was something that was easy to do and clearly showed when someone imitated someone else.

“But we don\'t put voice in it.”

“We can\'t have Seo-jun sing for us either.”

Jung Eun-sung, choi Jae-won, and Baek Yi-hyun shook their heads with a serious expression as they discussed the storyboard, and Kim Si-hoon and Park Ee-deun played with Seo-jun with an interested expression.

Then, the door of the practice room opened.

It was the trainer who they thought had gone back after finishing the morning class.

“Huh? Teacher! Isn\'t practice over today?”

“I have something to ask you guys.”

Seo-jun and Blue Moon looked at the trainer with question marks over their heads.

The trainer had a slightly excited expression.

“They’re changing the music video storyboard, right?”

“Yes! Because Seo-jun did such a great job at acting!”

Park Ee-deun said with a bright face, and the trainer opened his mouth.

“Let\'s change ours too!”


“Let\'s change the dance a little too!”

Kim Si-hoon\'s ears perked up at the trainer\'s words.

Seo-jun and the other members blinked their eyes in confusion as they looked at the trainer.

“The dance?”

“To make Seo-jun\'s acting stand out more. Not all of it, just a little! Change the formation a little and the movement a little too.”

The trainer explained with gestures and body movements, and Seo-jun and Blue Moon paid attention.

“That sounds okay, right?”

Even Choi Jae-won, who was the weakest in dancing among the members, said that, because there was not much difference from the previous choreography.

Kim Si-hoon asked with sparkling eyes.

“Teacher. Is this for the music video formation? Or for the performance formation?”

“It can be used for both. For the performance formation, instead of Seo-jun, the members will take turns doing it.”


The Blue Moon members nodded at the trainer\'s answer.

“We’re fine with it.”

“Then I’ll tell the team leader. I’ll also modify some details… Maybe we can start practicing from the day after tomorrow.”


The trainer left the practice room with a bright face, and after thinking for a while, seo-jun opened his mouth.

“I thought of one music video storyboard.”

“Yeah? What is it?”

“There\'s a part where I act, right? How about putting it like this?”

Blue Moon members’ eyes sparkled at Seo-jun\'s explanation.

“Then your part will be reduced, right?”

“It\'s your music video. I\'m fine with it. I think this will be more fun.”

“Yeah? Then that\'s good.”

Starting from Seo-jun\'s opinion, various opinions flowed out.

They had some unique opinions because they understood Seo-jun\'s acting as ‘Blue Moon’.

“Let\'s put this in too!”

“This? All of a sudden?”

Kim Si-hoon\'s words made Baek Yi-hyun and Choi Jae-won make strange expressions.

“Why? If you’re an idol, you should have this kind of goal!”

“Let\'s use this as background!”

“Then let\'s put this in too.”

Park Ee-deun also rolled up his sleeves and gave his opinion, and Jung Eun-sung put a finishing touch on the storyboard.

“This might not work…”

Choi Jae-won and Baek Yi-hyun\'s nervous reactions made Seo-jun laugh.

And two days later.

The trainer said there was something to change in the last part of the choreography, so it would be a little late, and when Seo-jun and Blue Moon tilted their heads in wonder, the team leader came into the practice room with a bright face.

“We decided to make it like this.”

The team leader smiled happily and handed out the revised music video storyboard to Seo-jun and Blue Moon members.

Seo-jun read the storyboard.

It was not much different from the first one, but it seemed to capture well the image of ‘Blue Moon’ that Seo-jun would portray.

He nodded as he read the storyboard and burst into laughter at the last part.

This part seemed to reflect the opinions of Kim Si-hoon, Park Ee-deun, and Jung Eun-sung.

“I didn\'t think this would work…”

Choi Jae-won and Baek Yi-hyun also looked at the last part and rubbed their eyes with trembling hands.

They looked at the storyboard again, but the content did not change.

They saw Park Ee-deun and Kim Si-hoon high-fiving each other in excitement.

Jung Eun-sung shrugged his shoulders and asked Seo-jun, who was looking at the storyboard with interest, with a curious expression.

“Can you do it?”

Seo-jun smiled and said, liking the new storyboard.

“Acting is something you have to do shamelessly.”

And the revised choreography that arrived in the afternoon from the trainer was inspired by the last part of the music video, so Choi Jae-won and Baek Yi-hyun were shocked once again.


Thus, blue Moon\'s single album was being prepared step by step based on the revised music video storyboard and choreography.

The singer team was looking for a director and staff for the jacket shooting and music video shooting, and Blue Moon\'s stylists were working on finding clothes and styles that suited Blue Moon based on the roughly decided concept of this single album.

Seo-jun and Blue Moon members were also practicing hard on the revised choreography.

“Seo-jun, aren\'t you going to work on your script today?”

“I want to focus on practice until the music video shooting. There are only a few days left.”

The Blue Moon members looked at Seo-jun with a touched expression. Seo-jun laughed at their similar faces.

“But should we dye our hair this time?”

“Judging by the concept, I don\'t think it will be a very eye-catching color…”

Baek Yi-hyun brushed his hair in response to Park Ee-deun\'s question.

When Blue Moon debuted last year, only Baek Yi-hyun and Park Ee-deun dyed their hair dark brown.

“Oh, by the way, seo-jun, are you going to dye your hair? Or wear a wig?”

Seo-jun answered Choi Jae-won\'s question with a smile.

“I decided to dye it. I wanted to try it.”

“? You\'re going to dye it?”

Park Ee-deun asked with wide eyes, and Jung Eun-sung answered instead of Seo-jun.

“It\'s in the music video description. Seo-jun\'s styling.”

“I didn\'t see it.”

Park Ee-deun giggled and took out the music video storyboard to read it.

Kim Si-hoon, who didn\'t seem to know either, quietly sat next to Park Ee-deun and read the paper.

Then he looked at Seo-jun and the storyboard with wide eyes and exclaimed.

“Blue hair?!”

The two members who were surprised by this looked at Seo-jun, who laughed as an actor who had dyed his hair in more colorful colors than current idols.

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