Superstar From Age 0

Chapter 274

Chapter 274

They just thought of him as the best actor for the role.

Writer Yu Cheong-a shrugged her shoulders with a smile.

Im planning to send it to Cocoa Entertainment as soon as the synopsis is finished. But I dont think it will really happen. The difficulty is like picking a star from the sky, right?

Lee Seo-jun is a superstar, so its like picking a real star.

PD Gong Hee-chan and writer Yu Cheong-a laughed at each other. 

Half-serious, half-joking, they felt more relaxed. PD Gong Hee-chan opened his mouth.

Then lets prepare a second option too.

The second option was actually their original plan. 

The probability of Lee Seo-jun accepting the first option was 0.0001%.

The probability of the second option being accepted was 99.9999%. 

Writer Yu Cheong-a, who was full of humor, also nodded with a serious face.

What about the other roles? Should we audition for the child actor of the male lead?

Auditioning might take too long. It might not be bad to just offer it to the candidates.

Thats true. Then lets pick some candidates. Do you have any child actors in mind?

Writer Yu Cheong-a and PD Gong Hee-chan got along well. 

Writer Yu Cheong-as eyes sparkled. 

She had seen writer So Eun-jin and PD Choi Min-seongs working style right next to her, so she knew how well they matched.

Maybe we can become a great combo like them!

Writer Yu Cheong-a smiled brightly.


Two days later.

Writer So Eun-jins studio.

Writer Yu Cheong-a decided to work here because it was more familiar than other places. 

And she had just finished the synopsis.

PD Gong Hee-chan: Good!

PD Gong Hee-chan: You can send it right away.


With PD Gong Hee-chans okay, writer Yu Cheong-a sent the synopsis to Cocoa Entertainments second team with a bright smile. 

Writer So Eun-jin, who was watching writer Yu Cheong-a press the send button, admired their courage.

Youre amazing, but so is that PD.

At that, writer Yu Cheong-a smiled brightly.

I think I get along well with PD Gong. The synopsis work went smoothly. I think I can write the script quickly too.

But you should have a plan B ready. The chances of Seo-jun being cast are very low.

Writer Yu Cheong-a nodded.

I talked with PD Gong about it. The probability of casting Lee Seo-jun is like picking a star from the sky, so if we dont get an answer in a week, well send an offer to the child actors right away.

During the week they waited for Cocoa Entertainments answer, they planned to finish preparing everything perfectly so they could start filming as soon as the casting was done.

A star from the sky.

Writer So Eun-jin nodded at writer Yu Cheong-as metaphor.

Well, its winter break, so you can find a child actor quickly.

Right? The male lead and the child actor have to look alike too, so Ive found a lot of candidates.

Writer So Eun-jin smiled at writer Yu Cheong-as appearance, which looked more like a drama writer now.


Cocoa Entertainments second team office was always noisy with synopses, scripts, and casting offers that piled up. 

The aftermath of The Mirror Play and Graduation Performance was still there.

The second team staff deleted the talent donation emails from various associations as usual, printed out the synopses and scripts that were sent in file format, and wrote down the casting offers that came by phone on a list. 

After finishing one round of work, they moved on to the next one.

This director has a bad reputation, right?

Oh, I heard that too. He abuses the actors terribly.

The scriptwriter is wasted.

Thats how one work was eliminated.

This one is not bad, right?

The director and writer have good reviews and the production company is decent too.

The script is pretty fun too.

Thats how one work went into Seo-juns script box.

What is this?

A staff member who was flipping through a new synopsis stopped his hand. 

He looked at the front page and then the back page with disbelief and read through the script and checked the director and writer and broadcaster again.

He knew more directors and writers than most actors and staff because he had been doing this job for a long time, but these were names he had never seen before.

It was not a strange thing. 

Some novice directors and writers also sent their works hoping for Seo-juns name value.

He had to pass it on to the next staff member, but he kept holding it and the others became interested one by one. 

Even Anh Da Ho, who was reviewing the last works, looked up.

What is that?

Hollywood? Is it from Hollywood?

The second team got excited when a script came from Hollywood.

It was more influential than making a Korean work, so it was scary to deal with the aftermath, but it was really nice to see the actor they supported working globally. But in the end, they didnt get Seo-juns choice and went straight to the warehouse.

A staff member who was peeking at the synopsis from the next seat shook his head.

Its not a Hollywood script. Its written in Korean.

Then what is it?

Everyone was interested and the staff member who came to his senses put the synopsis on the table. 

Anh Da Ho, the team leader, also read the letters written on the second page.

There was only one name filled in among the empty spaces.

[Male lead (child): Lee Seo-jun]


Anh Da Ho and the second team staff couldnt take their eyes off of it.

Seo-jun isthe child actor of the male lead?

Our Seo-jun is a child!

They couldnt believe what they were seeing.

Seo-jun is a child actor, but. A real child actor came.

This is really rare, right?

Thats right. There was no offer for a child role after he won the Academy Award for Over the Rainbow

That was in February of sixth grade.

They admired Seo-juns career again, who won the Academy Award for Best Actor in a Leading Role when he was in elementary school. (Over the Rainbow was filmed when he was in fifth grade.)

One year in sixth grade, three years in middle school, thats already four years ago.

Hes about to become a high school student, so I knew his roles would be more diverse, but I didnt expect this

Me neither. Its too wasteful to put Seo-jun in a role with little weight.

The second team staff nodded.

Who is the director?

Anh Da Ho, who was reading the synopsis, tore off a few pages from the front and handed them to the staff.

The broadcaster is MBS, the writer is Yu Cheong-a, and the director is Gong Hee-chan.

The drama information was also written there. The staff of the second team lost their words at the information that it was a four-part drama.

What, what is this?

A four-part? A four-part drama?

Meanwhile, one of the staff members called MBS and asked about PD Gong Hee-chan.

PD Gong Hee-chan, hes there.


Theres an article here too. A four-part drama in April. Its his debut work.

Another staff member found a buried article with few views or comments. 

The staff member next to him searched for writer Yu Cheong-a. 

The second team staff, who moved like water while supporting Seo-jun, did so.

Writer Yu Cheong-a has no articles at all. It seems like there are no other works either. Its also her debut work as a writer.

The second team staff were amazed at the fact that both the writer and the director were debutants.

Thats the spirit of a newbie

No matter how new they are, to think of casting Seo-jun as a child actor The writer and the director are amazing.

Anh Da Ho, who was reading the synopsis, nodded.

The plot is not bad.

Oh, is it? Hes a child actor, though.

Anh Da Ho shrugged his shoulders.

Whether hes a child actor or a minor role, if Seo-jun wants to do it, he does it.

Then should we find out more about the writer and the director?

Lets do that. Theyre debutants, but there must be some staff or actors who know them from their assistant days. It should be easy to find out.

What about writer Yu Cheong-a?

Shes a drama writer.

Anh Da Ho thought of one drama writer he knew.


Even though it was winter break, Seo-juns schedule didnt change.

He read scripts leisurely and watched new movies and dramas, and soon time passed and Anh Da Ho came home.

Welcome back. Da-ho hyung.

Anh Da Ho smiled brightly at Seo-jun, who looked at him eye to eye when they stood face to face. He had grown so much that he could see his crown when they met just the other day. But Seo-juns expression when he received the script box was still the same, so Anh Da Hos smile became deeper.

Did you see the snow outside?

Yes. It was snowing a lot.

Snow was falling outside the living room window. White fluff-like snow fell. Seo-jun put down the script box and went to the kitchen to prepare some warm yuzu tea. Anh Da Ho took off his coat and hung it up.

I thought it wouldnt snow this winter because it was warm.

I heard on the news that spring will come early this year.

Seo-jun and Anh Da Ho sat in front of the living room table and chatted over warm yuzu tea.

If spring comes early, this summer will be very hot.

Filming in summer will be hard.

From one thing to another.

Anh Da Ho laughed at Seo-jun, who only thought about acting and filming. 

Seo-jun blurted out reflexively and laughed when Anh Da Ho laughed.

After laughing for a while, Anh Da Ho took out a script and synopsis from the script box.

Speaking of news, did you see that there will be a meteor shower tonight?

Yes. Thats why Im going to see the stars with Eun-soo and Soo-bin tonight. My family is going too.

Really? Have fun. I heard its going to be amazing.

Ill take some nice pictures and send them to you.

Ill look forward to it.

Seo-jun smiled brightly at Anh Da Hos words.



Time passed peacefully as usual.

Seo-jun put down the synopsis he had read and picked up the next one.

[Working title: Spring]

[Director: Gong Hee-chan]

[Writer: Yu Cheong-a]

[Broadcaster: MBS]

MBS. A drama.

Come to think of it, it seemed like a long time since he had done a drama. 

Seo-jun thought of the last drama he had done. Hmm?

The only one was My Doctor?

Reinvestigation was a cameo appearance, so My Doctor was all there was.

I did more movies than I thought.

Seo-jun scratched his cheek and looked for his name among the roles as he turned the first page. And his eyes widened at one place.

[Male lead (child): Lee Seo-jun]

A child actor for the male lead?

Oh. Are you reading that? Yeah. Its a child actor.

Its been a long time since a child actor came in, right?

Thats right. Its been four years.

Its been four years already.

It had been four years since he received an offer for a child role, but Seo-jun had never played someone elses child role before.

There was no child actor I liked.

He recalled the works that had come before and read down the synopsis with sparkling eyes.

He read the female leads lines, the male leads lines, and the lines of the role he would play. 

The synopsis was short, but Seo-jun liked this work just from that.

Anh Da Ho, the manager of actor Lee Seo-jun, quietly watched the actor reading the synopsis.

The interest that had crept into Seo-juns face at the fact that he was a child actor grew more and more. 

Anh Da Ho smiled quietly and waited for Seo-juns answer, looking at his sparkling eyes and moving eyebrows.

Seo-jun finished reading the synopsis and looked up at Anh Da Ho. 

Anh Da Ho anticipated what words would come out of Seo-juns mouth. 

It would be strange if he didnt know, since Seo-juns eyes were shining.

Da-ho hyung. I want to do this.

Really? Okay. Oh, by the way, Seo-jun.


Seo-jun, who was about to read the synopsis again with more focus on his role, looked up at Anh Da Hos call. 

Anh Da Ho said with a playful face.

That writer of the synopsis, shes writer Sos assistant writer.


Seo-jun was surprised by the appearance of an acquaintance and looked at the writers name on the synopsis with wide eyes.


Writer So Eun-jin opened her mouth in surprise at the words she heard over the phone.

He decided to do it?

-Yes. It was fun. It seems like it would be really fun to act too.

Cheong-a will be surprised if she hears this. Okay. Seo-jun, can you tell your manager that Ill let him know?

-Yes. But its really amazing.

Me too. Im realizing how small the world is these days. I never thought that Seo-juns teacher would be my first works lead actor, and that Seo-jun would choose my assistant writers work as his next work.

Writer So Eun-jin laughed at her words over the phone.

Right. Seo-jun. Send me some pictures too.

-Okay. Ill take some nice pictures and send them to you.

She hung up with Seo-jun and called writer Yu Cheong-a, who was probably meeting with PD Gong Hee-chan for a meeting.

You could even pick a star from the sky.

If it was hard for people to go up to the sky, then the star from the sky would come down by itself.

Like a shooting star.

Come to think of it, meteorites were expensive too.

-Hello? Writer?

Writer So Eun-jin smiled happily at the voice of the writer who had created a work that caught the superstars heart.

Cheong-a. A shooting star granted your wish.

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