Superstar From Age 0

Chapter 214

Chapter 214

Moviegoer greeted the camera.

-Its cold!

-Long time no see!

Yes, its been a while since I did an outdoor broadcast. Theres no reason to broadcast outside when Im reviewing movies.

-Over the Rainbow was really impulsive lol

-That was a Lee Seo-jun movie and this is also a Lee Seo-jun movie.

-Are you in a car? On your way to Escape?

Yes, Im on my way to Escape Theme Park. Have you all seen Escape?

-Yes, it was awesome

-I saw it on the first day

-I watched it five times!

Moviegoer smiled at the comments saying they watched it multiple times.

I watched it eight times. I was lucky to see it on the first day, so I didnt get spoiled. How about you?

-I saw it on the first day too!!

-On the second day!

There were comments from people who got spoiled and people who didnt.

-I heard that Evan Block and Rachel Hill were in it, but I thought it was a joke. I didnt even know it was a spoiler after hearing it lol. I found out after watching the movie.

-Me too. I couldnt believe it.

-I saw Evan Block and Rachel Hills SNS and thought they were new actors. But they were both so funny lol

-I also heard that Evan Block and Rachel Hill were in it. I couldnt believe that they were Lee Seo-juns connections. But


Moviegoer and the viewers were interested in one comment.

-And theres also Davis Garrett and Swallen Anem!


-lol You believed that?

-I did. Its Lee Seo-jun. When I saw Evan and Rachel in the movie, I thought Davis Garrett and Swallen Anem would also appear, so I waited for them throughout the movie.

They didnt appear.

-I was really looking forward to it


-But I couldnt even imagine that they would appear.

Me neither. When I first saw them, I thought they hired actors who looked alike. Thats what I thought.

-Thats probably why they released it simultaneously overseas.

-Its crazy in other countries too lol

-I went to see a Korean movie and Hollywood actors came out lol

-But they wouldnt be more surprised than us.

-Now that its revealed, I wish they would tell us some episodes during the shooting haha

-I wish the actors would come out and do some variety shows!!

There was a scene that made me forget about Evan Block and Rachel Hills appearance, right?

-From there on


-Ive never seen a real zombie, but he moved like one.

It was his second time to make such a heavy atmosphere without showing his face.

I looked at the ending credits and he was listed as Zombie Beyond the Door.


-Lee Seo-jun!

-Only Lee Seo-jun!

Yes, it was actor Lee Seo-jun. He showed his acting skills in his role and also showed us the real zombie in Escape.

-It was fun to watch

-It was sad, scary, and touching. He did it all by himself haha

Ah, were here. This is the Escape filming site. Escape Theme Park.

Moviegoer got out of the car and showed the surroundings with his phone camera. He avoided the side where other people were and turned the camera to the side where there were fewer people.

The parking lot is spacious. Its by reservation, so I think everyone who comes at their scheduled time can be accommodated. There are also bus spaces.

-Is today the first day of opening?

Yes, today is the first day. Shall we go in then? Ill review Escape while looking around the filming site.

He checked his reservation and passed the entrance. 

After walking a little bit, he saw another entrance. 

It was the entrance of O.W.C Hospital.

The entrance of O.W.C Hospital was blocked by crumpled cars. 

There was a path for people to pass through between them. 

It was not a straight line, but a winding road made of cars.

The car at the front was Lim Jang-woos car. 

The car that blocked him had bloodstains all over the front window. 

Moviegoer and the viewers marveled at it as he filmed it with his camera.

Wow, they recreated it exactly. It looks like they brought real cars.

-Are they the same cars?

-Lim Jang-woo was amazing.

The pamphlet says they are not real cars but models. Wow, they are amazing. The crumpled cars and bloodstains look so real. It feels like zombies will pop out any minute.

-It must be fun!!

-I love this kind of stuff!

Then lets keep going.

Moviegoer got out of the winding cars. The people who came today were also excited by the realistic filming site.

The building of Escape Theme Park is similar to the hospital in the movie. Its named Center, East Wing, and Main Building in a D shape. The difference is that the hospital building was tall, but the Center is three stories high and the East Wing and Main Building are two stories high. The laboratory set is in the Main Building.

-Oh, then the rest is CG?

-Probably. It would be hard to make or rent a real hospital that high.

The pamphlet says to go around in the order of Center, East Wing, and Main Building. That would be easier to move around too. Then lets go inside the Center first. First, the emergency center.

The first thing he could see was the emergency center, which showed the horrible situation of the zombie outbreak.

The ceiling and walls were covered with blood. 

The beds and broken objects were in a mess, and there was a single shoe and a broken glasses left alone. 

And there were models of the security guard who escaped from the laboratory and the doctor who was bitten by him.


-The zombies look real too.

The filming site that recreated a scene from the movie, and the yellow police line that blocked the intrusion of tourists, gave them a sense of reality.

Then next is the lobby. You cant leave out the story of Go Joo-wons friends when you talk about the lobby.

-Yes, they acted well.

-They looked like real zombies.

-Wasnt it because the director did a good job with them?

-They acted well, so the director did a good job with them.

They did really well. They were the second most zombie-like zombies after Zombie Beyond the Door. Of course, if you talk about strange movements, the Breaking Dance Team was amazing too, but the zombies that I remember for a long time were the child actors zombies.

Moviegoer turned his camera lens to the lobby. The lobby was also as messy as the emergency center. In the middle of it, there were zombies wearing school uniforms. The viewers marveled at the sight of zombies that seemed to be frozen behind the yellow police line.

They look like theyre going to move any minute. They are collaborative models of Hollywood special makeup team Mirror Team.

-Wow. Scary.

-It looked like it could move at any moment.

-But I dont think Go Juwon could have saved his friends even if he ran right away. Then its not his fault, right?

Well, thats true. But peoples hearts are not always rational. He probably just keeps thinking about his own mistakes.

The moviegoer looked around and spotted a place.

This is where Go Juwon looked at his friends. They couldnt install a police line here, so they didnt make a model. Thats too bad. He shot an arrow from here to that vending machine over there.

Everyone laughed at the moviegoers awkward pose.

Ahem. Then lets go to the second floor.

After touring the entire second floor, the moviegoer went up to the third floor. The third floor corridor of the center was flooded with water in some places.

This is sprinkler water, I think. Oh. There are arrows here too.

-Wow. There are burn marks on them.

-Theyre totally black!!

-I want to go too!

The moviegoer looked at the arrows and then at the wide-open window beyond. The rooftop of the main building across was decorated like a garden. There was a hole in the wooden fence that surrounded it.

The moviegoer exclaimed as he looked at the rooftop garden.

Go Juwons model is over there!


-Wow!! Lets go see!

Lets look around first and go there at the end. Next is the east wing.

The east wing had the shelter that Go Juwon made, the Bluetooth speakers hanging on the wall, and the bed model that blocked between the sixth and seventh floors in the movie. Here, it blocked between the second and third floors of the east wing.

The moviegoer looked up blankly at the bed wall that came up higher than expected.

It looks more hopeless when you see it in person.

-Those bastards!!

-I understand they were scared, but they should have let in living people!

As he walked along the second floor corridor of the east wing to go to the main building, the moviegoer looked out the window. There were a couple, Im Jang-woo, and a zombie with an arrow stuck in its left eye standing there as if they were about to collapse.

Im Jang-woos model is over there. Wow. This is the second floor, but its not far from here, is it? He shot an arrow from the third floor and hit there, thats amazing. Lee Seo-juns archery skills are not ordinary.


-But isnt it edited?

-Right. Maybe they edited it somehow?

No. I heard this from someone related, but Lee Seo-jun actually shot from the third floor to there himself. The arrow stuck there and the model are the same ones they used for filming.

-Wow! Thats amazing!

-The moviegoer has some connections too.

-222 Thats why I only watch moviegoer reviews

Ahahaha. Thank you for watching.

The moviegoer headed to the main building.

This is the hospital room where Park Dohoon played the chaebol third generation. Theres also a Park Dohoon model here.

The model lying on the bed had a scrunched-up face as if he was listening intently. The moviegoer and the viewers shuddered as they remembered that scene.

-Park Dohoon did well too. I was 200% immersed in him.

-222 I didnt know it would be so scary to not move your body.

-I wish Lee Jiseok had more screen time.

-Lee Jiseok should stop being with Lee Seo-jun now??


Thats right. Ive never felt so suffocated by a theater seat before. There was nowhere to run and nothing to do, I felt like I knew what it was like. I dont think Ive ever relied on my hearing as much as I did then.

-222 The beeping sound was my heart;;

-I wanted to turn off the machine, but I didnt know it would turn off like that.

-Rest in peace, chaebol third generation.

Next is

The escape theme park was small, but there was a lot to see as it recreated every scene from the movie.

They couldnt just pass by any prop or place. The moviegoer examined every trace left on the ceiling and walls, every dropped phone, every steel pipe prop.

-You could make a guidebook?

-Was there such a scene? Why dont I remember?

-As expected of moviegoer

There were also places in the theme park that were not filming sets.

This is Escapes special makeup room. This is where all those zombies were born.

Special makeup room. There were also models of the places where the staff and actors used during filming, such as the lounge. The moviegoer looked around the rooms and pointed to one side with sparkling eyes.

This is the waiting room for the main actors. Lee Seo-jun, Kim Jongho, Lee Dajin used this room!

-Wow. Thats interesting

-I want to go there once.

There are pictures of the actors here too! And scripts Oh, theyre blank inside. You can take pictures here too! Oh. Long padding!! Evan Block and Rachel Hill wrote on it themselves! Uh You can wear it too!

Long padding that fit the sizes of [Lee Seo-jun], [Lee Dajin], and [Kim Jongho] were hung on the wall. The moviegoer smiled brightly and wore Kim Jonghos long padding and took a picture so that the writing was visible.

-We cant see your face

-Just turn your head. Just your head! We can see the writing!

-I want to take a picture too!!

-I saw this on a secondhand market. There was an article too. I dont know who bought it, but it was a jackpot!

-The seller deserved it. The price is different from now.

Im proud that Rachel Hill is learning Korean. It makes me feel good.

The moviegoer smiled happily as he took pictures.

Shall we go to the rooftop garden?

-Agreed! Lets go see Go Juwons model!

-Agreed!! Juwon!!

As he was about to leave the lab and go up to the rooftop, something caught the moviegoers eye. There was a staff member standing at the end of the hallway. Behind the staff member, there was a wall blocking the hallway.

Is there something behind there? Shall we go there?

-??? Sure!

-Is there a room we havent seen?

The moviegoer approached the staff member. The staff member greeted him with a smile.

Can we look around here?

Yes. You can. Have you seen Escape?

? Yes.

-He ran 8 times!

-Hes going to see it again tomorrow!

The staff member smiled meaningfully.

This is a place where you can experience zombies, but if youre scared, you can come out right away.



-What? What?

-Why? Scary??

The moviegoer entered the door with a nervous face and a camera.

The inside was similar to other places.

A dead-end hallway and a door. 

Under the bright light, the camera lens and the moviegoers eyes looked around the room.

There was faint sand under the moviegoers feet. It was a sensation he couldnt feel.

[(Line/Production)Desert Butterflys Memory Mirage-Medium Level is activated.]

The moviegoer and the viewers eyes widened.

This is

-Its the lab!

-O.W.C. lab!

The viewers who had run N times quickly recognized this place. 

The hallway and ceiling with a different tone from the hospital wallpaper. And the crumpled iron door?



-Moviegoer, run!

-Ahhh! Is this what zombie experience is!?

The comments flooded in, telling him to run. 

The people who had run N times and the people who had only seen it once knew where this was.

The moviegoer realized that the air had become heavier and it was hard to breathe. 

It felt like the atmosphere had changed. 

Visual, auditory, tactile, gustatory, olfactory senses. 

The senses that he had felt 8 times poured over him.

The moviegoers hair stood on end.


He heard a sound.






The moviegoer was startled and fell to the floor.

The camera that fell to the floor tilted sideways. 

The crumpled iron door looked like it was lying on the floor from behind the monitor. It was the same iron door as before, except for the direction, but the moviegoer and the viewers shrank their shoulders.

The sound definitely came from behind the door.

The moviegoer didnt even realize that he had dropped the camera. His eyes were as wide as they could be.

There were zombies behind the door. 

He felt the same pressure as when the zombies behind the door appeared in Escape. Cold sweat ran down his back.

-Did anyone hear that?

-NN I heard it too.

-Holy crap.

-Camera! Pick up the camera!

The moviegoer, who had been frozen for a few seconds, carefully got up as he felt the air lighten. 

And he picked up the camera properly.

-Moviegoer, are you okay?

-Zombie experience is too scary

Uh Yes. Im fine. It wasnt that scary because it was shorter than the movie.

-You were screaming just now.

-You even dropped the camera.

-Fake moviegoer

The moviegoer smiled awkwardly at the teasing comments.

Ugh. His spine was still tingling, but there were viewers watching him live right now. 

This would definitely be a black history. 

The moviegoer shed invisible tears in his heart.

Shall we go to the next place?

-Arent you going in?

-The door is open!

-Lets go in! I was curious because it didnt show up in the movie!

The moviegoer turned his head away from the slightly open door, but eventually raised both his hands and feet.

Please save me.

The comment section was filled with .


The day before Escape theme park opened.

Seo-jun and Anh Da Ho visited the theme park again after touring it with the actors a few days ago. The staff who were finishing up for tomorrows opening blushed when they saw Seo-jun.

Seo-jun, where do you think you dropped your picture?

I think it was in the zombie experience room.


As Anh Da Ho went to call a staff member to open the zombie experience room, Seo-jun apologized in his heart and vowed to do better.

Im sorry. Anh Da Ho hyung!

But he was disappointed with the zombie experience room. Even Jongho uncle and Jiseok hyung, Dohoon hyung, and Dajin noona who experienced it with him seemed strangely let down.

It only has sound and no screen, so its about 40% of the movie.

That was enough for Hanseol CEO, but for the actors who had seen Seo-juns acting in person, it was unsatisfying. Seo-jun felt the same way. So he decided to use his ability.

Seo-jun and Anh Da Ho followed the staffs guidance to the zombie experience room.

The crumpled iron door opened wide. 

Anh Da Ho and Seo-jun carefully searched through the lab that was covered with blood and a mess. 

No, only Anh Da Ho searched.

Seo-jun pretended to search around and headed towards the crumpled iron door. 

And he put both his hands on it. 

A sand-colored butterfly pattern was engraved on the iron door. It was a pattern that only Seo-jun could see.

[(Line/Production)Desert Butterflys Memory Mirage-Medium High Level is activated.]

[(Line/Production)Desert Butterflys Memory Mirage-Medium High Level]

Within range, target (iron door) will implement the targets memory for 10 seconds.

You will feel the sensations (visual, tactile, olfactory, auditory, gustatory) you felt at that time.

Caution: Everything will disappear if you leave the range.

The range is the zombie experience room.

The invisible sand that flowed from the butterfly pattern covered the floor of the zombie experience room. Now, anyone who stepped on this sand and saw the iron door would feel something similar to what they felt when they watched the movie.

Seo-jun smiled satisfied.

I found it! Seo-jun. Here.

Thank you so much. Anh Da Ho hyung.

Seo-jun smiled brightly with gratitude and apology as he took the family photo from Anh Da Ho.

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