Emperor's Domination

Chapter 4355: City Of Demons

Chapter 4355: City Of Demons

City of Demons was one of the largest locations in Dragon. Only the capital, Dragon Citadel, was comparable.

The capital was the ruling body of Dragon. This has been the case since it was built by the progenitor of the sect - Space Dragon Emperor.

This tradition continued for its future leaders and even a top dao lord, Myriad Eyes. Thus, the authority of Dragon was centralized in the capital. Nonetheless, the City of Demons was still a large part of its foundation.

Some went as far as saying that without this city, there would be no Dragon Sect. The capital, on the other hand, played more of a role in expanding the sect’s external influence.

For millions of years, the city had produced waves of talents. They eventually became top masters and sages for Dragon. This helped the sect stand strong for eras.

Of course, calling it a city wasn’t exactly accurate. Its actual size was unknown since there were no walls to give an accurate assessment.

If one were to stand on top of a high vantage point, they would see endless mountain ranges. Peaks towered among the clouds while some abysses had no bottom to be seen. Magnificent rivers and earth veins could be seen as well…

Impressive architecture were built in this wilderness. Some palaces on the peaks allowed one to come out to the courtyard and seemingly touch the stars.

They looked like the homes of immortals due to the white clouds and mist. Dao chains connected these palaces and served as bridges, painting the scene of a floating city. More were built on the rivers and remained stable in spite of the violent waves.

The entire area brimmed with the presence of life and demons. This was not the wilderness despite its appearance.

It served as the largest congregation of demons in the south. One could spot demons everywhere, whether it be the bustling streets or the verdant peaks - serpent demons with long tails, tiger demons with sharp claws on all limbs, bull demons with a human head and a bestial body, treants…

Therefore, it was stranger to see humans here rather than some rare demons. It also contained numerous hidden masters.

“We’re almost there!” A disciple from Little Diamond stared at the area from afar.

“City of Demons.” Elder Hu became emotional and said: “I never thought I would have the chance to visit one of the largest cities.”

“It’s massive!” Another youth saw the grand scenery. Just one corner of this city was countless times larger than their sect - the difference between a grain of salt and the ocean.

This was only one city in Dragon too. Thus, they realized just how monstrous this sect was compared to their own.

“This city is the lifeblood of Dragon. There are three branches here, all powerful.” Elder Hu elaborated.

“Three branches?” One disciple became curious.

“Phoenix Ground, Tiger Pond, and Dragon Platform.” He went on: “Each has lasted for eras and is unfathomable.”

Due to his humble background, he knew little about Dragon. His knowledge was strictly rumor-based.

Nonetheless, he was correct about the three branches. Though there were inaccuracies, it was roughly on point. These three branches were the main producers of talents in the city.

‘Still around.’ Li Qiye quietly observed the area. The past suddenly resurfaced again.

Many things have changed but not all. He was the only one who could spot the peculiarities.

“What is that over there?” One disciple pointed forward.

The group looked over and saw a majestic floating palace. Judging from its appearance, it must have been built a long time ago.

It exuded a fascinating light while being locked by eight divine chains. The spatial structure around it fluctuated due to the waves of light. This seemed to be the center of the city.

There were other palaces fixated in the air, none could compare to this one. Though it wasn’t the largest or the brightest, it certainly attracted the most attention.

Anyone who looked up at the sky would notice it first. It was the king while all others were mere subjects.

“Demon Realm Palace.” Elder Hu put on a serious expression.

“Is it a treasure?” Another asked.

“I’m not sure.” Elder Hu shook his head: “According to the record, it is of pivotal importance to Dragon. One legend stated that it was built by their progenitor. Another said that it is related to a great battle.”

“A great battle?” The disciple became curious.

“I don’t know the details, it’s between two top existences, maybe a dao lord is involved.” Elder Hu smiled wryly.

This immediately piqued the group’s interest because it involved a dao lord.

“Feng Qi and Jiu Bian.” Li Qiye stared at the palace and said. [1]

“Feng Qi and Jiu Bian?” The group hasn’t heard of these names before.

This palace was indeed special to Dragon. There were two explanations - the first being that Space Emperor Dragon dragged it back here from an external realm. The second speculation stated that it was related to the origin of the three branches.

The historical records contained information about a battle before the era of Space Dragon Emperor, one great enough to shake Eight Desolaces.

One combatant was a supreme being. She lived in an ancient era and even Blessed and Sword Sea Dao Lord couldn’t compare to her.

Her name was Feng Qi; nothing else was written about her origin. It was stated that she debuted as a dao lord at the age of either nine or ten - something truly astounding.

Due to a lack of evidence, some believed that she was not a dao lord.

1. Could be title or name. Keeping them as a name is easier right now. Feng Qi means Phoenix Roost and Jiu Bian means Nine Changes/Transformations. ☜

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