Star Gate

Chapter 239: Quietly Causing Trouble (III)

Chapter 239: Quietly Causing Trouble (III)

The young man needed a vast sum of water energy to balance it out.

“If she’s a bad guy and Director Hou has given such orders...” Liu Long furrowed his brows. “Then we can kill whoever she is. But, do you think I can manage the deed?”

Not at all!

“We might stand a chance if we ambush her. Her defenses will give you trouble, but if you use my sword and the Nine Forged Force, you might be able to succeed!” Li Hao responded. “We just need the right opportunity and a time when there aren’t other Solars around.

“I’m hoping more now that everyone floods into the city. We’ll be less obvious in the crowd. We’ll be much more conspicuous if everyone waits outside and we continue to be absent or just walk out of the city.”

The young man was beginning to feel caught between a rock and a hard place. It wasn’t a good course of action to remain here indefinitely, and it’d be dangerous if large numbers of Solars came instead. It was fine if they ran into Hao Lianchuan and Hu Dingfang, but if they bumped into anyone else... Li Hao felt that all of them might kill him, even Hong Yitang who seemed quite friendly.

Yuan Shuo had challenged him twice back in the day. The man had been so terrified that he’d shut himself behind closed doors, earning complete and utter humiliation from the martial world. Face was more important than anything for a martial master. Did he really not bear any resentment from that time?

How was that possible??

He just didn’t dare display any dissatisfaction in front of Yuan Shuo on account of how strong the latter was.

Liu Long’s expression abruptly shifted as they conversed. Li Hao and Liu Yan immediately fell silent when he pulled on them. The three froze in place and held their breaths.

The team captain exhaled softly after a long moment and muttered, “Don’t move, there seems to be powerhouses around...”

He didn’t need to say anything as Li Hao had sensed it even earlier! It was just that Liu Long’s powers of perception were quite strong and he acted as soon as he sensed something.

Li Hao looked outside their alley, his jaw clenching with annoyance. Solars really were here, and the key thing was, this ball of light was damned huge and... a bit familiar?

Violet Moon? The fuck?

There was more than one Solar—the neighboring streets seemed to host ones as well. They were in trouble now, Solars had come en masse. Li Hao’s eyes turned into the best detector under these circumstances. These Solars were so close to him that he could see their balls of light. Each one was so bright that he’d have to be completely blind to not see them.

The one that belonged to Violet Moon halted nearby and stopped moving. The young man guessed that she wanted to hunt down the squad of ten soldiers. Hong Yitang seemed to be on the next street over, possibly conducting his own hunt as well...

So this meant that the Solars wanted to cleanse the outer city of Black Armors? And Violet Moon was assigned closest to the inner city? How had the woman agreed to this arrangement? Her street was very close to the inner city. The trio could see it from the alley and often saw large numbers of Black Armors patrolling the premises. It was an utterly different sight from the rest of the outer city.

Li Hao silently approached the alley entrance that was closer to the inner city. Liu Long and Liu Yan quickly followed behind him. The three gingerly picked their way forward, unwilling to stay in close proximity to the second street. In their eyes, soldiers were better than Violet Moon. Black Armors didn’t do anything so long as one didn’t antagonize them.

The three carefully evaded several patrol routes when they exited the alley. Security was much heavier here and soldiers often came by.

“It’s too dangerous for us to be here!” Liu Long kept his voice down.

“Better than Violet Moon next door!” Li Hao glanced backward—the woman’s ball of light was still present. “Chief, do you still have Sis Yun Yao’s crystal balls?”

The crystal balls were the supernatural bombs that Yun Yao had invented. They were glass balls that fit into the palm of one’s hand and created an explosion when smashed on the ground. Yun Yao had used many against Red Moon’s people, but to little effect. It couldn’t even kill Darkmoons.

“No!” Liu Long shook his head. He didn’t need such tools after becoming a Dominator, so he didn’t keep any on him. They were too weak!

Li Hao nodded with disappointment, but Liu Yan said, “I have some!”

The young man raised his eyebrows with surprise. You have such a bad relationship with Yun Yao, how do you have any?

“She used them on me all the time when I sparred with her.” Liu Yan couldn’t read the confusion in the young man’s eyes. “So I took some later on. They’re stronger than their earlier iterations—she created stronger ones after crossing over. These can even threaten a Darkmoon’s life...”

Then they were indeed much stronger than before. Li Hao didn’t bother considering whether Liu Yan had stolen or forcefully taken them.

“What do you want with them?” Liu Long whispered.

“How about we throw them at Violet Moon?”

Liu Long’s armor shook as soon as the young man voiced his idea. Li Hao didn’t know if the shaking was from anger or fear—more likely anger.

“Don’t misunderstand.” he grinned. “I want to bury them on the Black Armors’ patrol routes. The balls will explode when the soldiers step on them and the explosion of mysterious power will attract large numbers of Black Armors. If we calculate their positioning right, we won’t have to show our faces to send soldiers converging on Violet Moon. I’m not an idiot—she’ll kill us before we run off if we actually throw them at her.”

The young man glanced at a possible location of the city gates. There were so many Black Armors there, and even some Bronze Armors that could be faintly glimpsed. Their attention would quickly be raised if the crystal balls exploded.

The closer one was to a supernatural, the clearer one sensed supernatural ripples. The soldiers should be able to sense Violet Moon’s existence if they drew near. If ten Black Armors were useless, what about one hundred?

How about several hundred?

It was best if they brought in a Bronze Armor! That would deal a heavy blow to Violet Moon even if she eventually managed to get away.

Liu Yan started fishing through her pockets without a second word. After patting herself for a while, she realized she was poking her armor. She had to retract her hand from the armor and rummage through her pockets. Several glass balls soon emerged through the damaged crotch area of her disguise.

Li Hao stretched out a hand to receive them; there were only eight. He looked at the patrol routes and then at Violet Moon’s position. The young man’s lips stretched in a smile. Violet Moon hadn’t moved all this time—she seemed to be waiting.

Here, have a nice surprise!

Bent at the waist, Li Hao quickly scuttled over. He buried a few crystal balls directly opposite Violet Moon’s location, separated by the alley. Based on his experience, a team of soldiers would march by in roughly two minutes and step on these things.

He whirled around and signaled to the other two that they needed to run for their lives. There might be a massive battle here soon. They needed to get out of here as soon as possible, as far away as possible!

With Li Hao’s eyes and the audible footsteps of the Black Armors, they could avoid supernaturals and the soldiers. The trio fled, focusing on uninhabited areas. While there were supernatural powerhouses inside the city, no one ran into them. It was hard to discover the trio since they were purposefully avoiding everyone.


The second street.

Violet Moon waited silently, waiting for the signal that everyone was in place and ready to act. Almost there!

She could already see ten soldiers up ahead. While Black Armors weren’t weak, they were easily disposed of for a powerhouse of her level. The hardest part was to keep their armor intact. All of these gains would belong to Red Moon after the fact.

She saw a faint sparkle of starlight outside the city—that was the signal to begin their operation. It wasn’t bright, but it was sufficient for all of them to see.

Violet Moon immediately exploded into action and unleashed thunder and lightning! Soldiers were blasted into the air with a soft bam. Rather than one or two, all of them were swiftly flung into the air. Black Armors were too weak when pitted against her.

She continuously released bolts of lightning, preventing the soldiers from landing on the ground. These guys would be done for if she maintained this barrage for a minute!

Violet Moon began decreasing her range of attack so that Black Armors further in the distance wouldn’t sense it. It was at this moment that KABOOM!

A massive explosion rang out! A team of patrolling soldiers on the first street were blown sky high. Although none of them were injured, the disturbance was significant and supernatural ripples immense!

That location wasn’t too far from the city gates. A Bronze Armor quickly arrived with some Black Armors. The Black Armors didn’t sense anything, but the Bronze Armor turned its head in a certain direction...

Across the way, Violet Moon was ashen-faced with dismay. Did the other side have supernaturals? Damn it! And they attacked when she happened to be making her move?! Who was it?! She wanted to kill someone!

A Bronze Armor appeared before she could decide to retreat or wait a few seconds longer for her Black Armors to lose their battle capabilities. She didn’t even have time to fly into a rage!


The Bronze Armor slashed its sword down, crashing it into the lightning and sending mysterious power everywhere.

Damn it, I can’t stay here any longer! I’ll be in bigger trouble if I do!

She was too close to the inner city gate. There were large numbers of Black Armors there—roughly eighty converged on her location in the blink of an eye. Violet Moon had to give up on the Black Armors that were almost hers and run for her life. She didn’t dare fly, that was to ask for death.

The soldiers behind her gave chase in a loud clamor. More were redeployed from the inner city gates.

Hong Yitang was wrapping up his operations on the third street, but immediately about-faced and made a run for it. You’re such trash, Violet Moon! A peak Solar raising such a large disturbance against a few Black Armors, and leading so many soldiers to us?! Damn!

He had to run too!

Solars utilized high speed even when they couldn’t fly. But the Black Armors moved swiftly when they found an enemy inside the city. The streets were soon crawling with soldiers that rushed for Violet Moon’s location.

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