Why Did You Summon Me?

Chapter 67

Along the way, there was not a second that Mia did not compliment Tisdale. Looking at how elated she was, Baiyi grinned, “After you’ve entered the Golden Rose class, you can be as free as Tisdale to study anytime you like and have more time to yourself. Not only that, you’ll get to spend more time with her as well. That’s why you must work hard, little girl!” Habitually, he reached out and stroked her little head.

She rubbed her head naughtily on his palm and then nodded her head, “Sis Tisdale told me that too! She also said that I must listen to you and once she has become your disciple, the three of us can move to her place and live together with her!”

That was quite a good idea actually. Even though Baiyi was only a Soul Armature, living in a female dormitory was still pretty inconvenient for him. It would be better if he could have a residence outside of the academy. The house was too big for Tisdale alone anyway. Nodding his head,he showed his agreement as he, too, liked that idea very much.

As for that formation, Baiyi had already asked Tisdale to stop operating it but since girls usually had their own mindset, she insisted on keeping the formation running and she would continue to bear the cost of operation. Taken into consideration the fact that the formation might allow her to summon her dead family members and how much she missed her father, Baiyi could slightly understand her feelings. It was probably for that reason that she did not want to summon a Soul Armature for herself yet at the moment.

When Mia saw Baiyi nodding his head, she was even more apparent in displaying her joy. The smile on her face became wider and she warmly held on to Baiyis arm, obediently nestled beside him and said, “Oh, yes, thats wonderful! With Sister Tisdale by my side, my studies will improve faster as well, right?”

Look at this little girl and how skilled she is in acting spoiled with me now! But then again, you already have me as a teacher, hello? I can teach you better than Tisdale can! My knowledge is even wider than hers, Im skilled in every aspect, you know! I can teach you everything! You can be a sorcerer, a warrior, a cleric, an assassin and so on! Even if you want to be a magical moe girl, drive a huge robot, become a pokemon trainer, or search for the worlds ultimate treasure known as One Piece and become the next Pirate King or even become a Fleet Girl 1 , theres absolutely no problem at all! Just a word and well design a complete set of learning programme for you!

Seriously! Everytime during my lessons, this little girls eyes will start spinning and shell be so dazed and disconcerted so how can she be so energetic after having lessons with Tisdale all day? Could it be that the problem lies in my teaching method? Impossible right? B-But this is the most standard Rohserlian teaching method! Baiyi could not help but complained to the rest of the Voidwalkers.

“Ive told you before remember? That Rohserlian teaching method of yours is too boring and slow. Such a teaching method would need at least ten years before your student can become a full fledged Rohserlian sorcerer! Its too slow! It doesnt suit the new generation at all. You cant blame Mia-chan for feeling bored when shes in your class!” The Scholar blurted out.

“Theres no such thing! Theres absolutely no problem with Hopes teaching method!” The Archmage quickly chimed in to support his disciple, “The path in the pursuit of power has always been a lonely and boring one, one needs a persevering mentality to travel down this path. Mia-chan is still a little young at the moment, thats why shes still kind of playful right now. Well need to gradually develop and shape her will and not ask her to learn those lousy Magical Runes!”

“Sir Archmage, are you trying to pick a fight again?” The Scholar asked in an unfriendly manner.

“Hrmmph!” The Archmage snorted and once again, the Void was bombarded with an argument that revolved around Magical Runes and Magical Formations. Baiyi had already lost count of how many times that had happened in the past.

Why do you geezers like to lock horns with an old woman? Sigh... You two are like dogs barking at each other! Baiyi grunted.

After Baiyi had reached the girls dormitory and had watered all of the potted plants, the argument was still not over yet. It was until after he bade goodnight to Mia who fell asleep with the hammerhead shark doll in her arms that the Archmage finally said, “ENOUGH! This argument is pointless! We need some other means to end this academic dispute once and for all! My dear student, prepare that game for us! I want to have a PK with Lady Scholar!”

W-wait what? A PK? The Archmage of the First Walker wants to use such a method to resolve an academic dispute?

“So what? I used to declare wars on other countries and territories under the pretext of academic disputes anyway!” The Archmage snapped back righteously.

Are you sure its okay to reveal your dark history just like that? Even though this might be normal for an emperor but dont you think you should pay a little more attention to the impression that youre giving off? But seriously , what game do you want to play this time? A card-summoning game? Oh, cmon, with that luck of yours, you might as well give up now. Unless its a battle of who has the longest face, then yes, Im sure youre going to win! You won’t even need my help to cheat!

“How can a serious academic dispute be solved by that childish game? We need a war game that allows us to command troops to fight! Then only we can have a real fair and open PK battle!” The Archmage replied earnestly.

First of all, why does a magical academic dispute needs to be solved through a war game? Isnt this childish as well? Oh, and did I hear the word fair? Youre one to talk! You always ask my help to cheat remember?! Baiyi snorted, but at the same time, he still prepared the game for them.

Perhaps it was because it was a one-on-one battle, the Archmage did not have the gall to ask for Baiyis help. But hello guys? Dont you think this has been going on for too long? Its already morning! Mia has already woken up and greeted me while snuggling up to me like a little kitty! Why is there no victor yet?

Exasperated, Baiyi decided to have a look at the situation of those two people. He first took a peek at the Archmage and saw that he was commanding a fairy troop that comprised of archers, bears, deers, birds and more. The troop leader looked like he was a blind man whose eyes were blindfolded with a black cloth. Hmmmm, he seems to be doing okay...

But somehow, for some unknown reason, the whole troop was circling non-stop in the woods, knocking on trees, walls, and the mountains from time to time. The voice of the Archmage could be heard sighing with a heavy tone, “Ahhh, Ive miscalculated! Why did I choose a blind man to be my troop guide! Now, my whole troop cannot find its way around at all! Sigh. .. I shouldve chosen that priestess who rides on a tiger”

A-Are you a noob? This is just a freaking game! Why do you need to follow the blind man to be blind as well? Baiyi resisted the urge to vomit blood and switched to the Scholar’s side. Even though she was a woman, she still expressed interests and participated in all of Baiyis games most of the time. There was no doubt that she was a typical female otaku!

Shell be better right? With such a thought, Baiyi came to the Terran base 2 that was set up by the Scholar. Hmmm... All of the facilities here are quite complete, the layout of the buildings are quite well-planned too. Oh, and the development is also booming. Everything seems fine to me.

B-But, err... since she already has all the barracks, why doesnt she produce any combat units? The units that she had produced are just common farmers. And why arent these farmer mining or logging but instead, they are just standing around the barracks and mage camp doing absolutely nothing?

“These farmers have been standing around the barracks for so long so why arent they into warriors or mages? Is it because not everybody can become a warrior or a mage? Erm... Could it be because they lack innate aptitude? Hmmm Or is it because they are just not hardworking enough? Cmon guys! Hurry up! The Archmages troop will attack us at any time!” The Scholar began to cheer the units in the game.

Are the two of you idiots? A simulated game is different from real life okay?! Oh, my goodness, is this the level of the Justice League members? No wonder you guys are defeated by the Evil League every freaking time! With such a noob level, I dont think having cheats would even help you at all!

Simply put, Baiyi had already lost his strength to even be bothered by those two people anymore. Shifting his consciousness back to reality, he began to prepare for the days lesson. After Mia had finished washing up, he called her over to his side and used his Mana to grab hold of the flower pots and arranged them into a special shape on the table.

“This is the broad outline of the barrier that you will have to tackle tomorrow,” Baiyi explained. Actually, the last time when he was in the presidents laboratory, he had already studied the formation that was placed on the wooden box carefully. Although the barrier might seem complicated with many obstructions and misleading lines here and there, there were actually not many main key nodes that kept the formation running. If one understood that point, then cracking the barrier was as easy as taking out money from an ATM machine on Earth. As long as one understood where to press, one would only need to use some Mana to stimulate the key nodes in the correct order.

It was precisely because it was such a simple approach that he dared to boast about being able to crack the barrier in just one day. After all, it was only a simple formation that was invented by the Explorer in his early days. If it was the difficult level that was often played by the Voidwalkers, then he would probably need months to teach Mia to master it.

As to why he used those cute animal pot plants as teaching aids? Well, it was a result of his reflection. His previous teaching method was indeed too serious and a little too orthodox. Perhaps Mia would prefer this kind of relaxed teaching style instead? Due to that reason, he decided to give up on the usual drawing of the enchantments in the air and created a moe layout instead.

When Mia-chan saw the coin banks on the table, her eyes immediately lit up and a smile slowly crept up on her face. Looks like she likes this idea quite a lot, eh?

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