Blood Warlock: Succubus Partner In The Apocalypse

Chapter 876 Demons hunting humans

However, the most shocking and hardest thing to believe of all was that after exchanging blows in a whirlwind of fierce slashes at speeds that were simply impossible to estimate, the soul evolver who came out on the losing end was the Demon Lord who retreated with his seven generals with several cuts on his body caused by the dagger of the human soul evolver!

The news did not take long to spread throughout the dungeon.

Of course, even though Bai Zemin was amazing and his past prowess spoke for itself, no matter whether he was human or tree mutant it was not easy for them to believe such a rumor.

While it was true that Bai Zemin had killed Shadow Killer, there were still many doubts as to the method used. There were more than a few who said that he had probably used a great treasure and set a trap for the legendary assassin, however, those voices were silenced by the majority who said that regardless of the method used it was indisputable that Shadow Killer\'s head had been claimed by Bai Zemin.

Even then, even for those who admired Bai Zemin and idolized him to the hilt, it was hard to believe that the ruler of the demon race, the most powerful soul evolver in the world capable of taking on practically all the kings and queens of Eventide World by himself, had been defeated by a level 50 soul evolver.

Despite this, there was also no shortage of humans who saw a glimmer of hope in him.

Three days had passed after the battle against the Demon Lord and during those three days the dungeon had experienced some strange phenomena that later turned out to be phenomena produced by the silver-colored tower in the center of the world where all those who had managed to survive had gathered.

The silver-colored tower was covered by a layer of magic light that did not allow anyone to pass through. However, as the hours passed, that layer of magic light was getting weaker and weaker.

The moment when the layer of magic light disappeared was going to be the moment when everyone would fight for the treasure that certainly rested inside.

However, before that, an increasingly large group of humans had gathered in the northern area of the great silver tower.

As for the reason...

"Stop!" A Second Order level 70 soul evolver was standing guard on a tall tower of over 400 meters when he suddenly saw two humans approaching.

The two human soul evolvers were Third Order warriors a little above level 100 but they still stopped when they heard the authoritative voice of the Second Order soul evolver and waited for the latter to approach.

"What are you looking for?" asked in a serious voice the Second Order soul evolver who seemed very proud even though he was just a guard.

The two Third Order soul evolvers looked at each other and the older of them took a step forward before saying in a serious voice, "We heard that Bai Zemin made a call for all humans who want to fight against the demon race. We would like to join."

The expression on the Second Order soul evolver\'s face lit up with delight and he quickly stepped aside as he said respectfully, "You two, please proceed. The highest building in the center is where the meetings are held and right now all the Third Order soul evolvers who have joined us are there."

The two nodded and quickly left for the building in the center of the city.

Right. The center of the dungeon was a large city, at least twice as large as Bearcrest City which was one of the largest cities in Eventide World. Moreover, the Soul Record seemed to be planning something since combat was forbidden; the few who broke this rule directly exploded into a bloody mist and their records disappeared into nothingness without a trace of their existence.

During the last 48 hours and heeding the advice of Princess Dianna Mayer, Bai Zemin had made a call for all those who wanted to join him to annihilate the demon race that had been committing all kinds of atrocities in the world since the beginning of Eventide World\'s evolutive history.

So far, the total number of brave human warriors who were already sick of the demon race numbered just over 200 Second Order soul evolvers who were independent warriors and were not part of any army of any kingdom had headed to the northern area to join Bai Zemin; they had put their trust in him and believed that he would defeat the Demon Lord, thus bringing light once and for all.

Among those who decided to trust Bai Zemin were even three kingdom kings, which added to King Philip Di Gales, King Felix Di Dazia, and Queen Eloise Mayer, brought the number of soul evolvers above level 150 now following Bai Zemin to six.

Six kings of kingdom for six of the seven demon generals.

As for the last demon general and the Purple Flame Wyvern, those two would somehow have to be contained by seven Third Order soul evolvers whose levels were in the range of level 101 and level 118 along with Mei Lin and Zilug.

As for the Demon Lord, Bai Zemin would naturally be the one to take care of him.

On the top floor of the highest building located in the northern part of the city, a small number of around 20 people had gathered to have a serious discussion.

"It seems that the demon generals are hunting humans." Queen Eloise frowned and said in a serious voice, "Several soul evolvers from other races have seen how the demon generals were killing humans, but the weird thing about this is that they were taking the entire corpses instead of destroying them as they normally do. They are ambushing on the outskirts of the city and any human that come out is being killed, the count is over 800 so far."

Everyone looked at Bai Zemin sitting at the head of the table waiting for his next words. If he said war then they would all move out of the city to attack the demon general immediately, in fact, they all hoped for that to be the case so that they could take revenge since among those present there were some who had suffered either directly or indirectly because of the demon race.

Four of the six kings of kingdom sighed in their hearts. They knew that if Bai Zemin defeated the Demon Lord he would undoubtedly become the ruler of the human race, and considering that he had previously made clear his stance of wanting to unite the entire human race under one flag, there was no doubt that he would definitely not just sit back after leaving the dungeon.

What the four of them could do now was to hope that Bai Zemin had no intention of taking their seats, after all, the excuse he had used before was that of "human betrayal and alliance with demons" as well as "for the good of mankind".

As for King Philip, he looked at Bai Zemin extremely satisfied. In his eyes, the young man was already his son-in-law even if Bai Zemin himself denied it.

The king had even decided that if his daughters wanted they could be married to the same man, something that in the past would have been absolutely impossible as it would be a great humiliation for the royal family of Gales. In this world, there were only women unworthy of Bai Zemin but there was no woman of whom such a young, talented, and powerful soul evolver was not worthy; it was the rule of the strong, the law of the jungle.

As for King Felix of the Dazia Kingdom, he already considered himself subordinate to Bai Zemin in his heart. The man seemed to have realized that as long as he did not betray him, Bai Zemin would definitely not treat him badly.

Bai Zemin remained silent for a few seconds before opening his mouth.

"Let the demons do whatever they please for now."

"What?!" The King of the Lidora Kingdom, Princess Bianca\'s father, jumped to his feet and looked at Bai Zemin in shock, "We\'ll let those vile creatures keep killing our own and raping women of our race?! I thought we had gathered here to put a stop to them and their actions!"

The words of the King of the Lidora Kingdom were filled with anger and indignation. Princess Bianca, who was sitting next to him, felt nervous and began to squirm in her seat. She knew her father\'s explosive temper but if possible she hoped that her family would get along with the person she admired most in the world even though she felt her father was right in this case.

In fact, everyone present looked at Bai Zemin confused about his choice.

Bai Zemin looked at the King of the Lidora Kingdom and calmly responded to his outburst, "Your Majesty Edward, the demons are killing the humans who do not have the courage to fight against them, humans who instead of joining us and increasing the odds for the human race to finally be able to eradicate the demon plague for good decided to just watch from the side thinking that if we win then they would enjoy peace anyway, without having to risk their lives in battle."

He looked at the few present and said in a clear voice, "Personally, I do not consider myself a saint at all let alone a righteous person. I, Bai Zemin, fight for my principles and am not guided by what is ethically right or wrong. If any of you wish to go and risk your lives fighting the demon generals or the Demon Lord for the sake of helping cunning cowards, then go ahead. But you should know that you do not have my support in this matter."

Bai Zemin\'s words sounded harsh, but in reality, they were not wrong.

Many were going to die if they did not move, especially since the humans were scattered in small groups, therefore, even the other kings of kingdom would eventually fall under the assault of the seven demon general. However, what reason did they have to risk their lives or the lives of their children present for people who did not have the courage to fight?

"Before you make any decisions, remember that this is not one of the cities in which you are accustomed to live under the illusion of a false peace." Bai Zemin stood up and walked towards the exit after saying those words.

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Really thank you very much to all those who send gifts to the novel and support with valuable Golden Tickets. I hope we can all keep it up <3

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