Blood Warlock: Succubus Partner In The Apocalypse

Chapter 689 - Extremely dangerous battle

Chapter 689 - Extremely dangerous battle

Bai Zemin felt his whole body bounce along the ground like a soccer ball. However, he wasn\'t hurt at all, it was all thanks to having taken preventive measures beforehand.

"Damn it!"

An anger-filled shout broke out amidst the still persistent rumbling and a moment later a new explosion shook the surroundings as Bai Zemin managed to get both feet planted on the ground and with a heavy stomp forced his body to stop from backing up.

At the same time, as he stretched his right hand forward and his greatsword flew towards him as if it had a life of its own upon sensing its master\'s call, Bai Zemin raised his head and stared at the new enemy that had just appeared in front of him this time.

This creature was an ant, but it was almost completely different from any other ant that Bai Zemin and probably any human on planet Earth had ever seen before. Its body was pale blue with what appeared to be an external exoskeleton that acted as armor, blood-red eyes that glowed just like two flashlights, thick antennae on the top of its head, two fierce sickles on the sides of its mouth that seemed to be able to cut through even the hardest metal, and, surprisingly, this blue-colored ant was standing on its hind legs while holding a huge hammer with its forelimbs.

The creature was looking at Bai Zemin with murderous intent brimming but there was also a flash of surprise in its glare as if it could not believe that the human before it had been able to get away unscathed from its sneak attack from earlier.

"Fourth Order?" Bai Zemin frowned as he sensed danger from the beast before him. However, he immediately shook his head at his thoughts, "No, even though I do indeed feel danger of death it is not that great compared to what I felt in front of the emperor of the asura race or the emperor of the ghost race..."

Bai Zemin had felt more danger even from Kang Guiying despite the fact that the latter clearly could not use the full extent of his power because he was already dead.

Although the creature before him was undoubtedly powerful, powerful enough to kill him if Bai Zemin was not extremely careful, it did not give him that feeling of undefeatability that he felt when facing a Fourth Order enemy. In fact, if the ant in front of Bai Zemin was a Fourth Order existence, the best thing he could do would be to try to retreat.

The blue-colored ant was clearly different from the other weaver ants; not only because this ant was standing just like a human or because it was wielding a weapon but the intelligence in its gaze told Bai Zemin that the enemy he was facing definitely had no less intelligence than a fully grown adult human.

"Third Order..." Bai Zemin muttered with surprise in his eyes.

This was the first time this had happened to him; being sent flying by a Third Order existence. Even if during the previous clash he had been taken by surprise and his response attack had been rushed, the Strength of Bai Zemin was really high at this point but he was still sent flying!

The blue-colored weaver ant looked at the human before it as if it was evaluating him. However, after only a few seconds, the creature dashed forward bursting with at least 600 points of Agility.

\'It\'s fast. But...\' Bai Zemin narrowed his eyes and with a loud stomp, he dashed forward to meet the Third Order Weaver Ant. His speed was clearly several times higher than his enemy\'s as in the same amount of time Bai Zemin had closed almost twice the distance.

\'Not as much as me!\'

Under Crimson Flame\'s activation, a whirlwind of red flames blazed over the blade of Bai Zemin\'s greatsword, engaging in a dangerous and deadly dance with the lightning flashes of the same color.

With now a 20% increase in his overall attack power, Bai Zemin raised his Crimson Thunder Dragon\'s Last Words above his head and with a fierce growl slashed downward. The wind in the path of the slash continuously exploded and several giant wind bullets were sent flying uncontrollably throughout the room.

The blue-colored weaver ant also did not stand by and watch as the fierce and clearly powerful attack of its enemy approached as it immediately swung its hammer from below upwards to fearlessly come face to face with the giant sword.


A huge sphere of energy exploded outward with both existences as its center and expanded over fifty meters before mercilessly exploding outward. Several smaller explosions shook the surroundings as the two heavy weapons collided with each other.

This time, Bai Zemin was not sent flying. But, to his surprise, neither was the blue-colored weaver ant.

The blue-colored weaver ant\'s feet sank slightly and its mutated hands with which it clung to the huge hammer began to tremble. The eyes of the creature widened in shock as it noticed a trail of blood dripping from its hand down its forearm before finally falling to the ground with a small but still loud trickling sound.

The blue-colored weaver ant was an intelligent creature so naturally, it was fully aware of its power. It was hard to believe that in just a single encounter it had already been injured even though it was an easily ignored injury; this was because thanks to the exoskeleton covering its body, a natural defense-type skill, its defense against physical and magical attacks were more than 10 times the defense of a red-colored weaver ant!

But Bai Zemin was no less surprised than the blue-colored weaver ant. This was the first time an existence had dared to take his Crimson Thunder Dragon\'s Last Words head-on without suffering any consequences in essence.

Even Glineira, a level 180 existence, had not dared!

Was this weaver ant even higher level than Glineira? Bai Zemin didn\'t have time to think too much.... He was the type who preferred to attack his enemy when the opportunity presented itself... and that opportunity had just presented itself now!

Bai Zemin released his grip on his greatsword, leaving his left hand free. Under the shocked eyes of the blue-colored weaver ant, he clenched his left fist tightly that was still enveloped by Annihilation of the Falling Sky, and with a powerful swing at lightning speed, struck with every point of Strength at the creature\'s head.


The blue weaver ant felt its brain tremble, and for the first time since its birth, it lost control over its body as it was sent flying at the speed of a meteor breaking through the atmosphere, crossing over 800 meters of the huge hall before falling heavily to the ground.

Bai Zemin frowned slightly as he saw that even an attack with his full Strength and boosted by over 900 points of Agility was still not enough to kill his enemy even though he had just hit the completely unprotected head.

Indeed, despite the pain that intelligence and self-awareness brought, the blue-colored weaver ant forced itself to stand up. Now without its huge hammer that had fallen to the ground when Bai Zemin gave it a heavy blow to the face, the weaver ant looked at him with murderous intent as great as it had never before felt toward another existence.

Bai Zemin\'s expression improved a bit when he saw that even though the blue-colored weaver ant\'s head had not exploded as he had expected to a certain extent, at least, it had not been injured.

The blue-colored weaver ant, now with one of its eyes completely out since it had exploded into a bloody pile of pulp and with tissues hanging out of the now empty socket, raised its head skyward and let out a screech filled with fury.

The Third Order weaver ant\'s shriek was powerful enough to trigger several shockwaves and explosions that shook the surroundings as the atmosphere surrounding the insect-like beast trembled.

For some reason, Bai Zemin began to feel a little anxious as the shriek of the weaver ant spread far and wide. His expression changed slightly and without hesitation he rushed forward, bursting forth with all his speed and closing the distance between the two in a matter of seconds.

Crimson flames danced on the greatsword\'s blade and Bai Zemin was about to swing when suddenly his Danger Sense skill again warned him that a danger big enough to threaten his safety was approaching.

Bai Zemin didn\'t have time to stop his charge or activate any skill when he felt an explosion from the distance to his right, so out of instinct and experience gained through so many fights, as well as his skill Special Forces Soldier, what he did was to slash in a wide diagonal arc in the direction of the sound of the explosion.


The feeling of having hit something extremely hard and powerful was immediately transmitted to Bai Zemin\'s brain after it traveled from the blade of his greatsword to his hand and spread throughout his right arm. The power of whatever he hit was enough to make his still moving body spin like a topspin as his 900+ points of Agility continued to push him forward.

The blue-colored weaver ant had been waiting for this moment, and when it saw the human flying uncontrollably in its direction, it immediately lunged forward, striking fiercely with its thorn-filled fist.

Bai Zemin gritted his teeth as he felt the incoming attack thanks to the wind blasts cutting through his body. The previous attack had taken him by surprise and had been really powerful, which was why his body was currently out of his control and it would probably take him another second or two to regain some control; time that the blue-colored weaver ant before him clearly wouldn\'t give him.

A flash of madness flashed in the eyes of Bai Zemin as he realized that he would not be able to avoid taking this attack head-on. If he was going to suffer, then he would allow these cunning and treacherous ants to suffer as well!

A roar brimming with anger escaped from his mouth as he lashed out with his left leg without holding back at all; in fact, this attack was more powerful than usual as Bai Zemin was borrowing part of the attack that had caused him to lose control of his body!



Two terrifying explosions rumbled in the surroundings at the same time as several shockwaves one after the other exploded outward from the two points of impact.

The fist of the blue-colored weaver ant had slammed Bai Zemin directly in the chest while the kick of Bai Zemin had slammed the blue-colored ant right at the level of its right shoulder.

The two were sent flying explosively backward after receiving each other\'s attack.

The blue weaver ant shrieked in pain in mid-flight as it felt its right shoulder snap out of place and several pieces of its protective exoskeleton broke off and fell to the ground.

As for Bai Zemin, as his body flew uncontrollably backward, he felt the blood in his body stirring but he surprisingly managed to avoid spitting out blood after activating Blood Manipulation. He had suffered only minor injuries in the previous collision!

If not for him evolving that skill before coming to this place, the attack of the blue-colored weaver ant would definitely have dealt him medium-grade wounds at the very least!

But just as Bai Zemin was glad he had evolved that skill, another terrifying explosion rumbled from the distance, and out of the corner of his eye, he managed to see a bright flash flying directly at him with his head as the target.

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