Blood Warlock: Succubus Partner In The Apocalypse

Chapter 555 - Transcendent Faction Colossal Strength Increase (Part 2/2)

Chapter 555 - Transcendent Faction Colossal Strength Increase (Part 2/2)

With the arrival of the slightly more than 10,000 survivors from the Beginning Village, the original 20,000+ survivors of the Baiquan Camp immediately saw a tremendous increase in population that practically equaled +50% of the previous total.

Under the careful planning of minds like Wu Yijun, Lu Xiaoyao, and even Bai Zemin\'s housekeeper, the integration of survivors went smoothly. In fact, it seemed that the survivors of the Baiquan Camp were very happy when they noticed that not only was there now more work to be done (which meant more food for them) but that the number of armed troops seen patrolling the streets or on top of the walls was becoming more and more (which meant more security).

With the constant influence of those survivors who had lived within the scale of Bai Zemin\'s power and who knew well that although there were many rules it was precisely those rules what kept them safe, the original survivors of the Baiquan Camp began to look forward to what the new ruler was capable of doing.

But they did not have to wait long when the subordinates of the King of Yanqing proved that they too were outstanding in many respects.

The first major improvement was food; this was the most crucial and highlight point apart from the explosive growth in the troops of evolved humans.

Previously, the simplest, cheapest, and therefore most popular food among the survivors was rice porridge, which despite being called porridge was actually mostly a lot of rice juice since 95% of it was nothing but water. However, for some reason, things changed abruptly from one day to the next and this was clearly not as simple as a change of government or power.

The survivors, all of them and regardless of gender, age, or social status in the base, began to eat at least twice a day a large bowl of meat broth. But the crux of the matter was that the meat broth the survivors received daily was by no means common since the meat being used to feed them was mutant beast meat of at least level 15 while the soul evolvers and soldiers received at least one piece of First Order beast meat every day.

At this point, approximately six days after the new government took over and under the orders of the King of Yanqing, even a small child of 10 years old possessed stats comparable to those of an adult in good physical condition before the breakout of the apocalypse.

The increase in natural stats under the strengthening of the soul and subsequent bodily evolution not only led to the overall strength of each survivor skyrocketing but also served as a trigger for the eradication of diseases and viruses that inhabited within the human organism. The weak who could barely walk less than a week ago as a result of poor nutrition or who suffered from fever due to viruses attacking the immune system, were now full of energy.

This also caused another wave of soul evolvers to appear with the intention of joining the Blood Spear Legion; a legion which at this point had become the target of countless hot-blooded youths who upon seeing the brave warriors carrying swords or spears, as well as large plate or leather armor, hoped one day to become one of them; or of men and women who simply hoped to contribute in order to further ensure the safety of their loved ones.

It was as if humanity had finally awakened from its trance. Despite the dread to zombies or mutant beasts, those who had lost a loved one under the claws of mankind\'s enemies only wished for revenge and those who had experienced the hell of feeling their own body slowly devouring their lives as they rotted from hunger did not wish to go through such a thing ever again even if it meant raising a sword and fighting.

Of course, this in no way meant that 100% were now willing to fight. However, the ship that had been stuck in the middle of the sea had finally begun to sail just as the fierce winds that threatened to bring it down were approaching from behind at full speed; with the second evolution of Earth just around the corner, this "awakening" undoubtedly came at just the right time.

Although the survivors did not understand the reason why they suddenly began to be fed with such precious meat, none of them complained. As for the reason behind it all, this had been the most important first command that Bai Zemin had given before falling into deep sleep after arriving at the base.

With the second evolution of Earth just around the corner, no one knew what changes might occur and even Lilith did not dare to treat this little blue planet as just another world after all the things she had learned during the last month after having returned to the Demonic Army; much less considering that only a little more than two months had passed but this world was already evolving again even though it should be at least 10 years before such a thing would happen.

Unfortunately, not everything was 100% perfect. Always, regardless of the era, problems would be present when mankind was experiencing any kind of change; even more so when it was abrupt changes that meant huge changes in the day to day lives of some who were comfortable with their current lives.

On the third day when Bai Zemin returned from the bridge after eliminating the 20,000,000 zombies along with all the mutant and evolved beasts that had entered into alliance under the planning of the zombie leader and the beast leader, a motorized squad composed of about 100 law enforcement officers left the military base.

Each officer mounted a jeep and sped off, blowing up clouds of dust behind them, scattering to different corners of the camp as they followed the route that their superiors had assigned to them.

At the same time, the 100 giant speakers that had been temporarily mounted on top of each of the military jeeps began to automatically play a message that kept repeating over and over again.

"The attention of every citizen is required. This is a command sent directly from the highest leader of the base! Within forty-eight hours, the entire armed legions and the legion of soul evolvers will begin a large-scale migration movement in a southerly direction."

"Our leader, Bai Zemin, has single-handedly fought against the 20,000,000 zombies occupying the vicinity of the Eastern Dragon\'s Back and after fighting for two days and two nights without rest, he finally managed to eliminate all threats, successfully opening a path to the rest of Beijing and connecting the Yanqing and Changping districts. All those who wish to follow the military and evolved troops are strongly requested to prepare to migrate within the deadline mentioned previously!"

"Keep in mind that at the time of migration the necessary vehicles will be provided for the mobilization of each and every one of you, however, heavy loads exceeding 50 kilograms should be left behind to smooth the movement and avoid taking up space unnecessarily."


When the entire message was finished, the recording with Lu Xiaoyao\'s voice paused for a couple of seconds before going into repeat mode in such a way that the same words and with the same tone of voice were played a second, third, fourth, fifth, and dozens of times until the entire camp successfully received the information that needed to be delivered.

-Army base, hand-to-hand combat training camp.

50% of the Blood Spear Legion had been mobilized and together with 80% of the armed troops were in charge of maintaining security around the base as well as making last minute explorations in the more distant villages in search of more survivors who were perhaps stuck in their homes as well as in search of more useful resources.

The remaining 50% of the Blood Spear Legion were in the training camp where they were strictly trained daily in the art of hand-to-hand combat; from fighting with their bare hands to fighting with all kinds of bladed weapons.

Experienced military men who formerly belonged to the Yanqing District military base where all kinds of vintage weapons were kept were the instructors in charge of training the soul evolvers who, despite being evolvers, actually had no skilled combat experience and only relied on superior stats to defeat weaker opponents.

Furthermore, even though there was a large influx of over 3000 soul evolvers that suddenly joined the Blood Spear Legion and even though the number continued to grow rapidly with each passing day, the Transcendent faction was not short of weapons or armor to provide for their men.

The reason? Of course, this was thanks to the invasion of the asura race.

The Transcendent faction obtained at least 400,000 sets of weapons and armors such as swords, spears, heavy chains, heavy swords, war hammers, two-handed maces, daggers, shields, bows, leather armor, plate armor, chain mail armor, etc. All this equipment came from the first army that invaded Earth after crossing the Cosmos Gate and from the advanced troops that Bai Zemin and Shangguan Bing Xue had defeated on the other side of the portal in Oblon World.

Although there were many pieces of equipment that could no longer be used as they were almost completely destroyed, most of them only had some damage so they were perfectly usable.

At least in the short-medium term, it was unlikely that Bai Zemin\'s faction would suffer due to the lack of equipment; in fact, every piece of equipment they looted from the invaders were Rank 1 pieces with at least 100 points of defense or 100 points of physical/magic attack power and among which there were some high quality pieces that exceeded Rank 1 that naturally fell into the hands of important characters with the power to give them real utility and who would not allow them to go to waste.

Standing in the distance, Evangeline, Shen Mei, Nangong Lingxin, Fu Xuefeng, Kang Lan, Lu Xiaoyao, and a few others watched the ongoing training with similar expressions.

At this point, even Lu Xiaoyao, who a month ago was nothing more than a spoiled little princess who could do nothing without her father\'s influence, managed to keep an indifferent expression on her face every time a soul evolver or soldier fell to the ground and cried out in pain after receiving a hard blow.

Shen Mei looked at the digital watch on her right wrist, and after several seconds slowly, she said, "I guess the message about the migration in two days has already been received by every survivor in the base by now."

After returning to the base having eliminated the zombie threat ruling over and in the vicinity of the bridge connecting Yanqing District and Changping District, the second of the most improtant orders Bai Zemin had given was that 5 days later (from that time onwards), they would be moving south.

As for the survivors, there would naturally be some who would not be satisfied. After all, if all the forces capable of fighting and defending against the other races such as zombies and beasts left then the Baiquan Camp would be left open and fragile to any attack. Therefore, unless they wanted to die, they would naturally have to follow the armed troops regardless of whether they agreed or not.

Such a thing would naturally arouse the irritation of some people.

"Although the survivors who were with us from before are unlikely to complain too much since after experiencing a couple of migrations and not suffering losses of any kind they should know that Bai Zemin will not let them suffer losses within reason, the survivors who did not know him too well and were already settled here will naturally not be happy." Lu Xiaoyao remarked calmly.

Yan Tu\'s death had been a considerable shock to her. After all, to her he had been like an uncle and almost like a secondary father figure. However, while it was impossible not to feel some resentment towards Bai Zemin, Lu Xiaoyao had matured a lot after experiencing and seeing with her own eyes how cruel the world was and therefore she did not hate him to the point of wishing to go against him or longing to harm him as she knew that it had been Yan Tu who had challenged Bai Zemin trying to take advantage of the latter\'s weakened state.

"Regardless of whether they are happy or not, none of that affects us." Evangeline commented in her usual cold, indifferent voice that sent chills down the spine of anyone who heard her despite her sweet voice.

"... I guess that\'s true." Lu Xiaoyao nodded after a moment of silence.

"Kang Lan?" Fu Xuefeng looked at the healer beside him with questioning eyes.

"I know." She nodded and took a step forward.

Now it was her turn to finish the job.

* * * * * * *

Really thank you very much to all those who send gifts to the novel and support with valuable Golden Tickets. I hope we can all keep it up <3

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